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Text File  |  1993-05-15  |  5KB  |  68 lines

  1. ╔══════════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════╦══════════════════╗
  2. ║                  ║ MACROWARE SOFTWARE REGISTRATION FORM ║ ▒                ║
  3. ║                  ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝ ▒                ║
  4. ║                    ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒                ║
  5. ║                                                                            ║
  6. ║ Complete this form and send to:  MacroWare Software                        ║
  7. ║                                  133 Caribou Drive                         ║
  8. ║                                  Boardman, Ohio 44512                      ║
  9. ║                                                                            ║
  10. ║    As of March 1, 1993:                                                    ║
  11. ║        Single registration of item:      $7.00                             ║
  12. ║        Registration is for site                                            ║
  13. ║           use (i.e. more than                                              ║
  14. ║           one computer terminal):      + $3.00 to registration.            ║
  15. ║        Registration requires                                               ║
  16. ║           shipping outside the U.S.:   + $5.00 to total.                   ║
  17. ║                                                                            ║
  18. ║                                                                            ║
  19. ║ NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ ║
  20. ║                                                                            ║
  21. ║ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ ║
  22. ║                                                                            ║
  23. ║ CITY/STATE: _____________________________________ ZIP: ___________________ ║
  24. ║                                                                            ║
  25. ║ DISK SIZE:  __ 3 1/2''     __ 5 1/4''                                      ║
  26. ║                                                                            ║
  27. ║ ┌─────────────────────────┬──────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────┐ ║
  28. ║ │ PROGRAM       + Version │ PRICE *  │ # ORDERED       │ TOTAL           │ ║
  29. ║ ╞═════════════════════════╪══════════╪═════════════════╪═════════════════╡ ║
  30. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  31. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  32. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  33. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  34. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  35. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  36. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  37. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  38. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  39. ║ │ _______________________ │$________ │ _x____________= │$__________.____ │ ║
  40. ║ └─────────────────────────┴──────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ ║
  41. ║                                      │ OUTSIDE U.S.:   │ + $_______.____ │ ║
  42. ║                                      ├─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ ║
  43. ║                                      │ FINAL TOTAL:    │ $______________ │ ║
  44. ║                                      └─────────────────┴─────────────────┘ ║
  45. ║                                                                            ║
  46. ║                                                                            ║
  47. ╟──[Optional Information]────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
  48. ║                                                                            ║
  49. ║ PHONE:   HOME:  (_____)_____-__________    WORK:  (_____)_____-__________  ║
  50. ║                                                                            ║
  51. ║ WHERE DID YOU RECIEVE OUR PRODUCT FROM: __________________________________ ║
  52. ║                                                                            ║
  53. ║ DESCRIBE YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM: ___________________________________________ ║
  54. ║                                                                            ║
  55. ║ BUGS/COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS: ___________________________________________ ║
  56. ║   ________________________________________________________________________ ║
  57. ║   ________________________________________________________________________ ║
  58. ║   ________________________________________________________________________ ║
  59. ║   ________________________________________________________________________ ║
  60. ║   ________________________________________________________________________ ║
  61. ║                                                                            ║
  62. ║ (Please feel free to use another paper to continue any response.  Clearly  ║
  63. ║  mark what response is being continued.)                                   ║
  64. ║ (Make checks payable to David Carney or Jamie Williams.)                   ║
  65. ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
  66. ║ *For prices, check either the catalog or About option of program or doc.   ║
  67. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝