dayCounter Starting Date Is: firstInterval 30 days will be:Message firstIntervalResult Tuesday, August 14, 1990090199090 secondInterval 45 days will be:Message secondIntervalResult Wednesday, August 29, 199090 thirdInterval 90 days will be:ldMessage thirdIntervalResult Saturday, October 13, 199000 firstDate July 15,199090990 getUserDate 4beginningDate,returnDate "m/d/yy" Count From (m/d/y)" "firstDate" %"M d, y" calculateAndReport rightbuttonUp "Allows user r"&&\ project should be entered %m/d/y." \ "helpText" displayHelp B"helpButton" buttonup rightbuttonUp buttonup m/d/yy Date to Count From (m/d/y) firstDate firstDate M d, y seconds o=!calculateAndReport beginningDate returnDate rightbuttonUp Allows user to select the date to project from. Date should be entered as m/d/y. helpText displayHelp helpButton New Date newInterval --delcare 4intervalChange 4intervalOne, intervalTwo, intervalThree input < First Interval To:" intervalCheck y Second Third --adjust report fillReportStrings calculateAndReport > 999 too large. xexceed"&&\ "999. Please begin B"getUserDate" rightbuttonUp "Allows user selecte the"&&\ "intervals project resets "projections. - may 999 days." \ "helpText" displayHelp B"helpButton" tonUp intervalCheck buttonUp rightbuttonUp buttonUp Change First Interval To: =intervalCheck Change Second Interval To: =intervalCheck Change Third Interval To: =intervalCheck oS$fillReportStrings o=!calculateAndReport intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree intervalChange intervalCheck cancel Interval is too large. May not exceed 999. Please begin again buttonUp getUserDate intervalChange rightbuttonUp Allows user to selecte the intervals to project and resets the projections. No interval may exceed 999 days. helpText displayHelp helpButton Change Interval restoration initializeBook rightbuttonUp "Replaces user selected dates"&&\ intervals fthe ^ defaults." \ "helpText" displayHelp B"helpButton" buttonUp rightbuttonUp buttonUp vinitializeBook rightbuttonUp Replaces any user selected dates and intervals with the initial defaults. helpText displayHelp helpButton Restore Default helpButton "Click the mouse view a help screen"&&\ "like fades "helpText" displayHelp "helpGroup" buttonUp displayHelp buttonUp Click the right mouse button on any command button to view a help screen like this. The help screen fades in 5 seconds. helpText displayHelp displayHelp helpGroup helpGroup helpGroup helpText Allows user to select the date to project from. Date should be entered as m/d/y.nterval may exceed 999 days. 5 seconds. Counterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tabAlign "dayCounterTab" "This enterPage enterPage TtabAlign dayCounterTab This is the last page. dayCounter mainBackground logIn autoLetter logoPage releaseNotes Front End Manager Beta 0.50 from Stained Glass Windows, LTD. (c) 1990 All rights reserved. Front End Manager (c) is both a working application and a demo of some of the integration potential offered by ToolBook and its release with Windows 3.0. The Log In Manager is not fully implemented in this version. Ideally, it should be customized for each work station that is to use FEM. At the end of each session, it can print a report for the operator documenting use. It can also be used to secure access. The Application Manager will launch Word For Windows, Excel, and DayBook provided that each program is in a path directory. The Automation Manager will take user input and use DDE to prepare and print a letter using WFW. Again, just a fraction of the potential of ToolBook to automate sending routine information to templates in DDE capable programs w/o the operator's intervention or need to "know" the program. The WFW template is included in this .ZIP file for your use. Day Counter is a "micro app" projecting the day of the week and date falling on three specific intervals from a date supplied. This app was previously uploaded to CIS as "IntervalBook." Front End Manager (c) is uploaded with all rights reserved. No license fee is requested, at this time. You may copy and distribute for demonstration purposes so long as no alterations are made and no fees demanded. It is our intention to increase the number of "micro apps" and functions of FEM and upload a license required version, depending upon the response to this demo. Please contact Tom Bishop 71210,1234 on CIS for information or more details. Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated. We will be happy to customize an FEM for your particular office. Front End Manager (c) is provided without any warranty and specifically without warranty as to merchantability or for any particular use. Stained Glass Windows, LTD. (c) accepts no responsibility for any incompatibility or failure of any type resulting from use of this application. Word For Windows and Excel are registered marks of Microsoft; DayBook and ToolBook are registered marks of Asymetrix. Stained Glass Windows, LTD. (c) is not affiliated in any way with Asymetrix or Microsoft. Thank You. 4pageYouLeft previous previous pageYouLeft previous releaseNotes Tms Rmn `D|D| System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Stained Glass Windows lmLqmOjsIb System --declare 4returnDate,intervalOne,intervalTwo,intervalThree 4fieldMessage,beginningDate --call primary routines initializeStartingDate initializeIntervals fillReportStrings calculateAndReport starting "M d,y" "firstDate" "dayCounter" intervals " days will be:" [ fields "firstInterval" "secondInterval" "thirdInterval" projected place intervalSent projectedDate( "firstIntervalResult" "secondIntervalResult" "thirdIntervalResult" , d, m, y holdingDate # + ( *(24*60*60)) dateToGet %"M d, y" %"d, m, y" weekday(d, m, y)&", "&holdingdate returndate "M d, y" weekDay d, m, y 4leapyear,d, m, y Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 ((yr + (yr y4) + + d + ) + 2) dayOrdinal "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday," dayWord dayword enterBook initializeStartingDate initializeIntervals initializeBook fillReportStrings calculateAndReport tedDate projectedDate weekDay enterBook sizeToPage vinitializeBook initializeBook initializeStartingDate FjinitializeIntervals S$fillReportStrings =!calculateAndReport fieldMessage beginningDate returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree initializeStartingDate M d,y firstDate dayCounter beginningDate initializeIntervals days will be: fieldMessage returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree fillReportStrings firstInterval dayCounter secondInterval dayCounter thirdInterval dayCounter fieldMessage returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree calculateAndReport projectedDate firstIntervalResult dayCounter projectedDate secondIntervalResult dayCounter projectedDate thirdIntervalResult dayCounter intervalSent fieldMessage beginningDate returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree projectedDate seconds seconds M d, y d, m, y weekday holdingdate returndate M d, y dateToGet holdingDate returnDate intervalSent beginningDate weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday, dayword dayWord dayOrdinal mfactor cfactor leapyear Tms Rmn `D|D| --initialize initializeBook "operatorID" /"mainBackground" "accessCode" "logIn" ilogOnTime jAMPM" --declare 4returnDate,intervalOne,intervalTwo,intervalThree 4fieldMessage,beginningDate --call primary routines initializeStartingDate initializeIntervals fillReportStrings calculateAndReport starting "M d,y" "firstDate" "dayCounter" intervals " days will be:" [ fields "firstInterval" "secondInterval" "thirdInterval" projected place intervalSent projectedDate( "firstIntervalResult" "secondIntervalResult" "thirdIntervalResult" , d, m, y holdingDate # + ( *(24*60*60)) dateToGet %"M d, y" %"d, m, y" weekday(d, m, y)&", "&holdingdate returndate "M d, y" weekDay d, m, y 4leapyear,d, m, y Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 ((yr + (yr y4) + + d + ) + 2) dayOrdinal "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday," dayWord dayword enterBook initializeStartingDate initializeIntervals initializeBook fillReportStrings calculateAndReport tedDate projectedDate weekDay enterBook sizeToPage vinitializeBook operatorID mainBackground accessCode logIn hh:min AMPM logOnTime mainBackground initializeBook initializeStartingDate FjinitializeIntervals S$fillReportStrings =!calculateAndReport fieldMessage beginningDate returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree initializeStartingDate M d,y firstDate dayCounter beginningDate initializeIntervals days will be: fieldMessage returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree fillReportStrings firstInterval dayCounter secondInterval dayCounter thirdInterval dayCounter fieldMessage returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree calculateAndReport projectedDate firstIntervalResult dayCounter projectedDate secondIntervalResult dayCounter projectedDate thirdIntervalResult dayCounter intervalSent fieldMessage beginningDate returnDate intervalOne intervalTwo intervalThree projectedDate seconds seconds M d, y d, m, y weekday holdingdate returndate M d, y dateToGet holdingDate returnDate intervalSent beginningDate weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday, dayword dayWord dayOrdinal mfactor cfactor leapyear stainedGlassBackground ,8.8. glassTinting curtainPanelTwo "logoPage" Send Background Select PaintObject "curtainPanelTwo" 2920 ci < 6 Move the x, 690 '"curtainPanelOne" ci < 6 x, 690 "glassTinting" "sunRays" "centralRay" rightButtonup /"stainedGlassBackground" 2920,690 3570, 690 buttonUp rightButtonup buttonUp logoPage Background curtainPanelTwo curtainPanelOne glassTinting sunRays centralRay prightButtonup curtainPanelTwo stainedGlassBackground rightButtonup centralRay stainedGlassBackground sunRays stainedGlassBackground glassTinting stainedGlassBackground curtainPanelTwo stainedGlassBackground curtainPanelOne stainedGlassBackground :PHYSSIZE curtainPanelOne --Send Background --Select PaintObject "curtainPanelOne" --Move the 3585, 690 :PHYSSIZE sunRays centralRay N(N(N( mainBackground enterLogIn Move Group "logInCard" 4215, 2190 enterLogin exitLogIn 4020, 1785 exitLogin "MMM d, y hh: jAMPM" "currentDateField" \ currentTime "logOnTime" /"mainBackground" loggedTime differenceTime %"hh24: "elapsedTime" nterLogIn exitLogIn enterLogIn enterLogIn logInCard logInCard exitLogIn logInCard logInCard MMM d, y hh:min AMPM currentDateField seconds hh:min AMPM logOnTime mainBackground seconds seconds hh24:min elapsedTime mainBackground differenceTime loggedTime currentTime "@"l" #B%>&j& logInCard "logIn" buttonUp buttonUp logIn Log In Card ` 7#$ ` 7#$ dayCounterTab tabAlign "dayCounter" Move Group "dayCounterTab" 7155, 2190 (deTab" 4950, 1830 AapplicationTab" 3225, 2055 buttonUp tabAlign buttonUp TtabAlign dayCounter tabAlign dayCounterTab ddeTab applicationTab Day Counter ddeTab tabAlign "automation" Move Group "applicationTab" 3030, 1830 )ddeTab" 5220, 2190 CdayCounterTab" 6990, 2055 buttonUp tabAlign buttonUp TtabAlign automation tabAlign applicationTab ddeTab dayCounterTab ddeTab ddeTab Automation applicationTab tabAlign "applications" Move Group "dayCounterTab" 6780, 1830 (applicationTab" 3345, 2145 JdeTab" 5115, 2010 buttonUp tabAlign buttonUp TtabAlign applications tabAlign dayCounterTab applicationTab ddeTab Applications currentDateField Jul 15, 1990 03:08 PM PM buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup previous buttonup buttonup Status Board: Front End Manager Current Operator is: operatorId Log On: Elapsed: logOnTime 02:25 PM elapsedTime 00:43n=" exitButton "logoPage" '"curtainPanelTwo" buttonUp buttonUp logoPage background buttonUp curtainPanelTwo aboutButton pageYouLeft "aboutTab" "aboutPage" buttonUp buttonUp aboutTab aboutPage aboutTab pageYouLeft About aboutTab About . . .dddddddddd aboutButton 4pageYouLeft "releaseNotes" tonUp previous buttonUp buttonUp releaseNotes pageYouLeft previous pageYouLeft previous Release Notes stainedGlassBackground :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE .:PHYSSIZE =:PHYSSIZE logIn enterLogin "accessCode" "Incorrect Password" exitLogIn nextPage "There ePage enterPage nextPage previous leavePage enterPage enterLogin leavePage exitLogIn nextPage leavePage previous There is no previous page previous 1. Please activate the button beside your name. 2. Please enter your access code for identification.After quitting that application, you will return here.ere. Log In Managerrrrrrrrrrrr employee1 4emp1pass em1pass B"employee2" B"employee3" B"employee4" "operatorId" B"employee1" buttonUp buttonUp employee2 employee3 employee4 operatorId employee1 em1pass emp1pass Homer employee2 B"employee1" B"employee3" B"employee4" "operatorId" B"employee2" buttonUp buttonUp employee1 employee3 employee4 operatorId employee2 employee3 B"employee1" B"employee2" B"employee4" "operatorId" B"employee3" buttonUp buttonUp employee1 employee2 employee4 operatorId employee3 Marge employee4 B"employee1" B"employee2" B"employee3" "operatorId" B"employee4" buttonUp buttonUp employee1 employee2 employee3 operatorId employee4 Type Your Access Code Here::: accessCode (Not Required for This Release.) logoPage applications tabAlign "applicationTab" enterPage enterPage TtabAlign applicationTab 1. Click on the icon for the application you wish to run. 2. After quitting that application, you will return here. :PHYSSIZE """" """""" wfwIconField Word For Windows "wfwIconField" 210,25.125,100 "winword.exe" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter wfwIconField 0,100,0 wfwIconField mouseLeave wfwIconField 0,0,0 wfwIconField 0,100,0 buttonUp winword.exe :PHYSSIZE "excIconField" 210,25.125,100 "excel.exe" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter excIconField 0,100,0 excIconField mouseLeave excIconField 0,0,0 excIconField 0,100,0 buttonUp excel.exe excIconField Microsoft Excellsssssssssssssss :PHYSSIZE dbkIconField DayBookkkkllllllllllllsssssssss "dbkIconField" 210,25.125,100 "daybook.tbk" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter dbkIconField 0,100,0 dbkIconField mouseLeave dbkIconField 0,0,0 dbkIconField 0,100,0 buttonUp daybook.tbk Application Manager applications automation autoLetter :PHYSSIZE """" """""" Client ID: honor1 B"honor2" buttonUp buttonUp honor2 honor2 B"honor1" buttonUp buttonUp honor1 Name:::::::: Address::: Text:::::::: specialSalutation Special Salutation: specialSalutation clientId letterName letterAddress letterText sendButton --opens form letter starts WFW necessary "[FileNew 1,""Autoletr""]" Winword x"OK" "winword.exe" minimized Xtr""]" --concantenates inside address strings B"honor1" B"honor2" & " " & "letterName" insideName B"specialSalutation" "specialsalutation" salutationSent tempSalut & " " & --sends template "[A$=WindowName$()][ A$][StartOfDocument][InsertFieldChars]" \ letterTo """ & "[CharRight][ letterAddress """ & """ & EndofDocument 1][UpdateFields][ ][CharLeft]" \ "[LineUp 6]" "letterText" "[FilePrint]" buttonUp buttonUp [FileNew 1,"Autoletr"] winword.exe [FileNew 1,"Autoletr"] honor1 honor1 honor2 letterName specialSalutation specialsalutation letterName [A$=WindowName$()][activate A$][StartOfDocument][InsertFieldChars] set letterTo " [CharRight][InsertFieldChars] set letterAddress " letterAddress [CharRight][InsertFieldChars] set salutation " [StartOfDocument][EndofDocument 1][UpdateFields][EndofDocument][CharLeft] [LineUp 6] letterText [FilePrint] tempSalut salutationSent insideName Winword newButton "clientId" "letterName" "letterAddress" "letterText" "specialSalutation" buttonUp buttonUp clientId letterName letterAddress letterText specialSalutation specialSalutation (Shift+ Enter for New Line.) (Enter for New Para-graph.)))) aboutPage :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE -:PHYSSIZE =:PHYSSIZE Front End Manager Beta 0.50 is . . . Contact Tom Bishop 71210,1234 on CIS for support..................................................... aboutPage automation tabAlign "ddeTab" enterPage enterPage TtabAlign ddeTab 1. Click on the button repre-senting the automated task you wish to run. 2. Follow the directions for that task. will return here. Automation Managerrrrrrr :PHYSSIZE """" """""" wfwIconField Word For Windows autoLetter B"autoLetter" "automation" buttonUp buttonUp autoLetter autoLetter automation Automated Letter