README for SuperPrint version 1.1 Working Model last updated: 1-15-91 ======================================================================== Installation ------------ To begin SuperPrint installation, place the system disk in Drive A: and start Windows. From the Program Manager, choose Run... on the File menu. Enter A:\SETUP in the Command Line box and follow the instructions on the screen. We recommend that you accept SETUP's defaults, including automatic loading of SuperText and SuperQueue. If you wish to undo automatic loading, simply use NOTEPAD or other ASCII text editor to remove SUPERQUE and SUPERTXT from the LOAD= line found near the beginning of your WIN.INI file. The disk space required to install all typefaces, their associated foundries, plus the SuperQueue and SuperText programs is ###K bytes. Each printer driver and help file you install will consume an additional 50K to 70K. If you accept the default installation, you should see a small window showing the Zenographics Font Metrics File being built. This is a one- time procedure that should not reoccur unless you install or remove typefaces using SuperText. About SuperDriver ----------------- Setting up your SuperDriver is very similar to setting up any Windows printer driver. You will find there are more options than most other drivers. The Help button in the SuperDriver Setup dialog explains each option. We recommend that immediately after installing SuperPrint, you double- click Printers in the Control Panel, choose a SuperDriver, choose Configure, choose Setup, then choose the Help button. Your working model SuperDriver places a non-removable message window on your printed page. About SuperText --------------- SuperText generates Windows screen fonts in any size (within Windows' limitations). When running Windows in Standard (286) mode, the limit on font size depends on available RAM and available disk space. However, 386 Enhanced mode and some drivers in 286 mode contain bugs that limit screen font files to 64 Kbytes. To initiate fonts on the fly, start SuperText if it isn't already running, or restore its window if it's an icon. Choose On the fly... from the menu bar. Click the ON button, click OK, and minimize the SuperText window. Now, whenever an application asks for a screen font, SuperText will build it automatically in the background. To turn off fonts on the fly, choose On the fly... from the menu bar and click the off button, then click OK. You can also simply close SuperText. SuperText also allows you to add new typefaces to your system. Your working model only allows the use of Digital Typeface Corp. Nimbus Q typefaces. However, your working model has no other restrictions and can be used to make screen fonts regardless of which printer driver you use. About SuperQueue ---------------- SuperQueue performs true multitasking background printing. For this to work, two things must be set: SuperQueue must be running in Server Mode, and your SuperDriver must be set to Queue for later. To initiate Server Mode, start SuperQueue if it isn't already running, or restore its window if it's an icon. Choose Server Mode from the Processing menu, then minimize the SuperQueue window. To set Queue for later, use Printers in the Control Panel or Printer Setup in your application to access the SuperDriver setup. Make sure the check box next to Queue for later has an X through it. SuperQueue only works with SuperDrivers. It does not work with any standard Windows printer drivers. Help files ---------- Both SuperQueue and SuperText have extensive on-line help. We recommend that you examine the help files to become more familiar with all of these programs' capabilities. General Notes ------------- In low memory conditions, you may find that printing becomes very slow. A good indicator of this problem is when your hard disk light is very active during printing. If this is the case, turn Queue for later on in your SuperDriver, but do not run SuperQueue when printing. This creates a spool file to disk. When this is finished, close your application, start SuperQueue, and select Nonstop Mode from the Processing Menu. Then choose Add jobs from the file menu, highlight the files with .SMF extensions, and click OK. Then click the GO! button. This lets SuperDriver use all available memory for printing. When the Zenographics Font Metrics (ZFM) file is being built, unless you have lots of available memory, allow the process to complete before beginning to work. There is considerable disk activity during this process, and ZFM building will take longer to complete if you launch other applications at the same time. Using SuperPrint with Adobe Type Manager (ATM) 1.0 -------------------------------------------------- The retail version of SuperPrint can use the Adobe Type 1 typefaces that come with ATM and any of the add-on typeface packages for ATM. Your working model does not. It is possible to run both SuperPrint and ATM at the same time, although with the full retail version of SuperPrint we think you don't need ATM at all. When you print with both ATM and SuperPrint active, ATM generates its fonts and passes the character images to the SuperDriver as bitmaps. This is less efficient than the usual scheme where Windows passes the text requests directly to SuperDriver. Unfortunately, when you turn ATM off in the ATM Control Panel, it doesn't really turn off until you re-start Windows! Note that ATM uses non-discardable memory for its font cache, while SuperText's (and Windows) screen fonts are always discardable, and are re-loaded from disk on demand. In plain English, this means that ATM's font cache takes memory away when you start Windows, and never gives it back until you stop Windows. Discardable memory means that Windows can discard it to let some other task use the memory. Using SuperPrint with Bitstream Facelift 1.0 -------------------------------------------- The retail version of SuperPrint can use the typefaces that come with Facelift and any of its add-on typeface packages. Your working model cannot. SuperText "On the Fly" cannot run at the same time as FaceLift. DOS 4.0, SHARE.EXE, and SuperQueue in Server Mode ------------------------------------------------- Apparently some versions of DOS 4.0 support hard disk partitions greater than 32MB and don't need SHARE.EXE. We have observed that on some computers, SuperQueue reports a SuperMetafile Read Error when trying to access a SuperMetafile that your application is in the middle of creating. Install SHARE.EXE by inserting the following in your CONFIG.SYS: INSTALL=[dos path]SHARE.EXE Sales and Ordering Information ------------------------------ For sales and ordering information, contact Zenographics at: 4 Executive Circle Irvine, CA. 92714 USA phone (714) 851-6352; FAX (714) 851-1314 Sorry. There is no technical support available for the free working model.