
ASpace(Space& s)

Used to downcast a general space to an affine space. Only succeeds if the general space is holding an affine space.

ASpace(char* namein, int n, Boolean eflag)

Builds an affine space of dimension n, with debug name in buffer namein. The space creates its own copy of the name. If eflag is TRUE, the space will be Euclidean.

ASpace(char* namein, Boolean eflag, VSpace& v, PSpace& p)

Builds an affine space, linking it to the spaces v and p to create the core of a six-space set. The space creates its own copy of the debug name. This space is Euclidean if eflag is TRUE.

ASpace(char* namein, Boolean eflag, Space& ins)

Builds an affine space, linking it to the space ins, which is either a vector or projective space. The space creates its own copy of the debug name. This space is Euclidean if eflag is TRUE.

ASpace(char* namein, SpaceList& t, Boolean eflag)

Builds a cartesian product affine space, using the spaces in the list t as component spaces. The space creates its own copy of the debug name. If the flag eflag is TRUE, the space will be Euclidean.