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File Comment
RUMMY 500 v4.02: exciting MS-Windows member
of the Rummy family of card games; its main
differentiating feature is that you can pick
up any # of discards if you can lay down some
of them immediately; w/customizable colors,
sound effects, card backs, screen resolution,
AutoMouse (moves mouse pointer automatically
between deck & hand), opponent skill level &
rule variations; req VBRUN300.DLL; 04/15/95;
Carol Bufton/MeggieSoft Games. Last revision
date in archive: 04-15-95.

Images (1)

Audio & Music (6)
DIVE1.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 10KB 1994-05-31
GOODBYE.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.06s 5KB 1992-08-26
HALLELUJ.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 2s 21KB 1995-02-26
TADA.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 28KB 1992-03-20
TRUMPET.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 3s 35KB 1993-01-27
WELCOME.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 13KB 1992-08-26

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
RUMMY500.HLP Windows Help File 151 189KB 1995-03-26

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FAQ500.TXT Text File 93 4KB 1995-04-15
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 487b 1995-04-15
READ500.TXT Text File 228 11KB 1995-04-15

Other Files (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
RUMMY500.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 194KB 1995-04-15
VBCTL3D.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 7 72KB 1994-08-16