hangup_group readComPort status2 checkscroll status2 online status2 checkscroll checkscroll checkscroll System System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| 4online comm_parameters enterbook enterbook sizetopage comm_parameters online `D|D| Terminal `D|D| -- Termbook info: If your interested where scripts are, the main work program done handler on -- most >other Kindividual _buttons 4online comm_parameters phone_group init_stat help_group enterbook enterbook sizetopage help_group init_stat phone_group comm_parameters online comm port: comm_parameters buttonup buttonup comm_parameters ;:/Y setComPort(1, 1200, 8, 1, 0, 0) -- 1200 baud, no parity, no handshake comm_parameters B"dial" buttonup buttonup setComPort comm_parameters B P"@ ,b^aR Button X"TBK-COMM.DLL" INT clearComBreak(WORD) oseComPort( %flushComRxBuffer( ;flushComTxBuffer( ? isComRxReady( R isComTxReady( wopenComPort( STRING readComPort( setComPort( setComPortTxXlate( QTBK_COMMVersion() writeComPort( comm_port,4096,4096) >= 0 opened successfully" "Could buttonup buttonup TBK-COMM.DLL clearComBreak closeComPort flushComRxBuffer flushComTxBuffer isComRxReady isComTxReady openComPort readComPort clearComBreak setComPort setComPortTxXlate TBK_COMMVersion writeComPort openComPort COM port opened successfully Could not open COM port comm_port comm_parameters init_stat setComPort( comm_port,\ baud_rate,\ data_bits,\ stop_bits,\ parity, 0) -- no handshake uttonup rightbuttonup buttonup rightbuttonup comm_parameters buttonup setComPort parity stop_bits data_bits baud_rate comm_port init_stat phone_group 4online -- flag indicate idler that we are on writeComPort( comm_port,\ init_string & CR) dial_prefix &\ phone_number & CR) uttonup rightbuttonup buttonup rightbuttonup phone_group buttonup writeComPort writeComPort phone_number dial_prefix init_string comm_port online connect writeComPort(1,CRLF) "status2" buttonup buttonup writeComPort status2 Connect 4online closeComPort( comm_port) -- Close COM unLinkDLL "tbk- '.dll" status2 buttonup buttonup closeComPort tbk-comm.dll status2 comm_port online Close hangup_group writeComPort( comm_port,( hang_up)) hang_up2) & CRLF) uttonup rightbuttonup buttonup rightbuttonup hangup_group buttonup writeComPort writeComPort hang_up2 hang_up comm_port Hangup help_group buttonup buttonup help_group phone_number 463 5901 description this is a test number of the Asymetrix BBS phone_group buttondown buttondown phone_group Escape dial_prefix init_stat INITIALIZING COMM PORT help_group Welcome to Termbook! This is a working terminal program, used to demonstrate use of the TBK-COMM.DLL communications library ( Which you will also need to run this program) This is a demo program only and has no practical use other than education purposes. Click on the right Mouse button on the Init, Dial, Hangup buttons to view or set the appropriate Comm. parameters and Baud settings etc. Click the left Mouse button on the command buttons starting with Open, in top to bottom order to execute the program. If you have any questions I can be reached on the Toolbook BBS or on Compuserve (72300,2533) - Tom Cangemi m Cangemi help_group buttonup buttonup help_group Exit Help hangup_group Hang up String: hang_up +++~~~ATH0 hangup_group buttondown buttondown hangup_group hang_up2 ATH0ATH0 buttonup buttonup comm_parameters Escape data bits: data_bits comm port: comm_port phone_group Dial Prefix: Phone No.: Description: phone_number 1 206 451 1173 description this is a test number of the Asymetrix BBS phone_group buttondown buttondown phone_group Escape dial_prefix init_stat INITIALIZING COMM PORT help_group Welcome to Termbook! This is a working terminal program, used to demonstrate use of the TBK-COMM.DLL communications library ( Which you will also need to run this program) This is a demo program only and has no practical use other than education purposes. Click on the right Mouse button on the Init, Dial, Hangup buttons to view or set the appropriate Comm. parameters and Baud settings etc. Click the left Mouse button on the command buttons starting with Open, in top to bottom order to execute the program. If you have any questions I can be reached on the Toolbook BBS or on Compuserve (72300,2533) - Tom Cangemi m Cangemi help_group buttonup buttonup help_group Exit Help hangup_group Hang up String: hang_up +++~~~ATH0 hangup_group buttondown buttondown hangup_group tonup writeComPort status2 writeComPort status2 keyChar WriteComPort 4online isComRxReady( comm_port) > 0 readComPort( If CharToAnsi( ) <> 8 F -- ADDRESS BACKSPACE KEY "status2" KeyEnd, checkscroll isComRxReady readComPort status2 Kkeydown status2 checkscroll status2 comm_port online 4online isComRxReady( comm_port) > 0 readComPort( If CharToAnsi( ) <> 8 F -- TAKE CARE OF BACKSPACE KEY "status2" KeyEnd, --This moves the cursor key checkscroll isComRxReady readComPort status2 Kkeydown status2 checkscroll status2 comm_port online status2 checkscroll "status2")- 25) WriteComPort(1, croll checkscroll keyChar checkscroll status2 keyChar WriteComPort comm_parameters init string: init_string ATQ0V1E1S0=0 baud rate: baud_rate parity: parity stop bits: stop_bits comm_parameters buttonup buttonup comm_parameters Escape data bits: data_bits comm port: comm_port phone_group Dial Prefix: Phone No.: Description: phone_number description this is a test number of the Asymetrix BBS phone_group buttondown buttondown phone_group Escape dial_prefix init_stat INITIALIZING COMM PORT help_group Welcome to Termbook! This is a working terminal program, used to demonstrate use of the TBK-COMM.DLL communications library ( Which you will also need to run this program) This is a demo program only and has no practical use other than education purposes. Click on the right Mouse button on the Init, Dial, Hangup buttons to view or set the appropriate Comm. parameters and Baud settings etc. Click the left Mouse button on the command buttons starting with Open, in top to bottom order to execute the program. If you have any questions I can be reached on the Toolbook BBS or on Compuserve (72300,2533) - Tom Cangemi m Cangemi help_group buttonup buttonup help_group Exit Help hangup_group Hang up String: hang_up +++~~~ATH0 hangup_group buttondown buttondown hangup_group hang_up2 ATH0ATH0 1 206 451 1173 User-id? 02 AUG 1990 22:32:04 Logon please: