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Text File  |  2007-07-16  |  34KB  |  490 lines

  1. smartbackup110.exe      1090108 2003/12/19  Easily backup large directories to CD.
  2.                                     Supports multiple input directories.
  3.                         Long desc:  SmartBackup takes the time and guess work
  4.                                     out of backing up large drives or
  5.                                     directories to CD, DVD or other limited-
  6.                                     capacity media. Written entirely in Rexx
  7.                                     and extensible through scripts to support
  8.                                     any backup method or media you can
  9.                                     imagine. Development supported by
  10.                                     donations.
  11.                         Runs on:    eComStation 1.x, Warp 4.5x, Warp 4 fixpack
  12.                                     13
  13.                         Requires:   standard OS/2 Rexx support
  14.                         Contact:    Don Eitner
  15.                                     (freiheit@syntheticdimension.net)
  16.                         Source:     http://freiheit.syntheticdimension.net/ecomstation-apps.php
  17. adsmboot.zip      11014 1996/01/08  Create disaster recovery disks for IBM ADSM
  18. ba2k_schedadd_0001.zip     5803 2001/07/17  SchedAdd v0.0.01 is a REXX program to
  19.                                     initialize the scheduler of Back
  20.                                     Again/2000 Server.
  21.                         Long desc:  The backup program Back Again/2000 Server
  22.                                     2.10d has an WPS integrated scheduler
  23.                                     which seems to be a subclass of the
  24.                                     WPFolder class. Although there is a
  25.                                     problem: At system startup this scheduler
  26.                                     does not initialize which means that no
  27.                                     backups will be started. SchedAdd will
  28.                                     cure this.
  29.                         Contact:    Michael Warmuth (michael@warmuth.at)
  30. ba2pr40d.zip    1287682 1996/07/24  Demo of Back Again/2 v4.0, Backup Software
  31. back2fat.zip       8099 1995/01/30  Backup HPFS to a FAT partition (requires
  32.                                     EABACKUP&ZOO)
  33. back_me.zip      139131 2006/01/12  makes a quick backup of a file
  34.                         Long desc:  see below
  35.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4 and eCS
  36.                         Requires:   a file system that supports long file names
  37.                         Contact:    Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@intcon.net)
  38.                         Source:     http://www.dwhawkinson.com
  39. backemup.zip     648303 2007/07/17  simple, multi OS, incremental file backup
  40.                                     program
  41.                         Long desc:  Backup Hidden and System files including
  42.                                     Extended Attributes. It can maintain
  43.                                     multiple versions (generations) of a file.
  44.                                     Files backed up under one operating system
  45.                                     may be restored to another. Also has
  46.                                     Selective backup features.
  47.                         Runs on:    Any OS/2, also Win95/98, some limits Win
  48.                                     ME/XP, etc
  49.                         Requires:   Unzip with -d to preserve directories. OS/2
  50.                                     GUI has helpful hints.
  51.                         Contact:    Allen Heath (aboat2 --> amphicar dot
  52.                                     net)
  53.                         Source:     http://webpages.charter.net/dah9140/Warped.html
  54. backini.zip       20157 1995/01/30  Make numbered backups of any file
  55. backo1.zip        21768 1995/01/30  Text mode backup utility similar to FIT and
  56.                                     FILL
  57. backrar009.zip   428724 2006/06/07  Backup with RAR compressor
  58.                         Long desc:  This program is a PM help for created
  59.                                     backups with the RAR compressor. The
  60.                                     program created a cmd file, that can be
  61.                                     run without this program.
  62.                         Runs on:    eCS, OS/2 3.x or up
  63.                         Contact:    Roberto Gainza (roberto@zikonyl.com)
  64. backup02.zip      23038 2000/01/14  Script driven backup program
  65.                         Long desc:  A very versitile script driven backup
  66.                                     program
  67.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp v2.0+
  68.                         Contact:    Adam Cameron (cheba@bytespeed.com)
  69.                         Source:     http://cheba.darktech.org
  70. bakitup.zip      103348 1995/01/30  A front-end for using the OS/2 BACKUP
  71.                                     command
  72. bar2_14.zip      474293 1995/01/30  PM backup and restore front-end version
  73.                                     2.14
  74. biaf100d.zip     218338 1995/01/30  Back In a Flash, backup utility demo
  75. bm301csd.zip     158446 1997/06/19  BackMaster v3.01 Update Patch
  76. bm3demo.zip     1980006 1997/09/23  BackMaster 3.0 tape backup software for
  77.                                     OS/2 (demo)
  78. bnf.zip          606172 1995/01/30  Back & Forth personal backup utility
  79. cdbak.zip         11522 2000/11/20  Small Rexx script to aid in automating CD
  80.                                     backups.
  81.                         Long desc:  Small rexx script that can be used with
  82.                                     other GNU tools to automate CD backups.
  83.                         Requires:   CDRecord/2, InfoZip, Rexx
  84.                         Contact:    Jason R Stefanovich (stefanj@gte.net)
  85.                         Source:     http://home1.gte.net/stefanj/cdbak.rex
  86. copy-log-v02.zip  21766 1998/09/01  Archives files with a given suffix
  87.                         Long desc:  This script archives all files with a given
  88.                                     suffix, *.log for example, to a specified
  89.                                     directory by using the zip-utility. The
  90.                                     filename of the archive is beeing composed
  91.                                     of the current time and date automaticly.
  92.                         Runs on:    OS/2 v2.x+ (Tested on Warp 4)
  93.                         Requires:   REXX, ZIP archiver
  94.                         Contact:    Alexander Hoff (Alexander.Hoff@usa.net)
  95. dbd5dsw.zip      299681 1999/07/05  German Translation of the Docs for DreckBak
  96.                                     for OS/2 Backup Suite
  97.                         Long desc:  Docs for main program and setup version 5.c
  98.                                     Also includes translation for Logit
  99.                                     utility. German language version will be
  100.                                     released soon.
  101.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  102.                                     previous versions.
  103.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  104.                                     (Dreckbak@weismer.virtualave.net)
  105.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  106. dms4demo.zip     269517 1995/01/30  DMS/Intelligent Backup 4.0 for OS/2 & DOS
  107. drbmw-1.0.0.zip  378338 2004/03/10  Backup My Way, 2nd Edition v1.0
  108.                         Long desc:  DrBMW - 'Backup My Way, 2nd. Edition'
  109.                                     Provides: a PM frontend for your custom
  110.                                     backup commands. Backup commands are
  111.                                     stored in a configuration file, and
  112.                                     through the program interface, the user
  113.                                     selected source and target drive letters
  114.                                     are merged into the backup commands. A
  115.                                     Rexx program is generated to perform the
  116.                                     backup. The Rexx program can be scheduled
  117.                                     to run at a specific time, or can be run
  118.                                     immediately. Another Rexx program to
  119.                                     backup another drive can be created and
  120.                                     'stacked' for execution when the previous
  121.                                     backup completes. A history of backups is
  122.                                     generated which shows date, time, commands
  123.                                     used, and elapsed time for the backup.
  124.                                     File level details of a backup are
  125.                                     available until the drive is again backed
  126.                                     up. A separate window shows all drives on
  127.                                     the system, with file capacities and file
  128.                                     systems used by the drive. Real and
  129.                                     virtual drives are available for DrBMW to
  130.                                     use as source or target drives.
  131.                         Runs on:    OS/2 version 4.5
  132.                         Requires:   RexxLib, RexxIni
  133.                         Contact:    Stan Pokorney (pokorne@attglobal.net)
  134. drbmw-1.0.1.zip  378428 2004/03/12  Backup My Way, 2nd Edition v1.0
  135.                         Long desc:  DrBMW - 'Backup My Way, 2nd. Edition'
  136.                                     Provides: a PM frontend for your custom
  137.                                     backup commands. Backup commands are
  138.                                     stored in a configuration file, and
  139.                                     through the program interface, the user
  140.                                     selected source and target drive letters
  141.                                     are merged into the backup commands. A
  142.                                     Rexx program is generated to perform the
  143.                                     backup. The Rexx program can be scheduled
  144.                                     to run at a specific time, or can be run
  145.                                     immediately. Another Rexx program to
  146.                                     backup another drive can be created and
  147.                                     'stacked' for execution when the previous
  148.                                     backup completes. A history of backups is
  149.                                     generated which shows date, time, commands
  150.                                     used, and elapsed time for the backup.
  151.                                     File level details of a backup are
  152.                                     available until the drive is again backed
  153.                                     up. A separate window shows all drives on
  154.                                     the system, with file capacities and file
  155.                                     systems used by the drive. Real and
  156.                                     virtual drives are available for DrBMW to
  157.                                     use as source or target drives.
  158.                         Runs on:    OS/2 version 4.5
  159.                         Requires:   RexxLib, RexxIni
  160.                         Contact:    Stan Pokorney (pokorne@attglobal.net)
  161. drekbk3a.zip     127622 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  162.                                     using Info-Zip
  163.                         Long desc:  CMD files and full instructions to put in
  164.                                     place an automated backup solution that's
  165.                                     cheap and easy. Archive includes two
  166.                                     Freeware utilities used in the .CMD's
  167.                                     along with a WPS scheduling enhancement by
  168.                                     E. B. Crowder. Install program to create
  169.                                     all objects and to help you get up and
  170.                                     running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  171.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  172.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  173.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  174.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10. Should work on
  175.                                     previous versions.
  176.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe), REXX
  177.                                     installed for installation program
  178.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  179.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  180.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  181. drekbk3b.zip     137381 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  182.                                     using Info-Zip
  183.                         Long desc:  CMD files and full instructions to put in
  184.                                     place an automated backup solution that's
  185.                                     cheap and easy. Archive includes two
  186.                                     Freeware utilities used in the .CMD's
  187.                                     along with a WPS scheduling enhancement by
  188.                                     E. B. Crowder. Install program to create
  189.                                     all objects and to help you get up and
  190.                                     running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  191.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  192.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  193.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  194.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10. Should work on
  195.                                     previous versions.
  196.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe), REXX
  197.                                     installed for installation program
  198.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  199.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  200.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  201. drekbk3c.zip     167800 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  202.                                     using Info-Zip
  203.                         Long desc:  files and full instructions to put in place
  204.                                     an automated backup solution that's cheap
  205.                                     and easy. Archive includes two Freeware
  206.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  207.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  208.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  209.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  210.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  211.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  212.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  213.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  214.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10. Should work on
  215.                                     previous versions.
  216.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  217.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  218.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  219.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  220. drekbk4a.zip     130794 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  221.                                     using Info-Zip
  222.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  223.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  224.                                     instructions to put into place an
  225.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  226.                                     easy. Archive includes two Freeware
  227.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  228.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  229.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  230.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  231.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  232.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  233.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  234.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  235.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10. Should work on
  236.                                     previous versions.
  237.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  238.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  239.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  240.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  241. drekbk4b.zip     131451 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  242.                                     using Info-Zip
  243.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  244.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  245.                                     instructions to put into place an
  246.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  247.                                     easy. Archive includes two Freeware
  248.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  249.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  250.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  251.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  252.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  253.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  254.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  255.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  256.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  257.                                     previous versions.
  258.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  259.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  260.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  261.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  262. drekbk5a.zip     215461 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  263.                                     using Info-Zip
  264.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  265.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  266.                                     instructions to put into place an
  267.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  268.                                     easy. Archive includes two Freeware
  269.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  270.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  271.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  272.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  273.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  274.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  275.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  276.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  277.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  278.                                     previous versions.
  279.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  280.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  281.                                     (Dreckbak@weismer.virtualave.net)
  282.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  283. drekbk5b.zip     266222 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  284.                                     using Info-Zip
  285.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  286.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  287.                                     instructions to put into place an
  288.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  289.                                     easy. Archive includes two Freeware
  290.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  291.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  292.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  293.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  294.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  295.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  296.                                     FULL logging. New program format makes
  297.                                     setting up MUCH easier and quicker.
  298.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  299.                                     previous versions.
  300.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  301.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  302.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  303.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  304. drekbk5c.zip     267443 1999/06/14  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  305.                                     using Info-Zip
  306.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  307.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  308.                                     instructions to put into place an
  309.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  310.                                     easy. Archive includes various Freeware
  311.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  312.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  313.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  314.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  315.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  316.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  317.                                     FULL logging. Exclude filters. New program
  318.                                     format makes program set up almost
  319.                                     instant.
  320.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  321.                                     previous versions.
  322.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  323.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  324.                                     (Murray@weismer.virtualave.net)
  325.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  326. drekbk5d.zip     295010 1999/07/05  Back up and restore your hard drives EASILY
  327.                                     using Info-Zip
  328.                         Long desc:  New - automated installer creates config
  329.                                     file - NO EDITING All files and full
  330.                                     instructions to put into place an
  331.                                     automated backup solution that's cheap and
  332.                                     easy. Archive includes various Freeware
  333.                                     utilities used in the program along with a
  334.                                     WPS scheduling enhancement by E. B.
  335.                                     Crowder. Install program to create all
  336.                                     objects and directories to help you get up
  337.                                     and running quickly. Web site and E-Mail
  338.                                     support. Double Integrity Checking and
  339.                                     FULL logging. Exclude filters. New program
  340.                                     format makes program set up almost
  341.                                     instant.
  342.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  343.                                     previous versions.
  344.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe) Classic Rexx
  345.                                     for installer.
  346.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  347.                                     (Dreckbak@weismer.virtualave.net)
  348.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  349. drkbkger.zip      11612 1999/06/15  German Translation of the Docs for DreckBak
  350.                                     for OS/2 Backup Suite
  351.                         Long desc:  Docs for main program and setup version 5.c
  352.                                     Also includes translation for Logit
  353.                                     utility. German language version will be
  354.                                     released soon.
  355.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 4 FP10 and 9. Should work on
  356.                                     previous versions.
  357.                         Contact:    Murray Weismer
  358.                                     (Dreckbak@weismer.virtualave.net)
  359.                         Source:     http://weismer.virtualave.net/DreckBak.html
  360. ds_30dem.zip     963071 1995/10/28  IBM DualStore Backup demo version
  361. dstips2.zip        6684 1995/12/01  Tricks, tips & techniques for using
  362.                                     Dualstor
  363. dsync014.zip      29857 2002/08/12  dSync for OS/2 v.0.1.4
  364.                         Long desc:  Disk/Dirs/Files mirroring tool.
  365.                         Runs on:    OS/2
  366.                         Contact:    Stepan Kazakov (madded@mitm.ru)
  367.                         Source:     http://zuko.mitm.ru/soft/dsync_en.html
  368. dtsaver.zip        4626 2000/02/14  REXX utility uses Zip.exe to back up
  369.                                     OS/2.ini, OS/2sys.ini, Config.sys, and
  370.                                     your Desktop.
  371.                         Long desc:  This utility creates discrete archives
  372.                                     every time it runs. You can set the number
  373.                                     of archives to accumulate before clean-up.
  374.                                     DTSaver also creates a report file that
  375.                                     you can use to track changes in the size
  376.                                     of the .INI and Config.sys files.
  377.                         Runs on:    Tested on Warp 3 and Warp 4, will doubtless
  378.                                     run on OS/2 2.x.
  379.                         Requires:   Zip.exe
  380.                         Contact:    Marko Zarkovic
  381.                         Source:     http://www.cyberus.ca/~muses9
  382. dualos2.zip      963898 1995/03/05  IBM Dualstor v2.0 tape backup demo
  383. eabk203.zip      106657 1995/01/30  Backup/restore HPFS extended attributes,
  384.                                     version 2.03
  385. fileup01.zip     114869 2000/01/14  Maintain backups of directories (with
  386.                                     source)
  387.                         Runs on:    Tested on V4 fp09
  388.                         Requires:   Info-Zip (zip.exe & unzip.exe)
  389.                         Contact:    Bob O'Brien (robrien@pop500.gsfc.nasa.gov)
  390. floppy.zip        10994 1995/01/30  Lock out OS/2 from the floppy for DOS tape
  391.                                     backups
  392. gtak258.zip      819544 1997/07/31  GTAK v2.58, SCSI tape backup software with
  393.                                     network support
  394. iris_01.zip       19326 2003/08/15  Backup your eCS or OS/2 bootdrive
  395.                         Long desc:  REXX-Script to Backup your eCS or OS/2
  396.                                     bootdrive.  Use it from the desktop or
  397.                                     with a scheduler.
  398.                         Runs on:    eCs, OS/2
  399.                         Requires:   infozip's zip.exe 
  400.                         Contact:    taki
  401.                         Source:     http://www.bogiatzoules.de/os2/ 
  402. makdskv4.zip      13177 1997/01/12  Makes DualStor3 recovery floppies for OS/2
  403.                                     v4
  404. mdfbu31.zip      285121 1995/01/30  Backup files with the same extension, PM
  405. novabks601.zip  5150517 2001/02/07  NovaStor NovaBackup SCSI for OS/2 time-
  406.                                     limited demo v6.01
  407.                         Long desc:  This is the last version of the now-
  408.                                     discontinued NovaStor SCSI tape backup
  409.                                     software for OS/2. Includes the most
  410.                                     recent demo version that used to be
  411.                                     downloadable from NovaStor's website, plus
  412.                                     the latest version of the manual (PDF)
  413.                                     from the same source, plus the latest
  414.                                     software patch. AFAIK, NovaStor no longer
  415.                                     sells this software, and all traces of it
  416.                                     seem to have vanished from their website.
  417.                                     But it's fast, easy to use, and fairly
  418.                                     reliable. This version is time limited and
  419.                                     will stop functioning after one month.
  420.                                     You'll need to buy or beg a registration
  421.                                     code if you don't already have one. (Try
  422.                                     Mensys, maybe.)
  423.                         Runs on:    OS/2 Warp 4, probably Warp 3 as well
  424.                         Requires:   BOOTOS2 recommended for creating recovery
  425.                                     disks.
  426. oback209.zip     134747 1995/01/30  OBACKUP: OS/2 Compressing Backup and
  427.                                     Restore utilities
  428. pcbax_v3.zip    1577106 2000/09/08  Cristie PC-BaX V3.00 Backup & Recovery
  429.                                     Software for OS/2 (30 day trial)
  430.                         Runs on:    OS/2 x.xx
  431.                         Contact:    Cristie Data Products Ltd
  432.                                     (Support@Cristie.com)
  433.                         Source:     http://www.cristie.com
  434. qb3pach3.zip     140184 1999/11/15  patched file,repairs the first found bug
  435.                         Long desc:  this is the fix for qikbac3.zip uploaded
  436.                                     11/1/99 if you download qikbac3.zip with a
  437.                                     file date 10/27/99 or higher it is a
  438.                                     resent: look to see if the qikbac3.exe has
  439.                                     a date of 10/26/99 or after. Compile
  440.                                     problems and zip program problems kept
  441.                                     creating new bugs for everyone fixed. We
  442.                                     compiled from the start and zipped all
  443.                                     new, stopped with the replace only new
  444.                                     files. Please do report any new bugs.
  445.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3+
  446.                         Contact:    daniel goggia (dannygos2@aol.com)
  447. qb3patch.zip      94520 1999/10/20  patched file,repairs the first found bug
  448.                         Long desc:  this is the fix for qikbac3.zip uploaded
  449.                                     before 10/10/99 if you downl load
  450.                                     qikbac3.zip with a file date after that it
  451.                                     should be alright: look to see if the
  452.                                     qikbac3.exe has a date of 10/10/99 or
  453.                                     after.
  454.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3+
  455.                         Contact:    daniel goggia (dannygos2@aol.com)
  456. qikbac3.zip     6866939 1999/11/15  patched file,does not have bug
  457.                         Long desc:  this is the same file with the bugs
  458.                                     repaired, if you need to just repair bug,
  459.                                     you can download qb3patch.zip This file
  460.                                     update is 11/03/99 (my thanks for those-
  461.                                     who keep sending in bug reports ) Zip
  462.                                     program gave me a lot of problems, it
  463.                                     would update zip file but delete files it
  464.                                     thought were not updated..... so one fix
  465.                                     would make yet another bug. We stopped
  466.                                     this, and have compiled from start.
  467.                         Runs on:    OS/2 3+
  468.                         Requires:   mmos2, sound card, view and pmshell
  469.                                     installed
  470.                         Contact:    daniel goggia (dannygos2@aol.com)
  471. rbisfv10.zip      47942 1998/07/06  Backup Important System Files v1.0. Quickly
  472.                                     backup files, including OS2.INI. PM-based.
  473.                         Long desc:  Backs up many system files, creates log
  474.                                     file and recovery program.  User-
  475.                                     controlled backup drive/directory.
  476.                         Runs on:    OS/2 v2.1+
  477.                         Requires:   vrobj.dll
  478.                         Contact:    Robert L. Grover (robertgrover@juno.com)
  479. rxbmw-1.0.0.zip  506462 2003/12/05  Backup My Way v1.0
  480.                         Long desc:  Provides: a PM interface for all user
  481.                                     custom backup commands, a history of when
  482.                                     backups were performed, file level details
  483.                                     of last backup, Allows you to enter a
  484.                                     description, or comments for each backup.
  485.                                     Has on-line help, and multiple user
  486.                                     options through a configuration file.
  487.                         Runs on:    OS/2 version 4.5
  488.                         Requires:   RexxLib, RexxIni, Rexx Dialog
  489.                         Contact:    Stan Pokorney (pokorne@attglobal.net)