$Unique_ID{BRK00070} $Pretitle{} $Title{Cancer of the Prostrate: Causes and Treatments} $Subject{prostate cancer rectal Genitourinary System neoplasm neoplasms malignancy older rectal examination lump pelvis lower spine urination dribbling constipation urinary tract carcinoma cancers radiation therapy impotent potent age aging old} $Volume{J-15, B-15} $Log{ Anatomy of the Male Productive System*0006001.scf Cancer of the Prostrate*0007601.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Cancer of the Prostrate: Causes and Treatments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I'm worried about cancer of the prostrate. Please explain its causes and treatments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy found in older men. Usually it is first discovered during a rectal examination as a nonsymptom producing lump or swelling in the prostate gland. The nodule is most often small (less than 2 cm in diameter), hard, irregular in shape, and self-contained. Other indicators of prostate cancer are unexplained bone pain in the pelvis and lower spine, and bladder problems such as painful urination, dribbling, and straining to void, which might indicate an obstruction. While the exact cause of this type of malignancy remains a mystery, the predictable way it progresses helps the physician make an accurate and quick diagnosis so that proper treatment can begin. Blood tests, a needle biopsy, x-rays of the kidneys and the urinary tract, and computerized ultrasound pictures (CT scans) of the lower abdomen to see if the lymph nodes are involved are useful components of a complete workup that may be performed to define what stage the carcinoma is in. These stages range from (A) diseased tissue with no lumps to (B) lesions confined to the prostate capsule to (C) tumors which cover the outside of the capsule, and finally (D) disease which spreads to other body parts. Treatment varies according to the severity of the condition and other factors such as patient's age (young men tend to develop fast growing cancers), desire to remain sexually potent, and other medical problems that may exist. For instance, early stage A cancers are without symptoms and are discovered when tissue removed during operations for enlarged prostates considered benign, are examined under the microscope. No further treatment may be necessary, unless the patient is under 55, and the cancer cells seem advanced, in which case radiation therapy is suggested. Stages B and C require either a complete surgical removal of the prostate gland or intensive radiation therapy, which reaps a similar result. The symptoms of stage D (advanced) disease can be lessened with hormone therapy as well as surgery. Though the manner and timing of such therapy remains controversial, its goal is to reduce symptoms and make the patient more comfortable. New advances in treatment are being developed every day. For example, a new surgical technique called a subcapsular prostatectomy (or partial removal of the prostate gland) seems to be successful in halting some cancers without causing the patient to become impotent. Unfortunately, long-term results are not yet known. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.