typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel Responder TextField Control TextFieldCell ActionCell Helvetica by Ted Cohn Helvetica-Bold 9Copyright 1991, NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (NeXTdimension Video Output Demonstration Button ButtonCell NXImage screenscape SliderCell GothicBBBHelvetica dddf@d@ Matrix (signal text) (pos text) Frame Position: Video Signal: Video Info CustomView MyButton @:@iiii Track Freeze ff@@#::s Radio Frame Control Settings Responsiveness Panning Threshold Pixel Overscan Output Gamma Update Rate Actions MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews MenuCell Save Settings Recall Settings Suggested Settings PopUpList popUp: NXpulldown NXpulldownH Genlock NXswitch NXswitchH to Input A to Input B to SVHS NXpopup NXpopupH ScreenScapeR Info Panel...V Help...V submenuAction: NXmenuArrow Video FrameV Track CursorV Freeze PositionV Center at CursorV HideV QuitV ScreenScape Help ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [3420c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fnil GothicBBBHelvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b\i0\ulnone\fs24\gray666\fc1\cf1 \ Introduction \b0 \ ScreenScape transparently outputs a partial rectangular area of your NeXTdimension screen to the NeXTdimension video output ports. This rectangle automatically follows the cursor as you work.\ \b Tracking the Cursor \b0 \ The video frame automatically tracks the cursor upon startup. The size of this frame depends on the type of video signal your NeXTdimension board can output (i.e., NTSC or PAL) and the \i Pixel Overscan \i0 setting (see below). A maximum frame size of 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high can be output for NTSC (576 x 768 for PAL). You can adjust tracking behavior by changing the \i Responsiveness \i0 and \i Panning Threshold \i0 settings (see below).\ \b Freezing the Frame Position \b0 \ At any time you can freeze the frame's position by typing Command-f or clicking the \i Freeze \i0 radio button in the \i Frame Control \i0 box. After this, the frame will no longer track the cursor. To make the frame track the cursor again, type Command-t or click the \i Track \i0 radio button.\ \b Setting the Frame Position \b0 \ If you're not able to directly see the resulting video output or you know exactly what area of the screen you want to show, click and hold the button with the hand icon in the Frame Control box. An orange outline will appear. This indicates the exact frame position that will be output to video. Without letting go of the mouse button, drag this frame to the desired position and let go. The frame will stick until you decide to track the cursor or choose a new frame position.\ \b Video Info\ \b0 This box displays the type of video signal being output, the size of the output frame, and the frame's current position in screen coordinates relative to the lower-left corner of your NeXTdimension screen.\ \b ScreenScape Settings\ \b0 The following settings can be adjusted and saved in your defaults database using the "Save Settings" command under the \i Actions \i0 pull-down menu. "Recall Settings" changes the current settings to reflect the ones you set previously. "Suggested Settings" changes them to reflect our suggested values.\ \i Responsiveness \i0 determines how fast the frame tracks the cursor. A low value tracks more smoothly but more slowly. A high value is more jerky but tracks more quickly.\ \i Panning Threshold \i0 specifies an invisible rectangle inside the video frame rectangle that, when exited by the cursor, causes the video frame to move. \ \i Pixel Overscan \i0 lets you adjust how much of the frame is actually seen on your monitor. Many television sets and professional video monitors clip or "throw away" 10-15% of the video signal around the edges. Pixel Overscan allows you to compensate for this by reducing the size of the frame. The units are in pixels from the edges of the frame.\ \i Output Gamma \i0 lets you change the output contrast.\ \i Genlock \i0 lets you lock the output's sync to an input video sync. When genlock is enabled, a popup list allows you to select which of the video inputs to use for sync. If turned off (the default), the output sync is generated from an internal sync.\ NXCursor NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs Mouser ScreenScape Controls Slider Field2 Slider1 Field Field1 Button1 Slider3 Field3 Slider4 Matrix3 Field4 Matrix2 MainMenu Matrix1 MouserInstance Controls ScrollingText File's Owner [36@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: IBOutletConnector delegate makeKeyAndOrderFront: outlineButton prefWindow setScrollRate: setMouseThreshold: setTheGamma: scrollSlider scrollText mouseText mouseSlider overscanSlider overscanText gammaSlider gammaText setOverscan: freeze: track: centerView: infoText posText trackFreezeButton save: revert: suggested: genlockOutput: genlockSwitch setGenlockSource: genlockButton