DBListPThe list of file names could not be opened. Do you wish to try again? (Y/N) 4Move to the desired database with the arrow keys and press U Q ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+ 0123456789 _ to exit Are you sure you want to? (Y/N) DBList There are no databases to delete Delete Database Utility J d Control Control.BAKU *Press any key to change the text color, or.Press "C" to go on to the Background selection Current Text Color0Press any key to change the background color, or'Press "C" to go on to the next section."Current Text on Current Background%Select a contrasting Background color3to indicate selected items. Press any key as above Press "C" when finished.#Current Text on Selected Background Are these Colors Satisfactory ?" $0<0u? J P _ e &;U(uF&;E&u@ &;U,uF&;E*u@ Reading U UseDB>Please select a database with the 'Pick Database' menu option Using: &Biblio-File Duplicate Deletion Utility &Are you ready to delete duplicates in (Y/N)" ) 3 W t Enter a 5 digit numerical code, with or without leading zeros&Enter the Key text without punctuation0Select one or more members of each group with F5'Move between fields with the arrow keysU 0123456789 _Q ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+U Key Code: Key Text: Sort by Code Sort by Name Unsorted Screen Output Printer OutputU .Please enter a code number smaller than 32768#Please enter the text for this codeU In DisplayKeys Using: Enter the key fragment to find! to search to exit In FKeys 1Sorry, but there is no extra help available here Out of FkeysU the text a code number Please enter before going to the next fieldU Using: Conversion error for Code This is an invalid input Current Number of Entries: U Add Keys1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 2This Key is already present. Please enter another AddKey error for Key Text in Add AddKey error for Key Code in Add ******* WARNING ********This will destroy the existing index files Do you wish to continue ? Rebuilding Key Index Files AddKey error for Text in Rebuild AddKey error for code in RebuildU Edit Keys1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 1210 There is no match for this entry +This code is in use. Please enter another.*This Key is in use. Please enter another. Deactivate Keys Reactivate Keys1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute Deactivate this entry ? (Y/N) Reactivate this entry ? (Y/N) This code is not in use Using: List Keys Utility3 to exit F1 Main Menu F5 Select F10 Execute MCode Text StatusC Code Text Status Keys Sorted by Code Keys Sorted by Text Active Inactive Keys, Unsorted Add New Keys Edit Keys List Keys Deactivate Keys Reactivate Keys reBuild Index Files Quit, Return to Main Menu Key File Utilities ;Use arrow keys or enter number or first letter of selection to abort F1 Main MenuU UseDB>Please select a database with the 'Pick Database' menu option Using: , 1 E ` e x "'":" #.$H$N$\$q$ $*%\%h% &&&0&A&L&h'}' (3(S(Y(g({( )-)@)Q)d)y) ***F*N*S*i*s*~* +.+=+W+e+z+ ,G,^,q, -4-@-T-j-x- /A0R0`0e0z0 1&1H1h1 1+2=2M2k2 2 393L3]3h3 4&4J4d4 5"5;5I5 6'6,6=6H6B7 8/8F8o8 8"9>9G9W9\9t9y9 : :&:7:B:G:]:s: Enter a 5 digit numerical code, with or without leading zeros)Enter the author name without punctuation0Select one or more members of each group with F5'Move between fields with the arrow keysU 0123456789 _Q ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+U Author Code: Author Name: Sort by Code Sort by Name Unsorted Screen Output Printer OutputU .Please enter a code number smaller than 32768#Please enter the name for this codeU In DisplayAuthor Using: AQ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+ Enter the name fragment to find! to search to exit In FKeys 1Sorry, but there is no extra help available here Out of FkeysU a name a code number Please enter before going to the next fieldU Using: Conversion error for Code This is an invalid input Current Number of Entries: U Add Authors1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 3This name is already present. Please enter another #AddKey error for Author Name in Add#AddKey error for Author Code in Add ******* WARNING ********This will destroy the existing index files Do you wish to continue ? Rebuilding Author Index Files AddKey error for name in Rebuild AddKey error for code in RebuildU Edit Authors1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 1210 There is no match for this entry +This code is in use. Please enter another.2This Author name is in use. Please enter another. Deactivate Authors Reactivate Authors Deactivate this entry ? (Y/N) Reactivate this entry ? (Y/N) This code is not in use List Authors Utility Using: 3 to exit F1 Main Menu F5 Select F10 Execute MCode Name StatusD Code Name Status Authors Sorted by Code Authors Sorted by Name Active Inactive Author Names, Unsorted Add New Authors Edit Authors List Authors Deactivate Authors Reactivate Authors reBuild Index Files Quit, Return to Main Menu Author File Utilities ;Use arrow keys or enter number or first letter of selection to abort F1 Main MenuU UseDB>Please select a database with the 'Pick Database' menu option Using: ! , ; O j o "<"G"f"p" #6#[#`#q# $4$w$ %'%B%G%v% &1&@&X&j&t&~& '8(X(^(l( )2)E)V)i)~) */*K*S*X*n*x* +3+B+\+j+ ,L,c,v, -:-F-Z-p-~- 0\0g0y0 0*1>1`1 2C2U2e2 383Q3d3u3 4 464@4d4~4 5=5V5d5 6+6B6G6X6c6o7 8.8E8\8s8 8O9X9p9y9 :2:;:X:i:t:y: ;*;4;>; Enter a 5 digit numerical code, with or without leading zeros*Enter the journal name without punctuation Enter the journal's abbreviation0Select one or more members of each group with F5'Move between fields with the arrow keysU 0123456789 _Q ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+U Journal Code: Journal Name: Journal Abbreviation: Sort by Code Sort by Abbreviation Unsorted Screen Output Printer OutputU .Please enter a code number smaller than 32768#Please enter the name for this code.Please enter the abbreviation for this JournalU In DisplayJournal Using: In FKeys 1Sorry, but there is no extra help available here Out of FkeysU a name a code number an abbreviation Please enter before going to the next fieldU Using: Conversion error for Code This is an invalid input Current Number of Entries: U Add Journals1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 2This abbreviation is in use. Please enter another ,AddKey error for Journal Abbreviation in Add$AddKey error for Journal Code in Add ******* WARNING ********This will destroy the existing index files Do you wish to continue ? Rebuilding Journal Index Files AddKey error for name in Rebuild AddKey error for code in RebuildU Edit Journals1 to exit F1 Main Menu F2 Help F10 Execute 1210 There is no match for this entry +This code is in use. Please enter another.;This Journal abbreviation is in use. Please enter another. Deactivate Journals Reactivate Journals Deactivate this entry ? (Y/N) Reactivate this entry ? (Y/N) This code is not in use Using: List Journals Utility3 to exit F1 Main Menu F5 Select F10 Execute LCode Abbrev Name Status Journals Sorted by Code Journals Sorted by Abbreviation Active Inactive Journal Names, Unsorted Add New Journals Edit Journals List Journals Deactivate Journals Reactivate Journals reBuild Index Files Quit, Return to Main Menu Journal File Utilities ;Use arrow keys or enter number or first letter of selection to abort F1 Main MenuU UseDB>Please select a database with the 'Pick Database' menu option Using: 3 V # . 8 \ n { !/!4!H!c!h!{! #6#@#S# $8$=$O$ %[%w%}% &&&+&Y& ')'A'S']'g'x' (#)C)I)W)k) *2*C*V*k*w* +8+@+E+[+e+p+u+}+ , ,/,I,W,l,w, -6-M-`- -,.8.L._.m. /#/3/>/P/ 1[1l1z1 1,2@2b2 3E3W3g3 4:4S4f4w4 5!565@5d5~5 6$6A6Z6h6 747K7P7a7l7~8 9&9=9T9k9 9^:g: ;A;J;g;x; ;&<;U Q ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,0123456789*_-:;?'()/\%&#=+ 0123456789 _ to exit F1 Main Menu UseDB PI couldn't create the database-in-use file. Do you wish to try again? (Y/N) UseDBU DBList@Please use the 'Make a New Database' option before this option. Select Database The Author and Index Files are not on the disk. Do you want to create them ? The Journal and Index Files The Key and Index Files The Citation and Index Files .CITU ' A _