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Text File  |  1999-05-11  |  8KB  |  117 lines

  1. /*========================================================================*/
  2. /*                                                                        */
  3. /*  smmsg.h                                                               */
  4. /*                                                                        */
  5. /*   (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1996        */
  6. /*   All Rights Reserved                                                  */
  7. /*   Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                 */
  8. /*   US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or          */
  9. /*   disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.    */
  10. /*                                                                        */
  11. /*========================================================================*/
  13. #ifndef SM_MSG_H_INCLUDED
  14. #define SM_MSG_H_INCLUDED
  16. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  17. /* put a wrapper around these functions so that they can be called from   */
  18. /* either C or C++ applications                                           */
  19. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  20. #ifdef __cplusplus
  21. extern "C" {
  22. #endif
  24. int SmGetAlphabets        ( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *nalphabets,
  25.                                                       char ***alphabets  );
  26. int SmGetApplication      ( SM_MSG reply, char **application);
  27. int SmGetApplications     ( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *nsessions,
  28.                                                   char ***reco_sessions  );
  29. int SmGetAlternates       ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords,
  30.                                                         SM_WORD **words  );
  31. int SmGetAudioLevel       ( SM_MSG sm_reply, short *volume );
  32. int SmGetDescriptions     ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *ndescriptions,
  33.                                                    char ***descriptions  );
  34. int SmGetEngineState      ( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *engine_state );
  35. int SmGetEnrollId         ( SM_MSG reply, char **enroll_ids              );
  37. int SmGetEnrollIds        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *nenroll_ids,
  38.                                                      char ***enroll_ids  );
  39. int SmGetEventId          ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *event_id       );
  40. int SmGetEventOptions     ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *options        );
  41. int SmGetFirmWords        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords,
  42.                                                         SM_WORD **words  );
  43. int SmGetFocusState       ( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *focus_state  );
  44. int SmGetFocusChangeReason( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *focus_change );
  45. int SmGetGrammarPath      ( SM_MSG reply, char **grammar_path            );
  47. int SmGetInfirmWords      ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords,
  48.                                                         SM_WORD **words  );
  49. int SmGetItemValue        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *item,
  50.                                                    unsigned long *value  );
  51. int SmGetLanguages        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long   *nlanguages,
  52.                                                       char ***languages  );
  53. int SmGetMicState         ( SM_MSG sm_reply, unsigned long *mic_state    );
  54. int SmGetMsgName          ( SM_MSG reply, char **message_name            );
  55. int SmGetMsgType          ( SM_MSG sm_reply, int *msg_type               );
  56. int SmGetNameValue        ( SM_MSG reply, char **name, char **value      );
  57. int SmGetNumberWordMsgs   ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords         );
  58. int SmGetPercentages      ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *npercentages,
  59.                                                     short **percentages  );
  60. int SmGetPhraseState      ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *phrase_state    );
  61. int SmGetPronunciations   ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *npronun,
  62.                                                         char ***pronuns  );
  63. int SmGetRc               ( SM_MSG reply, int *rc                        );
  64. int SmGetRcName           ( SM_MSG sm_reply, char **rc_name              );
  65. int SmGetRcDescription    ( SM_MSG sm_reply, char **rc_description       );
  66. int SmReturnRc            ( SM_MSG sm_reply                              );
  67. char *SmReturnRcName      ( int rc                                       );
  68. char *SmReturnRcDescription ( int rc                                     );
  69. int SmGetScripts          ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long   *nscripts,
  70.                                                         char ***scripts  );
  71. int SmGetService          ( SM_MSG reply, char **service                 );
  72. int SmGetSessionId        ( SM_MSG reply, char **session_id              );
  73. int SmGetSeverity         ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *severity        );
  75. int SmGetSpeechDataArchive ( SM_MSG reply, char         **archive );
  76. int SmGetSpeechDataOptions ( SM_MSG reply, long          *options );
  77. int SmGetSpeechDataSize    ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *size    );
  78. int SmGetSpeechDataVersion ( SM_MSG reply, long          *version );
  80. int SmGetSpelling         ( SM_MSG reply, char **spelling                );
  81. int SmGetSpellings        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *nspellings,
  82.                                                       char ***spellings  );
  83. int SmGetStates           ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nstates,
  84.                                                          short **states  );
  85. int SmGetStatus           ( SM_MSG reply, int *status                    );
  86. int SmGetTags             ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *ntags,
  87.                                                             long **tags  );
  88. int SmGetTask             ( SM_MSG reply, char **tasks                   );
  89. int SmGetTasks            ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *ntasks,
  90.                                                           char ***tasks  );
  91. int SmGetTimes            ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *ntimes,
  92.                                                   unsigned long **times  );
  93. int SmGetUserId           ( SM_MSG reply, char **user_ids                );
  94. int SmGetUserIds          ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *nuser_ids,
  95.                                                        char ***user_ids  );
  96. int SmGetUsers            ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *nusers,
  97.                                                           char ***users  );
  98. int SmGetUtteranceNumber  ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nutterance     );
  99. int SmGetVocabList        ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long   *nvocabs,
  100.                                                          char ***vocabs  );
  101. int SmGetVocabName        ( SM_MSG reply, char **vocabname               );
  102. int SmGetVocWords         ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords,
  103.                                                      SM_VOCWORD **words  );
  104. int SmGetWords            ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long  *nwords,
  105.                                                         SM_WORD **words  );
  106. int SmGetAnnotations      ( SM_MSG reply, unsigned long *nwords,
  107.                                              SM_ANNOTATION **annotations );
  108. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  109. /* put a wrapper around these functions so that they can be called from   */
  110. /* either C or C++ applications                                           */
  111. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  112. #ifdef __cplusplus
  113.    }
  114. #endif
  116. #endif