System terbook reader enterbook author enterbook sizeToPage reader sizetopage author sizeToPage defsize 7590,5760 Connect DayBook to Dialer.tbk `B|B| leaveBook enterbook reader author enterbook sizeToPage leaveBook reader sizetopage author sizeToPage InstallDialer "dialer icons" 615,3495 bkgd "Address" execdbk (" /" && c"no server" "DayBook must be running. Please Ftry default oldIcons findExistingDialerIcons() "The s already installed exeddbk(" " && & "AddressIndex" & RemoveDialer /" && c"no " && cannot be found "ToolBook" .tbk" getdbk s suspend " && " && "phone" "color A- 45, Q- 60 setphonecolor ( the colors hidden that will be copied/pasted allDialer RemoveDialer buttonDown InstallDialer setphonecolor getdbk execdbk findExistingDialerIcons InstallDialer dialer icons Address go page 1 of background execdbk no server DayBook must be running. Please start DayBook then try again. findExistingDialerIcons The dialer is already installed in this copy of DayBook. set syslockscreen to true exeddbk send background execdbk set sysSuspend to false execdbk dialer icons set syslevel to reader execdbk send paste execdbk set layer of group dialer icons of this background to layer of group AddressIndex of this background execdbk set sysSuspend to true execdbk send foreground execdbk set syslockscreen to false execdbk oldIcons default RemoveDialer Address go page 1 of background execdbk no server DayBook must be running. Please start DayBook then try again. findExistingDialerIcons set sysLockScreen to true execdbk send background execdbk select execdbk set sysSuspend to false execdbk send clear execdbk set sysSuspend to true execdbk send foreground execdbk set sysLockScreen to false execdbk The dialer cannot be found in this copy of DayBook. oldIcons default execdbk ToolBook DayBook.tbk getdbk ToolBook DayBook.tbk findExistingDialerIcons sysSuspend getdbk set sysSuspend to false execdbk group dialer icons of this background getdbk set sysSuspend to execdbk suspend buttonDown phone color highlight oYsetphonecolor default setphonecolor dialer icons polygon rectangle ellipse i:to1 phone color * -L/x1 Dialer Icons dial phNum c"dialer.tbk") dialResult tryDial( "Setup Error" linkDLL user SetActiveWindow(Word) IsWindow(WORD) ) <> 0 dialer.tbk dialer.tbk tryDial Setup Error sysWindowHandle dialer.tbk SetActiveWindow IsWindow IsWindow SetActiveWindow dialResult phNum dial ( "bphone 1") buttonDown buttonDown bphone 1 dial ( "hphone 1") buttonDown buttonDown hphone 1 field-1 reset --** proportions moved + 15, + 15,\ + 15, + 15, + 15,\ reset reset explain dial ( keydown keydown alignment centered This ToolBook application adds autodialer icons to the Address pages in Asymetrix DayBook version 1.0. No programming or authoring is required. Hardware required: Hayes-compatible modem connected to any serial port of your computer, and a telephone connected through the modem or in parallel. on, each in its own window. 2. Click the Install button at the bottom of this page. If the installation succeeds: 3. Copy the files DIALER.TBK and TBK-COMM.DLL to your ToolBook or TBOOK directory. 4. Run DIALER.TBK and use the Setup button to adjust the port, baud rate and other settings. Use the Help button for details and other information. 5. Close this book and DIALER.TBK. DIALER.TBK does not have to be open to work with DayBook. Of course, you can always use it by itself if you want. 6. To dial a phone number, make sure the first line of the phone number field in DayBook contains a valid number. Then click the telephone icon. If you don't like the way the dialer works, click the Remove button on this page. Dialer Installer Version 1.05 by C.O..... Copyright 1990 Asymetrix Corporation. Please read this carefully: These versions of DIALER.TBK, TBK-COMM.DLL and this application are not official Asymetrix products. No warranty is implied and no technical support will be provided. To add automatic dialing capability to Daybook: 1. Run DayBook and this installer application, each in its own window. 2. Choose a color for the dialer icons and click the Install button at the bottom of this page. If the installation succeeds: 3. Copy the files DIALER.TBK and TBK-COMM.DLL to your ToolBook or TBOOK directory. 4. Run DIALER.TBK and use the Setup button to adjust the port, baud rate and other settings. Use the Help button for details and other information. 5. Close this book and DIALER.TBK. DIALER.TBK does not have to be open to work with DayBook. Of course, you can always use it by itself if you want. 6. To dial a phone number, make sure the first line of the phone number field in DayBook contains a valid number. Then click the telephone icon. If you don't like the way the dialer works, click the Remove button on this page..... red phone white phone green phone cyan phone blue phone magenta phone yellow phone black phone Install InstallDialer reset --** proportions moved + 15, + 15,\ + 15, + 15,\ + 15, setCaption what disable 0,50.1875,0 enable buttonDown setCaption disable reset enable buttonDown ~AInstallDialer reset setCaption disable enable 0,0,0 Install Dialer Into DayBook Remove RemoveDialer reset --** proportions moved + 15, + 15,\ + 15, + 15,\ + 15, setCaption what disable 0,50.1875,0 enable buttonDown setCaption disable reset enable buttonDown RemoveDialer reset setCaption disable enable 0,0,0 PE(EME Remove Dialer From DayBook Color Highlight t1lq(bZaR