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File Comment
                      Dieses Programm von der CD-ROM
         ▀▀▌▀▀  ▐▀▀▀▌ ▐▀▀▌    ▐     ▌  ▌  █▀▌ ▌     ▌▀▀▀▀▌  ▌▀▀▀▀
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                 hat den Virentest mit McAfee Scan V. 224
                        und F-Prot 2.18a bestanden

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
MATCH32.ZIP PKZip Archive 3 3KB 1994-08-22

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
zip.1 MAN Page 25KB 1993-09-18
zipgrep.1 MAN Page 475b 1993-09-03

Text (37)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
algorith.doc Text File 66 3KB 1993-08-28
bits.c C/C++ Source or Header 375 12KB 1993-09-18
configure Text File 98 3KB 1993-09-02
contents Text File 101 5KB 1993-09-07
crypt.c C/C++ Source or Header 866 27KB 1994-01-08
crypt.h C/C++ Source or Header 105 3KB 1994-01-08
deflate.c C/C++ Source or Header 832 31KB 1993-09-10
fileio.c C/C++ Source or Header 2,512 69KB 1994-05-13
globals.c C/C++ Source or Header 72 3KB 1993-09-10
history Text File 1,288 69KB 1993-09-22
infozip.who Text File 132 9KB 1993-09-21
install.doc Text File 124 5KB 1993-09-18
makecrc.c C/C++ Source or Header 64 3KB 1993-08-21
Makefile Makefile 358 10KB 1993-09-21
match.s Text File 382 14KB 1993-09-01
mktime.c C/C++ Source or Header 108 4KB 1992-08-20
nt.c C/C++ Source or Header 208 5KB 1993-09-07
ntzip.h C/C++ Source or Header 16 268b 1993-09-07
README Text File 68 3KB 1994-02-06
revision.h Text File 52 2KB 1993-09-18
tailor.h C/C++ Source or Header 407 10KB 1994-05-13
trees.c C/C++ Source or Header 1,104 41KB 1993-09-01
util.c C/C++ Source or Header 390 13KB 1994-05-13
Where Text File 207 8KB 1994-02-06
zip.c C/C++ Source or Header 1,270 39KB 1993-09-20
zip.doc Text File 604 27KB 1993-09-18
zip.h C/C++ Source or Header 321 11KB 1993-09-03
ZIP20.MAK Makefile 223 4KB 1994-05-13
ZIP20.VCW Text File 50 2KB 1994-05-13
ZIP20.WSP Text File 102 2KB 1994-05-13
zipcloak.c C/C++ Source or Header 320 10KB 1993-09-01
ziperr.h C/C++ Source or Header 64 3KB 1993-09-01
zipfile.c C/C++ Source or Header 931 29KB 1993-09-21
zipgrep Text File 58 1KB 1993-09-06
zipnote.c C/C++ Source or Header 367 10KB 1993-09-10
zipsplit.c C/C++ Source or Header 615 18KB 1993-09-10
zipup.c C/C++ Source or Header 572 17KB 1993-09-18

Other Files (2)
ZIP20.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 91KB 1994-08-22
ZIP20.PDB Microsoft Program Database 8KB 1994-05-13