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/ Impress!! 3,500 Presentation Pictures / Impress!_3500_Presentation_Pictures_front.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-01-01  |  5MB  |  1428x1434  |  24-bit (847,042 colors)
Labels: book | cell phone | clock | envelope | person | poster | shelf | tribute album
OCR: Great for multimedia presentations! Not just for one category; but Wide pictures including: People Lifestyles Landscapes Agriculture Business See back for more! Great for WEB page graphics! Works with Windows Windows 95 and Macintosh! ROM ROSOFT MiC Windows registered trademark of Micrcsof Corp TECH COMPATIBLE WINDOWS IMPRESS PRESENTATION PIGTURES variety Agriculfure EROSOFT Microsofl COMPAT TIBLE