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Text File  |  2023-02-26  |  1KB  |  102 lines

  1.  0 
  2.  0 
  4. ""
  5. "      B e i s p i e l e:"
  6. "The chairman gets/receives a lot of     telephone calls."
  7. ""
  8. "Mother will get/become angry if we      aren't on time."
  9. ""
  10. "In his forties he became a famous       writer."
  11. "get"
  12. "Did you"
  13. "my parcel I sent"
  14. "receive"
  15. "you some days ago?"
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. "Our dog"
  22. "five puppies last"
  23. "got"
  24. "month."
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. ""
  28. ""
  29. ""
  30. "Little Bobby wants to"
  31. "an"
  32. "become"
  33. "engine driver when he's grown up."
  34. ""
  35. ""
  36. ""
  37. ""
  38. "receive"
  39. "We'll"
  40. "reports at the end"
  41. "get"
  42. "of this month."
  43. ""
  44. ""
  45. ""
  46. ""
  47. "gets"
  48. "Helen always"
  49. "nervous when"
  50. "becomes"
  51. "Paul talks about his impending          military service."
  52. ""
  53. ""
  54. ""
  55. ""
  56. ""
  57. "Let's go indoors, it's"
  58. ""
  59. "getting"
  60. "cold."
  61. ""
  62. ""
  63. ""
  64. ""
  65. "gets"
  66. "Our boss"
  67. "a lot of letters"
  68. "receives"
  69. "and newspapers."
  70. ""
  71. ""
  72. ""
  73. ""
  74. ""
  75. "This actor will"
  76. "director"
  77. "become"
  78. "of the next film."
  79. ""
  80. ""
  81. ""
  82. ""
  83. "received"
  84. "Mr Hold"
  85. "an award for his"
  86. "got"
  87. "new book last month."
  88. ""
  89. ""
  90. ""
  91. ""
  92. "got"
  93. "The cottage had "
  94. "old and"
  95. "become"
  96. "ramshackle in the course of time."
  97. ""
  98. ""
  99. ""
  100. ""
  101. ""