2.01c 0123456789ABCDEF GBIGTURBO - Large Code Model. Copyright (c) 1985 by TurboPower Software. "All Rights Reserved. Version 1.04P @Out of BIGTURBO stack space, no modules loaded, or stack corrupt 00000000 '0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0123456789ABCDEF 1111U Calculator $A B C D E F 7 8 9 $ + - * / 4 5 6 $ = (or ) 1 2 3 $ to quit 0 . Dec Bin Hex Error! Hit any key. Error! Hit any key. Error! Hit any key. &MEM: =MIn +=M+ R=MRec =Exit File Not Found. Path Not Found. Multi-Edit DOS Shell Use the , , , , and keys to move the selection Bar. = Exit DOS Shell = Select File and EXIT = Change Directory = Delete File(s) = Copy File(s) = Rename File(s) = Get New Dir Listing = Do any DOS Command = Print file using DOS PRINT command. = Load File into window = Mark/Unmark file = Delete Marked files = Copy Marked files Press for more INFO No Files Found... File(s) Hit any Key to Continue... New Directory: Directory of: DOS COMMAND > File(s) to Print: PRINT File(s) to Delete: File(s) to Rename: New File Name (no path): File(s) to Copy: Destination: COPY Destination: COPY Hit any Key to Continue... -Are you sure you want to DELETE these files? No(DO) Yes(DO) >DEL Error deleting file. Hit any Key to Continue... ShftF CtrlF ShftTAB CtrlLF CtrlRT CtrlHOME CtrlEND CtrlPGUP CtrlPGDN ShftF11 ShftF12 CtrlF11 CtrlF12 AltF11 AltF12 ENTER CtrlM CtrlENTER CtrlJ Ctrl[ CtrlH CtrlBS CtrlI ShftHOME ShftUP ShftPGUP GREY- GREY* ShftLF ShftCNTR ShftRT GREY+ ShftEND ShftDN ShftPGDN ShftINS ShftDEL }}1The following command line options are available: 2}4 /SY = Enable space truncating at the end of a line | /SN = Disable space truncating /LY = Enable logo. /LN = Disable logo. /MY = Enable mouse. /MN = Disable mouse. {# /B = Use black and white colors. { /Tn = Sets tab expansion to n. w{$ /An = Leaves n K of space for DOS. 9{: /P\path = Sets path for ME files (must be 1st option). z /Xn = Sets screen length to n. /Yn = Sets screen width to n. rz=Remember to make the options permanent from the install menu. COMSPEC= D E M O A Text Editor 0u#D E M O N S T R A T I O N C O P Y t+(C) Copyright 1987 by American Cybernetics. rtDPLEASE NOTE that you are free to copy and distribute this demo disk, tCprovided that the copies are distributed without charge, that all sCfiles on the disk are copied, and that no modifications are made to any of the files. $s+(C) Copyright 1987 by American Cybernetics. rEMult-Edit is protected under United States copyright law. Copies may `rEbe made for the purpose of backup ONLY. This software may be moved qEfrom computer to computer, and may be used by more than one person, qEas long as there is no chance of it being used at one location while it is being used at another. AMERICAN CYBERNETICS 1228 N. Stadem Dr. Tempe, AZ 85281 (602) 968-1945 Hit any key to continue... Hit any key to continue... MULTI-EDIT VERSION DEMONSTRATION DISK nAUnlike other "demo" disks you might have received, this Mult-Edit FnAdemo is truly a FULLY FUNCTIONAL copy of the editor! ANY SIZE m%FILE may be loaded, edited and saved. The only differences are: m:1. These introductory screens, which may not be bypassed. l92. No users guide or macro language manual (though there Xl# is still complete online help). k83. Technical support and maintance updates are included with the the full product. SkCMulti-Edit is not share-ware. The cost of the full package is $99. j>To order the full package call: 1-800-221-9280 Extension 951 In Arizona: 1-602-968-1945 Hit any key to continue... MULTI-EDIT VERSION DEMONSTRATION DISK Select: = Run Demo Program = Begin a normal Edit session. = Return to DOS. Hit any key to continue... t$T[9 me.com Help Help Clear ClrEnt And Or Xor Base +/- Memory Help ChDir Delete Copy Rename Dir Of CMD Print Load MrkDel MrkCpy Help Menu Quit "'() Insufficient Memory. Memory allocation error. \COMMAND.COM 0UNMove cursor to new U.L. Corner of Window, then hit Return or Left Mouse Button SNMove cursor to new L.R. Corner of Window, then hit Return or Left Mouse Button SETUPJUMPTABLE FOLLOWS FARCALLHANDLER FOLLOWS