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File Comment
-----===={ Manhattan Kansas Dawns the new age of Digital Speak Easys }====-----
                                      /─────────────\  /─────────────\
                        /`────────'| |              | |              |
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                /        /────|    |       |  |      &      |  |
              /        /  |___|    |       |  |/-----------\|  |
            /        /  /     |    |       |  |  The Age of |  |
          /        /  /       |    |       |  |   Thought   |  |
        /────────/  /         |    |       |  |     and     |  |
        |________|/           |    |       |  |  Technology |  |
                              |    |       |  |     BBS     |  |
                             /     |       |  |(913)XXX-????|  |
                           /       |       |  |\___________/|  |
                          | \      |        \/               \/
                           \  \    |              H/P/A/V
                             \  \  |           Message Bases
                               \  \|           28.8 Connects
                                 \ |

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
merlin_tar.gz GZip archive 1 130KB 1998-12-26

Text (22)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DU.C C/C++ Source or Header 244 5KB 1994-03-01
DU5.C C/C++ Source or Header 276 6KB 1994-03-01
ES.C C/C++ Source or Header 512 13KB 1994-03-01
FIX.C C/C++ Source or Header 151 3KB 1994-03-01
HOST.C C/C++ Source or Header 75 2KB 1994-03-01
IF.C C/C++ Source or Header 347 9KB 1994-03-01
IFCONFIG.C C/C++ Source or Header 933 21KB 1994-03-01
INET.C C/C++ Source or Header 555 15KB 1994-03-01
IPINTRQ.C C/C++ Source or Header 33 629b 1994-03-01
LS.C C/C++ Source or Header 822 18KB 1994-03-01
LS5.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,081 24KB 1994-03-01
MAIN.C C/C++ Source or Header 349 7KB 1994-03-01
MAKEFILE Text File 83 2KB 1994-03-01
MBUF.C C/C++ Source or Header 268 8KB 1994-03-01
NS.C C/C++ Source or Header 238 6KB 1994-03-01
PS.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,726 36KB 1994-03-01
REVARP.C C/C++ Source or Header 555 11KB 1994-03-01
ROOTKIT.REA Text File 118 4KB 1994-03-01
ROUTE.C C/C++ Source or Header 382 9KB 1994-03-01
SL.C C/C++ Source or Header 908 29KB 1994-03-01
UNIX.C C/C++ Source or Header 110 3KB 1994-03-01
Z2.C C/C++ Source or Header 90 2KB 1994-03-01