Interrogation Functions

Space SpaceOf(void)

Returns the space containing the geometric object.

GeObType Holds(void)

Returns the type of geometric object currently held by the GeOb.

Boolean CanMapTo(GeObType t)

Returns TRUE if and only if the geometric object can be successfully mapped into an object of type t, using the standard mappings.

Boolean IsZeroVector(void)

Returns TRUE if and only if the object is a zero vector.

GeOb operator[](int n)

Returns the nth element of a vector or point tuple in a cartesian product space, using zero-based indexing. If this GeOb is not a vector, affine vector, or affine point, it is first mapped to a vector.

GeObList TupleElements(void)

Returns a list of all the elements of a vector or point tuple in a cartesian product space. If this GeOb is not a vector, affine vector, or affine point, it is first mapped to a vector.