Gee, I guess you like episode 15 . . . Air support on the Orc side in Warcraft 2 will be in the form of goblin Balloonists, first off. These should be available fairly early in the building sequence, and will be able to travel over trees and see a long way. Later come dragons, which can do the same, but will have some limitations. At the time we did our coverage, the developers were talking about maybe having to make them land periodically to rest, or something similar. Sorry this info didn't get into the profile, but it was very tentative at that time and the video bites that covered this area were not usable enough to include. The good news is that as we close this episode, we're expecting to get a demo of Warcraft 2 shortly, so count on a comprehensive preview from gameplay in episode 18. Well, I'm glad you're with me on that guy with the attitude. It's great, how overwhelming the support has been regarding that letter. I saw the guy's point, but he was just plain rude, and we've eaten enough crow about goofing up the copy protection on episodes 11 & 12 to put up with that degree of rudeness. T.K. P.S. Yes. In fact, we'd *have* a Web site already, except MCI goofed on us . . . and then our Web programmer quit . . . God willing, it should be up by the time you view this episode, or maybe shortly thereafter . . . or sometime in '96 . . . or maybe NEVER! There. Now you know everything *I* do :-)