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/ Monster Disc 2: The Best of 1992 / MONSTER1.ISO / bbs / pcboard / awall20.zip

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File Comment
                       M O N S T E R    D I S C    II
                         ***  The BEST of 1992  ***
          "Only the LASTEST and the GREATEST Make it on this Disk!"
   Latest Versions * NO Duplicate File Names * ALL Files 01/01/92 - 01/03/93
   Over 1250 Megs on 2 Discs * Scanned for Virus w/Scan v9.0V99 * ZIP Format
    BBS Ready!  Formats Include Wildcat! = TAG = PCBoard = RA = QBBS = SBBS
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        - Files may be viewed/read/copied/unzipped to your hard drive.
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        - Animations may be run from within the viewer.
        - Enter text for FAST SEARCH to locate files/descriptions.
              BBS:           1-313-541-8285    ORDERS/SUPPORT
              FIDONET:       1:120/288         USR 14.4 DS
              VOICE:         1-800-331-2983    ORDERS ONLY
              VOICE/FAX:     1-313-725-6940    ORDERS/INFO

Images (4)

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
ALLYWALL.WPF WordPerfect document 29 59KB 1992-07-28

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALLYWALL.DOC Text File 981 36KB 1992-07-29
AW.BAT DOS Batch File 8 100b 1990-12-05
AWBDUSER.HLP Text File 12 307b 1992-07-24
AWDESC.DOC Text File 98 4KB 1992-07-29
AWHELP Text File 39 3KB 1992-07-17
AWMENU Text File 16 1KB 1992-07-23
AWSMEN Text File 20 1KB 1992-07-23
AWSTART Text File 17 1KB 1992-07-23
AWTEST.BAT DOS Batch File 2 36b 1992-07-23
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 337b 1992-07-24
HISTORY.DOC Text File 137 7KB 1992-07-24
LAYOUT.DOC Text File 36 2KB 1992-07-24
ORDER.DOC Text File 109 4KB 1992-07-29
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 10 258b 1992-07-29
README.DOC Text File 65 3KB 1992-07-29
SHAREWRE.DOC Text File 31 2KB 1991-10-18
VENDORS.DOC Text File 30 2KB 1992-07-29

Other Files (5)
ALLYWALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 79KB 1992-07-29
AWBDUSER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1992-07-29
AWSETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 46KB 1992-07-29
CATALOG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 22KB 1992-07-29
UPGRADE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1992-07-24