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/ Monster Media 1994 #1 / monster.zip / monster / DATABASE / SCH110A.ZIP / ORDER.PRG < prev    next >
Text File  |  1993-11-21  |  5KB  |  137 lines

  1. *****
  2. * Create order entry screen and print to printer
  3. *****
  4. imgsave(10,10,630,470,46,"order")
  5. imgiconbox(10,10,630,470,7,8,0,"raised")
  6. imgsay(4,24,14,14,-1,"","SCHOONER VERSION 2.00 ORDER FORM")
  7. imgsay(7,4,14,14,-1,"","Schooner Version 2.00 is available directly from Jonathan Cook at the")
  8. imgsay(8,4,14,14,-1,"","following address:")
  9. imgsay(10,24,14,14,-1,"","Jonathan Cook")
  10. imgsay(11,24,14,14,-1,"","7034 N. Cedar Ave. #108")
  11. imgsay(12,24,14,14,-1,"","Fresno, CA 93720")
  12. imgsay(14,4,14,14,-1,"","Please complete the following form and mail it with a check for")
  13. imgsay(15,4,14,14,-1,"","$39.95 in U.S. funds made out to Jonathan Cook.")
  15. mvname=space(45)
  16. mvcompname=space(45)
  17. mvaddr=space(45)
  18. mvctstzip=space(45)
  19. mvprof=space(38)
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  23. imgsay(17,8,14,14,-1,"","            Name:")
  24. imgsay(18,8,14,14,-1,"","    Company Name:")
  25. imgsay(19,8,14,14,-1,"","         Address:")
  26. imgsay(20,8,14,14,-1,"","City, State, Zip:")
  27. imgsay(21,8,14,14,-1,"","What is your profession:")
  28. imgsay(22,8,14,14,-1,"","Where did you find Schooner:")
  30. imgsay(17,26,14,14,7,"",mvname)
  31. imgsay(18,26,14,14,7,"",mvcompname)
  32. imgsay(19,26,14,14,7,"",mvaddr)
  33. imgsay(20,26,14,14,7,"",mvctstzip)
  34. imgsay(21,33,14,14,7,"",mvprof)
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  42. imgsay(28,38,14,14,-1,"","Print")
  43. imgsay(28,55,14,14,-1,"","Cancel")
  45. do while .t.
  46.     mscrsoron()
  47.     mswait(100)
  48.     mscrsoroff()
  49.     if msinside(144,385,208,409) 
  50.         *****
  51.         * Edit the form
  52.         *****
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  60.         imgget(22,37,14,14,7,"","mvfind")
  61.     endif
  62.     if msinside(292,385,356,409) 
  63.         *****
  64.         * Print the form
  65.         *****
  66.         imgiconbox(292,385,356,409,7,"",0,"etched")
  67.         imgiconbox(292,385,356,409,7,"",0,"raised")
  68.         ***** Confirm box *****
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  71.         imgsay(11,29,14,0,-1,"","Printing order form to")
  72.         imgsay(12,29,14,0,-1,"","        LPT1:         ")
  73.         imgiconbox(240,205,304,229,7,8,0,"raised")
  74.         imgiconbox(336,205,400,229,7,8,0,"raised")
  75.         imgsay(15,31,14,14,-1,"","  OK  ")
  76.         imgsay(15,43,14,14,-1,"","CANCEL")
  77.         mscrsoron()
  78.         mswait(100)
  79.         mscrsoroff()
  80.         if msinside(336,205,400,229) 
  81.             *****
  82.             * Cancel print
  83.             *****
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  85.             imgiconbox(336,205,400,229,7,"",0,"raised")
  86.             imgrestore(220,140,420,240,10,"orderprn",0)
  87.             loop
  88.         endif
  89.         if msinside(240,205,304,229) 
  90.             *****
  91.             * Print
  92.             *****
  93.             imgiconbox(240,205,304,229,7,"",0,"etched")
  94.             imgiconbox(240,205,304,229,7,"",0,"raised")
  95.             setconsole(.f.)
  96.             setoutput("lpt1")
  97.             setprint(.t.)
  98.             setmargin("10")
  99.             output("'---------------------------------------------------------------'")
  100.             output("' '")
  101.             output("'                     Schooner Version 2.00'")
  102.             output("'                          Order Form      '")
  103.             output("' '")
  104.             output("'---------------------------------------------------------------'")
  105.             output("'Please find enclosed a check made out to Jonathan Cook for the'")
  106.             output("'purchase/registration of Schooner Version 2.00:'") 
  107.             output("' '")
  108.             output("'My order information is as follows:'")
  109.             output("' '")
  110.             setmargin("15")
  111.             output("mvname")
  112.             output("mvcompname")
  113.             output("mvaddr")
  114.             output("mvctstzip")
  115.             output("mvprof")
  116.             output("mvfind")
  117.             output("' '")
  118.             setmargin("10")
  119.             output("'---------------------------------------------------------------'")
  120.             eject
  121.             setprint(.f.)
  122.             setconsole(.t.)
  123.             imgrestore(220,140,420,240,10,"orderprn",0)
  124.         endif
  125.     endif
  126.     if msinside(430,385,494,409) 
  127.         *****
  128.         * cancel
  129.         *****
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  131.         imgiconbox(430,385,494,409,7,"",0,"raised")
  132.         exit
  133.     endif
  134. enddo
  135. imgrestore(10,10,630,470,46,"order",0)
  136. return