
AffineMap(Basis& b1, Basis& b2)

Builds an invertible affine map between two affine spaces that carries the objects in basis b1 to the objects in b2. The bases can be either both simplices or both frames.

AffineMap(Simplex& b, SubSet& s, GeObList& v)

More general linear map creation routine. The domain of the map is a whole affine space, but the range can be either a linear subset of a vector space or an affine subset. Note that the basis for the domain space is restricted to be a simplex. The objects in the list v are the images of the objects in basis b; they are first mapped into the space of s, if necessary. The image objects do not have to be independent or span the subset s.

AffineMap(SubSet& s, GeObList& v, Simplex& b)

Similar to the previous affine map creation routine, except that the range of the map is a whole affine space, while the domain can be an affine subset. The objects in the list v are the preimages of the points in simplex b; they are first mapped into the space of s, if necessary. In this case, the image objects in v must be independent and span the subset s.

AffineMap(SubSet& s1, GeObList& v1, SubSet& s2, GeObList& v2)

Most general affine map creation routine, where the domain is some affine subset and the range is either a linear or affine subset. The objects in the list v1 map to the objects in list v2; standard maps are first applied to the objects in the lists if necessary. The image objects in v1 must be independent and span the subset s1.