System `D|D| DirSizer c`D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| dlgBox c"&Utilities" "Copy clpbrd" "Write disk" X"TBKGLVAR.DLL" SetGlobalVar(STRING, GetGlobalVar( ClearAllGlobalVars() GlobalVarCount() ?"DSize") CopyToClpbrd copyToClpbrd writeToDisk ("Enter file:" f"dirlist.txt" fname -- give user chance errorBin = r= "no such "File "& q&" exists! Overwrite?" \ f"OK" dlgbox leaveBook enterBook CopyToClpbrd writeToDisk enterBook sizeToPage &Utilities Copy to clpbrd Utilities Write to disk Utilities TBKGLVAR.DLL SetGlobalVar GetGlobalVar ClearAllGlobalVars GlobalVarCount DSize GetGlobalVar dlgBox leaveBook CopyToClpbrd dlgBox writeToDisk Enter name of disk file: dirlist.txt no such file File exists! Overwrite? dlgbox errorBin fname System `D|D| radio targ 4rDrive 29,22,771,578 sizetoPage CopyRightNotice radio enterPage radio rDrive enterPage sizetoPage CopyRightNotice :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp --Directory List Script --Doug Overmyer --12/90 dlgBox Drive " & gDrive radio_group \ & ":" dlgTitle X"TBKGLVAR.DLL" SetGlobalVar(STRING, GetGlobalVar( ClearAllGlobalVars() GlobalVarCount() Z"DSize",1) svfname nvStatus <> 2 n < 10 drive clusterSize ClusterSize \ "toolbook" MsvFname dirList dlgbox sysSuspendMessages P;" & \ buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp Size Directory Drive gDrive TBKGLVAR.DLL SetGlobalVar GetGlobalVar ClearAllGlobalVars GlobalVarCount DSize SetGlobalVar DSize GetGlobalVar set text of field drive to gDrive ;set text of field clusterSize to toolbook svFname toolbook svFname dlgbox set sysChangesDB to false;set sysSuspendMessages to true; send exit toolbook svFname DSize SetGlobalVar dirList ClusterSize nvStatus svfname dlgTitle radio_group dlgBox status false DirSize radio_group radio targ 4gDrive status ] <> other ("Enter drive letter:" state Zcheck_pointer statuS radio status status radio status status status gDrive Enter drive letter: gDrive other gDrive status check_pointer state status check_pointer gDrive radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Drive C radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Drive E radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Drive D radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Drive F radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Drive G Other radio buttonUp buttonUp radio Other Custer size HelpScreen buttonDown buttonDown HelpScreen HelpScreen rightButtonUP uttonDown buttonUp buttonDown rightButtonUP buttonDown HelpScreen buttonUp HelpScreen rightButtonUP HelpScreen TBK Directory Sizer ClusterSize on... copyRightNotice buttonDown buttonDown copyRightNotice DlgTitle Size Directory Drive C:\ DlgBox copyrightNotice /location TBK Directory Sizer Release 1.2 Copyright 1990 by Doug Overmyer San Pedro Graphics Berkeley, CA 947077 HelpScreen Directory Sizer To get the space occupied by files on a drive, select a drive letter from the drive buttons and click "DirSize". You might also check the field in the lower left corner. It gives the cluster size(bytes) used to compute the disk space used by a given file. Usually it is 2048. You can enter a different factor if needed.... --Directory Size Script --Doug Overmyer --12/90 100,100,700,300 X"TBKGLVAR.DLL" SetGlobalVar(STRING, GetGlobalVar( ClearAllGlobalVars() GlobalVarCount() setGlobalVar("DSize",2) Mwhat 4vDirStack,vNextLevel,vFileSizeList,vdirList,vFilList Z vSumFileSize,vCurDir,vCurFile,vFileCount,vDrive, vFileSizeTotal ZvTimeStart,vTimeEnd,vClusterSize linkDLL "tbkfile.dll" getFileList getCurrentDirectory ( setCurrentDirectory ( getFileAttributes getCurrentDrive setCurrentDrive getDriveList getFileSize getFreeDiskSpace LinkDLL sortList( dlgBox vFilesizeList getDriveLetter ( & ":") "Please specify a drive letter fyour directory" default &":\") vDirList (vdrive & ":") ') > 0 msgBox N& "\*.*") = "." ) > 0 & "\" & )+1)* --adj cluster allocation & " " & vdirStack "Sorting directories" "Building display" /1024 & TAB & & CRLF & ": count:" & vFreeSpace )/1024 & ": free :" & ( & ": :" & ( "Elapsed I:" & ( ) & " unlinkDLL " tbksort. P"OK" fPath enterPage remoteGet getDriveLetter enterPage TBKGLVAR.DLL SetGlobalVar GetGlobalVar ClearAllGlobalVars GlobalVarCount DSize setGlobalVar remoteGet tbkfile.dll getFileList getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory getFileAttributes getCurrentDrive setCurrentDrive getDriveList getFileSize getFreeDiskSpace tbksort.dll sortList vFilesizeList getDriveLetter Please specify a drive letter with your directory setCurrentDirectory vDirList vdrive vDirList vDirList vDirList vDirList getFileList vDirList getFileAttributes getFileSize vDirList vdirStack vDirList vDirList Sorting directories sortList vDirList Building display vDirList vDirList #####0K vDirList : file count: getFreeDiskSpace #####0K : free space: #####0K : file space: seconds seconds Elapsed time: seconds tbkfile.dll tbksort.dll vFreeSpace msgBox default Drive ClusterSize dlgBox vTimeStart vTimeEnd vClusterSize vSumFileSize vCurDir vCurFile vFileCount vDrive vFileSizeTotal vDirStack vNextLevel vFileSizeList vdirList vFilList getDriveLetter getDriveList fPath t t t Working on... msgBox status false uilding displayiesCBT buttonUp buttonUp sizeToPage author Drive clusterSize 20489 dlgBox 2K F: 186K F:\ALM 668K F:\DODOT 690K F:\EXCEL 38K F:\EXCEL\BALIS 90K F:\EXCEL\GRAF 42K F:\EXCEL\USER 6130K F:\FOCUS 54K F:\FOCUS\TUTORIAL 1206K F:\FS 856K F:\TBOOK 1914K F:\TOOLBOOK 724K F:\TOOLBOOK\GRF 1660K F:\TOOLBOOK\TBK 2150K F:\TOOLBOOK\UTIL 3278K F:\WINWORD 454K F:\WINWORD\LIBRARY 106K F:\WINWORD\PCLFONTS 1160K F:\WINWORD\WINWORD.CBT F: file count:611 F: free space: 11228K F: file space: 21408K Elapsed time:16 seconds B lB@