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/ The Pier Shareware 10 / The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso / 039 / vdmv7n1.zip

File Comment
   ║                                   ║
   ║ The Pier Shareware CD-ROM #10     ║
   ║ Tested With McAfee(tm) SCAN       ║
   ║ BBS 716-875-3130                  ║

Archives (7)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
COREDUCE.ZIP PKZip Archive 2 15KB 1996-01-05
DLLASER.ZIP PKZip Archive 20 128KB 1996-01-15
FRACLAN3.ZIP PKZip Archive 2 159KB 1996-01-13
FREEZIP1.ZIP PKZip Archive 20 741KB 1996-03-04
NOFLICK.ZIP PKZip Archive 10 89KB 1996-01-02
TBTRAY.ZIP PKZip Archive 6 13KB 1996-01-17
WINCOM37.ZIP PKZip Archive 5 114KB 1995-12-20

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AFTER.SRC Text File 18 460b 1996-02-19
BEFORE.SRC Text File 9 238b 1996-02-19
READ.ME Text File 122 5KB 1996-03-29
STRLIST.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 35 823b 1996-01-16