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                 oNe oF oUR CeWL uSERS JuST UPloAdED: THC-PH11.ZIP
               hE dId tHAt eXaCTLy oN THe 03/22/96 at 16:44
                       HeRE R SuM FaCTs aBouT Da FiLE:
                FiLE SiZE: 58,465  UNCoMPReSSED SiZE: 85,913
          NeWeST FiLEDaTE: 11.24.95   OLDeST FiLEDaTE: 01.01.80

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SIC-PBXS.ZIP PKZip Archive 4 15KB 1995-11-03

Images (1)

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 432b 1995-11-24
LORE.HPA Text File 20 1KB 1980-01-01
PBXHACK.DOC Text File 473 29KB 1995-11-24
THC.NFO Text File 217 16KB 1995-11-24

Other Files (1)
PBXHACK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1995-11-24