Changes to F-PROT Version 1.14 added the following features: Detection, but not removal of 905 Anthrax C-23693 Crazy Eddie Lovechild Rat Terror V2P6 Vienna-644 Whale - warning - the Whale detection is not 100% perfect - I am improving it right now. The reason V2P6 is not removed is because of the complexity of the various encryption methods - If you ever get infected by the virus, I suggest you contact its author: Mark Washburn 4656 Polk Street NE Coloumbia Heights, MN 55421 USA Detection and removal of the following viruses: 217 417 440 492 516 600 696 699 (erronously called "711" elsewhere) 707 789 948 1049 1067 1075 1226 1600 2144 2480 Agiplan Alabama-B Amstrad-852 AntiPascal AntiPascal 2 Attention Bebe Best Wishes Black Monday Burger-537 Carioca Christmas in Japan Cookie Datalock Destructor DIR Diskjeb Doteater Evil Father Christmas (Choinka) Groen Links Guppy Hymn Internal Invader Jerusalem-G Joker Joker-01 Kemerovo Leprosy-B Liberty II Lozinsky MG MG-3 MGTU Mirror MLTI Monxla/Time Musicbug Nina Nomenklatura Parity Phoenix Piter Plastique (4 new variants) Polimer Proud Saddam Scott's Valley Stone `90 (T@V) - a variant of Vienna Superhack (Scottish Murphy) SVC Sverdlov Tiny-family (11 different variants) Turbo-448 Turbo Kukac Turku (Twins) V2P2 VFSI (Happy) Vienna (several new variants) Violator Virdem-792 Voronezh Vriest Westwood Wisconsin Zero Hunt (Minnow) F-FCHK now does a much better job of detecting minor variants of viruses, in particular those cases where the differences are insignificant and do not matter with regard to disinfection. As an example, it will now identify the minor Jerusalem-variants (Payday, Mendoza, A-204, Puerto, Sunday, Anarkia, Westwood, B, C, G GrLkDos etc.) correctly, instead of just labeling them "Jerusalem". The /LIST switch added to F-FCHK, to produce a report with a list of files scanned, and results. The /MULTI switch added to F-FCHK and F-DISING to scan multiple diskettes. The switches may be combined with other switches - for example you can use F-DISINF A: /MULTI /AUTO if you have a large pile of infected diskettes or F-FCHK C: /AUTO /LIST > report.lis to scan and disinfect the entire hard disk and produce a report. The following bugs/problems have been fixed: The identification string for "Zero Bug" has been changed as it produced a false positive in LB.COM from Lahey and several other programs. F-FCHK now reports the correct number of files disinfected, when files are infected with multiple viruses. Occasional (but very rare) crashes of F-XLOCK and F-FCHK if F-LOCK was not installed. Problems when removing "Stoned" from a hard disk formatted under some DOS versions earlier than 3.0 Occasional incorrect removal of Alabama. F-DRIVER has just been reported not to work on some machines with PC-NFS installed. I am examining the problem, and will have it fixed in the next release. Version 1.13 added the following features: Detection and removal of the following viruses: Blood Itavir TUQ Slow Burger (removal not possible) 1024 V-1 (file and boot sectors) Joshi Plastique 5.21 (file and boot sectors) Filler Casper The disinfection program updated to remove "Flash" infections of boot sectors. Analysis of suspicious boot sector code improved. The package is now free of charge to any individual using it only on a single computer.