* Rating (to be filled in by SUPERVISOR!) * File Rating: (in *'s. Scale of 1 to 5. * -- poor; ***** -- awesome) Rated By: (name of coordinator who playtested, uploaded, and rated the product) * Information * Title: Flame Games Mag #2 Filename: FLAME2.ZZT Author: Colin Company: Flame Games E-Mail Address: C64GAMES@aol.com Company E-Mail: C64GAMES@aol.com & ZZT98@juno.com Description: It's Flame Games Mag issue TWO!! (With Members) Story: When does a Mag have a Plot? It's a mag with 8 parts to it. Special thanks to: * Construction * Base: New game from scratch Flame2.ZZT/Distributed from Author Utilit(y(ies)) Used: Flame Games Color kit Known Bugs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this game as a base to build additional games. You MAY distribute this game, provided you include this file (the way it is), the ZZT file (the way it is also), and anything else that should be included. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Files included: FLAME2.ZZT & UPLOAD.TXT