ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" LogBook ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ A Complete Episode Guide from 1987 to 1992 ³ ³ written by Earl Green ³ ³ with lotsa help from Joe Siegler, Robert Heyman and Dave Ewing ³ ³ covering "Encounter at Farpoint" through "Birthright" part one ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ This is a nearly complete episode guide to six seasons of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," a science-fiction television series created by the creator of the original "Star Trek," Gene Roddenberry. This is a guide of information and it makes no attempt to be subjective in dealing with the episodes' quality. The series has seen aliens from Classic "Trek" and has, on some occasions, re-examined situations from the original television series and movies. But, for the most part, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has focused on its own time frame with a variety of races and species that were either never mentioned in the original show but are known by the current characters to have existed a century ago in the days of Captain Kirk and crew, or races that have been contacted only after the original series' time-frame, which, at the time of this writing, extends to the film "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country," with rumors of a "Star Trek VII" always present. Developments since the original series were not covered until after "The Next Generation" was established commercially. But the initial developments are numerous and obvious: the size and capability and speed of Federation starships - most notably, of course, the Galaxy-class Enterprise - have increased many times. Hardware, such as phasers, tricorders and communicators, has been condensed in size but multiplied in usefulness and power. Medicine also has taken enormous leaps forward, including the ability to revive dead patients, providing their cause of death was not severe (though according to Dr. Crusher in "Man of the People," the patient must be revived within 30 minutes of dying). The Klingon Empire, former enemies of the United Federation of Planets, have now formed an alliance with the Federation, paving the way for the only Klingon officer currently known to be serving in Starfleet, the Enterprise's Lieutenant Worf. The Klingon Empire's alliance with the Federation has been covered in many episodes, including "Heart of Glory," "A Matter of Honor," "Loud as a Whisper," "Sins of the Father" and others. In "Hide And Q," Q implies that the rigid Klingon code of honor allowed the Federation to defeat them. Also, it is known that Sarek of Vulcan and Riva participated in some manner of negotiations, and that diplomatic relations with the Empire are sometimes stretched to the limits, as seen in "Sins of the Father," "Heart of Glory" and "A Matter of Honor," all three of which contribute to the general feeling that the Klingons are very suspicious of the Federation and of the alliance. It is mentioned in "Aquiel" that Klingons have not raided a Federation installation in seven years - which places the last Klingon attack on the Federation at just a year before the Enterprise began her voyages. In "Redemption," a conspiracy threatened to splinter the Klingon-Federation detente and ally the Klingons to the Romulans. revised 2-93 The Romulans, re-introduced at the end of the first season, have posed an increasing threat to the Enterprise crew and, indeed, the Federation: one appearance in the first season, another in the second (although the Romulan warbird class vessel appeared twice as an illusion in other episodes), three times in the third season, three times in the fourth (and another appearance as an illusion in "Future Imperfect"), and four times in season five, including the two-part "Unification." As has already been noted in Classic Trek, the physical similarities of the Romulans to Vulcans cannot be overlooked, leading to the obvious conclusion that they share some common ancestry (more information on the results of this similarity below). Their space technology has increased as exponentially as the Federation's, resulting in the spectacular and beautiful Romulan warbird, as big as or bigger than the Enterprise herself. In the fourth season, a new threat is introduced - the implications of an alliance between the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Klingon collaborators, such as Duras and J'Ddan, state clearly that they feel an alliance with the peaceful Federation is watering down their warrior instinct and softening their society. J'Ddan claims that an alliance with the Romulans would change that, resulting in a powerful new force to be feared - particularly by the Federation. Upon the Enterprise's return to the Klingon Homeworld, Picard finds, in the midst of his duties as the neutral arbiter of the succession of power of the Klingon Empire, that this collaboration is being engineered by the family of the late Duras and a Romulan commander named Sela, the daughter of the deceased former Enterprise security chief, Tasha Yar. Captain Picard, with the backing of Starfleet, forces their plans out into the open, but Sela, loyal only to the Romulan Empire, still prepares for further strikes against the Federation. In season five's two-part episode "Unification," it is revealed that Spock - the original Enterprise's first officer, now valued advisor and Federation ambassador - has made an unauthorized trip to the home planet of the Romulans. Spock is found promoting peace between Romulus and Vulcan. Unfortunately, the underground following of idealistic Romulans he acquires does not represent the wishes of the Romulan government, and he almost becomes a pawn in a Romulan gambit to conquer and enslave the Vulcan race. Even though he escapes with the help of Picard and Data, Spock remains on Romulus, hoping to enlighten enough Romulans that may someday revolt against their totalitarian government and seek a peaceful union with the Federation. Spock is still mentioned as being alive and well in sixth season's "Face of the Enemy," when his name is brought up in the course of an elaborate and intricate defection scheme. In that same story, many revelations are made: reunification sympathizers or peace sympathizers are more widespread than the glimpse of isolated idealism seen in "Unification," even to the point that there are sympathizers in the Romulan military. The Romulan intelligence, known as the Tal Shiar, is a KGB-like organization which has been known to execute Romulans suspected of simply disagreeing with their government; even among the military, the Tal Shiar is feared. Among all Romulans who are not "in the loop," the Tal Shiar is quietly resented, both for its unreasonable and unethical use of power, and for its members' executive perks. The Romulans were also encountered when a smaller ship (a previously unseen design that appeared to be a cross between the 23rd century Bird of Prey seen in the original series segment "Balance of Terror" and the Romulan scout shuttle seen in "The Defector") was adrift far from home, having experienced an onboard explosion while testing a new development in cloaking technology. The Romulans' new device changed the molecular phase of matter, allowing objects and people to not only be invisible, but - for lack of a better term - "in a different plane" than normal matter. (It was mentioned that the Klingons had briefly flirted with this technology, but abandoned it soon afterward.) Such a phase shift could allow entire ships to harmlessly hide inside planets and to be unaffected by normal weapons (unless, of course, said weapons fire originated from a similarly-phased vessel!). People were also phased, including Geordi La Forge and Ensign Ro, who were unable to communicate their status to the rest of the Enterprise crew, who thought the two were dead ("The Next Phase"). A phased Romulan - complete with a phased disruptor capable of affecting Ro and Geordi - was dispatched to kill them before they could manage to thwart a Romulan plan to blow up the Enterprise. Phased agents cannot do anything to normal physical surroundings, but they would make excellent spies - and the fact that the Romulans have achieved this is an incredible threat to Federation security. But since the attempt to phase an entire ship failed in "The Next Phase," it is safe to assume that the breakthrough of rendering whole vessels completely invisible and invincible is still a long way off for the Romulans. revised 2-93 The vicious, greedy Ferengi travel about in streamlined vessels, attempting to accumulate goods, territory and profits. Their ships are equipped with weaponry and defenses, but it is assumed that most of the interior of a Ferengi vessel is designed to carry whatever loot they capture during their travels. Other bits and pieces of information on the Ferengi include the fact that, when forced to surrender, a Ferengi captain, or Daimon, is required to hand his second officer over to whatever power defeated the Ferengi, at which point they can do whatever they want with the Ferengi officer in question! The Ferengi deal in most anything they can, including ships ("Unification II," "Rascals"). Also, as revealed in "Rascals," some Ferengi operate outside the regulations of their government in hopes of accumulating even more profit than they could under what few rules the Ferengi must have...or, at least they claim to. Ferengi women have never been seen onscreen for good reason - in Ferengi society, women are not permitted to wear clothes or work alongside the males. This was revealed when members of a Ferengi landing party were shocked to see Tasha Yar wearing a Starfleet uniform and acting as chief of security in "The Last Outpost." In the fourth season's "Menage a Troi," when Daimon Tog - considered by his fellow Ferengi to be a pervert for finding human females attractive - kidnapped Riker, Counselor Troi and Lwaxana Troi, the captured women were transported to Tog's cabin without their clothes. According to one Ferengi in "Rascals," Ferengi offspring are not taken on space voyages for their own protection. However, just how safe they are is probably relative; in the "A Man Alone" installment of "Deep Space Nine," Nog's father reveals that Ferengi teach their young in a work-study environment where, if they survive and make a profit, they obviously know their stuff and they're ready to take on commercial activity full-time. Knowing the exploitative practices of the Ferengi, even among themselves, it's doubtful that the Ferengi have child labor laws, so their young may also serve as cheap labor while they're "learning." In "Encounter at Farpoint," it was also hinted that the Ferengi practice cannibalism, though whether that practice refers to other Ferengi or, perhaps, captured members of other races was never made clear. The possibility of cannibalism has not been mentioned since, so it may merely be a product of the early first season that later story editors, gourmet chefs, writers and producers have chosen to ignore. When the producers say that there is no cannibalism among the Ferengi, they mean that there is a certain amount! revised 2-93 Another race which has made a mark on the crew of the new Enterprise has only been encountered twice in force, but those two encounters left the impression that the Borg are indestructible. A collective bio-mechanical race of beings who augment their organic bodies with cybernetic implants at birth, the Borg travel around and beyond the outskirts of Federation space in colossal cube-shaped vessels which, inside and out, are layered with technologies wrested from the grips of civilizations which have fallen victim to the Borg's might. The Borg, not seen until "Q Who" in the latter half of the second season, were hinted at in "The Neutral Zone" as the Romulans and Federation officers assessed the catastrophic damage to their Neutral Zone border outposts. The Borg, according to Guinan, raped her home world for its technological resources and raw materials and scattered her people - who have yet to be identified - across the galaxy. In their second appearance in the season finale of the third season and the premiere episode of the fourth season, the Borg had since placed a value on organic life, in particular, the member races of the Federation. In seeking to find a race of "drones" to service its race of mobile "workers," the Borg kidnapped Captain Picard and converted him, both physically and mentally, into their "queen bee." Picard was rescued by the Enterprise crew and restored to his full health, and the Borg ship attempting to subjugate Earth was destroyed. Although it seemed to be almost a certainty that the Borg would return for another attempt, no trace of them was heard again until "I, Borg" late in the fifth season, in which a downed Borg scout ship (not actually seen, but presumably a smaller cubical vessel) was detected by the Enterprise, and an adolescent male Borg was the only survivor. Dubbed "Hugh," this lone Borg was taken aboard the Enterprise, and Picard initially planned to send him back to the Borg collective with an unsolvable problem programmed into his brain, which would confuse the Borg into self-destruction. But when the crew managed to restore some semblance of self-awareness and vestiges of Hugh's emotions resurfaced, Picard decided to send Hugh back to the Borg collective unharmed, hoping that the individuality within Hugh's mind would be downloaded into the Borg hive-mind and become widespread, collapsing Borg society into anarchy. Hugh was retrieved by the Borg, but so far no further news exists of whether his reintroduction into the Borg collective had any effect. revised 6-92 Introduced in the fourth season's "The Wounded," the Cardassian Union was once at war with the Federation, a war which apparently was in progress in one form or another through the third season of "Next Generation," since their debut episode "The Wounded" says that a treaty had only finally been reached a year and a half earlier than the incident involving the USS Phoenix. The Cardassians are vicious adversaries. Captain Picard stated that, during his command of the Stargazer, he once actually had to escape from Cardassian attackers. Chief O' Brien also experienced the murderous mentality of the Cardassians during the same long conflict when he served on the starship Rutledge with Captain Maxwell, a starship captain whose entire family was murdered by Cardassians. It has also been said that debates over the Federation's position against the Cardassians created a rift between two of Vulcan's most famous representatives, Sarek and Spock. On the trivial side, Starfleet Captain Edward Jellico was later said to have been one of the key players in the Cardassian treaty. In "The Wounded," Captain Maxwell, now commanding the Phoenix, attacks several Cardassian ships, which the Cardassians claimed were scientific supply vessels. Maxwell - and later, Picard - realize that the Cardassian traffic was very likely a clandestine attempt to prepare for another strike on the Federation. While Picard had to remain neutral and capture Maxwell for his actions, he warned Cardassian Gul Macet that the Federation would monitor border activity more closely in the future. In the fifth season's "Ensign Ro," the Cardassians actually had a Federation cohort, Admiral Kennelly, who almost assisted them in doing away with the nomadic remnants of the Bajora, whom the Cardassians had evicted from their own territory who were now fighting back in a nearly insignificant spree of terrorist attacks. In that same segment, Ensign Ro recounts to Picard the tale of how, when she was seven years old, she was forced to watch her father tortured to death by Cardassians. Picard later gains first-hand knowledge of the savagery of the Cardassians in the two-part "Chain of Command" story in the sixth season. Ousted from command of the Enterprise by order of Starfleet to lead a covert mission to Celtris III, Picard's mission was ostensibly to gather intelligence on the possibility of Cardassian development of metagenic weapons which would genetically destroy entire ecosystems and leave developed planets uninhabited for Cardassian conquerors. Captured by Gul Madred, Picard was subjected to a variety of physical and psychological torture technicques, among them truth serums, dehydration, and surgical implants connected to remote control devices that allow the interrogator to inflict pain at varying intensity. In "Chain of Command," mention is also made of the Seldonis IV Convention, an agreement which Picard mentions as expressly forbidding the torture of prisoners of war, and the Solatis Convention, which apparently covers some of the same ground since Riker tries to cite it to Gul Lemec in an attempt to recover the captured Picard (and which the Cardassians neatly and cunningly sidestepp by rationalizing that, since the Federation would not admit that Picard's mission to Celtris III was undertaken by direct order, Picard's actions were not part of a formal action by the Federation against Cardassia, therefore they could do what they wish with the prisoner). The Seldonis IV and Solatis Conventions may be part of the Federation-Cardassian armistice. Little is known of the structure of the Cardassian Militia, except for the ranks "Gul" (apparently analogous to captain) and "Glinn" (a lieutenant rank of some sort). Gul Madred mentions that the Cardassians, long before their contact with the Federation, were cultured, peaceful, spiritual people, though poverty led the Cardassian government to believe that the only escape from their society's plight was to stir up the people in a violent exodus from their home world to conquer other planets and other societies - some of which were once, like the Cardassians, cultured, peaceful and spiritual people - and all of which were reduced to poverty and slavery, much like the now-comfortable Cardassians once endured under their own elitist dictatorship. Slave laborers constructed the Cardassian Union's fleet, luxurious accomodations on the worlds conquered by the Cardassians, and enormous space stations such as Deep Space Nine over Bajor. At the beginning of "Chain of Command" part I, the Cardassians are mentioned as having recently withdrawn from the Bajoran sector, leaving Deep Space 9 open for Starfleet takeover as the Federation begins trying to assist the Bajora in rebuilding their society. And with the discovery of the wormhome near Bajor, the Cardassians are understandably interested in trying to regain their foothold in that area of space. revised 1-93 An interesting, if incidental, addition to the roster of "Next Generation" aliens was the appearance of a Cytherian in the fourth season episode "The Nth Degree." The Cytherian appeared on the bridge through something not unlike a hologram of just a bearded head. A Cytherian probe had altered the mind of engineering specialist Barclay and given him the knowledge to take the crew to the center of the galaxy - where, in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier," Captain Kirk and the crew of the NCC-1701-A encountered a similar projection of a far less benevolent being intent on taking over the Enterprise and traveling back to Federation space in the guise of God. No one has said for certain wether the godlike being in "Star Trek V" could have been another Cytherian or not, but the possibility is intriguing and would be another link of continuity between the two generations of "Star Trek." revised 10-91 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ THE CREW ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart): A native of France on Earth, Picard had an illustrious Starfleet service record even before his mission on the Enterprise. Having led the USS Stargazer on a 22-year exploration mission, Picard has mentioned various events of that ship's voyage, including a trip to Chalna and having once retreated from a Cardassian warship, but he was forced to abandon the Stargazer after it was damaged in a Ferengi ambush. Picard devised what Starfleet Academy cadets later knew as "the Picard Maneuver" and destroyed the Ferengi vessel (the angry father of the Ferengi ship's DaiMon later tried to avenge him in "The Battle") but had to leave the Stargazer behind, for which he was court-martialed. These events, said to have occurred nine years before his tour on the Enterprise, have probably been completely forgotten by now with his many successes since. Much of Picard's youth has been discussed, chiefly his impetuosity when he was a teenager at school (as mentioned by his older brother Robert in "Family") and in Starfleet Academy. When at a recreation facility, Ensign Picard, then a 21-year old fresh out of the Academy (this story is recounted in "Samaritan Snare," and finally seen in sixth season's "Tapestry"), started a brawl with three Nausicaan ruffians. With two fellow cadets, Picard put up a surprisingly good fight against the aliens, who were twice as big as any of the Starfleet officerss, but Picard wound up being stabbed through the back. Rushed to a medical facility, Picard required an artificial heart since his original heart was damaged beyond recovery. (Q once gave Picard a chance to change that event in history, but after seeing how life would have been for him had he always taken it one very cautious step at a time, Picard decided to restore his personal history and instigate the fight after all.) Picard also told Wesley Crusher, on at least one occasion, that he learned his most valuable lessons at Starfleet Academy from Boothby - the Academy groundskeeper. Little is known what lesson Picard learned, but on a later visit to Earth and the Academy ("The First Duty"), it was apparent that Boothby had once forced Picard to reveal a hidden truth about something, as Picard later had to convince Wesley to do (see Wes's profile for more information on the incident in question). What is also known is that he left Earth for his first tour of duty without saying goodbye to his girlfriend Janice, who later married scientist Paul Manheim ("We'll Always Have Paris"). Picard's parents were named Maurice and Evette, and he often credits his Aunt Adele with an impressive number of household cures. (Maurice and Evette Picard have both been glimpsed in illusions, in "Tapestry" and "Where No One Has Gone Before," respectively.) Picard's voyages on the Enterprise haven't been free of problems either. As early as the first season, Admiral Quinn and Lt. Commander Remmick investigated the Enterprise thoroughly, checking to make sure that Picard had not been taken over by an alien conspiracy. Quinn and Remmick themselves later fell victim to the same conspiracy, and though Remmick was killed in the course of stopping the aliens from taking over Starfleet, Quinn was saved. The conspirators also killed Captain Walker Keel, a close friend of Picard for many years who had also known Jack Crusher. Of course, later encounters included Picard's capture by the Borg, which few stories since "The Best Of Both Worlds" have mentioned, although the Borg's use of his knowledge of Starfleet enabled them to destroy a blockade of 39 Starfleet vessels, killing 11,000 people. Among those dead were all but one member of the crew of the USS Saratoga. The survivor, Commander Benjamin Sisko, lost his wife in the battle and then held Picard personally responsible for the outcome of the Borg attack (as seen in "Emissary," the first episode of "Deep Space Nine"). Picard's role as the arbiter of succession of the Klingon Empire was decided for him by the dying Klingon leader K'mpec, and Picard carried out his duty to install the new leader of the Empire in "Redemption." Picard has had the distinction of meeting Vulcan's Ambassador Sarek, who mind-melded with the captain to stabilize Sarek in time for vital negotiations. Picard also met Sarek's son Spock in "Unification," in an attempt to find out why Spock had traveled to Romulus. When an alien probe was sighted and locked on to the Enterprise ("The Inner Light"), transmissions from that probe rendered Picard unconscious. In the space of less than half an hour, Picard lived, in his mind, 40 or more years in the life of an astronomer, Kamin, of Kataan, a planet whose civilization would die out in a few decades when the sun in their system went nova. In actuality, Kataan's parent star had gone nova, erasing all traces of Kamin's civilization over one thousand years before the Enterprise's discovery of the probe. Though he realized he was still actually Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, Kamin adjusted and lived - with his wife and children - into old age, at which point the truth was revealed to him: the probe surrounds its target's mind with a complete simulation of life on Kataan, in the hopes that the recipient of the probe's "message" will, in turn, tell others of the history, the life and the eventual death of the planet. Also found aboard the probe was the flute owned by the real Kamin - which Picard could remember how to play after he awake from spending decades in Kamin's life in twenty-odd minutes. On a recent occasion, Captain Picard was abruptly relieved of command of the Enterprise and replaced by Captail Edward Jellico for a special mission (sixth season's two-part "Chain of Command"). Picard led an undercover team consisting of Worf and Dr. Crusher deep into Cardassian space, but he alone was captured by Cardassians. Tortured repeatedly in their attempt to extract information concerning the strategic defenses of a Federation planet about which he knew nothing, Picard suffered some psychological damage and brainwashing which, presumably, he overcame with the assistance of Counselor Troi upon his return to the Enterprise. revised 2-93 Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes): The first thing Riker said after redocking the two separated sections of the Enterprise in "Encounter at Farpoint" was his announcement to Picard that he considered the captain's life too valuable to risk on away team missions and that he would lead the Enterprise's landing parties on dangerous missions. Knowing of Picard's stubborn streak concerning authority, some probably expected the captain and Riker - or, as Picard calls him, "Number One" - to be at odds before they even got the Enterprise underway, but Riker has proven to be as stubborn as Picard, and as much of an asset to the ship as any captain could hope to have. Born in Alaska, Riker grew up with his father (Will's mother died while he was a baby) and left home to sign up with Starfleet Academy in his teens due to a very strained relationship with his father. Moving quickly through the Academy and into Starfleet, Riker became known as a cunning strategist and not one to back down from anything. Also at some point, he became involved romantically with a Betazoid psychology student, one Deanna Troi, and although that relationship also eventually ended, they maintain a close friendship now that both are serving on the Enterprise. Riker's strategic mind has salvaged numerous situations: while investigating a possible alien conspiracy in the highest ranks of Starfleet, only a bluff by Riker saved Picard and revealed the truth ("Conspiracy"). Riker also saved a group of Enterprise crewmembers aboard the USS Hathaway by hiding an ace up his sleeve and secretly ordering his crew to repair the warp drive ("Peak Performance"). Perhaps most noteworthy of all, when Picard was kidnapped and assimilated by the Borg, Riker assumed command of the Enterprise, followed the Borg ship to Earth even after it had dispatched 39 starships effortlessly, and once there, the crew stopped the Borg at the last possible moment from conquering the Federation. Although promoted to captain of the Enterprise on that occasion, Riker chose to aquiesce to Picard and remain on board as first officer once the captain had recovered. Although Starfleet considers him to be prime command material, Riker shows no signs at this time of wishing to vacate the first officer's seat on the Enterprise. He was relieved of duty - under protest - during Captain Jellico's brief tenure as the Enterprise's commanding officer ("Chain of Command"), but was restored to full rank and duty upon Picard's return. revised 12-92 Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton): Geordi was born without optic nerves, the son of a famous scientist (his father) and a Starfleet commander (his mother). His parents' varying duties often seperated the family, and Geordi shipped out with one or the other of his parents, but seldom both. Sometime after he turned eight years old, Geordi was given an answer to his blindness, a prosthetic device called a VISOR which allows Geordi to see the entire range of human sight and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum. This ability, completely overlooked in some cases ("Disaster," where Doctor Crusher pointed out to Geordi that a wall in the ship was heating up which he apparently had not noticed), has also gotten Geordi out of some tight scrapes ("The Enemy," to name just one). But when captured by the Romulans, Geordi was brainwashed and his VISOR was used to relay instructions to him in an attempt to use him to assassinate a Klingon governor and make it look like a Federation operation. The plot was stopped barely in time, and it's safe to assume that Geordi's VISOR was repaired so he wouldn't become a Romulan puppet again, and perhaps it was even completely foolproofed. revised 5-92 Lieutenant Worf (Michael Dorn): Born in the Klingon Empire after or near the time the Federation and the Empire finally reached an agreement, Worf is the son of Mogh, a well-known warrior in his day. Separated at birth from his younger brother Kurn - now a respected fighter in his own right, but remaining with his fellow Klingons - Worf traveled with his parents to the Khitomer. A Romulan attack destroyed the outpost on Khitomer because the father of Duras, a Klingon traitor who would later press charges against Worf's family ("Sins of the Father" and several other episodes) lowered the defenses. Worf returned to the Klingon planet to challenge the accusation, but found the High Council to be involved in the cover-up of the truth and had to accept discommendation, admitting fear of the Council's judgment (had his challenge been failed, which it would have been had Worf not withdrawn, it would have cost him his life) and the removal of his honor in the eyes of all other Klingons. Worf later discovered that an earlier encounter with his former half-human, half-Klingon lover, K'ehleyr (in "The Emissary" and "Reunion"), had resulted in a child, Alexander. In a desperate attempt to cover his past actions when K'ehleyr discovered the truth about Worf's discommendation, Duras murdered her. In a rage, Worf made an unauthorized visit to Duras and killed him in cold blood. Worf then sent Alexander to Earth to live with Sergei and Helena Rozhenko, the humans who had rescued Worf from Khitomer and raised him as their own child on Earth (although in "Heart of Glory," Worf says he grew up on a farming colony called Gault; perhaps he spent time on both.) Helena visited Worf on the Enterprise a year and a half later, bringing Alexander back with her. Experiencing difficulties growing up and discovering the concepts of honor, honesty and loyalty, Alexander initially caused some minor problems on the Enterprise once he was enrolled in the ship's school. Worf decided that Alexander would have to be sent off to a Klingon school, but then offered the boy the chance to stay with him and prove himself by overcoming the even greater challenge of growing up with humans around him. Alexander acccepted, and remains on the Enterprise with Worf. Worf later was paralyzed in an accident on the ship, but a new process developed by Dr. Russell ("Ethics") allowed him to regain control of his muscles. revised 5-92 Doctor Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden): Dr. Crusher's intermittent tenure on the Enterprise has given her the chance to treat some unusual cases, ranging from removing Borg implants from Captain Picard to being one of the first Federation medics ever to treat a Romulan patient ("The Enemy" and "The Defector"), watching the unique evolution of the mutating John Doe ("Transfigurations"), being trapped in a warp bubble ("Remember Me"), helping to deliver a giant spaceborne creature's young ("Galaxy's Child"), discovering that a visitng ambassador with whom she was in love was actually a parasite inside a humanoid host body ("The Host"), helping experimental physician Dr. Russell replace Worf's injured spinal cord, being the first to notice that the Enterprise was caught in a time loop ("Cause and Effect"), restoring an adolescent Borg drone to full health ("I, Borg"), and many other unique opportunities. She also tagged alone with Picard and Worf on a top-secret mission into Cardassian space, her function to determine whether or not the Cardassians were readying biological weapons. Further interesting cases undoubtedly lie ahead for the good doctor! Another important duty of Beverly's, until recently, was looking after her son Wesley. Although he seemed to be a nuisance at first, Wes displayed an amazing ability with the Enterprise's technology and was soon given an honorary rank. Crusher's husband, Jack, lost his life while serving as Picard's first officer on the USS Stargazer. No specifics have been given on that incident, but it was stated by Wesley ("Coming of Age") that Jack's death was the result of Picard making a command decision to save another officer instead of Crusher during some sort of crisis. (Jack did appear in Beverly's "nightmare" sequence in "Violations," as the doctor recalled a younger Picard accompanying her to the morgue. Jack's body seemed intact except for a very large scar or welt across his forehead; the rest of the corpse was not shown.) Picard was initially disturbed by the prospect of Beverly and her son both coming aboard, but all parties seem to have overcome that trepidation over the years. Very little of Dr. Crusher's background is known, aside from the fact that Jack Crusher was introduced to her by Walker Keel (a friend of Picard's from Starfleet Academy), and that Jack proposed to her before she even graduated from medical school. Further back than that in her history, Beverly was - most likely as a child - part of a colony on Alveda III, which Picard referred to as a tragedy ("The Arsenal of Freedom"). When medical supplies at the failed colony (exactly what happened there has never been specified) were exhausted, young Beverly was taught how to treat injuries with the native roots and herbs by her grandmother, who was also a member of the colony. Unless Beverly's background is explored further, it would be reasonable to assume that she became interested in medicine at that early age. Exobotany continues to be at least a hobby of hers ("Clues," "Cause and Effect"). She once dyed her hair brunette as a teenager, and claims she "couldn't change it back fast enough." revised 12-92 Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis): The half-human, half-Betazoid Troi is usually quiet, but that doesn't mean that she hasn't got some important bit of information to impart. Her empathic ability (full Betazoids can read thoughts and send them; Deanna can only read emotions) is useful in most situations, but not all of them. While Troi can detect deceit or discomfort, her abilities don't tell her the whole story. If someone can focus their mind enough - as was the case with Ardra in "Devil's Due" - or if they have an unusual cranial structure, such as the Ferengi, Troi has to rely on external cues as much as the next person. Among Troi's more notable achievements are helping Ambassador Riva of Ramatus continue a peace negotiation between warring parties on a distant world even after the deaf mediator's translators had been killed by the combatants ("Loud as a Whisper") revealing a hidden plot to hand the exclusive rights to a wormhole over to the Ferengi ("The Price"), easing Picard's relations with former Betazoid mental patient Tam Elbrun en route to a first-contact mission ("Tin Man"), helping Picard recover from his ordeal with the Borg ("Family"), and discovering the answer to a cryptic alien message just before the crew would have been driven insane ("Night Terrors"). Although she was a victim of "mental rape" by a Ulean visitor, Jev (who entered his victims' thoughts and dreams, taking the place of someone the victim is remembering - in Deanna's case, Jev took the place of Riker), Troi managed to detect Jev's actions even after Jev carefully and almost successfully diverted the blame toward his own father. Troi actually died on one occasion, when her mind was used by Ambassador Alkar as a receptacle for his negative thoughts and feelings while the visiting dignitary negotiated a peace between two warring nations. The link, established by a ritual Alkar claimed to be a funeral meditation in memory of his mother, who died on the Enteprise during their visit, remained as long as the "receptacle" lived. The recipient of Alkar's darker side, in the meantime, ages phenomenally (hence Alkar's "mother" - actually a previous receptacle who ran out of room for his dark side and died). Troi had to be allowed to die for a short time so Alkar would attempt to create a link with another companion, but when she was revived in sick bay, her awakening coincided with the moment of transference, and the negative feelings Alkar had been relegating to his victims washed back into his mind, killing him. Troi was restored to her natural appearance with no ill effects. revised 11-92 Lieutenant Commander Data (Brent Spiner): Although one of two androids successfully constructed by Dr. Noonian Soong, a rogue cyberneticist who took refuge among colonists on Omicron Theta to continue his research in secrecy, Data is the only android ever to serve in Starfleet. Data has proven to be a vital member of the Enterprise crew from the start, and has been saving the crew's lives since the second episode of the entire series - indeed, had Data been transferred to another ship or destroyed at any point, the Enterprise would have almost certainly succumbed to some kind of enemy threat or natural disaster about five episodes later! Data's existence as an android has brought mistrust from humans ("Angel One," "Redemption II," "Silicon Avatar" and others), and his computerized nature also means that he can be deactivated or even taken over by anyone with the proper skills ("The Schizoid Man," "Contagion," "Brothers," "The Game," "Conundrum" and "Power Play," just to name a few). But his agility, strength and inability to fall victim to many techniques used to render organic beings unconscious or disoriented has also allowed Data to save the Enterprise (as in "The Naked Now" and "Night Terrors"), entire planets ("The Ensigns of Command") and even the entire Federation and civilization as we know it ("The Best of Both Worlds"). (In a very early draft, the Borg in "The Best of Both Worlds" were to have taken Data as well as Picard - but fortunately for the Federation and civilization as we know it, the story was revised.) It is interesting to notice, however, that even Data was not immune to being kidnapped and experimented upon by aliens and recalling none of the incident ("Schisms"). Two of the most potentially intriguing facets of Data's character have been examined several times over the series' run: his rights as a machine-being and his inability to feel or even successfully emulate human emotions. "The Measure of a Man," "The Schizoid Man" and "The Offspring" focused on whether living organic beings' rights take precedence over those of an android, while such stories as "The Most Toys" and "Legacy" showed humans with malicious intent taking advantage of Data's inability to feel anger or mistrust (although he appears to have learned to analyze situations more extensively by the time Sela tries to take advantage of the same traits in "Redemption II"). A few other shows, such as "Data's Day," show a more light-hearted side to Data's unique outlook on his surroundings. As noted before, surviving some of the perils of the galaxy would have been impossible for the Enterprise were Data not on board. Data's head - badly damaged - was found on Earth in caverns beneath Starfleet Academy in San Francisco during an archaeological dig, along with other items, including a pocketwatch and a Colt pistol. All of those artifacts had been buried there since the late 1800s, though no trace of Data's body could be found. Also discovered in the excavation were traces of alien organisms that Geordi traced back to a distant planet. The Enterprise visited the planet, and in the course of investigating invisible life-forms there who had apparently constructed a gateway through time, Data was sucked back into 19th-century San Francisco, where he immediately began trying to continue his investigation of probable alien interference in human history. It turned out that an encounter with the aliens resulted in an energy surge which blew his head off, while the away team from the Enterprise that followed him into the past took his body back to the future with them and reconnected the head, repaired, with his body, restoring him to full function. revised 11-92 Ensign Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton, 1st through early 4th season): Wesley, who first joined the Enterprise crew along with his mother at the age of fifteen, is the son of Dr. Beverly Crusher and the late Jack Crusher, Picard's first officer on the USS Stargazer until a still unspecified command decision on Picard's part led Jack Crusher to his death, which occurred while Wes was still a very young child. Displaying a remarkable talent with warp engines, computers, and many other items, Wes quickly endeared himself to the crew - and, in other cases, proved to be a nuisance. Seeing how much damage could be done by Wesley if he was out to make mischief ("The Naked Now"), Picard probably decided to ensure the teenager was on his side by making him an Acting Ensign ("Where No One Has Gone Before") after Wesley assisted and supported the alien Traveler whom no one else seemed to trust when a he accidentally sent the Enterprise to the edge of the universe while distracted by Wesley's intuitive knowledge of the ship's workings. Some fans and viewers complained that Wes saved the Enterprise too often in the first season, which led to his transfer to the helm of the ship in the second season although his mother had been reassigned to Starfleet Medical for a year. Wesley got Dr. Crusher's permission to remain on the Enterprise. She returned in the third season opener "Evolution," precisely at the same time a school experiment of Wesley's nearly caused the crew to abort a one-of-a-kind scientific mission and could have even gone on to destroy the ship, although he was not reprimanded for this at all - indeed, he created an entire new race of intelligent, microscopic beings from tiny robots intended for medical use. He was finally admitted to Starfleet Academy ("Final Mission") and it was stated that he had a lot of catching up to do, although he would receive credit for his service on the Enterprise. Actually, Wesley had either given up or missed earlier opportunities to go to the Academy in "Coming of Age" and "Menage a Troi." He returned - on vacation from the Academy - in the fifth season story "The Game," in which he failed to save the ship...but was able to reactivate Data, who saved the ship just in time. Wesley was later seen at the Academy on Earth in a later season five episode, "First Duty," recovering from an accident in-flight during a practice maneuver with the Academy's elite flight group, the Nova Squadron. Squadron leader, upper classman Nicholas Locarno, had planned on the team executing a fancy but extremely risky stunt maneuver during the Academy's commencement ceremonies to impress fellow cadets and Starfleet's top brass alike, but the attempted stunt resulted in the destruction of Nova Squadron's five space-planes and the death of one cadet, a friend of Wesley's. Wes almost followed Locarno, lying all the way through an Academy investigation into the accident, but Picard convinced him to tell the truth. Pressured by Locarno and the other cadets to continue with the cover-up (which would have resulted only in an official reprimand on each cadet's record), Wes revealed the truth. Wesley's credits for his entire first year at the Academy were revoked, but Locarno proved he wasn't entirely indecent by taking most of the responsibility for the accident and for the other cadets' behavior. Locarno was expelled, but Wes, with something less of the squeaky clean reputation he once had and with his flight priveleges revoked, continues his training at Starfleet Academy. revised 5-92 Lieutenant Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby, 1st season only): Born on Turkana IV, a human colony whose government collapsed under the weight of overgrown urban gangs, Tasha Yar had to learn to defend herself at an early age. She occasionally mentioned avoiding the planet's rampant drug abuse and rape gangs, and eventually her parents were killed in gang battles, leaving Tasha to look after her younger sister Ishara. When a chance to leave Turkana IV presented itself, Tasha left, but Ishara decided to stay and become a member of one of the planet's cadres. Picard first saw Tasha when she led a rescue team from another ship through a minefield, and while selecting the crew for the Enterprise's maiden voyage, Picard requested her to be assigned as chief of security. Tasha served aboard the Enterprise ably until the crew's encounter with the entity known as Armus on Vagra II. Armus killed Tasha simply to show the crew that he could kill one of them at his leisure, and the damage was too severe for Dr. Crusher to resuscitate her. Worf was appointed chief of security and Tasha now remains only in the crew's memories. In the third season's "Yesterday's Enterprise," however, the emergence of the Enterprise NCC-1701-C - thought to be lost 23 years before the 1701-D's mission began - from a rift in time caused the present Enterprise to enter a parallel timeline in which the Federation was at war with the Klingons and Tasha Yar was still alive, well, and serving on the Enterprise. When the time came for the Enterprise C to return to the rift, restoring the Enterprise D to her regular timeline, Tasha, after being told by Guinan that she had, in fact, died a meaningless death on Vagra II, transferred to the Enterprise-C and returned with that crew to the past. The Enterprise-C was captured by Romulans and the crew was to be killed, but a Romulan commander took a liking to Tasha and allowed her fellow crewmembers to live in exchange for her agreeing to marry him. The "alternate" Tasha also had a daughter, Sela, by the Romulan. When Sela was five years old, Tasha took her and tried to escape, but Sela cried out and Tasha was captured and executed. Sela, having now gained a high rank in the Romulan Empire, was presumably told many stories about the crew of the Enterprise by Tasha, as she once captured Geordi and used a brainwashing technique perfectly suited to him because of his VISOR implants ("The Mind's Eye"), accurately predicted Picard's return to intervene in the Klingon civil war ("Redemption"), and anticipated that Data would not be suspicious of Romulan activity ("Redemption" part two), although Data surprised everyone by not taking the bait. Probably the most famous reminder of Tasha is her seduction of Data in "The Naked Now." Although she told him "it never happened" after the intoxicant that put her in an amorous mood was eliminated, Data later said that he and Tasha spent further time together ("Legacy"), and the android also keeps a holographic portrait of Tasha ("The Measure of a Man," "The Most Toys"). revised 11-92 Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg): Guinan's point of origin may never be identified in "Next Generation" lore. All that is known of her is that she is hundreds of years old (a younger Guinan is encountered in the late 19th century by Data and the crew in "Time's Arrow"), and has senses and abilities beyond human understanding (and possibly beyond our comprehension as well). In the "Next Generation" Writers' Guide, it is stated that Guinan is a member of a species whose people, by telepathy, empathy, or some other means, encourage others to speak the truth to them. Picard's first meeting with Guinan (which, incidentally, was not the first time Guinan met Picard) occurred during his 22 year mission aboard the Stargazer, at which time he was intrigued by her and her people. (This, however, contradicts Guinan's telling Wesley Crusher, in "The Child," that she never met Picard until she boarded the Enterprise. She may simply have been trying to forestall awkward questions, though it seems unusual that Guinan would lie to any of the crew, particularly the impressionable young Wesley.) Picard obviously had some means of keeping in touch with her, because sometime after "The Neutral Zone" and before "The Child," when the new Ten-Forward lounge facility was installed on the Enterprise, he used his pull at Starfleet Command to bring Guinan aboard (not as a member of Stafleet, however) to oversee Ten-Forward. Guinan's first meeting with Picard, on the other hand, took place in 19th century San Francisco, where she was masquerading as a philanthropic socialite in order to observe humans, which fascinated her. Picard, Riker, Dr. Crusher, Geordi, and Data had traveled back to the 1890s to recover Data, who had also been dragged into the past through a time warp. She first met them at this point, and asked Data, on their first meeting, if he had been sent by her father to watch or retrieve her. In addition to her father, Guinan has mentioned an uncle of hers, Turcum, whom her mother considered dangerously weird. As it happens, Turcum happened to be the only member of Guinan's family to possess any sense of humor whatsoever. In "Evolution," Guinan states that she has had many husbands (and the implication seems to be there that she's had multiple husbands at the same time), along with many children. There seems to be an implication, in "Rascals," the Guinan's father is still alive, since she says he is 700 years old - not speaking in the past tense, as she usually does when she talks about others of her species. Other facts known about Guinan: she has a long history with two of the Enterprise crew's most dreaded adversaries, Q and the Borg. Apparently, she knows Q on a personal basis, but the relationship is not friendly. Q insists, every time he encounters Guinan, that she is a troublemaker who is concealing her true identity, though Picard seems to pay little attention to such charges because the same description seems to fit Q. On one occasion, in "Q Who," Q offered to dispose of Guinan, who then raised her hands in a curious gesture, as if to ward off Q's powers, and the two seemed deadlocked for that moment. What Guinan was actually doing is not known, but it is notable that she is apparently the only person on the Enterprise who could oppose Q in any way, or, for that matter, be considered a threat by him. Guinan's past concerning the Borg is tragic; the cyber-augmented aliens swarmed over her home world, assimilating or destroying most of her people and forcing the survivors to escape to wherever they could, wandering nomadically. No other members of Guinan's endangered race have ever been encountered. Another fascinating trait of Guinan's is her ability to instinctively know the flow of time itself. During the alternate timeline in "Yesterday's Enteprise," Guinan, though she had been changed along with everybody else when the Enterprise-C emerged from a time distortion and changed history, could somehow tell that the events occurring at that time were not "correct," or at least did not match up with history as she had known it. She insisted that the war with the Klingons should have ended long ago, and she also dropped many hints that Tasha Yar wasn't meant to be alive at that point in history. Picard, even in the alternate timeline, heeded Guinan's advice and sent the Enterprise-C back into its rightful place in history with Tasha Yar on board, restoring the universe to its original state. None of the crew remembered these events until "Redemption II," when Tasha's half-Romulan daughter Sela surprised Picard by ordering him not to interfere with events at the Romulan-Klingon border. Guinan was again able to tell that Sela was a product of the version of history in which the Enterprise-C had returned to fight Romulans over two decades before with Tasha Yar on board. Another interesting note about "Yesterday's Enterprise" is the fact that, when she first saw the temporal rift from which the Enterprise-C emerged, she seemed to at least recognize the nature of the phenomenon. Guinan is on good terms with just about anyone who walks into Ten Forward (with the possible exception of Q), and sometimes seems to do more counseling than Troi (in fact, when Troi lost her empathy in "The Loss," Guinan hinted that she was putting herself up for Troi's job). Members of the crew will often turn to Guinan when they need advice but don't necessarily want to go "on the record" by seeking Troi's professional help. Guinan is older and probably much wiser than any of her shipmates will ever be, but she is never condescending to them - sometimes a welcome change for the crew of the Enterprise when dealing with beings with great abilities. revised 12-92 Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes): A native of Bajor, Ro Laren never followed Starfleet regulations too easily. Early in her Starfleet career (as documented in her debut episode "Ensign Ro"), Ro was involved in an incident which has not been specified during her tour on the starship Wellington. Whatever orders Ro failed to follow on Garon II at the time, it cost the Wellington eight crew members and Ro was court-martialed and imprisoned for her actions (or lack of them). Starfleet Admiral Kennelly later bailed her out for a secret mission to escort Bajoran leaders to a summit with Cardassian diplomats to resolve a long standing three-way dispute between the Bajora, who held a grudge against the Federation for not assisting when the Cardassians drove the Bajora out of their native territory decades earlier. Upon her assignment to the Enterprise, Ro soon discovered that Kennelly was actually trying to draw the Bajora into the Cardassians' line of fire to eliminate them. With the aid of Guinan, Ro told Picard what her actual orders were, and the Bajoran leaders were saved by a plan formulated by Picard and Ro. Kennelly was exposed and court-martialed, and Ro decided to remain on the Enterprise instead of returning to prison. Her abrasive nature occasionally causes personality clashes with other members of the ship's crew - particularly Commander Riker, who initially considered her presence on the ship to be a disgrace (though an alien attack erased the crew's memories in "Conundrum" and Riker and Ro were seen to be attracted to one another). Ro's past with the Cardassians keeps her suspicious of them whenever she encounters them. When she was only seven, Ro was forced to watch Cardassians torture her father to death. The Cardassians and Bajora have been mortal enemies since the Cardassians overran Bajor and other worlds colonized by the Bajora, enslaving the people and bleeding the planets dry of their natural resources. The remaining Bajora are nomadic and impoverished, and certainly not able to wage anything like a full-scale war with the Cardassians. In "Ensign Ro," it was also implied that the problem of Bajoran/Cardassian relations presents decisions the Federation seems to be procrastinating. Whether to risk the already uneasy peace with the Cardassians to defend the rights of the Bajora, or to simply try to turn away when the Cardassians take another swipe at the Bajora, is apparently a decision the Federation isn't ready to make, but a Starfleet team manning Deep Space 9 near Bajor may be enough of a presence to deter Cardassian interference, and may eventually lead to admission of the Bajora into the Federation. revised 6-92 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ THE EPISODE GUIDE ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season One: 1987-1988 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 01 ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT written by Gene Roddenberry and D.C. Fontana directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy (GNP Crescendo cassette, LP & CD # GNPD 8012) theme music by Alexander Courage & Jerry Goldsmith, arranged by McCarthy Stardate 41153.7: The new USS Enterprise, en route to pick up its final crew members and investigate a mysterious space station, is confronted by a godlike entity known as Q who puts Picard, Counselor Troi, Data and security chief Yar on trial for the crimes of all humanity in the past, a challenge Picard grudgingly agrees to meet. Season 1 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yar), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Michael Bell (Groppler Zorn), Colm Meaney (Battle Bridge Conn), Cary-Hiroyuki (Mandarin Baliff), Timothy Dang (Main Bridge Security), David Erskine (Bandi Shopkeeper), Evelyn Guererro (Young Female Ensign), Chuck Hicks (Military Officer), Jimmy Ortega (Torres), DeForest Kelley (Admiral McCoy) 02 THE NAKED NOW teleplay by J. Michael Bingham story by John D.F. Black and J. Michael Bingham directed by Paul Lynch music by Ron Jones Stardate 41209.5: An Away Team, after visiting a ship whose crew apparently committed mass suicide, unwittingly brings a virus aboard the Enterprise - infecting the crew with a madness that puts the thought of their duties well out of mind - while a nearby star collapses, hurling a chunk of stellar material straight toward the Enterprise. Guest Stars: Brooke Bundy (Chief Engineer McDougal), Benjamin W.S. Lum (Jim Shimoda), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief), David Renan (Conn), Skip Stellrecht (Engineering Crewman), Kenny Koch (Kissing Crewman) 03 CODE OF HONOR written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron directed by Russ Mayberry music by Fred Steiner Stardate 41235.23: Picard must bargain with a primitive culture for the antidote to a plague which is wreaking havoc on a Federation world but is unprepared to deal with what seems like terrorism when the leader of the aliens kidnaps Tasha and refuses to give her or the vaccine up. Guest Stars: Jessie Lawrence Ferguson (Lutan), Karole Selmon (Yareena), James Louis Watkins (Hagon), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief) 04 THE LAST OUTPOST teleplay by Herbert Wright story by Richard Krzemein directed by Richard Colla music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41386.4: In the Enterprise's - and the Federation's - first close brush with the Ferengi, Picard learns the nature of the hostile race while Riker grapples with an ancient survivor of a bygone empire and a treacherous Ferengi landing party. Meanwhile, the Enterprise and its Ferengi counterpart are stranded in orbit, losing power. Guest Stars: Armin Shimerman (Letek), Jake Dengel (Mordoc), Tracey Walter (Kayron), Darryl Henriques (Portal), Mike Gomez (DaiMon Tarr) 05 WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE written by Diane Duane and Michael Reeves directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 41263.1: The Enterprise is ordered to participate in engine modification tests conducted by the arrogant Kosinski and his mysterious companion, the Traveler, but only when the ship is stranded in a dimension where thoughts become reality does the crew realize that Kosinski's experiments were not actually under his control. The Traveler appears to help the Enterprise crew out of another tight situation in the fourth season episode "Remember Me." Guest Stars: Stanley Kamel (Kosinski), Eric Menyuk (The Traveler), Herta Ware (Picard's Mother), Biff Yeager (Chief Engineer Argyle), Charles Dayton (Crewmember), Victoria Dillard (Ballerina) 06 LONELY AMONG US teleplay by D.C. Fontana story by Michael Halperin directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones Stardate 41249.3: The crew of the Enterprise is faced with more threats than they realize while transporting two parties of rival alien races to a peace summit which they seem too busy trying to kill each other to prepare for, but the greater danger lies in a consciousness which, after being swept into the sensor arrays of the ship, is trying to escape the ship to return to its home. In its final attempt, it beams off the Enterprise, taking Picard with it. Guest Cast: John Durbin (Antican Delegate), Colm Meaney (Security Guard), Kavi Raz (Singh) 07 JUSTICE teleplay by Worley Thorne story by John D.F. Black and Worley Thorne directed by James L. Conway music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41255.6: While visiting the lush paradise world of the Edo civilization, Picard is faced with a temperamental being which is acting as a god to the Edo - which it claims are its "children" - and must tamper with paradise to rescue Wesley, who, after breaking a law the Away Team was not made aware of, is sentenced to be executed. If Picard breaks the prime directive to rescue Wesley, he may put the Enterprise at the mercy of the judgment of the Edo's orbiting "god." Guest Cast: Brenda Bakke (Rivan), Jay Louden (Liator), Josh Clark (Conn), David Q. Combs (First Mediator), Richard Lavin (Second Mediator), Judith Jones (Girl), Eric Matthew (First Edo Boy), Brad Zerbst (Medical Technician), David Michael Graves (Second Edo Boy) 08 THE BATTLE teleplay by Herbert Wright story by Larry Forrester directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 41723.9: Captain Picard confronts his own past when the Ferengi present him with the USS Stargazer, which he and his crew had been forced to abandon under his command nine years ago after barely survivng a raid by a Ferengi vessel - but little does he realize that his old ship is only one piece of a puzzle that the Ferengi DaiMon is using as a tool of revenge... Guest Cast: Frank Corsentino (DaiMon Bok), Doug Warhit (Kazago), Robert Towers (Rata) 09 HIDE AND Q teleplay by C.J. Holland (Maurice Hurley) and Gene Roddenberry story by C.J. Holland (Maurice Hurley) directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41590.5: Q returns, this time to tempt Commander Riker with the taste of godlike powers, through trials in which Riker's crew are forced to play a game whose rules change with Q's mood, and then Riker's willpower is tested when Picard orders him to avoid using the power of Q. Maurice Hurley used a pen-name on this script, claiming Gene Roddenberry had changed the original story so much that it bore no resemblance to its original draft. Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Elaine Nalee (Female Survivor), William A. Wallace (Wesley Crusher, age 25) 10 HAVEN teleplay by Tracy Torme' story by Tracy Torme' and Lan O'Kun directed by Richard Compton music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41294.5: Counselor Troi receives a premature wedding present from her mother and the Miller family, who, in Troi's childhood, had promised their children to one another. Lwaxana Troi, the disoriented Millers, and their mysterious son Wyatt beam aboard, preparing for a wedding that is destined to be interrupted by a shipload of interstellar lepers approaching the planet Haven. Guest Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Rob Knepper (Wyatt Miller), Nan Martin (Mrs. Miller), Robert Ellenstein (Mr. Miller), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), Anna Katarina (Valeda), Raye Birk (Wrenn), Danitza Kingsley (Ariana), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief), Armin Shimerman (The Box) 11 THE BIG GOODBYE written by Tracy Torme' directed by Joseph L. Scanlan music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41997.7: During a holodeck holiday in the fictitious world of Dixon Hill, Captain Picard, Data, Doctor Crusher and ship's historian Whalen become trapped in a murder mystery where their chances of being murdered are very real, while impatient aliens threaten the ship when its captain is unavailable for scheduled diplomatic negotiations... Guest Cast: Lawrence Tierney (Cyrus Redblock), Harvey Jason (Leech), William Boyett (Bell), David Selburg (Whalen), Gary Armagnal (McNary), Mike Genovese (Desk Sergeant), Dick Miller (Vendor), Carolyn Allport (Jessica Bradley), Rhonda Aldrich (Madeline), Erik Cord (Thug) 12 DATALORE teleplay by Robert Lewin and Gene Roddenberry story by Robert Lewin and Maurice Hurley directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 41242.2: Data visits his home planet and discovers that his creator also constructed - and, for some unknown reason, disassembled - a "twin brother" of the android: Lore. The crew welcomes Lore with open arms, but they soon discover that the greed Data lacks as a human emotion is indeed possessed by Lore. Lore makes a return appearance in the fourth season in "Brothers," while the Crystalline Entity that threatened Data's planet and the Enterprise strikes again in "Silicon Avatar" in the fifth season. Guest Cast: Brent Spiner (Lore), Biff Yeager (Chief Engineer Argyle) 13 ANGEL ONE written by Patrick Barry directed by Michael Rhodes music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41636.9: The Enterprise arrives at Angel One, a planet which ceded from the Federation which is now controlled by a council composed entirely of women. Troi must act as an ambassador while the crew searches for shipwreck survivors who are determined to remain on Angel One - despite the wishes of some of the planet's leaders, but with the approval of others. Guest Cast: Karen Montgomery (Beata), Sam Hennings (Ramsey), Patricia McPherson (Ariel), Leonard John Crofoot (Trent) 14 11001001 written by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin directed by Paul Lynch music by Ron Jones Stardate 41365.9: The Enterprise, while docked at a Starbase for minor refits, is hijacked by the Bynars, whose home star has gone nova, rendering their computerized planet inoperative. They have stored the contents of their race memory in the ship's computer in the hopes that Riker and Picard - being stalled in the holodeck by the beautiful woman of Riker's dreams - can reactivate their home. In the holodeck-generated jazz band scenes, Jonathan Frakes put his real trombone skills to use. Elements of this episode resurface in "Future Imperfect" in the fourth season. Guest Cast: Carolyn McCormick (Minuet), Gene Dynarski (Commander Quinteros), Katy Boyer (Zero One), Alexandra Johnson (One Zero), Iva Lane (Zero Zero), Kelli Ann McNally (One One), Jack Sheldon (Piano Player), Abdul Salaam El Razzac (Bass Player), Ron Brown (Drummer) 15 TOO SHORT A SEASON teleplay by Michael Michaelian and D.C. Fontana story by Michael Michaelian directed by Rob Bowman music by George Romanis Stardate 41309.5: Admiral Mark Jameson, requested by Governor Karnas of the "beseiged" planet Mordan IV, is being transported to a planet he started a war on forty years ago. Picard finds that the elderly Admiral has overdosed on an illicit alien youth drug, anticipating that he will need to be youthful and vigorous to combat terrorists. But he doesn't expect the side effects of the substances, which only appear once Jameson has already gotten Picard and his away team into deep trouble. Guest Cast: Clayton Rohner (Admiral Jameson), Marsha Hunt (Anne Jameson), Michael Pataki (Karnas) 16 WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS written by Hannah Louise Shearer directed by Kim Manners music by Ron Jones Stardate 41509.1: Wesley and the most intelligent children of the Enterprise are kidnapped by the powerful Aldeans, aliens of lore who have the power to cloak their planet from view but do not realize that the energy powering their miraculous world is responsible for the sterility of their race. At the insistence of Dr. Crusher and other parents of the other kidnapped children, Picard tries to negotiate with the Aldeans, which only angers them. Guest Cast: Jerry Hardin (Radue), Brenda Strong (Rashella), Jandi Swanson (Duana), Paul Lambert (Rellien), Ivy Bethune (Katie), Dierk Torsek (Dr. Bernard), Michele Marsh (Leda), Dan Mason (Accolan), Philip N. Waller (Harry Bernard), Connie Danese (Toya), Jessica Bova (Alexandra), Vanessa Bova (Alexandra) 17 HOME SOIL teleplay by Robert Sabaroff story by Karl Guers, Ralph Sanchez and Robert Sabaroff directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41463.9: The Enterprise arrives to check up on a terraforming station, where the researchers and the visiting Away Team are unaware that the unseen killer in their midst is an intelligence whose existence is threatened by the changes to be effected on the planet. Guest Cast: Walter Gotell (Mandl), Elizabeth Lindsey (Louisa Kim), Gerard Pendergrast (Bjorn Bensen), Mario Roccuzzo (Arthur Malencon), Carolyne Barry (Female Engineer) 18 COMING OF AGE written by Sandy Fries directed by Michael Vejar music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41416.2: Wesley is faced with a challenging test of his intelligence as he auditions to be a Starfleet cadet, but hedoes not realize that the psychological exam he is to receive is the more grueling barrier. Aboard the Enterprise, the Captain is investigated by a pair of Starfleet officers who seem to have one thing on their minds: finding some fault in Picard's logs with which to begin a court-martial to take him out of the command chair, suspecting Picard is part of a conspiracy within the ranks of Starfleet. This is the first episode to show one of the new Enterprise's shuttles in action. Ward Costello and Robert Schenkkan (also a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright) appear in "Conspiracy" later in the first season. Guest Cast: Ward Costello (Admiral Quinn), Robert Schenkkan (Commander Remmick), John Putch (Mordock), Robert Ito (TAC Officer Chang), Stephen Gregory (Jake Kurland), Tasia Valenza (T'Shanik), Estee Chandler (Oliana Mirren), Brendan McKane (Technician #1), Wyatt Knight (Technician #2), Daniel Riordan (Rondon) 19 HEART OF GLORY teleplay by Maurice Hurley story by Maurice Hurley, Herbert Wright and D.C. Fontana directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 41503.7: Worf's loyalties are tested to the limits as renegade Klingons who at first seem to be refugees of an unjust system of law are rescued from a doomed freighter by the Enterprise. But the survivors soon turn out to terrorists who favor a return to the Klingon ways of old and see the Enterprise as the ideal weapon with which to begin a new reign of terror. Guest Cast: Vaughn Armstrong (Korris), Charles H. Hyman (Konmel), David Froman (K'Nera), Robert Bauer (Kunivas), Brad Zerbst (Nurse), Dennis Madalone (Ramos) 20 THE ARSENAL OF FREEDOM teleplay by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler story by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41798.2: An Away Team consisting of Riker, Data and Yar runs headlong into danger when Riker is put in suspended animation by an intelligent robot weapon which proved to be too powerful for its creators - and it looks as if it may eliminate the away team, joined by Picard and Dr. Crusher, while its counterpart attacks the Enterprise, where Geordi fears his experience may not be enough to help the crew survive. Guest Cast: Vincent Schiavelli (Salesman), Macro Rodriguez (Captain Rice), Vyto Ruginis (Logan), Julia Nickson (Ensign Tsu), George De La Pena (Lt. Solis) 21 SYMBIOSIS teleplay by Robert Lewin, Richard Manning and Hans Beimler story by Robert Lewin directed by Win Phelps music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: The Enterprise beams four passengers of a freighter aboard just before their vessel explodes in a planet's atmosphere, but the two pairs of survivors can't agree on who gets a barrel of felicium, an "elixir" which Dr. Crusher soon recognizes to be a narcotic - but the manufacturers of the drug soon see an opportunity to exploit their dependents by entangling Picard and Dr. Crusher in the prime directive. Guest Cast: Judson Scott (Sobi), Merritt Butrick (T'Jon), Richard Lineback (Romas), Kimberly Farr (Langor), Kenneth Tigar (Margan) 22 SKIN OF EVIL teleplay by Joseph Stefano and Hannah Louise Shearer story by Joseph Stefano directed by Joseph L. Scanlan music by Ron Jones Stardate 41601.3: The Enterprise rushes to rescue a shuttlecraft carrying Troi, and the Away Team discovers that Armus, an evil entity, is preventing them from saving Troi and the shuttle pilot. To make sure that its point is clear, Armus kills Tasha Yar and torments Troi and the rest of the crew. Denise Crosby officially leaves the regular cast with this episode - though she will appear later in the series, but not always as Tasha. Guest Cast: Mart McChesney (Armus), Ron Gans (voice of Armus), Walker Boone (Leyland T. Lynch), Brad Zerbst (Nurse), Raymond Forchion (Ben Prieto) 23 WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS written by Deborah Dean Davis and Hannah Louise Shearer directed by Robert Becker music by Ron Jones Stardate 41697.9: Picard and the crew investigate the source of distortions in time that are being felt across the galaxy and discover the ailing temporal scientist Dr. Manheim's experiments have malfunctioned, sending his consciousness into an alternate dimension and leaving his body to die in Dr. Crusher's sick bay, while his wife turns out to be the girl Picard left behind to join Starfleet. Guest Cast: Michelle Phillips (Janice Manheim), Rod Loomis (Dr. Paul Manheim), Isabel Lorca (Gabrielle), Dan Kern (Lt. Dean), Jean-Paul Vignon (Edourd), Kelly Ashmore (Francine), Lance Spellerberg (Transporter Chief) 24 CONSPIRACY teleplay by Tracy Torme' story by Robert Sabaroff directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 41775.5: Picard is taken into the confidence of his good friend Captain Walker Keel, who warns that Starfleet is slowly being taken over by a conspiracy that plans to use the resources of Starfleet for conquest. After the shocking destruction of Keel's ship and a series of grisly discoveries about the High Admirals of Starfleet, Picard learns that Earth is the home of the queen of an alien swarm... Guest Cast: Henry Darrow (Admiral Savaar), Ward Costello (Admiral Quinn), Robert Schenkkan (Commander Remmick), Ray Reinhardt (Admiral Aaron), Jonathan Farwell (Captain Walker Keel), Michael Berryman (Captain Rixx), Ursaline Bryant (Captain Tryla Scott) 25 THE NEUTRAL ZONE television story and teleplay by Maurice Hurley from a story by Deborah McIntyre and Mona Clee directed by James L. Conway music by Ron Jones Stardate 41986.0: Data, curious about three cryogenically frozen earth people from the 20th century found in a derelict preservation satellite, brings them back to the ship and Dr. Crusher revives them. Meanwhile, Picard and Riker must be prepared to negotiate or fight as the Romulans return to the borders of the neutral zone - and the 20th century visitors only complicate matters. Although not actually seen in this episode, the Borg are later said to have caused the destruction of the Federation and Romulan outposts. Guest Cast: Marc Alaimo (Subcommander Tebok), Anthony James (Subcommander Thei), Leon Rippy (L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds), Gracie Harrison (Claire Raymond), Peter Mark Richman (Ralph Offenhouse) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Two: 1988-1989 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (season delayed and shortened due to 1988 Writers' Guild Strike) 26 THE CHILD written by Jaron Summers & Jon Povill and Maurice Hurley directed by Rob Bowman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity, gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s as an episode of the aborted "Star Trek II" series which was to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt. Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian), Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman) 27 WHERE SILENCE HAS LEASE written by Jack B. Sowards directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Ron Jones Stardate 42193.6: Picard is confronted by an invincible alien intelligence who can alter the crew's very perceptions of reality, and is horrified to learn that the entity plans on using half of the humans on board as lab animals to determine how many ways humans can die, so the captain, after exhausting all the options, sets for self-destruct. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Earl Boen (Nagilum), Charles Douglass (Ensign Haskell), Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief) 28 ELEMENTARY, DEAR DATA written by Brian Alan Lane directed by Rob Bowman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42286.3: Doctor Pulaski bets Geordi that Data would be overwhelmed if confronted with an intricate Holmesesque mystery he has not yet read or experienced, and when the chief engineer and Data put this to the test, a too-perfect holodeck program almost ensures that not only will Data be beaten, but the Enterprise may be commandeered by Professor Moriarty. Professor Moriarty returns to the holodeck in sixth season's "Ship in a Bottle." Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Daniel Davis (Professor Moriarty), Alan Shearman (Inspector Lestrade), Biff Manard (Ruffian), Diz White (Prostitute), Anne Elizabeth Ramsay (Assistant Engineer Clancy), Richard Merson (Pie Man) 29 THE OUTRAGEOUS OKONA teleplay by Burton Armus story by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson and David Landsberg directed by Robert Becker music by Ron Jones Stardate 42402.7: A nonchalant space rogue is welcomed aboard the Enterprise by Picard and the crew, but the pleasantries of his visit are cut short by two representatives of rival worlds demanding Okona's life for crimes he claims not to have committed - yet he does know who the guilty parties are and it's up to him to unite the aggressors. Guest Cast: William O. Campbell (Okona), Douglas Rowe (Debin), Albert Stratton (Kushell), Rosalind Ingledew (Yanar), Kieran Mulroney (Benzan), Joe Piscopo (The Comic), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Teri Hatcher (Transporter Chief) 30 LOUD AS A WHISPER written by Jacqueline Zambrano directed by Larry Shaw music by Ron Jones Stardate 42477.2: The Enterprise is forbidden to interfere in negotiations to be conducted by their passenger, the deaf, mute mediator Riva, who seems more interested in Counselor Troi than in seriously bringing two warring factions together. It is only when his Greek-like Chorus, a vital element in his task since they translate his thoughts into speech, is destroyed by a trigger-happy alien that Riva truly worries about the task he must accomplish. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Marnie Mosiman, Thomas Oglesby, Leo Damian (The Chorus), Howie Seago (Riva), Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Richard Lavin (Warrior #1), Chip Heller (Warrior #2), John Garrett (Lieutenant) 31 THE SCHIZOID MAN teleplay by Tracy Torme' story by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42437.5: An Enterprise away team answers a distress signal from the habitat of one Dr. Ira Graves, who has been stricken with a terminal illness that could strike at any time. As he has been working for some time on a way to transfer his memories and personality into a computer, he naturally sees Data as the perfect alpha test model. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), W. Morgan Sheppard (Dr. Ira Graves), Suzie Plakson (Lt. Selar), Barbara Alyn Woods (Kareen Brianon) 32 UNNATURAL SELECTION written by John Mason and Mike Gray directed by Paul Lynch music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42494.8: The Enterprise crew discover the disabled USS Lantree adrift in deep space - adrift because the crew has been inflicted with a disease which induces rapid aging and death! Doctor Pulaski personally involves herself in the search for a cure at a doomed genetic research base and becomes the most recent victim of the disease. This is the first episode in which the Transporter Chief played by Colm Meaney is given a name: O' Brien. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Patricia Smith (Dr. Sara Kingsley), Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief O' Brien), J. Patrick McNamara (Captain Taggert), Scott Trost (Ensign) 33 A MATTER OF HONOR teleplay by Burton Armus story by Wanda M. Haight, Gregory Amos and Burton Armus directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 42506.5: Riker becomes the first Federation officer ever to serve on board a Klingon vessel which is slowly warping toward its destruction - and the negligence of a Benzite "exchange student" on the Enterprise is responsible for arousing the ruthless Klingon captain's suspicions, provoking a savage attack on the Enterprise... Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), John Putch (Ensign Mendon), Christopher Collins (Captain Kargan), Brian Thompson (Lt. Klag), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Peter Parros (Tactics Officer), Laura Drake (Vemka) 34 THE MEASURE OF A MAN written by Melinda M. Snodgrass directed by Robert Scheerer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42523.7: When Data refuses to participate in a Starfleet scientist's android experiments where he will serve not only as a blueprint but as a guinea pig and spare part supply, he is put on trial and Picard wrangles with the premise that Data is not a free agent but the property of Starfleet - and Captain Louvois assigns Riker to prosecute. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Amanda McBroom (Captain Phillipa Louvois), Clyde Kusatsu (Admiral Nakamura), Brian Brophy (Commander Bruce Maddox), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 35 THE DAUPHIN written by Scott Rubenstein and Leonard Mlodinow directed by Rob Bowman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42568.8: Wesley is attracted to an alien princess whose is accompanied on the Enterprise by a severe governess as they journey to a world where they will become the new leaders of her civilization, and despite the warnings from the less-than-human governess, Wesley also finds out that the princess has some surprises in store for him as well. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Paddi Edwards (Anya), Jamie Hubbard (Salia), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Peter Neptune (Aron), Madchen Amick (Teenage Girl), Cindy Sorenson (Furry Animal), Jennifer Barlow (Ensign Gibson) 36 CONTAGION written by Steve Gerber and Beth Woods directed by Joseph L. Scanlan music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42609.1: After witnessing the tragic destruction of the Galaxy class starship Yamato in the Neutral Zone, Picard follows Yamato Captain Donald Varley's haunch that the planet Iconia contains the valuable remnants of a now extinct but technologically advanced civilization, leaving Riker on the malfunctioning Enterprise to deal with a Romulan warship. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Thalmus Rasulala (Captain Donald Varley), Carolyn Seymour (Subcommander Taris), Dana Sparks (Tactics Officer), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Folkert Schmidt (Doctor) 37 THE ROYALE written by Keith Mills (Tracy Torme') directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones Stardate 42625.4: Riker, Worf and Data transport to the surface of what should be a poison-shrouded world after finding debris of a NASA space vessel, and discover a structure containing a reproduction of the literary Hotel and Casino Royale, and their only help is from the book itself as they read their lines - and between their lines. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Sam Anderson (The Assistant Manager), Jill Jacobson (Vanessa), Leo Garcia (The Bellboy), Noble Willingham (Texas), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Gregory Beecroft ("Mickey D") 38 TIME SQUARED teleplay by Burton Armus story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller directed by Joseph L. Scanlan music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42679.2: Picard is left beside himself when the Enterprise encounters a future incarnation of himself in a battered Enterprise shuttlecraft, containing visual and captain's logs describing the destruction of the ship and its crew, except for Picard, by an "energy vortex," and according to the logs, the encounter is only six hours away. This episode introduces the smaller shuttle, a "shuttlepod," which the show's Writers' Technical Manual describes as "a small two-person craft about the size of a Hyundai." Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 39 THE ICARUS FACTOR teleplay by David Assael and Robert L. McCullough story by David Assael directed by Robert Iscove music by Ron Jones Stardate 42686.4: Riker, offered a command of his own patrolling a hazardous area of deep space, is also offered advice and a long-overdue retraction of old hostilities from his father, but the impetuous first officer refuses all of this in an attempt to maintain an image of independence in the eyes of his crewmates and his father. "Entertainment Tonight" co-anchor John Tesh plays one of the hologram Klingons in this episode. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Mitchell Ryan (Kyle Riker), Lance Spellerbeg (Ensign Herbert) 40 PEN PALS teleplay by Melinda M. Snodgrass story by Hannah Louise Shearer directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42695.3: While on an extended research patrol through a star cluster whose planets' geologic activity rips them apart from inside, Data on the Enterprise makes contact with a primitive being on one of these planets which is now in immediate danger and has to plead with the prime directive- conscious Picard to help his newfound friend. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Nicholas Cascone (Ensign Davies), Nikki Cox (Sarjenka), Ann H. Gillespie (Ensign Hildebrant), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Whitney Rydbeck (Ensign Alans) 41 Q WHO written by Maurice Hurley directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 42761.3: Q returns once more to the Enterprise to plead his case to Picard for a position as a crewman on the ship after being expelled from the Q Continuum. When refused, the godlike alien propels the Enterprise thousands of light years to prove to Picard that some threats are too much for humanity, and the Borg is one of these threats... This episode is the first to show the Borg, a race first mentioned (though not by name) in "The Neutral Zone". According to writer/producer Maurice Hurley, the Borg were originally intended to be insects instead of cyborgs. Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Lycia Naff (Ensign Gomez), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) 42 SAMARITAN SNARE written by Robert L. McCullough directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42779.1: Riker and the crew attempt to rescue Geordi from a slow witted crew of Pakleds who claim to need the chief engineer's technical expertise, while the captain, who is at a medical research base receiving a heart transplant, is about to die in the hands of a surgeon not possessed of Dr. Pulaski's skill. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Christopher Collins (Grebnedlog), Leslie Morris (Reginod), Daniel Benzali (Chief Surgeon), Lycia Naff (Ensign Gomez), Tzi Ma (Biomolecular Physiologist) 43 UP THE LONG LADDER written by Melinda M. Snodgrass directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Ron Jones Stardate 42823.2: Signals arrive from two colonies in a distant star system, one of which is found by the Enterprise crew to be a motley collection of "primitives," and the other, a group of clones whose gene pool is fading. The clones need fresh genes from the crew and are willing to use force to ensure their survive. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Barrie Ingham (Danilo O' Dell), Jon de Vries (Wilson Granger/Victor Granger), Rosalyn Landor (Brenna O' Dell), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 44 MANHUNT written by Terry Devereaux (Tracy Torme') directed by Rob Bowman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42859.2: The Enterprise crew welcomes some fishlike Antedian delegates to a peace summit and, on short notice, Troi's bothersome mother. Mrs. Troi, now in a phase of increased sexual activity, has come to the Enterprise to "visit" Picard, which meets with disapproval from Counselor Troi and amusement from Riker - while the captain hides in the holodeck generated world of Dixon Hill once more. Tracy Torme' used a pseudonym for this episode and "The Royale," having since stated this his original scripts for both episodes were rewritten against his wishes. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Robert Costanzo (Slade Bender), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), Rod Arrants (Rex), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Robert O' Reilly (Client), Rhonda Aldrich (Madeline), Mick Fleetwood (Antedian Delegate), Wren T. Brown (Transport Pilot) 45 THE EMISSARY television story & teleplay by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler based on an unpublished story by Thomas H. Calder directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones Stardate 42901.3: The Enterprise becomes the temporary home of a priority-one emissary from the Federation who has been sent to deal with a dire emergency - a crew of 23rd century Klingons in suspended animation is about to be awakened by their ship's "alarm clock" to wage war against the former enemies of the Klingons - the Federation. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr), Lance le Gault (Captain K'Temoc), Georgann Johnson (Admiral Gromek), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Anne Elizabeth Ramsey (Ensign Clancy), Dietrich Bader (Tactics Officer) 46 PEAK PERFORMANCE written by David Kemper directed by Robert Scheerer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 42923.4: The Enterprise undertakes Federation-mandated wargames, as Zacdorn tactical observer Sima Kolrami observes and, more often, pesters the crew. Picard is pitted against Riker in a maneuver that is harmless until a Ferengi attack puts the crew of the Enterprise and the Hathaway, Riker's vessel in a no-win situation - which Riker has the key to. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Roy Brocksmith (Sirna Kolrami), Armin Shimerman (DaiMon Bractor), David L. Lander (Ferengi First Officer), Leslie Neale (Ensign Nagel), Glenn Morshower (Ensign Burke) 47 SHADES OF GRAY teleplay by Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning & Hans Beimler story by Maurice Hurley directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 42976.1: While exploring a new planet with Geordi, Riker is stung by an alien thorn whose poison creeps up his spine toward his brain. Pulaski brings him back to the ship and tries to trigger emotional responses to destroy the poison by forcing the first officer to remember his past adventures. Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Three: 1989-1990 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 48 EVOLUTION teleplay by Michael Piller story by Michael Piller and Michael Wagner directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Ron Jones Stardate 43125.8: While the crew of the Enterprise races against the clock to launch a space probe for a critical experiment, a culture of experimental microbe-machines accidentally released by Wesley threatens to render the Enterprise uninhabitable. Season 3 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Ken Jenkins (Dr. Paul Stubbs), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Mary McCusker (Nurse), Randal Patrick (Crewman #1) 49 THE ENSIGNS OF COMMAND written by Melinda M. Snodgrass directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Data attempts to convince the stubborn leader of an endangered colony that his people must evacuate the planet or face certain extinction at the hands of a race of ruthless aliens also seeking a planet to colonize. Guest Cast: Eileen Seeley (Ard'rian MacKenzie), Granger Hines (Gosheven), Mark L. Taylor (Haritath), Richard Allen (Kentor), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Mart McChesney (Sheliak) 50 THE SURVIVORS written by Michael Wagner directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43142.4: Captain Picard unravels one horrifying mystery after another while trying to persuade two people who are apparently the only survivors of an obliterated population of eleven thousand that their assailants have returned. Guest Cast: John Anderson (Kevin Uxbridge), Anne Haney (Rishon Uxbridge) 51 WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS? written by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler directed by Robert Wiemer music by Ron Jones Stardate 43173.5: A hidden outpost on a distant planet where Starfleet anthropologists are observing a primitve race of Vulcan-like beings is revealed after a mechanical malfunction, polluting the primitives' religious and ethical beliefs and causing one of them to identify Picard with God. Guest Cast: Kathryn Leigh Scott (Nuria), Ray Wise (Liko), James Greene (Dr. Barron), Pamela Segall (Oji), John McLiam (Fento), James McIntire (Hali), Lois Hall (Dr. Warren) 52 THE BONDING written by Ronald D. Moore directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43198.7: Worf's conscience struggles with a fatality under his command as a deceased crew member's young son confronts an alien life form that attempts to take on the physical and psychological characteristics of his mother. Guest Cast: Susan Powell (Marla Aster), Gabriel Damon (Jeremy Aster), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 53 BOOBY TRAP teleplay by Ron Roman, Michael Piller and Richard Danus story by Michael Wagner and Ron Roman directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Ron Jones Stardate 43205.6: After taking the Enterprise into a mysterious asteroid belt to examine the only known relic of a long-dead race, Picard discovers that the asteroid belt is actually a lethal snare and assigns La Forge the impossible task of finding a way out before it's too late. Geordi turns to the holodeck for a simulation of one of the Enterprise's original designers to help him brainstorm an escape route. Guest Cast: Susan Gibney (Dr. Leah Brahms), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Albert Hall (Galek Dar), Julie Warner (Christy) 54 THE ENEMY written by David Kemper and Michael Piller directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43349.2: Trapped without the aid of his VISOR on a perpetually stormy planet, Geordi is aided and abetted in his attempts to send a distress signal to the Enterprise by a shipwrecked Romulan, as Picard tries to wring the truth out of a secretive Romulan commander en route to Federation space. Guest Cast: John Snyder (Bochra), Andreas Katsulas (Commander Tomalok), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Steve Rankin (Patahk) 55 THE PRICE written by Hannah Louise Shearer directed by Robert Scheerer music by Ron Jones Stardate 43385.6: Federation, Ferengi and third party delegates vie for control of a unique "wormhole" allowing instantaneous travel across reaches of uncharted space, and Troi makes discoveries both interesting and dangerous regarding one of the negotiators as the Ferengi plot to double-cross all and gain control of the wormhole. Guest Cast: Matt McCoy (Devinoni Ral), Elizabeth Hoffman (Premier Bhavani), Castulo Guerra (Mendoza), Scott Thomson (DaiMon Goss), Dan Shor (Dr. Arridor), Kevin Peter Hall (Leyor), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 56 THE VENGEANCE FACTOR written by Sam Rolfe directed by Timothy Bond music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43421.9: Riker as a man of conscience and Picard as a diplomat run up against an age-old wall of mafia-likee blood feuding, almost certain to ruin the first negotiations between a clan of vicious pirates and a race of civilized if haughty beings in centuries. Riker ends up with the most difficult decision of all... Guest Cast: Lisa Wilcox (Yuta), Joey Aresco (Brull), Nancy Parsons (Sovereign Marouk), Stephen Lee (Chorgan), Marc Lawrence (Volnath), Elkanah J. Burns (Temarek) 57 THE DEFECTOR written by Ronald D. Moore directed by Robert Scheerer music by Ron Jones Stardate 43462.5: A legendary Romulan strategist/warrior assumes a new identity and races to warn the Federation of a massive Romulan invasion in the near future, but his attempts are thwarted by the crew's prejudice and suspicions, not to mention the Romulans themselves, eager to do away with both the defector and the Enterprise. Guest Cast: James Slovan (Setal/Admiral Jarok), Andreas Katsulas (Commander Tomalok), John Hancock (Starfleet Admiral), S.A. Templeman (Holodeck "John Bates"), Patrick Stewart (Holodeck "Michael Williams") 58 THE HUNTED written by Robin Bernheim directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43489.2: The Enterprise, sworn by Federation treaty to defend the inhabitants of a once war-torn world, is faced with a destructive challenge in the form of a biologically altered war veteran whose mind allows no mercy in the face of danger, but all he and his fellow soldiers want is their home and their freedom. Guest Cast: Jeff McCarthy (Roga Danar), James Cromwell (Prime Minister Nayrok), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), J. Michael Flynn (Zayner), Andrew Bicknell (Wagnor) 59 THE HIGH GROUND written by Melinda M. Snodgrass directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Ron Jones Stardate 43510.7: While tending to innocent bystanders injured in the explosion of a terrorist bomb, Dr. Crusher is taken hostage by a ruthless freedom fighter who is blind to the fate of his rebellion and refuses to hear any argument from the Starfleet officers or the local law enforcers that his way of "liberating" his people may not be just. On BBC-TV, formerly England's only broadcast source for "Next Generation," this episode was banned due to fear its allegory to Irish Republican Army terrorism is too controversial (and then there's that bit about the Irish Reunification in the 21st century in which terrorism was a key element). Guest Cast: Kerrie Keane (Devos), Richard Cox (Finn), Marc Buckland (Waiter), Fred G. Smith (Policeman), Christopher Pettiet (Boy) 60 DEJA Q written by Richard Danus directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43539.1: Q returns once again to the starship Enterprise, but this time his immortality and his powers have been rescinded by the members of the Q Continuum, and he must help the crew contend with an asteroid that threatens to devastate an entire civilization, while the Calamarain, aliens who have been chastised by Q in the past seek revenge on the ex-immortal. Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Richard Cansino (Dr. Garin), Betty Muramoto (Scientist), Corbin Bernsen (Q 2) 61 A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE written by Ed Zuckerman directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones Stardate 43610.4: Commander Riker is accused of murder after the apparent sabotage and destruction of a science station, and the evidence seems almost certain to doom the First Officer's career, but Picard and Troi gamble on using the Holodeck to recreate testimonies from all the surviving parties and discover that the prosecution's case can be viewed from any number of entirely different points of view. Guest Cast: Craig Richard Nelson (Chief Investigator Krag), Gina Hecht (Mrs. Apgar), Mark Margolis (Dr. Apgar), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Juli Donald (Tayna) 62 YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE teleplay by Ira Steven Behr, Richard Manning, Hans Beimler and Ronald D. Moore from a story by Trent Christopher Ganino and Eric A. Stillwell directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8031) Stardate 43625.2: The derelict Enterprise NCC-1701-C, thought destroyed 24 years ago, emerges through a temporal rift, rewriting history for the crew of the Galaxy class Enterprise: the Federation is losing a war to the Klingons, Tasha Yar is still alive and fighting - and the crew of "yesterday's" Enterprise must return to their own past to restore the timelines. And only Guinan can tell that anything seems out of place... The events in this story have vast repercussions on the "past" and future of the Federation and the Romulan Empire, as witnessed in the fourth season story "Redemption" and its fifth season successor "Redemption II." Dennis McCarthy's score for "Yesterday's Enterprise" was nominated for an Emmy in 1990 - the episode's award-winning sound mix, impressive though it is in other areas, doesn't really do the music justice. Guest Cast: Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yar), Christopher McDonald (Lt. Richard Castillo), Tricia O' Neil (Captain Garrett), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) 63 THE OFFSPRING written by Rene Echeverria directed by Jonathan Frakes music by Ron Jones Stardate 43657.0: Data is inspired by a cybernetics conference he has attended and, after spending extensive off-duty time in his lab, announces that he has created Lal, an android "daughter" - which does not please the captain at first, but when Starfleet Admiral Haftell arrives with the intention of taking Lal off the Enterprise, Data's child experiences an irreversible malfunction: emotion! Guest Cast: Hallie Todd (Lal), Nicolas Coster (Admiral Haftell), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Judyann Elder (Lt. Ballard), Diana Moser, Hayne Bayle, Maria Leone, James G. Becker (Ten Forward Crew), Leonard John Crofoot ("generic" Lal) 64 SINS OF THE FATHER teleplay by Ronald D. Moore and W. Reed Moran based on a teleplay by Drew Deighan directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43685.2: The Enterprise receives a Klingon first officer on the Federation exchange program, Commander Kurn, who tests Worf's nerve and turns out to be the security chief's brother, seperated from Worf at birth. Worf learns that their father has been indicted on charges of betraying the Khitomer Outpost - which is where he died. The execution will be carried out on Worf's family name, and he returns to the First City of the Klingon Empire and discovers the true traitor, but also finds that even Klingons can be totally dishonest and dishonorable, and after Kurn and Captain Picard become the targets of assassins, Worf pays for a crime his father did not commit with his own honor. The storyline in this episode is expanded in the fourth season segments "Reunion" and "Redemption," and the fifth season's "Redemption II." Guest Cast: Charles Cooper (K'mpec), Tony Todd (Commander Kurn), Patrick Massett (Duras), Thelma Lee (Kahlest), Teddy Davis (Transporter Technician) 65 ALLEGIANCE written by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Ron Jones Stardate 43714.1: Captain Picard is kidnapped and deposited in a "laboratory maze" with three other captives - one of whom is actually an observer for the captors in disguise - while a replica of Picard begins to wreak havoc with the crew of the Enterprise, leaving Riker no choice but mutiny. Guest Cast: Stephen Markle (Thol), Reiner Schone (Esoqq), Jocelyn O' Brien (Metina Haro), Jerry Rector (Maropa), Jeff Rector (Maropa) 66 CAPTAIN'S HOLIDAY written by Ira Steven Behr directed by Chip Chalmers music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43745.2: Captain Picard, after returning from tiring diplomatic duties, is pressed into taking a vacation on Risa by most of the bridge crew. Once on peaceful Risa, Picard is tangled up in a plan by 27th century aliens to retrieve a weapon that has made its way back in time to the 24th century, and plots by an unscrupulous Ferengi trader and a mysterious woman to gain that weapon for their own purposes. Vash returns to haunt Picard again in the fourth season's story "Qpid," and appears in "Deep Space Nine"'s first season episode "Q-Less." Guest Cast: Jennifer Hetrick (Vash), Karen Landry (Azhure), Michael Champion (Baratus), Max Grodenchik (Sovak), Deirdre Imershein (Joval) 67 TIN MAN written by Robert Bischoff and David Putman Bailey directed by Robert Scheerer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 43779.3: The Enterprise is called on to transport first-contact specialist Tam Elbrun - a full Betazoid and one-time mental patient - to Beta Strongren to make initial contact with an alien life form representing the last of its species, but things go disastrously wrong when Romulan attackers show up, and Tam Elbrun decides to stay behind to remain in contact with the creature. Guest Cast: Harry Groener (Tam Elbrun), Michael Cavanaugh (Captain Robert DeSoto), Peter Vogt (Romulan Captain), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 68 HOLLOW PURSUITS written by Sally Caves (Sarah Higley) directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8031) Stardate 43807.4: Engineering Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, a new member of Geordi's staff, shirks his duties in favor of spending time on the holodeck, where he has constructed intricate programs simulating members of the bridge crew as he sees them: Picard, Data and Geordi as the Three Musketeers, Dr. Crusher as a sort of fair maiden with Wesley as an asinine blueberry pie-eating Blue Boy - and Counselor Troi as a seductive goddess. When the real crew learns of Barclay's holo-addiction, all hell breaks loose. Barclay returns in fourth season's "The Nth Degree," and again in the sixth season stories "Realm of Fear" and "Ship in a Bottle." Guest Cast: Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Charley Lang (Lt. Duffy), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) 69 THE MOST TOYS written by Shari Goodhartz directed by Timothy Bond music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43872.2: Data is kidnapped by a greedy collector of one-of-a-kind items and species who considers the android a prize for his collection and fools the crew of the Enterprise into thinking that Data has been killed in a freak shuttle accident. Data then squares off in a grueling psychological battle with his captor and almost tastes vengeance for the first time as a woman who attempts to help Data escape is killed in cold blood by the unscrupulous hoarder. Guest Cast: Saul Rubinek (Kivas Fajo), Nehemiah Persoff (Toff), Jane Daly (Varria), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien) 70 SAREK television story and teleplay by Peter S. Beagle from an unpublished story by Marc Cushman & Jake Jacobs directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43917.4: Famed Vulcan Ambassador Sarek, father of Spock, beams aboard the Enterprise to be transported to his final diplomatic duty. But he is suffering the initial symptoms of a mind-deteriorating Vulcan disease and his Vulcan telepathic skills inadvertantly project violent, irrational impulses in the crew's minds. Picard decides to risk a mind-meld to stabilize Sarek for the negotiations, but the captain risks his own sanity. Sarek reappears - for the final time - in "Unification I" in the fifth season. Guest Cast: Mark Lenard (Ambassador Sarek), Joanna Miles (Perrin), William Denis (Kiv Mendrossen), Rocco Sisto (Sakkath), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), John H. Francis (Science Crewman) 71 MENAGE A TROI written by Fred Bronson and Susan Sackett directed by Robert Legato music by Ron Jones Stardate 43930.7: Lwaxana Troi visits her daughter at the same time a trade conference is taking place. Ferengi DaiMon Tog decides that Mrs. Troi is the woman for him, and he kidnaps her along with Deanna and Riker. On the Enterprise, Wesley forgoes an opportunity to travel to the Academy to help locate the Ferengi ship and recover Riker, Deanna and Mrs. Troi. Picard rewards Wesley by promoting him from an acting ensign to a real Starfleet ensign. Guest Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Frank Corsentino (DaiMon Tog), Ethan Phillips (Dr. Farek), Peter Slutsker (Nibor), Rudolph Willrich (Reittan Grax), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn) 72 TRANSFIGURATIONS written by Rene Echevarria directed by Tom Benko music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 43957.2: The Enterprise crew rescues the injured lone survivor of a shipwrecked escape pod who has lost his memory and all traces of his identity. As the survivor, dubbed "John Doe" by the crew, recovers, he develops a rapport with Doctor Crusher and the rest of the crew, but his recovery almost seems too miraculous and it is discovered that not only is John Doe recuperating with incredible speed, but he is mutating as well. But his presence on the Enterprise is seen by all as a benefit; the Crushers grow close to Doe, Geordi grows close to another Enterprise crew member, and all seems well with the exception of Doe's occasional mutative side effects until Sunad - obviously of the same race as Doe - arrives to take Doe, who he claims to be a dangerous criminal, prisoner. But it is soon revealed that John Doe is an outcast from his own society because he has been exiled by the normal elements of his people who fear his impending mutation into a higher life form. When Sunad boards the Enterprise to take Doe, Doe completes his mutation and, forgiving his persecutors, sends Sunad back to his ship unharmed and departs from the Enterprise by himself. Guest Cast: Mark LaMura (John Doe), Charles Dennis (Sunad), Julie Warner (Christy), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Patti Tippo (Nurse Temple) 73 THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS written by Michael Piller directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8026) Stardate 43989.1: Lt. Commander Shelby, a tactical advisor from Starfleet with her eye on promotion to a first officer - perhaps of the Enterprise - joins the crew as they investigate the latest planet victimized by the Borg. After another Federation planet is attacked, the Enterprise sets off in pursuit of the Borg. During the flight, Riker learns of Shelby's impetuousity and the possibility that he himself is long overdue to command a starship of his own. The Borg intercepts the Enterprise and does critical damage, and the Enterprise enters a nebula to evade capture. When some repairs are made, the Enterprise tries to escape but is captured by the Borg. They board the Enterprise, kidnap Captain Picard, and warp toward Earth. The Enterprise follows the Borg through Federation space until Geordi can't keep the warp engines up to speed. Shelby leads an away team to the Borg vessel where she, Worf, Data and Dr. Crusher sabotage the Borg's internal power network. They are attacked and hold off their attackers until the Borg adapt to generate their own shields against the crew's hand phasers. And Captain Picard is found - no longer human, modified into a Borg. The away team returns to the Enterprise, leaving Riker with a momentous decision - he must use a variation of the Enterprise's deflectors to disrupt the Borg and possibly kill Picard. Guest Cast: Elizabeth Dennehy (Lt. Commander Shelby), George Murdock (Admiral Hanson), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Four: 1990-1991 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 74 THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS - part II written by Michael Piller directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8026) Stardate 44001.4: The main deflector dish has no effect on the Borg because, having assimilated Picard and converted him into their spokesman, Locutus, the Borg know now every strategy and contingency that Picard had been informed of before his kidnapping. Riker is promoted to Captain by Admiral Hanson, who then leads a fleet of 40 starships to Wolf 359 to confront the Borg, but the fleet's efforts are in vain - every starship is annihilated. Riker orders a cunning attack consisting of awkward strategies that Picard would never have carried out or expected, and an away team kidnaps Locutus and returns him to the Enterprise. Data then links up to Locutus to access the Borg communication network, and every approach he takes to disarm the Borg down fails until the Borg arrive at Earth to begin their domination of the Federation. Data triggers the Borg regeneration process, putting every Borg to "sleep," but this also triggers the self-destruction of the Borg ship. Picard is freed from the Borg, Shelby returns to Starfleet to rebuild the fleet, and Riker remains on the Enterprise to continue serving as first officer. However, staring out the window of his ready room, Picard's face indicates that all is not well... Of course, it was not even thought of at the time of this episode's production, but one of the very few survivors of the Borg attack at Wolf 359 later turns up in his own series: Commander Sisko of "Deep Space Nine," the premiere episode of which features scenes of the battle between the Borg and the Federation that was mentioned in this episode. Season 4 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Ensign Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Elizabeth Dennehy (Lt. Commander Shelby), George Murdock (Admiral Hanson), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Todd Merrill (Gleason) 75 FAMILY written by Ronald D. Moore based in part on a premise by Susanne Lambdin and Bryan Stewart directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44012.3: In drydock at Earth Station McKinley, the Enterprise is undergoing extensive repairs while the crew, most notably Captain Picard, recover from the Borg invasion attempt. Picard returns to France for a less than warm welcome from his brother Robert, while Worf's human foster parents beam aboard, concerned about Worf's feelings since his dishonor from the Klingon Empire. Guest Cast: Jeremy Kemp (Robert Picard), Samantha Eggar (Marie Picard), Theodore Bikel (Sergey Rozhenko), Georgia Brown (Helena Rozhenko), Dennis Creaghan (Louis), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), David Tristan Birkin (Rene Picard), Doug Wert (Jack Crusher) 76 BROTHERS written by Rick Berman directed by Rob Bowman music by Ron Jones Stardate 44085.7: While rushing a young boy to a Starbase medical facility after his older brother played a cruel practical joke on him, the Enterprise is suddenly diverted from her course and headed for an unknown, out-of-the-way planet. What no one realizes until it's too late is that Data is responsible for this, having been taken over by a homing signal that leads him to his creator, Dr. Soong, who had been thought dead for many years. Data has been called home to be given an upgrade - emotions - but the unexpected arrival of his jealous android "brother" Lore at Soong's hiding place puts Data's upgrade and his creator in jeopardy... Guest Cast: Brent Spiner (Dr. Noonian Soong), Cory Danziger (Jake Potts), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Adam Ryen (Willie Potts), James Lashly (Ensign Kopf), Brent Spiner (Lore) 77 SUDDENLY HUMAN teleplay by John Whelpley and Jeri Taylor story by Ralph Phillips directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44143.7: Finding a Talarian training vessel in deep space, the Enterprise crew discover that one of the ship's crew is actually a human teenager. Dr. Crusher's examinations reveal that he has been injured in the past as well - and it's likely that these came about on purpose. When the boy's Talarian foster father appears to reclaim him, Picard is left with a choice - either return the boy to a society whose people may have abused him, or face the possibility of starting a war. Guest Cast: Sherman Howard (Endar), Chad Allen (Jono), Barbara Townsend (Admiral Rossa) 78 REMEMBER ME written by Lee Sheldon directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 44161.2: Dr. Crusher's old friend, Dr. Dalen Quaice, is leaving his former home on a sStarbase to retire after the recent death of his wife. He mentions his slowly deteriorating memory, a thought which remains on Dr. Crusher's mind when she visits engineering to watch Wesley finish a warp field experiment. But when the Enterprise becomes ready to leave the starbase, Wes hastily finishes his experiment, but his mother completely disappears. She, however, is on the Enterprise - so she thinks - and she helplessly watches the entire crew disappear one by one. She is, in fact, inside a warp bubble, and the real crew on the real Enterprise must enlist the help of the mysterious alien known as the Traveler to pull Dr. Crusher back into reality before her warp bubble shrinks into nothingness. Originally considered as a shipboard B-plot for the episode "Family," this story was given its own episode so as not to distract attention from the earlier episode's central theme. Guest Cast: Eric Menyuk (The Traveler), Bill Erwin (Dr. Dalen Quaice), Colm Meaney (O' Brien) 79 LEGACY written by Joe Menosky directed by Robert Scheerer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44215.2: Rushing into dangerous territory on Turkana III, a planet whose government once warned that any Federation personnel would die if they visited there again, the Enterprise is looking for an escape pod containing two men who left a critically damaged vessel. The pod has landed on Turkana III, requiring an away team to visit. They find two "cadres" - urban gangs so large they have replaced the government and now conduct their street fighting on a warlike scale - one of which is willing to help find the Federation shipwreck survivors. The Enterprise's liason to the cadre is the younger sister of the late Tasha Yar, and no one knows whether or not to trust her. Guest Cast: Beth Toussaint (Ishara Yar), Don Mirault (Hayne), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Vladimir Velasco (Tan Tsu), Christopher Michael (Man #1) 80 REUNION teleplay by Thomas Perry & Jo Perry and Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga story by Drew Deighan and Thomas Perry & Jo Perry directed by Jonathan Frakes music by Ron Jones Stardate 44246.3: The Enterprise is intercepted in deep space by a Klingon battlecruiser occupied by K'mpec, leader of the High Council of the Klingon Empire. With him is K'ehleyr, Worf's former lover, who has visited the Enterprise before. This time she acts as Picard's aide in a role K'mpec has chosen for him - the neutral arbiter to oversee the handover of the dying K'mpec's powerful position to one of two contenders: Duras, whose cover-up of his father's actions cost Worf his honor; or Gowron, a Klingon "outsider" about whom little is known. But sabotage, including the assassination of K'mpec, begins to point toward evidence of Romulan involvement...and Worf must deal with the possibility that his son (by K'ehleyr) may lose his honor if Worf reveals his relationship to him. Alexander, Worf's son, returns to the Enterprise to stay in the fifth season episode "New Ground." Guest Cast: Suzie Plakson (K'ehleyr), Robert O' Reilly (Gowron), Patrick Massett (Duras), Charles Cooper (K'mpec), Jon Steuer (Alexander), Michael Rider (Security Guard), April Grace (Transporter Technician), Basil Wallace (Klingon Guard #1), Mirron E. Willis (Klingon Guard #2) 81 FUTURE IMPERFECT written by J. Larry Carroll & David Bennett Carren directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44286.5: While investigating suspicious energy readings on Alpha Onias III - a planet that would be ideal for a secret Romulan base - Riker, Geordi and Worf are overcome by toxic gases. Geordi and Worf, however, are rescued via transporter, while the Enterprise loses all trace of Riker. Riker awakens in the sick bay of the Enterprise, told by an older Dr. Crusher that sixteen years have passed since that event, and that a virus he contracted on the mission to Alpha Onias III recently became active, causing him to lose all memory back to that event. He is now the ship's Captain, Data is First Officer, and Picard - now an Admiral - is completing the final arrangements for the signing of a peace treaty between the Romulans and the Federation, and Riker has a teenage son as well. But glaring mistakes soon point out to Riker that this scenario is not, in fact, happening, and that it's all a nearly perfect simulation. But the question remains - who's behind it, the Romulans...or someone else? Guest Cast: Andreas Katsulas (Commander Tomalok), Chris Demetral ("Jean-Luc Riker"/"Ethan"), Carolyn McCormick (Minuet), Patti Yasutake (Nurse), Todd Merrill (Gleason), April Grace (Transporter Chief Hubbell), George O' Hanlon, Jr. (Transporter Chief), Dana Tjowander (Barash) 82 FINAL MISSION teleplay by Kacey Arnold-Ince and Jeri Taylor story by Kacey Arnold-Ince music by Ron Jones Stardate 44307.3: Picard reveals that Wesley has been accepted into Starfleet Academy. Wes's final assignment on the Enterprise is to accompany Picard on a trip with an independent miner, Captain Dirgo, to settle a dispute between mining colonies. En route, Dirgo's battered shuttle breaks down, forcing them to land on a desert world - but help is nowhere near because the Enterprise is attempting to move an abandoned freighter whose highly radioactive contents threaten the Enterprise and a nearby planet. With this episode, Wil Wheaton officially leaves the regular cast. Guest Cast: Nick Tate (Dirgo), Kim Hamilton (Songi), Mary Kohnert (Ensign Allenby) 83 THE LOSS teleplay by Hilary J. Bader and Alan J. Bader & Vanessa Greene story by Hilary J. Bader directed by Chip Chalmers music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44356.9: Shortly after counseling crewmember Janet Brooks over the loss of her husband, Troi begins to experience severe pain, and at the same time, the Enterprise is suddenly unable to go to warp speed. Data and Geordi determine that they're caught in a field of steadily moving two dimensional particles that seem to be alive, while Troi realizes that she's lost her empathic sense. When it is discovered that the entities are heading toward a black-hole-like cosmic string and carrying the Enterprise with them to destruction, Picard relies on Troi for an answer, although she has lost confidence in herself. Guest Cast: Kim Braden (Janet Brooks), Mary Kohnert (Ensign Allenby), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) 84 DATA'S DAY teleplay by Harold Apter and Ronald D. Moore story by Harold Apter directed by Robert Wiemer music by Ron Jones Stardate 44390.1: Data records his observations of an average day in the Enterprise to be relayed to Dr. Bruce Maddox, a Federaton cyberneticist who once expressed an interest in disassembling Data to learn about how the android works, but now is content to let Data reveal that for himself. But as the day progresses, from the nervous, soon-to-be-married couple of Chief O' Brien and Keiko to the transport of a secretive Vulcan ambassador to the Neutral Zone, Data finds out that this isn't going to be an ordinary day... Dr. Bruce Maddox, mentioned throughout this episode, appears in the second season episode "Measure of a Man." This episode also introduced Data's cat, Spot, who would appear again later in the fourth and sixth seasons. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko Ishikawa), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Sierra Pecheur (Ambassador T'Pel/Subcommander Selok), Alan Scarfe (Admiral Mendak), Shelly Desai (V'Sal), April Grace (Transporter Technician), and Spot 85 THE WOUNDED teleplay by Jeri Taylor story by Stuart Charno & Sara Charno and Cy Chermak directed by Chip Chalmers music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44429.6: Captain Maxwell of the U.S.S. Phoenix has severed contact with Starfleet and the Phoenix has been raiding the vessels of Cardassians, a race once at war with the Federation but now peaceful under an uneasy treaty. Picard discovers that Captain Maxwell believes he has good reason to continue these attacks. This episode introduces the Cardassians, who would later be seen in "Ensign Ro" and "Chain of Command," along with being important figures in the history of "Deep Space Nine." Guest Cast: Bob Gunton (Captain Ben Maxwell), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Marc Alaimo (Gul Macet), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Marco Rodriguez (Glinn Telle), Time Winters (Glinn Daro), John Hancock (Admiral Henry) 86 DEVIL'S DUE teleplay by Philip Lazebnik story by Philip Lazebnik and William Douglas Lansford directed by Tom Benko music by Ron Jones Stardate 44474.5: The Enterprise arrives at Ventax III to retrieve a Federation anthropological team, only to discover that the planet is in a state of chaos and the team has been taken hostage by the Ventaxians, who believe their peaceful way of life is about to end with the "second coming" of Ardra - the devil. But when Ardra takes a dangerously personal interest in Picard, he must quickly find some way to discredit her. Guest Cast: Marta Dubois (Ardra), Paul Lambert (Dr. Clark), Marcelo Tubert (Acost Jared), Thad Lamey (Devil Monster), Tom Magee (Klingon Monster) 87 CLUES teleplay by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky story by Bruce D. Arthurs directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44502.7: The Enterprise is on a routine mission, giving everyone a chance to relax, when an investigation of an unknown class-M planet sends the Enterprise through a wormhole that appears without warning and renders everyone but Data unconscious. But as the rest of the crew investigates what happened, they begin the discover that someone's keeping secrets from everyone...and that someone happens to be Data. Guest Cast: Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Pamela Winslow (Ensign McKnight), Rhonda Aldrich (Madeline), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Patti Yasutake (Nurse), Thomas Knickerbocker (Gunman) 88 FIRST CONTACT teleplay by Dennis Russell Bailey, David Bischoff, Joe Menosky, Ronald D. Moore and Michael Piller story by Marc Scott Zicree directed by Cliff Bole music by Ron Jones Stardate not given: Riker, having undergone facial surgery to look like a Malcorian and beamed down to Malcor III to coordinate other surgically disguised cultural observers from Starfleet, is injured in a riot and taken to a hospital, where his true nature is slowly deduced by Malcorian doctors while Riker remains out of touch with the Enterprise. Picard and Troi try to find open-minded individuals among that planet's leaders and scientific minds, but discover that, like on late 20th century Earth, such people are few and far between... Guest Cast: George Coe (Chancellor Durken), Carolyn Seymour (Mirasta Yale), George Hearn (Berel), Michael Ensign (Krola), Steven Anderson (Nilrem), Sachi Parker (Nurse), Bebe Neuwirth (Lanel) 89 GALAXY'S CHILD teleplay by Maurice Hurley story by Thomas Kartozian directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44313.0: Geordi is delighted to welcome Dr. Leah Brahms aboard the Enterprise, having already gotten to know her - so he thinks - through a friendly holographic simulation in a crisis situation in the past. But the real Dr. Brahms is nothing like her holodeck alter-ego. Meanwhile, the Enterprise inadvertantly destroys a free-floating space creature and helps to deliver its newborn child, but the child thinks the Enterprise is its mother and attaches itself to the hull to "nurse" energy from the power reserves - and Geordi and Dr. Brahms are left to find the solution to this problem...if they can cooperate with each other. Guest Cast: Susan Gibney (Dr. Leah Brahms), Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Jana Marie Hupp (Ensign Poppin), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), April Grace (Transporter Technician) 90 NIGHT TERRORS teleplay by Pamela Douglas and Jeri Taylor story by Shari Goodhartz directed by Les Landau music by Ron Jones Stardate 44631.2: The missing starship Brittain is found by the Enterprise, but Riker and an away team find that the entire crew of the Brittain went berserk and murdered one another, leaving a single survivor - a Betazoid who can't speak and whose telepathic "ramblings" to Troi are puzzling. When the Enterprise is immobilized by a dangerous natural phenomenon, no one suspects that the survivor's riddles may have some meaning, and members of the crew begin hallucinating slowly edging toward the same kind of madness that drove the Brittain's crew to kill themselves... Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), John Vickery (Andrus Hagan), Duke Moosekian (Lt. Gillespie), Craig Hurley (Ensign), Brian Tochi (Ensign Lin), Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Deborah Taylor (Captain Zaheva) 91 IDENTITY CRISIS teleplay by Brannon Braga based on a story by Timothy de Hass directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44664.5: Starfleet officers who were on an away team five years ago investigating a mysterious migration of previous explorers to the planet Tarchannen 3 are beginning to mutate into alien life forms and migrate to the planet themselves. Among them are Lt. Commander Leitjen, visiting the Enterprise, and Geordi La Forge. While Dr. Crusher keeps Leitjen in sick bay when her mutation begins, Geordi's mutation goes unchecked and, more alien than human, he beams to the surface to join the other members of the away team, who have fully mutated. Guest Cast: Maryann Plunkett (Suzanna Leitjen), Patti Yasutake (Nurse), Amick Byram (Lt. Hickman), Dennis Madalone (Transporter Technician), Mona Grudt (Ensign Graham) 92 THE NTH DEGREE written by Joe Menosky directed by Robert Legato music by Ron Jones Stardate 44704.2: Shortly after very nervously performing a scene from "Cyrano de Bergerac" with Dr. Crusher, Lt. Barclay is assigned to accompany Geordi on a close examination, via shuttle, of an alien probe that has impeded the functioning of a subspace telescope array. But after being scanned, the probe somehow singles Barclay out to receive a massive mental "upgrade," doing away with the lieutenant's legendary reclusiveness and shyness, and replacing those traits of his personality with knowledge and learning abilities beyond human experience...and arrogance. Guest Cast: Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Jim Norton (Holodeck "Einstein"), Kay E. Kuter (Cytherian), Saxon Trainor (Lt. Larson), Page Leong (Ensign Anaya), David Coburn (Ensign Brower) 93 QPID teleplay by Ira Steven Behr story by Randee Russell and Ira Steven Behr directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44741.9: Picard is readying a speech on the subject of the planet Tagus 3, whose archaelogical digs are off-limits to outsiders, to be delivered to a group of distinguished archaeologists, and is surprised to find that Vash, a very fondly remembered acquaintance from his visit to Risa, is present as well, no doubt to fulfill her nefarious urge to go treasure-seeking. She and Picard seem to be able to agree on nothing, which catches the attention of Q, who, to force Picard to admit that he does indeed love Vash, sends the crew, Vash, and even himself, into Sherwood Forest. Picard, of course, becomes Robin Hood, his crew become Robin's merry men, Q becomes Guy of Gisbourne, and Vash, naturally, is the damsel in distress...a role she doesn't play willingly, or, indeed, correctly! Clive Revill, the Sheriff of Nottingham in this story, also has another well-known science fiction saga in his resume: he provided the voice (and a shimmering but not well-defined form) of the Galactic Emperor in "The Empire Strikes Back" in 1980 (Ian McDiarmid took that role over in "Return of the Jedi" in 1983 when the Emperor finally made a personal appearance in the "Star Wars" saga). Guest Cast: Jennifer Hetrick (Vash), Clive Revill (Sheriff of Nottingham), John de Lancie (Q), Joi Staton (Servant) 94 THE DRUMHEAD written by Jeri Taylor directed by Jonathan Frakes music by Ron Jones Stardate 44769.2: After an apparent sabotage of the Enterprise's warp drive committed by Klingon exchange officer J'Ddan, Starfleet sends Admiral Nora Satie out of retirement to investigate the possibility of a Klingon faction cooperating with Romulans. But Satie goes beyond that, accusing a shy junior crewman of Romulan collaboration and even accusing Captain Picard of aiding Romulans and the Borg. This episode begins a build-up to the season finale dealing with a possible Romulan-Klingon alliance. It was also the last episode of "The Next Generation" to be scored by composer Ron Jones, who was fired by the producers for consistently disregarding instructions which Jones said were cramping his musical style. Guest Cast: Jean Simmons (Admiral Satie), Bruce French (Sabin Genestra), Spencer Garrett (Simon Tarses), Henry Woronicz (J'Ddan), Earl Billings (Admiral Thomas Henry), Ann Shea (Nellen) 95 HALF A LIFE teleplay by Peter Allan Fields story by Ted Roberts and Peter Allan Fields directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy (nominated for Best Score Emmy, 1991) Stardate 44805.3: Kalon scientist Dr. Timicin has beamed aboard the Enterprise to travel to a star much like his planet's own sun to conduct tests of a modified photon torpedo that could reduce the level of solar activity - something that needs to be done within decades, or Kalon II's sun will explode, eradicating his people. When the test fails, Timicin continues, but he is due back on Kalon II so he may carry out the Resolution - a traditional Kalon ceremony in which one ends one's life by painless suicide at sixty. Lwaxana Troi, also visiting the Enterprise, tries to convince Timicin to continue living, although his request for asylum from his people could result in war. Guest Cast: David Odgen Stiers (Timicin), Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Michelle Forbes (Dara), Terrence E. McNally (Science Minister B'Tardat), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn) 96 THE HOST written by Michel Horvat directed by Marvin V. Rush music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 44821.3: Ambassador Odan is being transported to the Peliar Zel system to attempt eleventh-hour mediation between civilizations on two moons. One society's new power source may mean long-term pollution and deterioration of the other society's world. Odan intends to settle the dispute, and on the two week trip he and Dr. Crusher have fallen in love. But when a faction of radicals attacks the shuttlecraft Odan has insisted upon taking to the surface of one of the moons - he refuses to use the transporter - Odan is severely injured and is forced to reveal that he is, in fact, an alien parasite within a humanoid host body. When his people cannot send another host in time to save the parasite's life, and a countdown to war begins on the two moons, Riker risks his own life to serve as a temporary host. Guest Cast: Franc Luz (Odan), Barbara Tarbuck (Governor Trion), Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (Kareel), William Newman (Lathal Trose), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Robert Harper (Lathal Bine) 97 THE MIND'S EYE teleplay by Rene Echevarria story by Ken Schafer and Rene Echevarria directed by David Livingston music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44885.5: En route to an artificial intelligence conference on Risa, Geordi, alone in a shuttlepod, is kidnapped by Romulans, who send a "copy" of him to Risa. Under the supervision of a female Romulan who remains in shadows at all times, Geordi is tortured and brainwashed to obey, without question, instructions transmitted on a certain wavelength to his VISOR. When he returns to the Enterprise - with "memories" of his trip implanted into his mind - Picard deals with a belligerent Klingon colony governor who accuses the Federation of assisting a rebel political faction. In fact, however, there is another Klingon responsible for this, and he is relaying Romulan instructions to Geordi, who may unwittingly become an assassin... Guest Cast: Larry Dobkin (Ambassador Kell), John Fleck (Taibak), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Edward Wiley (Governor Vagh), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice), Denise Crosby (Sela) 98 IN THEORY written by Joe Menosky and Ronald D. Moore directed by Patrick Stewart music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 44932.3: During the Enterprise's investigation of a dark-matter nebula, Lt. Jenna D'Sora, recently having broken up with a longtime boyfriend, becomes attached to Data, who at first protests that he has no human feelings, and then attempts to emulate emotions. In the meantime, the density of the matter in the nebula pulls off an astonishing disappearing act - making an entire class-M planet fade from existence. And whatever caused that is in the path of the Enterprise. Guest Cast: Michele Scarabelli (Lt. Jenna D'Sora), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Pamela Winslow (Ensign McKnight), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice), and Spot 99 REDEMPTION written by Ronald D. Moore directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 44995.3: The Enterprise is summoned to the Klingon homeworld so Picard may fulfill his final duty as arbiter of the succession of power there. Gowron intercepts the Enterprise before it arrives, warning Picard that Klingon civil war is brewing. Gowron, about to take control of the empire, is challenged by Lursa and B'etor, the sisters of Duras, who offer his son Toral as an alternative candidate for the throne. Picard, attempting to remain completely neutral in order to avoid accusations that the Federation is taking a hand in Klingon politics, denies Toral's challenge. Those who would the family of Duras attack Gowron's ship as he and Worf discuss the redemption of Worf's family honor. Worf's brother, Kurn, who now leads four squadrons of Klingon ships, saves Gowron from the attackers, but the victory is only temporary. With the revelation that Kurn is also a member of Worf's family, Gowron returns Worf's honor to him. Gowron then requests Federation assistance from Picard, who refuses, citing the recent attack as strictly internal Klingon matters to be dealt with only by the Empire, without Federation interference. Worf requests a leave of absence to stay temporarily on Gowron's ship. When Picard denies permission to do this, Worf resigns from Starfleet and leaves anyway. After Worf departs, the Enterprise leaves the Klingon homeworld to avoid any further involvement. But on the Klingon planet, in the quarters of Lursa and B'etor, a Romulan officer in the shadows steps forth and predicts that Picard may return because "humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them." And this is very true, for the words come from a woman who bears a very strong resemblance to Tasha Yar...in Romulan uniform. Guest Cast: Robert O' Reilly (Gowron), Tony Todd (Captain Kurn), Barbara March (Lursa), Gwynyth Walsh (B'etor), Ben Slack (K'Tal), Nicholas Kepros (Movar), J.D. Cullum (Toral), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Tom Ormeny (Klingon First Officer), Clifton Jones (Helmsman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice), Denise Crosby (Sela) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Five: 1991-1992 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 100 REDEMPTION II written by Ronald D. Moore directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45020.4: War erupts between the forces of Gowron and those of the family of Duras. The forces of Duras are winning even after Gowron's fleets destroy all of their possible supply bases. Picard plans to take starships the Klingon/Romulan border to act as a blockade against Romulan aid to the Duras followers. Various Enterprise officers are assigned to other ships, most notably Data as captain of the starship Sutherland, whose first officer, Hobson, objects to serving under an android commander. Commander Sela, half-human, half-Romulan daughter of Tasha Yar, demands that the Federation leave the border. Guinan reveals that Sela is the product of the Tasha Yar who was sent to the Enterprise-C by Picard. Gowron launches a surprise attack on their enemies. Lursa and B'etor send a plea for aid. Sela tries to slip past the Sutherland, but Data foils the plan and the Romulans are revealed and forced to retreat, leaving Lursa and B'etor helpless. They escape and abandon Toral, leaving him to Gowron. Gowron offers Worf a chance to slay Toral, but Worf chooses not to judge Toral by his father's actions and rejoins the crew of the Enterprise. As later noted when they unexpectedly arrived at Deep Space Nine, the Duras sisters are listed by the Klingon government as renegades, but still remain at large with at least one ship of their own, trying to raise capital for a second grab at the throne of the Klingon Empire. Season 5 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data) Guest Cast: Denise Crosby (Sela), Tony Todd (Kurn), Barbara March (Lursa), Gwynyth Walsh (B'etor), J.D. Cullum (Toral), Robert O' Reilly (Gowron), Michael G. Hagerty (Captain Larg), Fran Bennett (Admiral Shonti), Nicholas Kepros (Movar), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Timothy Carhart (Lt. Commander Hobson), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jordan Lund (Kulge), Stephen James Carver (Helmsman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 101 DARMOK teleplay by Joe Menosky story by Philip Lazebnik and Joe Menosky directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45047.2: The Enterprise and a Tamarian ship rendezvous at El-Adrel IV and Tamarian Captain Dathon opens communications. The Tamarians speak incomprehensibly, using English words laced with names from their culture. After the contact fails, Dathon and his first officer argue over Dathon's statement, "Darmok and Jelad at Tenagra." Dathon vanishes, and Picard is kidnapped via transporter. Both are beamed to the planet, where Dathon attempts to communicate again. Picard deciphers the language, finding that it is based on Tamarian folklore and metaphors. "Darmok and Jelad at Tenagra" refers to two heroes who traveled separately to a distant island, defeated a mighty beast, and left together. El-Adrel is home to such a creature, and Dathon hopes that the Tamarians and the Federation can begin a friendship by likewise defeating a common enemy. When the beast attacks, Picard is immobilized by an attempt to rescue him through interference projected from the Tamarian ship, while Dathon is mortally wounded. Picard can now negotiate in the Tamarian language - if he survives the creature's next attack. Guest Cast: Paul Winfield (Captain Dathon), Richard Allen (Tamarian First Officer), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Ashley Judd (Ensign Lefler), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 102 ENSIGN RO teleplay by Michael Piller story by Rick Berman and Michael Piller directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45076.3: Admiral Kennelly assigns the Enterprise to help resolve tensions with the Bajora, an isolated, once-advanced race whose territory was long ago taken by the Cardassians. Since then, the Bajora have carried out terrorist attacks on the Cardassians, and now, according to Kennelly, the Bajora have traveled outside their own system and attacked a Federation outpost. The Enterprise is to contact the Bajoran terrorist leader Orta and offer serious discussions after years of sympathetic talk and no action. Ensign Ro Laren, herself a Bajoran - recently court-martialed but pulled out of prison by Kennelly - is assigned to the Enterprise. Ro is an abrasive officer who does not want to be on the ship or the mission. She does, however, tell Picard to contact Keeve, leader of a Bajoran colony that has no technology and isn't even able to adequately feed or clothe its own people. On another planet, Picard contacts Orta - after being abducted by Orta's guards - and discovers that the Bajora do not have the resources to attack anything beyond their own system. Ro then reveals to Picard that Kennelly is aware of this, and that she and the Enterprise are being used by the Cardassians to quietly get rid of the Bajora "threat" by escorting them straight into the Cardassians' line of fire. Much of this episode's background on the Bajoran/Cardassian relationship forms the basis of "Deep Space Nine." A more detailed account of Bajoran and Cardassian history can be found in the "Deep Space Nine" LogBook. Guest Cast: Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Cliff Potts (Admiral Kennelly), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Scott Marlowe (Keeve Falor), Frank Collison (Gul Dolak), Jeffrey Hayenga (Orta), Harley Venton (Transporter Technician), Ken Thorley (Mr. Mot), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 103 SILICON AVATAR teleplay by Jeri Taylor story by Lawrence V. Conley directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45122.3: Riker, Crusher and Data visit a new colony site when the Crystalline Entity that wiped out all life on Data's home world appears unexpectedly and attacks, forcing the colonists and visitors underground. The Enterprise returns and finds that the planet has been left barren. The colonists are rescued, and the crew, joined by Dr. Marr, investigates the damage. Marr, whose son was killed by the Entity long ago, believes that Data, like his "brother," is aiding the Entity. During the investigation, Marr is convinced that Data is not responsible for the attack and finds that his memories of his home include memories of the colonists who died there. She asks him to recite some of her son's diary and decides she must avenge her son, but Picard wishes to try communicating with the Entity. Guest Cast: Ellen Geer (Dr. Marr), Susan Diol (Carmen) 104 DISASTER teleplay by Ronald D. Moore story by Ron Jarvis and Philip A. Scorza directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45156.1: On a routine day, Picard takes the three winners of the ship's school science fair on a tour. Beverly pesters Geordi, who is checking fuel tanks in a shuttlebay, to audition for a play; Riker, Data, Worf, and a pregnant Keiko relax in Ten Forward, and O' Brien and Troi perform bridge duties. When an undetectable object collides with the ship, emergency systems isolate everyone where they are. Picard is injured and must rely on the scared children; Riker orders Data to risk his life to reach engineering; Worf must deliver Keiko's baby when she goes into labor; Geordi and Beverly are caught between a fire and several tanks of unstable fuel; and Troi is trapped on the bridge with a minimal crew and Ensign Ro is all too ready to point out the worst case scenario: unless the ship's antimatter supply is stabilized, the Enterprise could be destroyed. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Erika Flores (Marissa), John Christian Graas (Jay Gordon), Max Supera (Patterson), Cameron Arnett (Ensign Mandel), Jana Marie Hupp (Ensign Monroe) 105 THE GAME teleplay by Brannon Braga story by Susan Sackett & Fred Bronson and Brannon Braga directed by Corey Allen music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45208.2: Wesley Crusher, on vacation from Starfleet Academy, visits the Enterprise. During Wesley's visit, an holographic game Riker picked up on a visit to Risa begins to circulate around the ship, making every member of the crew who plays it an addict. Suddenly, Data - the only being who is immune to the game's addictive "rewards" - is mysteriously shut off. With the bridge crew and everyone else falling victim to the game, Wes discovers how the game works and becomes a hunted fugitive on the ship. Guest Cast: Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher), Ashley Judd (Ensign Lefler), Katherine Moffatt (Etana), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Patti Yasutake (Nurse), Diane M. Hurley (Woman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 106 UNIFICATION I teleplay by Jeri Taylor story by Rick Berman and Michael Piller directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8031) Stardate 45233.1: One of the Federation's most valued advisors, Spock, has been seen on Romulus. Picard is assigned to go to Romulus undercover and find out if Spock has defected from the Federation. The Enterprise goes to Vulcan, where Picard visits Sarek, and Riker investigates the recovered wreckage of a Vulcan ship. Sarek, near death, suggests that Spock may have gone to visit Pardek, a Romulan peace advocate Spock met at the Khitomer peace conference decades ago. The next stop is the Klingon planet, where Picard borrows a cloaked ship to cross the Neutral Zone. Picard and Data, equipped with disguises, head for Romulus. Federation shipyard operator Dakachen assists Riker in the wreckage investigation. They find an unidentified ship receiving supplies from the shipyard without authorization. The ship fires at the Enterprise, which fires back at minimum power - yet the other vessel explodes. Data and Picard, having just received news of Sarek's death, beam to Romulus and find Pardek, but before they can follow him, guards stop them and lead them to Pardek...and they discover that Spock is indeed alive and well on Romulus. Guest Cast: Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Mark Lenard (Sarek), Joanna Miles (Perrin), Stephen Root (Neral), Graham Jarvis (Dokachen), Malachi Throne (Pardek), Norman Large (Captain K'vada), Daniel Roebuck (Jaron), Erick Avari (B'ijik), Karen Hensel (Admiral Brackett), Mimi Cozzens (Soup Woman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 107 UNIFICATION II teleplay by Michael Piller story by Rick Berman and Michael Piller directed by Cliff Bole music by Dennis McCarthy (Crescendo GNP cassette & CD # GNPD 8031) Stardate 45245.8: Spock is promoting the idea of reunification of Romulus and Vulcan. Pardek gains Spock an audience with the Proconsul, Neral, who says he will endorse reunification. Picard is skeptical, to the annoyance of Spock, who thinks Picard's impression of him has been colored by Sarek. Neral is plotting with Sela to invade Vulcan with stolen Vulcan ships in the guise of a peace envoy and escorts. Riker gets the truth about the vessel destroyed in the shipyard out of the Ferengi accomplice of the ship's pilot. An intact Vulcan ship was to be delivered to the Neutral Zone border to Romulans for the invasion fleet. Picard, Spock and Data are taken prisoner when betrayed by Pardek. Sela prepares a hologram of Spock to read a statement about the peaceful mission of the Romulans. When Sela leaves to see the ships off, Data and Spock program the hologram to warn the Federation. The Enterprise intercepts the ships, but a Romulan Warbird destroys the Vulcan ships instead of allowing any evidence to remain of the invasion plot. Picard, Data and Spock escape, and rejoin Spock's Romulan followers in a new hiding place. Spock insists on staying so that he may continue to influence opinions on Romulus, even if only on a small scale; Spock's movement is acknowledged as surviving alive and well in the sixth season episode "Face of the Enemy." Guest Cast: Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Denise Crosby (Sela), Stephen Root (Neral), Malachi Throne (Pardek), Norman Large (Captain K'vada), Daniel Roebuck (Jaron), William Bastiani (Omag), Susan Fallender (Shalote), Vidal Peterson (D'Tan), Harriet Leider (Amarie) 108 A MATTER OF TIME written by Rick Berman directed by Paul Lynch music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45349.1: While rushing to aid a planet whose atmosphere has been damaged by an asteroid collision, the Enterprise is visited by Rasmussen, ostensibly a 26th century historian who has traveled in time to observe the crew's activities. Refusing to answer any questions about the future, Rasmussen watches while attempts to salvage the planet almost worsen its condition. When Picard must make a decision that could destroy everyone on the planet or save them, he asks Rasmussen to tell him what history says about the outcome of the Enterprise's mission - but the time traveler carefully avoids answering...and Picard wonders if Rasmussen is really protecting history, or if he even knows anything about the future at all. Guest Cast: Matt Frewer (Professor Rasmussen), Stefan Gierasch (Dr. Moseley), Sheila Franklin (Ensign), Shay Garner (Scientist) 109 NEW GROUND teleplay by Grant Rosenberg story by Sara Charno & Stuart Charno directed by Robert Scheerer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45376.3: The Enterprise is participating in a test of a new method of propulsion that would render warp engines obsolete by generating a wave that a starship would "ride" like a surfboard. While preparing for the test, Worf receives a message from Helena that she and Worf's son have come to visit. When they beam aboard, Alexander believes that he is staying on the Enterprise, and Helena tells Worf that Alexander has been disobedient and even untruthful, which is proven when, after enrolling in the ship's school, he steals a model on a field trip. Picard orders part of the ship to be evacuated after a freak accident with the propulsion experiment, but he and Worf discover that Alexander, once again in defiance of Worf's instructions, has gone to that section of the ship. Guest Cast: Georgia Brown (Helena Rozhenko), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Richard McGonagle (Dr. Ja'Dar), Jennifer Edwards (Mrs. Kyle), Sheila Franklin (Ensign), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 110 HERO WORSHIP teleplay by Joe Menosky story by Hilary J. Bader directed by Patrick Stewart music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45397.3: Investigating the disappearance of the USS Vico, the Enterprise crew finds that the missing vessel has been heavily damaged and is adrift inside a dark matter cluster. A single survivor, young Timothy, is rescued by Data, and is the only means of finding out what happened since the logs of the disaster were also damaged. Timothy tries to emulate Data's lack of emotions in order to overcome his own confused feelings, but stops short of telling the truth about what happened - which is what Picard needs to know as the Enterprise follows the Vico's fateful course. Guest Cast: Joshua Harris (Timothy), Harley Venton (Transporter Chief), Sheila Franklin (Ensign), Steven Einspahr (Teacher) 111 VIOLATIONS teleplay by Pamela Gray & Jeri Taylor story by Shari Goodhartz & T. Michael Gray and Pamela Gray directed by Robert Weimer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45429.3: A party of telepathic Ullians is visiting the Enterprise, ready to share their unique gift of probing into the mind and recovering lost memories. During their visit, Troi reminisces about an earlier encounter with Riker, and then her memory is invaded by an image of one of the Ullians. Dr. Crusher finds Troi in a coma, and she and Riker are the next to have their memories invaded. Data and Geordi try to track down the mystery ailment that has rendered key officers comatose - and discover that there may be no disease involved and one of the Ullians could be behind the telepathic intrusions. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Ben Lemon (Jev), David Sage (Tarmin), Rick Fitts (Dr. Martin), Eve Brenner (Inad), Doug Wert (Jack Crusher), Craig Benton (Crewman Davis), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 112 THE MASTERPIECE SOCIETY teleplay by Adam Belanoff and Michael Piller story by James Kahn and Adam Belanoff directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45470.1: Following a piece of star debris on its way through areas of unexplored space, the Enterprise crew discovers a colony of genetically engineered humans on Moab IV, a planet which will be devastated by the stellar fragment's close pass. Although his advisor Martin is hostile to the idea of introducing strangers to the perfectly balanced society, Conor, the colony's leader, allows an Enterprise awat team to visit Moab IV. Troi and Conor enter a relationship, while engineer Hannah Bates works alongside Geordi to strive for an impossible discovery - moving the massive chunk of star debris without evacuating - and thus imbalancing - the colony. Even after using an technological offshoot of Geordi's VISOR to release Moab IV from its death sentence, the Enterprise crew discovers that it may have now endangered the colony even worse by revealing a different way of life to the inhabitants. Guest Cast: John Snyder (Aaron Conor), Dey Young (Hannah Bates), Ron Canada (Martin Benbeck), Sheila Franklin (Ensign) 113 CONUNDRUM teleplay by Barry M. Schkolnick story by Paul Schiffer directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45494.2: Investigating a possible indication of intelligent life in a distant area, the Enterprise is scanned by an unknown spacecraft. The crew's memories of who they are and everyone else around them, as well as specific computer files containing the crew records, are erased, although everyone still remembers their Starfleet skills, although others react differently without any knowledge of who they once were or what they did: Worf assumes command of the ship, while Riker and Ensign Ro are attracted to one another in a way neither would normally admit. Geordi eventually recovers the computer's crew manifest containing names, ranks and duties, identifying Commander Kieran MacDuff - who mysteriously appeared as soon as the crew's memories were damaged - as first officer. The computer finally divulges the basics of the Enterprise's current mission: to seek out and destroy the main base of the Lysian Alliance, with whom, according to the records, the Federation has been at war for many years. Although some members of the crew begin to question their orders as well as the unusualy selective damage done to their memories and the computer, Commander MacDuff insists that the ship press on the attack. Guest Cast: Erich Anderson (Commander MacDuff), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Liz Vassey (Kristin), Erick Weiss (Crewman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 114 POWER PLAY teleplay by Rene Balcer and Herbert J. Wright & Brannon Braga story by Paul Ruben and Maurice Hurley directed by David Livingston music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45571.2: Investigating a 200-year-old Starfleet distress signal emanating from a planet which happens to be the last known location of the starship Essex, the Enterprise sends a shuttle through the planet's stormy atmosphere. The shuttle, with Riker, Troi and Data on board, crash lands, resulting in Riker breaking an arm. Chief O' Brien beams down with a device to boost the transporter signal so the away team can be rescued, but all four are struck by a lightning-like discharge and all but Riker are knocked out. Riker operates the transporter booster and returns them to the Enterprise, where Troi, O' Brien and Data take over the ship under the influence of aliens from the planet. They enter Ten Forward and take hostages, announcing that they are actually the spirits of the Essex crew. Demanding that their physical remains be recovered from the planet and returned to Earth, Troi - apparently taken over by the dead captain of the Essex - threatens to kill the hostages (including Keiko and her baby), and Picard's attempts to negotiate accomplish nothing, aside from convincing him that the terrorists are not who they claim to be. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Ryan Reid (Transporter Technician), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 115 ETHICS teleplay by Ronald D. Moore story by Sara Charno & Stuart Charno directed by Chip Chalmers music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Critically injured by falling containers in a cargo bay, Worf is paralyzed from the waist down, and Dr. Crusher can offer little in the way of hopes for complete recovery. The visiting Dr. Russell sees Worf's injury as a perfect chance to test her new device, which can - in theory - replicate entire organs after scanning the DNA of the original. Crusher disagrees, however, citing Russell's device as experimental at best, and refusing to allow Russell to operate. When Worf - claiming that life as an invalid would be a dishonorable burden to he and his family - begins to try to enlist Riker's help in committing suicide, Crusher is forced to let Russell attempt to restore Worf's spinal cord - an operation that could easily end the Klingon's life, leaving many of the crew concerned for Worf as well as Alexander. Guest Cast: Caroline Kava (Dr. Russell), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa) 116 THE OUTCAST written by Jeri Taylor directed by Robert Scheerer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45614.6: Assisting the androgynous J'naii people in a search for a missing space shuttle, the Enterprise crew discovers a pocket of null space from which energy emissions cannot escape. Riker and J'naii pilot Soren take an Enterprise shuttlecraft into the null zone to investigate, a trip on which Soren makes Riker uneasy by her unusual curiosity about human sexuality, and says that such practices among J'naii would be considered repugnant. Preparing for another trip, Soren reveals to Riker that she is one of a group of outlaws among the J'naii who embrace the "ancient" genders of male and female. After rescuing the J'naii shuttle crew and returning them safely, the Enterprise crew is invited to a celebration on the J'naii planet, during which Riker and Soren take their relationship a good deal further. When the other J'naii discover this, Soren is taken into custody so her "deviance" can be "cured," and Riker decides that he must disobey the prime directive to rescue Soren from her own society. Guest Cast: Melinda Culea (Soren), Callan White (Krite), Megan Cole (Noor) 117 CAUSE AND EFFECT written by Brannon Braga directed by Jonathan Frakes music by Dennis McCarthy ...and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits. Stardate 45652.1: Investigating a previously unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Dr. Crusher makes a mysterious complaint about hearing voices in her quarters, a time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits. Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. Shortly after Dr. Crusher and Riker begin to notice that events are repeating themselves, Dr. Crusher complains about hearing voices in her quarters. A time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits. Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Riker, Worf and Dr. Crusher notice that events are repeating, Crusher waits for and records the voices in her quarters at the same time Geordi's sensors detect an anomaly. Data analyzes the voices and reports that they are the voices of the crew. The Enterprise has entered a time loop in which all events that occurred since the ship's actual entry recur, and the "afterimages" of the events trapped in the loop allow the crew to know what is about to happen to them again. Data plans to leave himself a "message" that he will receive in a "subconscious" way, but before he can get far with his idea, a disturbance is detected near the ship. Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, and then all power is lost and the starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core is destablized. Picard orders evacuation as Data transmits his message to the Data in the next time loop, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits. Dr. Crusher notices events repeating once more. Data receives his own message just as Crusher once again records the voices in her quarters. The time disturbance appears, and Picard hesitantly repeats his order to stand off from the rift. The power drain occurs again, as does the emergence of the other ship. Data suddenly changes the chain of events by taking a course of action the crew has rejected in every time loop up till now, and the collision is avoided. The Enterprise has been caught in the time loop for nearly 18 days, but upon contacting the captain of the other ship, it is obvious that he and his crew have been repeating their collision with the Enterprise for over 70 years. Guest Cast: Kelsey Grammer (Captain Bateston), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa) 118 THE FIRST DUTY written by Ronald D. Moore and Naren Shankar directed by Paul Lynch music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45703.9: The Enterprise is heading back to Earth so Picard may deliver Starfleet Academy's commencement address, and the crew is also looking forward to an aerial stunt display performed in orbit over Saturn by Nova Squadron, the Academy's elite flight group, including Wes Crusher. As the Enterprise arrives, news reaches Picard and Dr. Crusher that Nova Squadron's five planes have collided during a practice maneuver, injuring four of the pilots and killing one of them. An inquiry is launched into the accident, and squadron leader Locarno - backed up by Wes and the other cadets - testifies that blame lies on Cadet Joshua Albert, who died. Picard, while the investigation is underway, pays a visit to his old friend Boothby, the Academy gardener since Picard's days as a cadet. Wise old Boothby, and later Picard himself, begin to wonder if perhaps the surviving cadets of Nova Squadron aren't simply diverting the responsibility for their own mistake. Guest Cast: Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher), Jacqueline Brooks (Admiral Brand), Ray Walston (Boothby), Robert Duncan McNeill (Nicholas Locarno), Ed Lauter (Lt. Commander Albert), Richard Fancy (Captain Setalk), Walker Brandt (Hajar), Shannon Fill (Sito) 119 COST OF LIVING written by Peter Allan Fields directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: The Enterprise is on an urgent mission to destroy an asteroid on a collision course with an inhabited planet. The asteroid is obliterated, but a metal-consuming substance riding the asteroid transfers to the hull of the Enterprise. Later, Worf and Alexander argue in Troi's office about their latest father-son dispute over the family rules, and as if that experience isn't enough of a headache, Lwaxana Troi beams aboard on her way to get married to Campio, a member of another planet's royalty (and Mrs. Troi reluctantly admits she hasn't actually met him yet), and she begins to interfere with Worf's relationship with Alexander, trying to show the boy how to revel in rebelling against authority. While Counselor Troi tells her mother not to intercede in Worf's family affairs, a problem is discovered with the ship's systems, caused by the metal "virus" (of which the crew is not yet aware). Mrs. Troi later reveals to Alexander that she isn't entirely sure about her upcoming marriage to Campio (who beams aboard with an ever-present aide whose duty seems to be that of making sure all of Campio's actions are as neutral and inoffensive as possible). The life support systems come under attack by the erosive substance, and when Picard orders the ship to warp to the nearest starbase, the engines are the next target of the virus, jeopardizing the Enterprise and everyone aboard. Guest Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Tony Jay (Campio), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), David Oliver (Young Man), Albie Selznick (Juggler), Patrick Cronn (Erko), Tracy D'Arcy (Young Woman), George Ede (Poet), Christopher Halste (First Learner), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 120 THE PERFECT MATE teleplay by Gary Perconte and Michael Piller story by Rene Echevarria and Gary Perconte directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45761.3: After rescuing a party of stranded miners, the Enterprise continues its mission to take Ambassador Bre'em and his cargo - an unusual cocoon - to meet Alrik of Volt so that their two worlds can end centuries of conflict. But when a Ferengi shuttlecraft is spotted in need of immediate help, Picard is forced to pick up the two Ferengi, who actually faked their emergency. The nosy Ferengi damage Bre'em's cocoon, which melts away to reveal the lovely empath Kamala, who grabs the attention of every man in her sight, and initially thinks that Picard's authoritarian demeanor makes him her future mate. Kamala is being transported as the property of Bre'em's government, and she is to be delivered - as a gift - to Alrik of Volt. Dr. Crusher convinces Picard that the ambassador's treatment of Kamala as an object is inhumane, but the possible results of allowing Kamala free roam of the ship could be more risky than transporting her as cargo, since her very accurate empathic ability allows her to become the perfect mate for whomever she spends the most time with, whether that happens to be Riker, Worf, a group of unruly miners, Captain Picard... Guest Cast: Famke Janssen (Kamala), Tim O' Connor (Ambassador Bre'em), Max Grodenchik (Par Linor), Mickey Cottrell (Alrik of Volt), Michael Snyder (Qol), David Paul Needles (Miner #1), Roger Rignack (Miner #2), Charles Gunning (Miner #3), April Grace (Transporter Officer), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 121 IMAGINARY FRIEND teleplay by Edithe Swensen and Brannon Braga story by Jean Louise Matthias & Ronald Wilkerson and Richard Fliegel directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45852.1: As the Enterprise begins an investigation of a nebula, Ensign Sutter and his young daughter Clara are in Troi's office, where Clara is talking about her imaginary friend Isabella. Ensign Sutter, whose Starfleet career hasn't allowed him to stay in one place long enough for Clara to make any friends, is concerned that Clara's insistence on Isabella's existence is abnormal, but Troi doesn't think it is anything to worry about. An energy form enters the Enterprise, it materializes just as Clara imagines Isabella looks like, and begins to have Clara show it around the ship. Meanwhile, other energy-beings like "Isabella" begin to weave a web of strands around the ship to slow it down so they can feed off its power source. The crew realizes that the only way to try to communicate with the energy-beings is by having Clara try to summon Isabella. Guest Cast: Noley Thornton (Clara), Shay Astar (Isabella), Jeff Allin (Ensign Sutter), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Sheila Franklin (Ensign) 122 I, BORG written by Rene Echevarria directed by Robert Lederman music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45854.2: The Enterprise is exploring a star system when a distress call is detected, and Riker leads an away team to investigate. A single survivor is found amidst the wreckage of a scout ship, a young male Borg which is taken back to the Enterprise. As Picard is faced with a reminder of his ordeal with the Borg and argues with Guinan about the logic of bringing the Borg aboard, Geordi tries to instill the ship's Borg guest with a sense of individuality, starting by nicknaming him "Hugh." The crew is preparing a plan to send Hugh back with a computer virus that would unravel the Borg from the inside out, but some of the crew's conscience begins to disturb them. Picard discovers that Geordi's benign attempts at communicating with Hugh could potentially have a far more devastating effect on the Borg collective society in the long run. Guest Cast: Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jonathan del Arco (Hugh the Borg) 123 THE NEXT PHASE written by Ronald D. Moore directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: A small Romulan ship is stranded, its crew threatened by the imminent danger of an engine explosion. An Enterprise away team beams aboard to assess the damage, but when Geordi and Ro try to return to the Enterprise with a piece of Romulan equipment, they are apparently lost in a transporter malfunction, and the rest of the crew assume they are dead. Geordi and Ro both awaken on the Enterprise, but they cannot be heard or seen by anyone else on the ship, and their bodies are able to simply pass through solid walls and doors due to their molecules being "phased." While Ro attempts to come to terms with her apparent death, Geordi discovers that he and Ro are leaving a trail detectable by the ship's sensors. The two try to alert the Enterprise crew of their predicament, and discover that the Romulans can intentionally phase themselves and are nearing the conclusion of a plan to destroy the Enterprise. Guest Cast: Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Thomas Kopache (Mirok), Susanna Thompson (Varel), Shelby Leverington (Brossmer), Brian Cousins (Parem), Kenneth Meseroll (Ensign McDowell) 124 THE INNER LIGHT teleplay by Morgan Gendel and Peter Allan Fields story by Morgan Gendel directed by Peter Lauritson music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 45944.1: The Enterprise discovers an alien probe of unknown origin, which detects the Enterprise and sends a transmission. Picard is knocked unconscious. He "wakes up" as Kamin, an astronomer on the planet Kataan. As Kamin orients himself to life on this world with his wife Eline, he tries to make some attempts to locate the Enterprise, discovering in the process that Kataan faces imminent destruction from a sun about to go nova. Kamin ages yars, has children with Eline, watches old friends die and tries to convince people that their days on the planet are numbered. Meanwhile, on the Enterprise, where Picard has been unconscious for mere minutes, Riker is determined to break the probe's hold on Picard - but severing the link could kill Picard while he is still trapped in the mind of Kamin. Daniel Stewart, who plays the part of Kamin's son in this episode, is Patrick Stewart's real son. Guest Cast: Margot Rose (Eline), Richard Riehle (Batai), Scott Jaeck (Administrator), Jennifer Nash (Meribor), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Daniel Stewart (Young Batai) 125 TIME'S ARROW teleplay by Joe Menosky and Michael Piller story by Joe Menosky directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 45959.1: An excavation team on Earth summons the Enterprise to Earth, claiming to have found evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to the planet in the 19th century. Picard and Data are shown an astonishing artifact unearthed near Starfleet Academy: the head of Data, although he - with his head intact - is still serving on the Enterprise. As Data contemplates the news, Geordi traces a micro-organism discovered in fossilized form mear Data's head to the planet Davidia II. The Enterprise heads for that world immediately, where an away team beams down without Data, who believes the others are overreacting to his impending fate. Troi sense life on the planet, although no beings are visible. Data, whose head contains a component that could allow him to see the invisible life forms, beams down and phases into the beings' plane, reporting many large humanoid beings and an alien of some sort. Data is then snatched through time - to San Francisco in the late 1800s. He immediately begins making preparations to continue the exploration he was conducting on Davidia II after winning big in a local poker game. Elsewhere in the city, two humans - or at least aliens in the guise of humans - patrol the streets, finding a beggar and using a camouflaged device to steal the energy from his body, killing him. Meanwhile, Picard readies another away team when Guinan gives him cryptic advice, telling him he must join the away team. Data, in the 19th century, discovers that Guinan is on Earth in the same time period, though centuries before she met any of the Enterprise crew. Also present at the social function where Data finds Guinan is one Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, who overhears Data and Guinan discussing Data's real origins. On Davidia II, the away team replicates Data's experiment and they see the same life forms. Two beings arrive from an temporal rift, unloading more energy for their fellow aliens to feed on - energy taken from humans on Earth at the moment of death, according to Troi's empathic sense. Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi and Dr. Crusher enter the gateway, which closes behind them as they travel back in time to search for Data and find out why alien beings are interfering with human history. Guest Cast: Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jerry Hardin (Samuel Clemens), Michael Aron (Jack the Bellboy), Barry Kivel (Doorman), Ken Thorley (Seaman), Sheldon Peters Wolfchild (Indian), Jack Murdock (Beggar), Marc Alaimo (Gambler), Milt Tarver (Scientist), Michael Hungerford (Roughneck) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Six: 1992-1993 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 126 TIME'S ARROW - part II teleplay by Jeri Taylor story by Joe Menosky directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46001.3: After Picard and the away team manage to find indigenous clothes and lodging, they begin a task which Data, separately, has pursued since arriving - attempting to track down the aliens. They find a couple, disguised as a doctor and nurse, who have been stealing neural energy and escaping unnoticed, and the deaths then are attributed to a cholera epidemic of the period. In the meantime, Data has enlisted the help of Guinan, but has run into some unwelcome curiosity from Samuel Clemens, who trails both Data and Guinan assuming that they've arrived from the future with evil intentions. Picard's away team captures the key to the aliens' neural energy-gathering trips but the aliens themselves escape. Picard's party is rescued from arrest by Data, who then introduces Guinan to Picard for the first time in her life. They then travel to the cavern where Data's head will be discovered in the 24th century, followed by Clemens. As Clemens pulls a gun on the travelers, the aliens return to retrieve their creature, but Data holds on to it, and one of the aliens escapes through a temporal rift. The energy surge causes Data to explode, and the alien nurse is left behind, dying. Riker, Crusher, Troi and Geordi return to the 24th century, taking Data's decapitated body with them - and again, they are followed by Clemens. Picard remains to make sure Guinan is unharmed, while the crew, in the 24th century, tries to retrieve Picard, send Clemens back to his native time, and stop further alien intereference with Earth's past. Season 6 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data) Guest Cast: Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jerry Hardin (Samuel Clemens), Michael Aron (Jack the Bellboy), Alexander Enberg (Young Reporter), Van Epperson (Morgue Attendant), Pamela Kosh (Mrs. Carmichael), James Gleason (Dr. Appollinaire), Bill Cho Lee (Male Patient), William Boyett (Policeman), Mary Stein (Alien Nurse), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 127 REALM OF FEAR written by Brannon Braga directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46041.1: The Enterprise locates the missing starship Yosemite, adrift in a matter stream between binary stars. A link between the two ships' transporters must be established so an away team can investigate the Yosemite, but Lt. Barclay, assigned to the away team, reveals his life-long fear of transporting. Troi convinces him to overcome his fear long enough to beam over to the Yosemite. Beaming back to the Enterprise later, Barclay is sure he sees some kind of creature in the transport beam approach and touch him. Fearing he has contracted a psychosis caused by the transporter scrambling his brain, he becomes so preoccupied that Troi relieves him of duty while Geordi and Data begin reconstructing a mysteriously shattered sample container form the Yosemite, an experiment which reveals that there are indeed life forms in the matter stream. And Barclay is exhibiting early symptoms of something that may have killed the Yosemite's crew. Guest Cast: Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Renata Scott (Admiral), Thomas Belgrey (Crewmember), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 128 MAN OF THE PEOPLE written by Frank Abatemarco directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46071.6: A transport vessel carrying Ambassador Alkar and a women he introduces as his mother is attacked en route to mediation sessions between the warring societies of Reycag and Seronia. Alkar's party transfers to the Enterprise, which will complete their journey. On the way, Alkar befriends Troi, but this meets with intense hostility from his elderly companion. The old woman suddenly dies soon afterward, and Alkar asks Troi to assist him in performing the funeral meditiation sacred to his race. After performing the ceremony, Troi begins to feel unusually angry, jealous and amorous toward Alkar and others on board. Dr. Crusher uncovers evidence that Troi's condition has been inflicted deliberately by Alkar, telepathically depositing his dark emotions in Troi, aging her body and destroying her mind, and the only release for Troi may be death. Guest Cast: Chip Lucia (Ambassador Alkar), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), George D. Wallace (Male Delegate), Lucy Boryer (Female Ensign), Susan French (Female Delegate), Rick Scarry (Admiral), Stephanie Erb (Sev Maelor), J.P. Hubbell (Ensign), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 129 RELICS written by Ronald D. Moore directed by Alexander Singer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: While responding to a distress signal, the Enterprise encounters a Dyson sphere, a colossal artificial structure whose habitable interior surface is powered by a small star kept in the center of the sphere. The source of the distress signal, a 75-year-old transport ship, is found crashed into the outside surface of the sphere. An away team recovers a single survivor, who, when his ship crashed and no help was expected to arrive for quite some time, used an innovative last-ditch transporter modification to suspend himself. The occupant turns out to be Captain Montogmery Scott, chief engineer of the original Enterprise. Scotty is welcomed aboard the modern Enterprise, but soon finds that his skills and knowledge are of no use to Starfleet in the 24th century. In an attempt to make the uneasy visitor from the past feel useful, Picard assigns Geordi to take Scotty to work on the systems of the crashed transport ship, but the Enterprise is then captured and taken into the interior of the Dyson sphere by unknown forces. Scotty, left aboard the small, damaged ship with Geordi, may once again be the only hope for a starship called the Enterprise... Guest Cast: James Doohan (Scotty), Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Erick Weiss (Ensign Kane), Stacie Foster (Engineer Bartel), Ernie Mirich (Waiter), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 130 SCHISMS teleplay by Brannon Braga story by Jean Louise Matthias & Ronald Wilkerson directed by Robert Wiemer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46191.2: After Riker's complaints of fatigue, Geordi's VISOR causing him problems, and Worf feeling unusually jumpy, it becomes apparent that an external influence is responsible. Counselor Troi investigates and finds that several crew members have complained of similar symptoms stemming from unsettling dreams. Gradually, using a holodeck recreation of the dream environment programmed by those suffering the unusual effects, a mysterious string of experiments conducted by aliens from within the physical domain of subspace is discovered. As more incidents occur, with the crew powerless to stop them, the experiments become more deadly. Riker, who has been frequently experimented upon by the aliens, volunteers to take part in an experiment of the crew's own to see if the instrusions can be halted. Guest Cast: Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Ken Thorley (Mr. Mot), Scott T. Trost (Lt. Shipley), Angelo McCabe (Crewman), Angelina Fiordellisi (Kaminer), John Nelson (Medical Technician), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 131 TRUE Q written by Rene Echevarria based upon material by Matthew Corey directed by Robert Scheerer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46192.3: Student intern Amanda Rogers is transferred to the Enterprise to get a sample of Starfleet duty. An accident occurs in engineering which almost forces Geordi to blow the warp core out of the ship, but Amanda astonishingly reverses the impending catastrophe. Shortly afterward, Q arrives and informs the crew that Amanda is a fledgling Q whose powers, just emerging, are beginning to concern the Q Continuum. The crew is left with no choice but to allow Q to tutor Amanda on matters of the responsibilities involved with possessing godlike powers, since, obviously, none of them have any knowledge on the subject. But it gradually becomes apparent that Q, and his fellow occupants of the Continuum, may not have a benevolent fate in store for the confused Amanda. Guest Cast: Olivia D'Abo (Amanda Rogers), John de Lancie (Q), ? (Orn Loat) 132 RASCALS teleplay by Allison Hock story by Ward Botsford & Diana Dru Botsford and Michael Piller directed by Adam Nimoy music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46235.7: A shuttlecraft bringing Picard, Guinan, Ensign Ro and Keiko collides with an energy disturbance, necessitating an emergency rescue via transporter. But the energy field disrupts transport, and the passengers from the shuttle arrive as children, though their minds are unaffected. They find it difficult to adjust - Picard worries about his lack of command presence, Ro despises being relieved of duty, and O' Brien can't cope with Keiko's sudden reversion to youth. Guinan, however, seems to be enjoying herself. The ship continues on a course to respond to a distress call from a science team. On arrival at the site, the Enterprise is attacked by two Klingon ships which have been taken over by Ferengi. The Ferengi board the Enterprise and begin beaming the crew off to serve, along with the captured science team, as slave laborers. The Ferengi refuse any compromise, but Captain Picard and the other "youngsters" may be able to salvage the situation. Guest Cast: Colm Meaney (O' Brien), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), David Tristan Birkin (young Picard), Megan Parlen (young Ro), Caroline Junko King (young Keiko), Isis J. Jones (young Guinan), Mike Gomez (DaiMon Lurin), Tracey Walter (Berik), Michael Snyder (Morta), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Morgan Nagler (Kid #1), Hana Hatae (Molly O' Brien), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 133 A FISTFUL OF DATAS teleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Brannon Braga story by Robert Hewitt Wolfe directed by Patrick Stewart music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46271.5: A scheduled maintenance layover allows the crew to indulge in some leisure activities, much to the dismay of Worf, who, without any duties to use as an excuse, must oblige Alexander by joining him for a wild west adventure on the holodeck with Troi. Meanwhile, Data and Geordi experience a malfunction during a test of Data's ability to interface with the ship's main computer, though they do not initially realize the extent of the malfunction. Shipwide computer errors occur, ranging from Spot's cat food being dispensed from every food slot, to images of Data replacing Worf's holodeck nemesis and kidnapping Alexander to hold the boy for a ransom. By the time Geordi begins effecting repairs, Worf is committed to a shootout with a holodeck villain who has Data's agility and precision. Guest Cast: Brian Bonsall (Alexander), John Pyper-Ferguson (Eli Hollander), Joy Garrett (Annie), Jorge Cervera, Jr. (Bandito), Majel Barrett (Computer voice), and Spot 134 THE QUALITY OF LIFE written by Naren Shankar based upon material by L.J. Scott directed by Jonathan Frakes music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46307.2: The Enterprise arrives at Tyrus 7A to observe a new experimental method of mining, the particle fountain, which uses a stream of high-density particles to extract and lift planet-based ore from an orbiting station. A malfunction occurs while Geordi is visiting the station, and Dr. Farallon, the ambitious head of the particle fountain project, introduces her other innovation, a small repair robot called an exo-comp, which is able to correct the problem almost instantly. Later, while Data is visiting the station, another accident happens and Data notices an exo-comp exhibiting a will to survive. Data hypothesizes that the exo-comps are living beings with their own intelligence, and possibly the beginnings of sentience. But when he asked to prove that the exo-comps are alive, one of them appears to fail a test on the Enterprise, but has actually realized that it is being tested, and is therefore intelligent and alive, though Dr. Farallon refuses to acknowledge the exo-comps' status. A crisis strands Picard and Geordi on the station, endangered by rising radiation levels, and Farallon proposes a solution which would amount to a suicide mission for the exo-comps. When the crew prepares to implement the solution and save Picard and Geordi, Data stands in the way of the rescue operation to protect the exo-comps' rights. Guest Cast: Ellen Bry (Dr. Farallon), J. Downing (Tyran Scientist), David Windsor (Transporter Chief Kelso), Majel Barrett (Computer voice) 135 CHAIN OF COMMAND - part I teleplay by Ronald D. Moore story by Frank Abatemarco directed by Robert Scheerer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46357.4: Near the border of Cardassian space, Picard is unexpectedly reassigned by Starfleet. There are indications that the Cardassians are mobilizing for war with the Federation. Picard, Dr. Crusher and Worf get ready for a mission they can't speak about to anyone. Captain Jellico, now in command of the Enterprise, doesn't score any points with the crew in his unusual demands that the ship be made combat ready. En route to Celtris III Picard tells Worf and Dr. Crusher that the Cardassians may be perfecting a nearly invincible new form of biological warfare. Meanwhile at the border, Jellico begins talks with Cardassian representatives which confuse them and the Enterprise's officers. On Celtris III, Picard's team find themselves in a trap. Crusher and a wounded Worf escape a Cardassian ambush, but Picard is captured and taken to Gul Madred, who has alarming foreknowledge of their attempt to gather intelligence. And the interrogation of Picard begins... This episode makes reference to the Cardassians' withdrawal from the Bajoran sector - a key element in the background of "Deep Space Nine." Guest Cast: Ronny Cox (Captain Jellico), Natalija Nogulich (Admiral Alina Nechayev), John Durbin (Gul Lemec), Lou Wagner (DaiMon Solok), David Warner (Gul Madred), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 136 CHAIN OF COMMAND - part II written by Frank Abatemarco directed by Les Landau music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46360.8: Cardassian representative Gul Lemec reveals to Jellico that Picard has been captured on Celtris III. Under interrogation by Gul Madred, Picard is tortured in the Cardassians' attempt to find out more about the defenses of Minos Korva, a planet once sought by the Cardassians in their war with the Federation. On the Enterprise, Jellico prepares for all-out war in the event of a collapse of diplomatic relations, but meets with open disapproval from Riker. Jellico relieves Riker of his duties and continues to deny that Picard's mission was ordered by Starfleet, which disqualifies Picard from the terms of the Federation-Cardassian treaty concerning the treatment of prisoners of war. Picard resists further torture but is pushed to the limits of his endurance while Gul Madred continues to question him about Minos Korva, of which Picard knows nothing. Meanwhile, Jellico confronts the Cardassians and calls their bluff after discovering a flotilla of their warships hiding near Minos Korva. He successfully demands a withdrawal and the release of Picard. Returned to the Enterprise, Picard resumes command, but all is not normal after his experience at the hands of the Cardassians. Guest Cast: David Warner (Gul Madred), Ronny Cox (Captain Jellico), John Durbin (Gul Lemec), Heather Lauren Olsen (Jil Orra), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 137 SHIP IN A BOTTLE written by Rene Echevarria directed by Alexander Singer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46424.1: As the Enterprise is en route to witness the collision of two gaseous planets, Data and Geordi visit the London of Sherlock Holmes, noticing small program anomalies. Barclay checks the holodeck's programming and unwittingly reactivates a program which had been created and put into storage four years before when Moriarty, in another Holmes program, evolved into Data's ideal adversary. Moriarty demands to talk to Picard. Unknown to the crew, he has been alive and aware in the computer's memory the whole time, and he defies the laws of physics by stepping out of the holodeck and roaming the Enterprise. Moriarty asks that a Countess with whom he fell in love in the course of another holodeck program be brought to life to accompany him, but Picard is reluctant, preferring instead to research just how Moriarty has achieved corporeal existence, and to determine whether or not the professor intends to continue his legendary criminal activities. As it turns out, Moriarty is indeed planning on attempting a swindle of an immense scale - but Picard means to see that Moriarty's scheme is limited to the scale of the holodeck. Guest Cast: Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Daniel Davis (Professor Moriarty), Clement Von Franckenstein (Gentleman), Stephanie Beacham (Countess), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 138 AQUIEL teleplay by Brannon Braga & Ronald D. Moore story by Jeri Taylor directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46461.3: The Enterprise crew begins an investigation when the crew of a Federation communications relay station near the Klingon border is discovered to be missing, and there are signs on the station that someone has been killed with a phaser set on high power. Someone has taken the station's shuttle, and records of certain subspace transmissions have been taken. In the course of the investigation, Geordi goes through the logs of Lt. Aquiel Uhnari, searching for clues about what happened on the station. There are signs that she had experienced personality conflicts with the station's senior officer and only other occupant, and her logs mention visits from a belligerent Klingon. The Klingon is located by Picard, and the Klingons reveal that they have found Lt. Uhnari in the station's missing shuttle. Geordi, who has come to "know" Aquiel through her logs, becomes personally involved in the investigation of the apparent murder of her superior officer on the station, but he has a hard time separating his responsibility to solving the mystery from his personal feelings. Guest Cast: Renee Jones (Aquiel Uhnari), Wayne Grace (Governor Torak), Reg E. Cathey (Morag), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 139 FACE OF THE ENEMY teleplay by Naren Shankar story by Rene Echevarria directed by Gabrielle Beaumont music by Don Davis Stardate 46519.1: Counselor Troi, waking up after being kidnapped from a neuro-psychology seminar, finds herself aboard a Romulan Warbird, posing as a member of Romulan intelligence to participate in a carefully plotted defection attempt by a Vice-Proconsul of the Romulan High Council. With the clandestine guidance of a member of the Romulan crew, Troi plays her role convincingly. In the meantime, a former human defector to Romulus returns to the Federation and arrives on the Enterprise with a message to Picard from Ambassador Spock, who remains in hiding on Romulus assisting defectors and dissidents. The message sends an unwitting Picard to rendezvous with the ship carrying Troi and the defector, an encounter which forces Troi to make a split-second decision to either break with the intricate plans of the defection scheme, or to follow her Romulan confidant into what may be a trap. Guest Cast: Scott MacDonald (N'Vek), Carolyn Seymour (Toreth), Barry Lynch (DeSeve), Robertson Dean (Pilot), Pamela Winslow (Ensign McKnight), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 140 TAPESTRY written by Ronald D. Moore directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: After a diplomatic meeting with aliens goes drastically wrong and ends in an exchange of fire, an away team is beamed into sick bay with a dying Picard. As Dr. Crusher tries desperately to resuscitate Picard, a near-death vision begins in Picard's mind...or so he thinks, until Q is revealed to be behind it. Q informs Picard that his artificial heart - which Picard gained after, as a newly-commissioned ensign 30 years before, he instigated a brawl with three huge Nausicaans and got stabbed through the heart - is the cause of his death in the present. Q tempts Picard with the opportunity to change his personal history by depositing Picard's current consciousness in the body of Ensign Picard within a few days of his fateful encounter with the Nausicaans. Picard must weigh the moral implications of changing the past to ensure his present survival against adhering to the tragic dictates of his destiny. Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Ned Vaughn (Corey), J.C. Brandy (Marta), Clint Carmichael (Nausicaan #1), Rae Norman (Penny), Clive Church (Maurice Picard), Marcus Nash (Young Picard), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 141 BIRTHRIGHT - part one written by Brannon Braga directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46578.4: The Enterprise visits Deep Space 9 to deliver supplies and personnel to assist the rebuilding of Bajor. On the station's Promenade, Worf encounters an alien profiteer who claims to know the whereabouts of Worf's father, allegedly still alive. While Worf, troubled, ponders the legitimacy of this news, Data and Geordi assist Dr. Bashir, visiting from the station, in conducting an analysis of a piece of equipment discovered in the gamma quadrant. An accidental power overload shuts Data down momentarily, yet he has a vision of a short walk through the corridors of the Enterprise and a brief encounter with his creator, Dr. Soong. Unsure of how to interpret or proceed from this experience, Data seeks the advice of many others, including Worf. Still contemplating a possible journey to find his father, Worf advises Data to pursue the search for his own "father" at whatever the cost, while Worf himself finally resolves to embark on a dangerous quest to a Romulan prison camp. When he arrives, Worf finds not only a familiar Klingon face, but many others, all of whom are secretive about their internment until Worf is captured by Romulans. Guest Cast: Siddig El Fadil (Dr. Bashir), James Cromwell (Shrek), Cristine Rose (Gi'ral), Jennifer Gatti (Ba'el), Richard Herd (L'Kor) and Spot ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ revision 6p 02-28-93 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All text in this file (c)1993 Earl Green - see READTHIS.TXT for acknowledgements and distribution site info. 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