ORDERING and INSTALLATION GUIDE The Bloodsong's Calling is a fully illustrated twilight thriller. This version is free and can be distributed at will. REGISTERED Copies of THE BLOODSONG'S CALLING, in individual library cases, PLUS the original illustrated short story upon which the novel was based, are available in Windows Write 256 colour version OR Word 6.0 for Windows GREYSCALE version. Both include as a bonus the original illustrated short story upon which the novel was based. The cost per disk is œ6.00 sterling, (within the UK), secure postage and packing included. Foreign orders please add œ1.50p. Cheques, postal orders or international money orders should be made payable to ADAM WEBB. Please state which version you require; WINDOWS WRITE (all colour graphics) WORD 6.0 FOR WINDOWS (greyscale art, plus colour) Lovecraft Graphics 25 Nailcote Avenue Tile Hill Village Coventry CV4-9GT ENGLAND Tel (0203)-466551 The self-extracting file BLOODSNG.EXE should contain the following; Install.Txt (This document) WRI.EXE (the FULL novel with 256 colour artwork, for use with Windows Write) DOC.EXE (a two chapter SAMPLE with greyscale and 256 colour art, for use with Word 6.0 for Windows) TBC.ICO (an icon for use with either of the above, in creating an Electronic Library group) INSTALLATION Neither the full or sample versions can be viewed from the floppy disk, or until they have been expanded. Versions MUST be decompressed from self-extracting files to your hard disk, then accessed using the appropriate Wordprocessor. We suggest that after unzipping Bloodsng.Exe to a TEMP directory, you move the file WRI.EXE to your WINDOWS directory, or the file DOC.EXE to your WINWORD directory. Then simply log on to the appropriate directory at the DOS prompt, i.e. CD Windows (for Write version) or CD Winword (for Word 6.0 version) and type Wri.Exe (if installing Write version) or Doc.Exe (if installing Word 6.0 for Windows version) followed by ENTER. After installation/ decompression the file TBC.Wri or TBC.Doc can be retrieved in the normal manner. Full screen mode is strongly recommended for ease of viewing. Creating An Electronic Library Group within Windows This section is really meant for inexperienced or newer users, so if you're already confident, you can skip it. For those who need a bit of help, don't worry, it's an easy process. Start by installing the appropriate file, as decribed above. If you have already done that, follow the steps listed below. 1 - Launch Windows 2 - From the Program Manager window click on File, then New. A box titled New Program Object will appear. Make sure that New Program Group is highlighted, then click on the Okay button. Another box will appear titled Program Group Properties. In the Description Field, type Electronic Library. Then click on the Okay button. Your new group will appear, as if by magic, and can be sized to whatever dimensions you prefer. Now, to put your first novel in the new group click on File, then New. This time when the box appears make sure that Program Item is highlighted, and click on the Okay button. Another box will pop up, titled Program Item Properties. Don't panic, it isn't anywhere near as difficult as it looks to fill in. Simply type the following information into each of the boxes. For use with Windows Write DESCRIPTION: The Bloodsong's Calling COMMAND LINE: Write C:\Windows\TBC.Wri WORKING DIRECTORY: C:\Windows For use with Word 6.0 For Windows DESCRIPTION: The Bloodsong's Calling COMMAND LINE: C:\Winword\TBC.Doc WORKING DIRECTORY: C:\Winword Almost there now. Next, click on the Change Icon button, and in the pop up box click on the Browse button. From the list that appears, find the TBC.ICO in TEMP, or whichever directory you first unzipped to, then double-click on its file. The Bloodsong's Calling icon should appear in the current icon window. To approve it click on Okay, then Okay again. That's all! You now have an Electronic Library Group, containing one illustrated novel. Simply repeat the process from Program Item onwards, (changing the names where necessary), to add any new novels, DOC files supported by Word 6.0 For Windows, or Windows Write files. To read a title, all you need to do is double click on its icon.