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/ Simtel MSDOS 1992 September / Simtel20_Sept92.cdr / msdos / hypertxt / senses.zip

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File Comment
This hypertext system was constructed for the purpose of showing the value
and utility of a relatively new form of information access technology. In
particular, it was constructed to prototype a possible solution to an
information access problem a particular firm was experiencing.
Clifford Urr constructed this hypertext demonstration network and wrote the
article abstracts which appeared in it under contract to Sensory Spectrum,
Inc. Mr. Urr has a Master's of Library Science (M.L.S.) degree from Rutgers
University, and has a background in reference librarianship. He also has
extensive experience in constructing hypertext knowledgebases.
Mr. Urr would be glad to hear any comments on, or constructive criticisms
of, this hypertext network. See below for contact information:
Address:       689 Marr Drive
               Warrenton, V.A. 22186
Using the "mail" command, you can also reach him on the
               ALIX BBS at: 202-707-9656
On Bitnet, full address is: cliffu@well.uucp.bitnet
MCI Mail access is: 459-3708 (MCI ID.) or JMA or Clifford Urr
Or call - Voice Phone: 703-620-9504
He is also available to construct (on a contractual basis) new hypertext
knowledgebases on almost any subject.

Text (92)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
3A263 Text File 22 422b 1991-03-01
3A263A Text File 21 789b 1991-03-01
3A263A1 Text File 15 526b 1991-03-01
3A263A2 Text File 32 1KB 1991-03-01
3A263A3 Text File 50 2KB 1991-03-01
3A263A4 Text File 40 2KB 1991-03-01
3A263A5 Text File 22 1KB 1991-03-01
3A263B Text File 205 9KB 1991-03-01
3A263C Text File 27 1KB 1991-03-01
3A263D Text File 96 5KB 1991-03-01
ABS01 Text File 42 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS02 Text File 59 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS03 Text File 37 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS04 Text File 46 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS05 Text File 66 3KB 1991-03-01
ABS06 Text File 41 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS07 Text File 32 1KB 1991-03-01
ABS08 Text File 48 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS09 Text File 49 2KB 1991-03-01
ABS10 Text File 37 2KB 1991-03-01
BOOKMARK.TXT Text File 6 287b 1991-03-01
CLIP.TXT Text File 8 347b 1991-03-01
CONFIG.HP Text File 16 678b 1991-03-23
FILE021 Text File 42 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE022 Text File 47 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE023 Text File 23 831b 1991-03-01
FILE024 Text File 60 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE02D Text File 48 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE02F Text File 87 3KB 1991-03-01
FILE030 Text File 45 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE031 Text File 24 1KB 1991-03-01
FILE031A Text File 21 819b 1991-03-01
FILE032 Text File 25 1KB 1991-03-01
FILE033 Text File 41 2KB 1991-03-01
FILE034 Text File 95 4KB 1991-03-01
FILE035 Text File 59 3KB 1991-03-01
FILE036 Text File 67 3KB 1991-03-01
HELP.TXT Text File 25 1KB 1991-03-01
LK103A Text File 33 782b 1991-03-01
LK104 Text File 47 2KB 1991-03-01
LK105 Text File 19 611b 1991-03-01
LK106 Text File 20 607b 1991-03-01
LK107 Text File 24 709b 1991-03-01
LK108 Text File 17 566b 1991-03-01
LK109 Text File 17 617b 1991-03-01
LK111 Text File 29 1KB 1991-03-01
LK112 Text File 12 303b 1991-03-01
LK113 Text File 17 370b 1991-03-01
LK114 Text File 19 813b 1991-03-01
LK115 Text File 14 559b 1991-03-01
LK116 Text File 22 532b 1991-03-01
LK117 Text File 24 620b 1991-03-01
LK117A Text File 25 719b 1991-03-01
LK118 Text File 15 477b 1991-03-01
LK119 Text File 19 581b 1991-03-01
LK122 Text File 24 674b 1991-03-01
LK123 Text File 19 599b 1991-03-01
LK124 Text File 22 630b 1991-03-01
LK125 Text File 22 623b 1991-03-01
LK126 Text File 26 698b 1991-03-01
LK128 Text File 22 659b 1991-03-01
LK130 Text File 15 501b 1991-03-01
LK140 Text File 33 746b 1991-03-01
LK141A Text File 25 720b 1991-03-01
LK143 Text File 24 725b 1991-03-01
LK148 Text File 19 571b 1991-03-01
LK150 Text File 20 567b 1991-03-01
LK150A Text File 22 614b 1991-03-01
LK151 Text File 18 589b 1991-03-01
LK152 Text File 18 557b 1991-03-01
LK153 Text File 22 667b 1991-03-01
LK154 Text File 20 617b 1991-03-01
LK155 Text File 16 497b 1991-03-01
LK156 Text File 16 507b 1991-03-01
LK158 Text File 15 505b 1991-03-01
LK159 Text File 20 658b 1991-03-01
LK160 Text File 16 661b 1991-03-01
LK161 Text File 15 610b 1991-03-01
LK162 Text File 23 653b 1991-03-01
LK163 Text File 23 766b 1991-03-01
LK164 Text File 11 432b 1991-03-01
LK165 Text File 15 655b 1991-03-01
LK166 Text File 10 279b 1991-03-01
LK167 Text File 16 763b 1991-03-01
LK168 Text File 12 518b 1991-03-01
LK169 Text File 16 559b 1991-03-01
LK170 Text File 17 553b 1991-03-01
LK171 Text File 19 573b 1991-03-01
LK172 Text File 18 489b 1991-03-01
LK173 Text File 15 486b 1991-03-01
LK174 Text File 23 881b 1991-03-01
START.TXT Text File 25 2KB 1991-03-01

Other Files (2)
HYPLUS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 93KB 1990-06-15
OVERLAY.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1991-03-01