
When there are many solutions to a problem, and when all those solutions are required to be collected together, this can be achieved by repeatedly backtracking and gradually building up a list of the solutions. The following evaluable predicates are provided to automate this process.

setof(X, P, S)
setof/3 (L) Read this as S is the set of all instances of X such that P is provable''. If P is not provable, setof(X,P,S) succeeds with S instantiated to the empty list []. The term P specifies a goal or goals as in call(P). S is a set of terms represented as a list of those terms, without duplicates, in the standard order for terms (see Section [*]). If there are uninstantiated variables in P which do not also appear in X, then a call to this evaluable predicate may backtrack, generating alternative values for S corresponding to different instantiations of the free variables of P. Variables occurring in P will not be treated as free if they are explicitly bound within P by an existential quantifier. An existential quantification is written:
meaning there exists a Y such that Q is true, where Y is some Prolog term (usually, a variable, or tuple or list of variables).

bagof(X, P, Bag)
bagof/3 (L) This is the same as setof except that the list (or alternative lists) returned will not be ordered, and may contain duplicates. If P is unsatisfiable, bagof succeeds binding Bag to the empty list. The effect of this relaxation is to save considerable time and space in execution.

findall(X, P, L)
findall/3 (L) Similar to bagof/3, except that variables in P that do not occur in X are treated as local, and alternative lists are not returned for different bindings of such variables. The list L is, in general, unordered, and may contain duplicates. If P is unsatisfiable, findall succeeds binding S to the empty list.

∧/2 (L) The system recognises this as meaning there exists an X such that P is true, and treats it as equivalent to call(P). The use of this explicit existential quantifier outside the setof and bagof constructs is superfluous.