$Unique_ID{BRK00072} $Pretitle{} $Title{Pap Smear Classification} $Subject{Pap smear cancer cancers Genitourinary System Paps Smears vagina vaginal uterus cervix classification classifications Papanicolaou carcinoma special procedure procedures lab laboratory tests test} $Volume{J-14, P-14} $Log{ Abrasion Biopsy of Uterus*0001901.scf Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Pap Smear Classification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have been required to return to my physician on several occasions because my Pap smear is a "2". He keeps treating me and then taking another smear. I am afraid I have cancer, because I don't understand what's going on. Can you help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I believe I can, and the news is good. You most probably do not have cancer. Since Dr. George Papanicolaou published his paper in 1941 describing the value of vaginal smears to detect cancer of the uterus, the technique has been used routinely to discover early abnormal changes of the cells of the cervix (the entrance to the uterus). The cells are scraped from the cervix by the physician, placed on a glass slide and then stained. When these cells are examined under a microscope, the subtle changes from normal can be detected, and graded against a classification of results which allow an interpretation to be made. There are 5 such classifications from I to V (we use Roman Numerals as did Dr. Papanicolaou). Class I means there are no suspicious cells that reveal any changes and is interpreted as negative for cancer. In Class II ( as in your case) there are some changes in the cells, which can be caused by an inflammation, but are not considered to be changes that are due to or lead to cancer. Usually when the inflammation is treated and has cleared up, the cells return to normal. Class III is made up of cells that show mild or moderate changes that are suspicious of cancer, but for which a diagnosis can not be made with certainty. It is Class IV that is used to indicate that a cancer has started in the cervix, and Class V which tells of malignancy and invasive carcinoma, that has attacked the uterus. There are varying recommendations as to the frequency that the test should be taken, or repeated, and it is a test that must be performed correctly to obtain results that are accurate. The best time to obtain cells for examination is at day 14 of the menstrual cycle when the hormone effect of estrogen is at its maximum. Any patient with a classification of Class III or higher should have a biopsy of the cervix performed, since this is a more reliable test, and affords a more dependable diagnostic interpretation. When inflammatory changes are noted, the Pap report may note the presence of an infecting bacteria, which can help the physician determine the treatment. Most physicians agree that Class II smears should be repeated three months after treatment. It looks like your doctor is following this appropriate course. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.