Dear Publishing Geniuses at IE, I have been a subscriber since Episode 9. I have always been pleased with your coverage, clarity and un-rivaled reviews of new games. I don't know how you can do it, but $5.00 an issue is a bargain. I was happy enough with $10 at the newsstands. But enough about that, now to tell you why I'm writing. I'm writing to discourage all you gamers who have looked at purchasing OS/2 Warp. I recently purchased OS/2 WARP thinking it would drastically improve my computer's performance, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. The should call it OS/2 reverse impulse. I spent 2 days installing it, in the process of which, it deletes all the files on your hard drive, but kindly asks you to make backups of all your files. Now for a person like myself, I can't back up a 688 MB hard drive onto diskettes. It's just not done. Then after you install it, you have to re-install DOS, Windows and the programs you used to have. Even then, it never ran Windows or DOS right. If you want to run DOS in a window it's not MS-DOS, it's OS/2's DOS which doesn't have your config.sys or autoexec.bat. If you want MS-DOS, you have to totally reboot your computer. It's CRAZY. Anyway, I hope I have somewhat discouraged some gamers, but I feel sorry for the ones like me who had to learn the hard way. B.P. (via fax)