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/ DP Tool Club 24 / CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso / vrac / demon166.zip

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File Comment
breakthroughs have been made! -Additions
never before seen! -Everything bleeds on
contact! -Complete color changes for nearly
all monsters,objects,and animations! -Nearly
all text is redone! -All weapons are speeded
up! -Many monsters were speeded up! -Nearly
all objects are shootable! Details are in
readme.txt.! Done by JAMES RIZZO and staff.
Last revision date in archive: 07-11-95.

Images (21)

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BLOOD.DEH Text File 542 10KB 1995-03-13
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 11 434b 1995-07-11
MASTER.BAT DOS Batch File 207 5KB 1995-07-10
README.TXT Text File 42 3KB 1995-07-11
REVISON.TXT Text File 154 8KB 1995-07-11

Other Files (2)
DMGRAPH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 59KB 1994-05-03
PKZIP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1993-02-01