SUPERPRINT APPLICATION NOTES Version 1.1 last updated: 13-Jan-91 ======================================================================== Refer to Appendix B -- Application Notes in the SuperPrint manual (for new users) or the SuperPrint 1.1 Release Notes (for updated 1.0 users). Since the manual was completed, the following are new application-specific bugs, quirks, and observations about the way SuperPrint interacts with other Windows applications. ------------------------------------------- Micrographx Designer 3.01 and earlier Arts and Letters 2.02 and earlier ------------------------------------------- Problem: Color bitmap files (such as color TIFF) print in black and white. Solution: Find the WIN.INI section pertaining to your device and port (for example, [PaintJet SuperDriver,LPT1:]), and add the line: BitFlags=1 Technical Background: The Windows Color PostScript driver and all SuperDrivers report device bitmap characteristics that are 1 bit-per-pixel and 1 plane. Some applications incorrectly interpret this to mean that the drivers cannot handle color. Technically, it means only that a compatible memory device context will be monochrome (1 plane, 1 bit-per-pixel), because both the PostScript driver and SuperDrivers rely on Windows GDI to draw into memory device contexts. A more accurate way for applications to determine color support is the NUMCOLORS information from GetDeviceCaps(). Both the PostScript driver and SuperDrivers return 2 (black and white) if attached to a monochromatic device, and 8 (black white red green blue cyan magenta yellow) if attached to a color device. For SuperDrivers, setting BitFlags=1 in its WIN.INI section makes a SuperDriver report its internal plane count and bits per pixel, even though it cannot draw into equivalent memory device contexts. If an application does not need this memory DC feature, and few do, then there is little harm in using BitFlags=1. Most of the applications that have this problem are those written before Windows 3.0 and the advent of Device Independent Bitmaps (DIB). The only bitmap format that was consistently handled prior to Windows 3.0 was the monochrome format (1 bit-per-pixel and 1 plane). All other bitmap formats were (and are still in 3.0) device-dependent, and not transferable between devices. Unfortunately, mainstream Windows graphics applications have been slow to support the DIB format. The Color PostScript driver, the standard Win 3.0 PaintJet driver (written by Zenographics), and all SuperDrivers have supported 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 24-bit DIBs since May 1990. Application developers have had toolkits supporting DIBs for over a year now. SuperDrivers are best-matched with Windows 3.0 applications that support StretchDIBits() and allow the device driver to take the bitmap source, and stretch the pixels to the device resolution. In addition, SuperDrivers can handle DIBs of any size up to available memory. Unfortunately, many appplications send bitmap data in very small chunks, slowing the SuperDriver bitmap handling. CorelDRAW 2.0 sends DIB data, but one line at a time! ------------------------------------------- Microsoft PowerPoint 2.0 Ami Pro 1.2 and earlier ------------------------------------------- Problem: On-the-fly screen fonts don't show up when entering text Solution: In SuperText, select each font that you wish to use, then click the Fonts... button. In the dialog box that comes up, select the point size to build. This can be any size you wish and you only need to build one size. Next, select the Build... or Build All... (if more than one font is selected). After the screen font has been built, the application will recognize the font as being scalable and should create any size.