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Please see my note in the list of BBS's which carry this file for details as to why. This is done with no hard feelings toward anyone, but it is done with the hopeful goal of maintaining good relations with everyone - SysOps and users alike - who take the time to distribute and peruse this project. I finally did away with the single most useless aspect of this file, the list of how many of the Enterprise's 1,012 crewmembers we've seen in the series so far. Don't worry, I still have it on my drive, and I may yet bring it back for a summer hiatus feature when there's nothing better to update, but for now I'm not going to waste anyone else's disk space with it. It's been replaced with an index of composers who've scored Trek episodes and films through the years - there's more of 'em than you might expect! Check it out! Coming in a future edition of the Star Trek LogBook (please note, I didn't say "next month's"): an original script pitting the crews of both Deep Space 9 and the Enterprise-D against Q's latest idea of a practical joke. My bonus to everyone who has put up thus far with my constant insistences of my being a writer...and hopefully something which everyone will enjoy! * The animated Classic Trek series, the various comic books, and the Pocket Books novels are neither covered nor mentioned herein; it simply would've taken too long, and I didn't have access to all of the material anyway. * For those of you who collect Trek soundtracks, you can find, in the episode guides for each series, the catalog numbers of the commercially available tapes and CDs listed with their respective episodes. * The movies, in this guide, are treated like additional episodes of the original series. Episodes are listed by order of broadcast for all three series. The general format of this guide is based on the "Doctor Who Programme Guide" and the "Doctor Who Terrestrial Index," both by Jean-Marc Lofficier. <=-= THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =-=> Special thanks to: Fred Ayers (Sysop of Paradox of Arkansas, the LogBook's home base system); Robert Heyman, Joe Siegler, Cindy Hill, Dave Ewing, Dean Adams and Mike Brown (for researching bits of obscure but infinitely helpful and interesting information); Joe Siegler and Joe Salemi (Moderators of the FidoNet STTNG topic); Ray Brown and Cindy Hill (Moderators of the FidoNet STDSN topic); Dave Thomer (for reminders that Kirk always sent landing parties and never once, in his career, uttered the words "away team"); ALL of the SysOps in the Ft. Smith area, plus SysOps across the country and around the world (for not only helping boost this file to international distribution, but also for endeavoring to further the hobby of modeming), and all the users who participate in the various FidoNet and Ogg-Net Star Trek echoes (for providing information and a damn fine excuse to pour over my mail reader for hours on end)! * DISCLAIMERS * STAR TREK, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, and all characters and placenames herein are the property of Paramount Pictures Incorporated. The five files constituting the Star Trek LogBook are to be distributed solely in the public domain! The author makes no attempt - in using the names described herein - to supercede the copyrights of Paramount Pictures, nor are these files officially sanctioned, licensed, or endorsed by Paramount. Another request I'd like to make to users and SysOps alike is that these five files be kept TOGETHER. This goes especially for SysOps and users who relay files from one BBS to another. If you're not going to bother to keep them all in one ZIPfile for others to download, just delete it from your BBS. I try to keep the file streamlined, and most of my legal disclaimers, and more important to me personally, my acknowledgements to those who help me continue the project, are now in this file only. I don't think this is too much to ask. The information in these files isn't 100% guaranteed, absolutely correct by any means. I may have gotten something wrong somewhere, probably in many places. But this is a "spare time" project, so letting me know about any errors I've made (preferably if you can then offer a correction!) would be appreciated. Thanks to all those who have pointed out errors so far. Hopefully, the fact that fewer and fewer errors are being brought to my attention means there are fewer and fewer errors! * OTHER BOARDS THAT CARRY THE STAR TREK LOGBOOK * The updated LogBook file is made available on Paradox on the last Sunday of each month. The usual "monthly filename format" is STLBmmyy (mm = month, yy = year). Paradox of Arkansas (501) 484-0944 1:3822/1 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Fred Ayers / CD-ROM files online; Fido WHO, STTNG, STDSN echoes LogBook filename: TREKLGBK.ZIP <-- The LogBook's "Home Base" system! Alternate Solution (501) 474-2576 1:3822/7 1200-14,400 baud SysOps: Phillip & Kim Bell / MUSIC and many other echoes LogBook filename: TREKLGBK.ZIP Total Register (501) 648-9397 1:3822/9 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Lindsay Mann / CD-ROM files; Fido WHO, TREK echoes, more! LogBook filename: monthly format PseudoCode (501) 785-5381 1200-2400 baud SysOp: Steve Prado / Apple files; Ogg-Net echoes including Trek & Sci-Fi LogBook filename: monthly format w/Apple II .SHK compression extension Arsenal of Freedom (214) 271-5616 1200-2400 baud SysOp: Joe Siegler / Apple files; Ogg-Net echoes including Trek & Sci-Fi LogBook filename: monthly format w/Apple II .SHK compression extension Arsenal of Freedom II (214) 271-5397 1:124/9006 1200-14,400 baud SysOp: Joe Siegler / Fido echoes and thousands of other network messages LogBook filename: monthly format The Townehouse (513) 474-0729 1200-14,400 baud no info available at time of file release All SysOps interested may have their systems listed here, provided your system carries this file on a monthly basis. You may choose to keep it online in the monthly format, the standard TREKLGBK filename, or whatever you like - there's nothing written in stone about what the file must be called (I do, however, ask that the names of files within the ZIPfile be left unchanged). Just let me know the specs of your system (see above list for examples) and your filename for the LogBook, and I'll be happy to add your board to the list! Also, due to a misunderstanding and some bruised feelings and egos resulting from a past notice concerning one of the local systems that I used as a support board for the LogBook, I am no longer going to try to endorse any systems or declare any of them "official" support boards aside from Paradox. I hope those of you who carry this project on your boards understand - whoever wishes this file on their system can carry it (so long as they keep the files together as I have already requested), but my practice of trying to say anything subjective about any of the systems carrying the LogBook was admittedly not a good idea and I apologize for any hurt feelings caused by my announcements in this file. The problem with that kind of endorsement is that someone, at some point, was bound to misinterpret what was said, or was bound to feel left out. Even where Paradox is concerned, I'm going to endorse it only as the home base of the LogBook so everyone knows how and where to find me. I appreciate the efforts of SysOps everywhere, whether or not they have anything to do with my project here, and I have no wish to damage the reputation of any of them. I once ran a BBS of my own (years ago, on an Apple II with a 1200 baud modem, in case you wonder why I don't run one now), and I know how much effort the SysOps who run our systems go through (well, honestly, I don't know how much effort now, since time and technological progress have changed the scene entirely) with few thanks from users. Though I wish I could say nice things about everyone, it is in the best interest of fairness and friendships that I will now manage this list of BBS numbers in an impartial and completely objective manner. I hope everyone can understand this approach - if you don't, you know where to find me. * BIBLIOGRAPHY * "Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Guide, 1989-1990" by Gene Roddenberry. (Paramount internal publication, available through Lincoln Enterprises) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual" by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda. (Paramount internal publication, available through Lincoln Enterprises) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Initial Concepts" by Rick Berman & Michael Piller. (Paramount internal publication) "Star Trek - behind the scenes of the Next Generation" by Mark Dawidziak with Daniel M. Kimmel, Mark A. Altman, Thomas Doherty and Randall Larson. (Cinefantastique 19:3, March 1989) "Star Trek: The Next Generation - zooming to a fourth season" by Mark A. Altman with Mitchell Rubenstein and Sue Uram. (Cinefantastique 21:2, September 1990) "Star Trek: The Next Generation - zooming to a fifth season" by Mark A. Altman with Sue Uram and Mitchell Rubenstein. (Cinefantastique 22:2, October 1991) "Star Trek: The Next Generation special double issue" by Mark A. Altman with Mitchell Rubenstein, David Ian Salter and Lukas Kendall. (Cinefantastique 23:2/3, October 1992) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" by Mark A. Altman with David Ian Salter. (Cinefantastique 23:6, April 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Official Magazine" volumes 1-22 by David McDonnell (editor) et al. (Starlog Press, 1987-1993) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Official Magazine" volume 1 by David McDonnell (editor) et al. (Starlog Press, 1993) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal" by Michael Westmore and Joe Pazzarro. (Starlog Press, 1992) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal" by Shane Johnson. (Starlog Press, 1992) "The Star Trek Compendium" by Allan Asherman. (Pocket Books, 1989) "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual" by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda. (Pocket Books, 1991) "The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion" by Larry Nemecek. (Pocket Books, 1992) "Star Trek: The Next Generation: 'Unification'" by Jeri Taylor. (Pocket Books, 1991) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 'Emissary'" by J.M. Dillard. (Pocket Books, 1993) The Star Trek LogBooks - and most everything else I do - are dedicated with all my love to my dearest friend Nancy. We're beyond friendship and beyond family (and sometimes beyond help!), but we still manage. I love you, Nancy. - Earl