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File Comment
│     Chicago Computer Broker - 500 W. Golf, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056          │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
PCPUB21.ZIP    417842  09-02-94  PC Publisher Elec. Publishing System v2.1
                               | Create ANSI and ASCII Catalogs, Magazines,
                               | Books, Stand-Alone Text Files, Stand-Alone
                               | ANSI Art and Animation Files. Customizable
                               | Pop-Up and Pull-Down Menus. Includes Text
                               | Compression, small viewers (TVIEWER1 under
                               | 7k), TOC compatible Readit ANSI Reader.
                               | Simple, easy to use. Pull-down menus, mouse
                               | support, on-line context-sensitive help, new
                               | UI (User Interface) and more. From RSI.
                               | (Newest File Date: 07-15-94)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CFHEADER.PUB Text File 4 95b 1994-07-15
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 444b 1994-07-15
PCPUB.DOC Text File 1,182 41KB 1994-07-15
README.1ST Text File 37 2KB 1994-07-15
REGISTER.DOC Text File 178 7KB 1994-07-15
SYS_VEND.DOC Text File 115 5KB 1994-07-15

Other Files (11)
AVIEWER1.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1994-07-15
AVIEWER2.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1994-07-15
AVIEWER3.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12KB 1994-07-15
PCPUB.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 150KB 1994-07-15
TVIEWER1.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6KB 1994-07-15
TVIEWER2.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12KB 1994-07-15
TVIEWER3.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 57KB 1994-07-15
TVIEWER4.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 59KB 1994-07-15
TVIEWER5.PUB MS-DOS/Windows Executable 93KB 1994-07-15
PCPUB.API Unknown 12KB 1994-07-15
PCPUB.HLP Unknown 43KB 1994-07-15