System Courier false System System Tms Rmn "volume hotword id 10 of page id 0 12744 id 0 of page id 0 !false cancel defaultcomport false "firstframe 02025 lastframe No response -30,-30,2685,2160 of page id 0 Blaster.tbk 2"Z"true 2"2685,2160 `D|D| -30,-30,2685,2160 -285,-180,8820,6015 49625 hotword id 12 of page id 11 1 DS""" createHotword buttonDoubleClick reader enterbook author rightButtonUp enterbook sizetopage What's the name of the Parent book? lastbook Must have name of Parent book. lastbook lastbook hwloc buttonDoubleClick field lastone CREATOR createHotword lastone selecting lastone textfrompoint hwloc makeone Create a hotword for HyperVideo Link? Cancel GRcreatehotword makeone makeone lastone set position of mainwindow to send idle toolbook selecting hwloc newObj hotword linkMaker reader background author hwloc rightButtonUp frameNumbersOn send LVCmd "0 DS" send LVCmd "1 DS" frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn toolbook newObj recordfield id 0 of page id 0 framenumberson lastbook lastone false firstframe makeone "currRect O2685,2160 recordfield id 0 of page id 11 recordfield id 0 of page id 11 16484 false 1 of page id 11 Or"ity xcomplete /Art xfinal Error Checking minimal Hypervideo authoring portions will xwork on Runtime ToolBook (no compiler). A READER ONLY version the works. 4sire, hwloc, pos, wipe, working, firsttime "Yes" initLinks "dva-4000.tbk" "ld-v2200. key color"," inset", /video1) "One moment... initializing videodisc" ", defcomport 8) < 0 "Cannot initialize ?. Sequences xplay." "Videodisc player Starting seeking frame 34100" ready." initlinks tbk-comm.dll X"c:\rollout\TBK-COMM.DLL" --INT clearComBreak(WORD) oseComPort( %flushComRxBuffer( ;flushComTxBuffer( ? isComRxReady( R isComTxReady( wopenComPort( STRING readComPort( setComBreak( setComPort( setComPortTxXlate( _TBK_COMMVersion() writeComPort( find correct && "Unable access serial ports." suspend ("close") unlinkDLL " zloc --Give choice tasks clicked lastone CREATOR --Clean up reactivate selecting kill --Setup removal selected creating -- a W<> "" makeone "Create a HyperVideo "Cancel" "yes" selectedtextstate, & "," & -- If a facilitate hyperlink newObj linkMaker If user manages O without removing so that can be removed later. }loc; fields 0,75.3125,0 "Finish current procedure 4switching Author level." "0,0" -- Show numbers frameNumbersOn LVCmd ""0 DS""" toolbook '1 DS""" leClick initlinks createHotword enterbook leaveBook reader buttonDoubleClick author rightButtonUp enterbook sizetopage sizetopage initLinks dva-4000.tbk dva-4000.tbk ld-v2200.tbk ld-v2200.tbk video set key color magenta video set inset inset rectangle video defcomport videodisc Cannot initialize the videodisc. Sequences will not play. initialize videodisc videodisc video1 hwloc working firsttime initlinks c:\rollout\TBK-COMM.DLL closeComPort flushComRxBuffer flushComTxBuffer isComRxReady isComTxReady openComPort readComPort setComPort setComPortTxXlate TBK_COMMVersion writeComPort Cannot find the correct version of TBK-COMM.DLL. Unable to get access to the serial ports. leaveBook close videodisc tbk-comm.dll suspend buttonDoubleClick field lastone CREATOR working createHotword lastone selecting lastone textfrompoint hwloc makeone Create a hotword for HyperVideo Link? Cancel GRcreatehotword makeone makeone lastone selecting hwloc hotword newObj to handle buttonUp loc;send kill loc;end field sendtoback linkMaker reader background author Finish the current procedure before switching to Author level. hwloc working rightButtonUp frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn defComPort false 2"recordfield id 0 of page id 0 false 7Z",2160 -285,-180,8820,6015 27794 25308 43455 35231 43424 2685,2160 -30,-30,2685,2160 erVid.TBK Designed created HGlenn Morrissey (206) 462-0501 c 1990 Asymetrix Corporation THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS - Functionality xcomplete /Art xfinal Error Checking minimal Hypervideo authoring portions will xwork on Runtime ToolBook (no compiler). A READER ONLY version the works. 4sire, hwloc, pos, wipe, working, firsttime, mainPos MainWindow "Yes" volume currRect "inset /video1 initLinks "dva-4000.tbk" "ld-v2200. key color"," audioControl(" level", 175) "One moment... initializing videodisc" ", defcomport 8) < 0 "Cannot initialize ?. Sequences xplay." "Videodisc player Starting seeking frame 34100" ("close") ready." initlinks tbk-comm.dll X"TBK-COMM.DLL" --INT clearComBreak(WORD) oseComPort( %flushComRxBuffer( ;flushComTxBuffer( ? isComRxReady( R isComTxReady( wopenComPort( STRING readComPort( setComBreak( setComPort( setComPortTxXlate( _TBK_COMMVersion() writeComPort( find correct && "Unable access serial ports." suspend unlinkDLL " zloc --Give choice tasks clicked lastone CREATOR --Clean up reactivate selecting kill --Setup removal selected creating -- a W<> "" makeone "Create a HyperVideo "Cancel" "yes" selectedtextstate, & "," & menus -- If a facilitate hyperlink newObj linkMaker If user manages O without removing so that can be removed later. }loc; fields 0,75.3125,0 "Finish current procedure 4switching Author "0,0" -- Show numbers frameNumbersOn controls BHideShowControls filem filemr pagem pagemr textm textmr scriptsm scriptsmr helpm helpmr links createHotword enterbook leaveBook reader buttonDoubleClick author rightButtonUp rightButtonDoubleClick initlinks buttonUp enterbook sizetopage volume currRect inset rectangle sizetopage initLinks dva-4000.tbk dva-4000.tbk ld-v2200.tbk ld-v2200.tbk video set key color magenta video set inset inset rectangle video set level audioControl defcomport videodisc Cannot initialize the videodisc. Sequences will not play. close videodisc videodisc initialize videodisc videodisc video1 hwloc working firsttime mainPos initlinks TBK-COMM.DLL closeComPort flushComRxBuffer flushComTxBuffer isComRxReady isComTxReady openComPort readComPort setComPort setComPortTxXlate TBK_COMMVersion writeComPort Cannot find the correct version of TBK-COMM.DLL. Unable to get access to the serial ports. leaveBook close videodisc close video tbk-comm.dll suspend buttonDoubleClick field lastone CREATOR working createHotword lastone selecting lastone textfrompoint hwloc makeone Create a hotword for HyperVideo Link? Cancel GRcreatehotword makeone makeone lastone set inset currRect video menus selecting hwloc mainPos hotword newObj to handle buttonUp loc;send kill loc;end field sendtoback linkMaker reader background author Finish the current procedure before switching to Author level. hwloc working rightButtonUp frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn rightButtonDoubleClick Show Controls Hide Controls HideShowControls controls buttonUp buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown helpmr helpm scriptsmr scriptsm textmr textm pagemr pagem filemr filem suspend Tms Rmn Tms Rmn "" makeone "Create a HyperVideo "Cancel" "yes" selectedtextstate, & "," & menus -- If a facilitate hyperlink newObj linkMaker If user manages O without removing so that can be removed later. }loc; fields 0,75.3125,0 "Finish current procedure 4switching Author "0,0" -- Show numbers frameNumbersOn controls BHideShowControls filem filemr pagem pagemr textm textmr scriptsm scriptsmr helpm helpmr links createHotword enterbook leaveBook reader buttonDoubleClick author rightButtonUp rightButtonDoubleClick initlinks buttonUp enterbook sizetopage volume currRect inset rectangle sizetopage initLinks dva-4000.tbk dva-4000.tbk ld-v2200.tbk ld-v2200.tbk video set key color magenta video set inset inset rectangle video set level audioControl defcomport videodisc Cannot initialize the videodisc. Sequences will not play. close videodisc videodisc initialize videodisc videodisc video1 hwloc working firsttime mainPos initlinks TBK-COMM.DLL closeComPort flushComRxBuffer flushComTxBuffer isComRxReady isComTxReady openComPort readComPort setComPort setComPortTxXlate TBK_COMMVersion writeComPort Cannot find the correct version of TBK-COMM.DLL. Unable to get access to the serial ports. leaveBook close videodisc close video tbk-comm.dll suspend buttonDoubleClick field lastone CREATOR working createHotword lastone selecting lastone textfrompoint hwloc makeone Create a hotword for HyperVideo Link? Cancel GRcreatehotword makeone makeone lastone set inset currRect video menus selecting hwloc mainPos hotword newObj to handle buttonUp loc;send kill loc;end field sendtoback linkMaker reader background author Finish the current procedure before switching to Author level. hwloc working rightButtonUp frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn frameNumbersOn rightButtonDoubleClick Show Controls Hide Controls HideShowControls controls buttonUp buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown helpmr helpm scriptsmr scriptsm textmr textm pagemr pagem filemr filem suspend video1 video(" Inset", "inset enterbackground enterbackground set Inset inset rectangle video C"JJJTd gostill Inset Rectangle video("fade out",1) clickcatcher inset", "clickCatcher" ", 1) currRect buttonUp buttonDoubleClick buttonUp buttonDoubleClick fade out video set inset clickCatcher video fade in video currRect clickcatcher selecting Select the text to linkkkkk EndEdit Finished 4working endedit lastone buttonUp buttonUp lastone endedit working End Edit Creator lastone Selecting makeone CREATOR menus buttonUp buttonUp lastone makeone menus CREATOR Selecting HyperVideo EndEdit CREATOR lastone buttonUp buttonUp lastone CREATOR EndEdit Edit Text 4working lastone CREATOR buttonUp buttonUp lastone CREATOR working Cancel RemoveLink 4wipe CREATOR lastone buttonUp buttonUp request CREATOR Remove Link Request 4hwloc, wipe, working "Remove HyperVideo link?" f"Yes" lastone buttonUp buttonUp Remove HyperVideo link? request lastone gremoveHotword hwloc working Click on the hotword to be removed with the left mouse button, then click this area. menus buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick File Page Text Scripts Help filemr oshowing filem buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown showing showing showing filem buttonUp showing false pagemr oshowing pagem buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown showing showing showing pagem buttonUp showing false textmr oshowing textm buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown showing showing showing textm buttonUp showing false scriptsmr oshowing scriptsm buttondown buttonUp buttondown showing showing showing scriptsm buttonUp showing false HideShowControls controls "Show 3180,645 "Hide buttonUp buttonUp Show controls Hide controls controls label Show controls Hide controls oshowit buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick showit showit showit helpmr oshowing helpm buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown showing showing showing helpm buttonUp !showing false clickcatcher video("fade out",1) inset", currRect / Rectangle"\ ", 1) doubleclick buttondoubleclick rightButtonDoubleClick buttondoubleclick fade out video set inset inset rectangle video currRect inset Rectangle fade in video rightButtonDoubleClick rightButtonDoubleClick helpm helpm $showing false Monitor Int/Ext -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- monitor AsymetrixLogo helpmr buttonUp buttonUp buttonDown helpmr AsymetrixLogo textm textm 'showing false Character Paragraph Bold Italic Underline -------------------------------------- Show Hotwords -------------------------------------- textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing character textmr textm textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing ;IshowHotwords textmr textm textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing underline textmr textm textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing italic textmr textm textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing textmr textm textm showing textmr buttonUp buttonUp showing paragraph textmr textm pagem pagem .showing false Next Previous First Back -------------------------------------- New Page Search -------------------------------------- pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing pagemr pagem pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing search pagemr pagem pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing y5newpage pagemr pagem pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing pagemr pagem pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing pagemr pagem pagem showing pagemr buttonUp buttonUp showing previous pagemr pagem filem Filem `6showing false Open Save Save As -------------------------------------- Print Pages Print Report -------------------------------------- ExitExitExittt printreport filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp printreport showing filemr filem filem template "toolbook.exe" showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp showing filemr filem filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp showing filemr filem filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp showing filemr filem filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp showing saveas filemr filem filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp printpages showing filemr filem 4sire filem showing filemr buttonUp buttonUp showing filemr filem scriptsm scripts >showing false Play Icon Create Link Book scriptsm BPlay showing scriptsmr buttonUp buttonUp showing scriptsmr scriptsm scriptsm BCreateLink showing scriptsmr buttonUp buttonUp showing scriptsmr CreateLink scriptsm scriptsm showing scriptsmr buttonUp buttonUp showing scriptsmr scriptsm AsymetrixLogo buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick Hypervideo Hypervideo Asymetrix Asymetrix linkmaker ` !!! ` !!! Choose the beginning and ending frames for the link. FirstFrame videodisc("status frame") firstframe buttonUp buttonUp status frame videodisc firstframe First Frame LastFrame videodisc("status frame") lastframe buttonUp buttonUp status frame videodisc lastframe Last Frame firstframe lastframe videodisc("play " & f & " " & l) buttonUp buttonUp firstframe lastframe play from videodisc JJ0OS CreateLink 4working firstframe lastframe newObj }loc;" & \ 4wipe; kill ;" & \ videodisc(""play " & f & " " & l & """); linkmaker menus buttonUp buttonUp firstframe lastframe newObj to handle buttonUp loc; system wipe; if wipe is true; forward kill loc; break buttonUp;end; get videodisc("play from ");end menus linkmaker working Create Link Cancel 4hwloc, working "Are you sure?" f"Yes" linkmaker lastone menus buttonUp buttonUp Are you sure? lastone gremoveHotword menus linkmaker hwloc working Cancel scanFicon pauseicon StopIcon 4sire videodisc (" <("play") L("Still") uttonUp rightButtonUp buttonUp rightButtonUp videodisc buttonUp videodisc Still videodisc [open false videodisc("play") gostill buttonUp buttonUp videodisc gostill 4Sire videoDisc("Scan") buttonStillDown buttonStillDown videoDisc 4Sire gostill / = 1 videodisc("Still") reverse") buttonUp buttonUp gostill gostill Still videodisc step reverse videodisc gostill videodisc(" buttonUp buttonUp gostill still videodisc ("Play From,To (two #s separated Ha comma)" firstframe lastframe buttonUp buttonUp Play From,To (two #s separated by a comma) firstframe lastframe gostill videodisc(" buttonUp buttonUp gostill gostill still videodisc videodisc 4Sire gostill videodisc("Play reverse") buttonUp buttonUp gostill Play reverse videodisc 4Sire videodisc("scan reverse") buttonStillDown buttonStillDown scan reverse videodisc controls Speed Track Thumb "slider" -- stores a bunch dimensions %private receives the "Calibrate" message -- Can itself a " detects error B"Speed Track" otBounds otrack -- I will never oWidth oxOffset "glide minTrack maxTrack omaxX ominX -- there are 9 "zones" on zoneWidth }) / 17 2* i) + 65000 = 1 = 17 = 2 = 16 = 3 = 15 = 4 = 14 = 5 = 13 "1/2" = 6 = 12 "1/3" = 7 = 11 "1/4" = 8 = 10 "1/6" oLastZone ,x)), 4sire = 1 = 17 = 2 = 16 = 3 = 15 = 4 = 14 = 5 = 13 = 6 = 12 = 7 = 11 = 8 = 10 videodisc("still") < 9 4play") reverse") Calibrate buttonDown buttonstilldown buttonUp buttonDown Speed Track tBounds track Speed Track }Calibrate Calibrate Width xOffset Width tBounds track tBounds tBounds xOffset xOffset zones zones zones zoneWidth maxTrack minTrack buttonstilldown zones LastZone xOffset buttonUp LastZone still videodisc videodisc play reverse videodisc qJqzones 65000,7333,7154,6974,6795,6616,6437,6258,6079,5899,5720,5541,5362,5183,5004,4824,4645 qtrack button id 8 of background id 0 qLastZone rminX rmaxX Br8rxOffset ZrPrWidth prdry rtBounds 4466,1855,7512,1931 scanFicon pauseicon stepRicon playRicon StopIcon 4sire videodisc (" <("play") L("Still") uttonUp rightButtonUp buttonUp rightButtonUp videodisc buttonUp videodisc Still videodisc yopen false gostill video("unfreeze") videodisc(" buttonUp buttonUp gostill gostill unfreeze video still videodisc freeze video videodisc unfreeze video freeze video videodisc("play") ("unfreeze") gostill buttonUp buttonUp videodisc unfreeze video gostill 4Sire videoDisc("Scan") buttonStillDown buttonStillDown videoDisc gostill / = 1 videodisc("Still") reverse") buttonUp buttonUp gostill gostill Still videodisc step reverse videodisc 4Sire gostill videodisc("Play reverse") buttonUp buttonUp gostill Play reverse videodisc 4Sire videodisc("scan reverse") buttonStillDown buttonStillDown scan reverse videodisc gostill videodisc(" buttonUp buttonUp gostill still videodisc ("From,To (two #s separated Ha comma)" videodisc("play " & b & " " & e) buttonUp buttonUp From,To (two #s separated by a comma) play from videodisc vdown 4sire volume 8<= 2 audioControl(" level", buttonStillDown buttonStillDown volume volume volume set level volume audioControl 4sire volume 8> 252 audioControl(" level", buttonStillDown buttonStillDown volume volume volume set level volume audioControl clickcatcher filem enterpage enterpage filem clickcatcher The recovery of artifacts from space has extended the scope of the technical serviceperson into an entirely new arena. The space shuttle Columbia, under the guidance of astronaut Bob Reynolds, undertook the task of rescuing a $250,000,000 Westinghouse satellite. The maneuvering of several tons of state of the art electronics becomes a one person task in the weightlessness of the space vaccuum. The ground crew showed much emotion as the news of the successful rescue was relayed back to Earth. A shuttle landing is a wonderous event, even to the charter veterans of flight. tion (see Mt. St. Helens). A AAA roadmap was used to quide the crew due to the last minute inclusion of this task. A shuttle landing is a wonderous event, even to the charter veterans of flight. }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 04628 04897"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 04628 to 04897 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 11876 18533"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 11876 to 18533 videodisc ;.O^. }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 19978 20710"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 19978 to 20710 videodisc video1 Asymetrix ToolBook has enjoyed wide support among computer industry Movers and Shakers: Bill Gates, CEO Microsoft John Frank, President of ZenithData Systems Ruthann Quindlan, Vice President of Alex Brown Bill Machrone, Managing Editor of PC Magazine Marc Canter, CEO MacroMind Inc. Paul Brainerd, President, Aldus Corporation Jim and Stan, Vector Optics We at Asymetrix also enjoy a little basketball every now and then. With ToolBook, even if you run into a brick wall, you can use it in your applications. You could fill this text field with as much text as you'd like. You could also create other fields on this page and arrange them with graphics, or you could create other pages with other information. Hyperlinking, let's both the author and user experience information in a 3-dimensional way, letting information of various types and linearities be accessible at the click of a mouse button. }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 08041 09199"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 08041 to 09199 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 15895 18016"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 15895 to 18016 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 34000 35231"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 34000 to 35231 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 27385 27794"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 27385 to 27794 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 21903 22706"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 21903 to 22706 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 24768 25308"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 24768 to 25308 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 26475 26989"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 26475 to 26989 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 04854 05367"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 04854 to 05367 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 41249 43023"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 41249 to 43023 videodisc }loc; 4wipe; kill videodisc("play 10788 11711"); buttonUp buttonUp play from 10788 to 11711 videodisc Multimedia Hardware level5 level5 PC Hypermedia index buttonup buttonup Multimedia Hardware 4svVisibleField "connections" hidden monitor speakers computer player hideField fFieldName avepage hidden leavepage hideField leavepage connections show connections hide connections svVisibleField hidden player computer speakers monitor hideField svVisibleField fFieldName Multimedia PC Hardware connections @@@@@@ RS-232 serial connection Composite video and two audio channelss VGA video and two audio channels thestrokecolor 0,0,0 Point to any object for more information.. thestrokecolor 0,0,0 A typical configuration for using video with ToolBook Show Connections hidefield "connections" buttonUp buttonUp hthidefield connections hide connections Show Connections "Player" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter Player hthidefield Player "Monitor" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter Monitor hthidefield Monitor "DVA" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter hthidefield "Computer" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter Computer hthidefield Computer Hide Connections hidefield "connections" buttonUp buttonUp hthidefield connections Hide Connections "Speakers" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter Speakers hthidefield Speakers "Speakers" hidefield " mouseEnter mouseEnter Speakers hthidefield Speakers Monitor hideable Display: A standard VGA monitor can be used. A multisync monitor can also be used, if it can accept analog input at VGA resolution. . lution. on. t one or both of the soundtracks through a software command. The DVA4000 board can control the volume of each audio channel independently.pendently. Player !hideable Videodisc player: Any videodisc player that can be controlled through an RS-232 connection can be used.....The software in this demo assumes a Pioneer LD-V4200.....r both of the soundtracks through a software command. The DVA4000 board can control the volume of each audio channel independently.pendently. Computer #hideable Computer: A standard 80386 PC will do. The only modification is to add a video adapter board..ard.dapter board.........board.n the DVA board.he DVA board.o.l as audio.both of the soundtracks through a software command. The DVA4000 board can control the volume of each audio channel independently.pendently. X%hideable Video overlay board: Various video display adapter boards are available that control video and audio. Some 80386 systems have a dedicated video slot.eo slot. It controls video as well as audio.ot of the PS/2 MicroChannel computer. It controls video as well as independently.pendently. speakers 'hideable |(4'y( Amplified speaker: Videodiscs support two audio channels, which can be used for different sound tracks or for a stereo sound track. The videodisc player can select one or both of the soundtracks through a software command. A video display adapter board can control the volume of each audio channel....dependently.y.