PBIcon_Edit Archive Contents and Notes In this archive you will find the following files: *.icn - various icon files "finished" by PBICON.EXE PBI_EDIT.BMP - Windows 3 Paintbrush file PBICON.EXE - original icon "finisher" by Len Grey PBICON.TXT - supporting textfile for the above READTHIS.TXT - this 'ittle file I composed the PBI_EDIT.BMP image file in order to make my use of PBICON a little easier. In no way am I trying to belittle Len Grey's efforts - just trying to make it easier. Read PBICON.TXT for details on using PBICON and then try using PBI_EDIT.BMP for a slightly different approach. Enjoy the Ride! D A S I G N D Anjo 7-17-90