BeginAddress fakeClipboardCreated 3/13/1990 fakeClipboard Leslie bo Leslie EndAddress ssBracket This page is used for address navigation ONLY. Refer to the EnterPage handler on this background. EndAddress AddressPrint AddressImportExport AddressImportExport Apr021990 focusSlot anyData false ,,,,, month leapYear false weekday recordfield id 1195 of page id 18 MONDAY April todoPointers monthPointers ,,,,, iconPointers ,,,,, timeMonthPointers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Apr021990 line2 arrow1 DayBook Data Flow explanation When you enter information in DayBook, it automatically updates other modules along these paths.s.ths..s.aths. line1 arrow2 line3 arrow3 line3 line3 returnToMap buttonUp buttonUp animation animation animation sysDblClick Return to DayBook Map arrow3 line3 line3 arrow3 daygr buttonUp buttonUp daybutt daybutt buttonUp Day Viewwwwww daybutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp monthgr buttonUp buttonUp monthbutt monthbutt buttonUp month Month Viewwwwwwww monthbutt monthbutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp month todogr buttonUp buttonUp todobutt todobutt buttonUp To Do Listttttt todobutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp mergenotify Merging data from file foo.tbk with current book... weekgr buttonUp buttonUp weekbutt weekbutt buttonUp Week Viewwwwwww weekbutt buttonUp buttonUP buttonUp focusItem recordfield id 1132 of page id 5 dayTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, daySlotsTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fakeClipboardCreated April Priority Priority Priority temptext fakeClipboard drag&drops uttonDown buttonUp buttonDown buttonStillDown buttonDown buttonDownInIcon todo overflow buttonUp buttonStillDown prior1 :PHYSSIZE prior2 :PHYSSIZE prior3 :PHYSSIZE paste buffer text to paste monthPrototype paste buffer monthPrototype AddressIndex dayPrototype anyData paste buffer dayPrototype sunday sundaymonth sundayyear weekdaymonths 01,01,01,01,01,01,01 weekdaydays 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 weekdayyears 1990,1990,1990,1990,1990,1990,1990 weekdays ,,,,,78,, Sunday 03/18/1990 Monday 03/19/1990 Tuesday 03/20/1990 Wednesday 03/21/1990 Thursday 03/22/1990 Friday 03/23/1990 Saturday 03/24/1990 dayinfo Note: fgh AddressIndex AddressIndex AddressNameIndex _ p918 Address Name Index - Position is sensitive to location on address card. _ p918 rina_ p1298 TruncatedNameIndex IndexOverFlow arina TruncatedNameIndex TruncatedNameIndex AddressPrint BeginAddress ssBracket This page is used for address navigation ONLY. Refer to the EnterPage handler of this background. DailyPrinting pCurPage Times: Items: Printing... AddressIndex IndexEntry HideIndex InitIndex DelIndexEntry ResetIndex showIndex ChangeCaptions FindIndexEntry ChangeSort SortKeyCheck AddIndexEntry SortBook AddIndexEntry FindIndexEntry svIndexOverFlow svIndexOverFlow svIndexOverFlow vOldSuspend vCount vOverFlow vLine svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow fPageName DelIndexEntry FindIndexEntry System error (DelIndexEntry) - key not found: Page: Abort vOldSuspend vText address vLine svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow fPageName FindIndexEntry vPage TextValue vTableMid vTableBottom vTableTop svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow fPageName fValue HideIndex AddressIndex Address svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow fPage InitIndex AddressIndex AddressNameIndex TruncatedNameIndex TruncatedNameIndex IndexOverflow TruncatedNameIndex svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow ResetIndex Address FormAddressSortKey svIndexOverFlow svIndexOverFlow svIndexOverFlow vCount vOverFlow vPage vOldSuspend svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow showIndex AddressNameIndex The index is too large to be displayed. AddressIndex Address address vError vOldSuspend svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow fPage ChangeCaptions phone Address Address Address Address Address Address vOldLockScreen ChangeSort oE$SortKeyCheck uncheck pAddressSortKey }SortBook oE$SortKeyCheck check svAddressPage SortKeyCheck pAddressSortKey Home Company Company check pAddressSortKeyName dChangeCaptions SortText1Line Address SortText2Line Address SortText1Line Address SortText1Line Address SortText2Line Address SortText1Line Address SortText2Line Address - Name AddressIndexTitle Address vKeyName onoroff SortBook pAddressSortKey ResetIndex vThisPage vOldCursor svAddressPage svNameIndex svSearch svShowIndex svTruncatedNameIndex svIndexOverflow BeginAddress EnterPage EnterPage reader Address BeginAddress Address CompanyZip CompanyCountry Search CompanyPhone1 first CompanyPhone2 SearchAgain HomeCity HomeState saveAs HomeZip importcardfile HomeCountry HomePhone1 HomePhone2 ImportAddresses PrintLabels printaddresslist newPage printphonenumbers printthispage ImportAsAscii BeginAddress ButtonUp changesort ExportAsAscii DoPrint DoSearch deletePage EnterBackground EnterPage Company EnterRecordfield CompanyCity KeyChar KeyDown previous LeaveBackground LeavePage CompanyState LeaveRecordfield StringFound UpdateKeys UpdateKeys UpdateKeys leavePage enterPage saveAs UpdateKeys leavePage leaveBackground enterBackground enterPage svAddressPage deletePage UpdateKeys deletePage _Book Address default first UpdateKeys Address UpdateKeys Address newPage UpdateKeys Address pMaxAddressPages The maximum number of address pages ( Address pMaxAddressPages ) had been reached. No additional pages may be created. A new page could not be created. oy5newPage _Book Address vError vOldSuspend vOldCursor svImportInProgress svNameIndex UpdateKeys previous UpdateKeys Search ZDoSearch Search SearchAgain ZDoSearch SearchAgain importcardfile UpdateKeys oimportcardfile AddressImportExport ImportAddresses UpdateKeys o> ImportAddressBook AddressImportExport ImportAsAscii UpdateKeys +ImportAddressAscii AddressImportExport ExportAsAscii UpdateKeys o32ExportAddressAscii AddressImportExport Company changesort Company CompanyCity changesort bCity CompanyState changesort bState CompanyZip changesort CompanyCountry changesort bCountry CompanyPhone1 changesort bPhone 1 CompanyPhone2 changesort bPhone 2 HomeCity changesort hCity HomeState changesort hState HomeZip changesort HomeCountry changesort hCountry HomePhone1 changesort hPhone 1 HomePhone2 changesort hPhone 2 changesort PrintLabels IDoPrint PrintLabels printaddresslist IDoPrint PrintAddressList printphonenumbers IDoPrint PrintPhoneNumbers printthispage IDoPrint PrintThisPage BeginAddress Address pCurPage ButtonUp sticky Address leaveRecordField sticky Address changesort UpdateKeys changesort vPrevFocus svAddressPage DoPrint UpdateKeys PrintLabels PrintLabels AddressPrint PrintAddressList PrintAddressList AddressPrint PrintPhoneNumbers PrintPhoneNumbers AddressPrint PrintThisPage o>WPrintThisPage AddressPrint Invalid printing option, ignored. vPrevFocus fPrintType DoSearch UpdateKeys IndexIcon Address pIndex HideIndex Search Search SearchAgain SearchAgain Invalid search option, ignored. Address IndexIcon Address pIndex ShowIndex svAddressPage fSearchType EnterBackground PrintPhoneNumbers initializeAddressMenus Address Tms Rmn Company Company ResetAddressFonts AddressPrint _Init svAddressPage EnterPage FormAddressSortKey IndexIcon Address pIndex ShowIndex svOriginalKey svAddressPage EnterRecordfield svOldValue KeyChar fIsCtrl fIsShift KeyDown KKeyDown fIsCtrl fIsShift LeaveBackground Address pCurPage Address pCurPage LeavePage IndexIcon Address pIndex HideIndex svAddressPage LeaveRecordfield UpdateKeys StringFound Notes IndexIcon Address pIndex IndexIcon Address pIndex UpdateKeys recordfield Notes Notes StickyField NotesTab NameTab AddressNameIndex EnterPage StripImbeddedBlanks StripLeadingBlanks bStreet1 bstreet2 hStreet1 hstreet2 UpdateRecordField _Book Address vText vFocusText vName svOldValue %h&L' '((d) pMaxAddressPages pCurPage addressControls sortframe Company sortme Company sortme false Street bCity R sortme bState sortme State bCountry p!sortme Country X"sortme false Notes "sortme f#sortme false Street hCity #sortme hState $sortme State hCountry %sortme Country hPhone 1 %sortme Phone 1 ,&sortme printfields &hideme Last Update EnterPageField ecordField enterRecordField leaveRecordField enterRecordField svOldValue svNewPageInProgress leaveRecordField AddressControls d)`+4 alpha buttonup alphalookup buttonup alphalookup alphalookup FindIndexEntry pAddressSortKeyName No entries beginning with ' ' have been entered for the sort key of ' vPage default vSearch svAddressPage svSearch svNameIndex d)V31 IndexIcon buttonup buttonup pIndex HideIndex ShowIndex pIndex pIndex default vPrevFocus svShowIndex svAddressPage svSeeIndex 4:PHYSSIZE 4pIndex false DDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD d)v7e LabelsIcon buttonup buttonup printlabels 8:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwpO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwpO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwpO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwpO DDDDDD DDDDDwwwwwww wwwwwwwq wwwwwwwwwp @DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDO 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 @DA. x buttondown buttondown buttonDown drag&drop `AVA:PHYSSIZE ~AnAhome 2350,3960 Ahideme wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwww wwwDDDDDD SortText2Line SortText1Line LeftArrow buttonup buttondown buttonstilldown buttonDoubleClick buttondown ButtonStillDown sysDblClick svNameIndex svNameText svMaxLines svScroll buttonup default vPage sysDblClick svAddressPage svNameText svNameIndex svMaxLines svScroll buttonstilldown vText svBeginPage svNameIndex svMaxLines svScroll sysDblClick buttonDoubleClick sysDblClick RightArrow buttonup buttondown buttonstilldown buttonDoubleClick buttondown ButtonStillDown sysDblClick svNameIndex svNameText svMaxLines svScroll buttonup default vPage sysDblClick svAddressPage svNameText svNameIndex svMaxLines svScroll buttonstilldown vText svBeginPage svNameIndex svMaxLines svScroll sysDblClick buttonDoubleClick sysDblClick NameTab enterRecordField enterRecordField notes Notes Ppostion 4520,3948 keyUp keyUp Qsortme Company Rsortme changedate bStreet1 Rsortme false bStreet2 Ssortme false bCity lSsortme bState Ssortme TTsortme bCountry Tsortme bPhone 1 Usortme bPhone 2 tUsortme hStreet1 Usortme false hStreet2 4Vsortme false hCity Vsortme hState Vsortme JWsortme hCountry Wsortme hPhone 1 Xsortme hPhone 2 keyup keydown enterRecordField keydown notes svGoNotes isCtrl isShift keyup notes svGoNotes isCtrl isShift enterRecordField svGoNotes Ysortme Notes mouseleave mouseenter buttondown leaverecordfield mouseenter mouseleave default buttondown stickyfield sticky stickyfield isShift leaverecordfield [sortme false NotesTab enterRecordField enterRecordField AddressIndex AddressNameIndex buttonup buttonup textfromPoint default vPage svAddressPage svSearch svNameIndex AddressIndexTitle _:PHYSSIZE $`:PHYSSIZE ScriptButtons _Book newPage deletepage UpdateIndex UpdateRecordField deletepage Can't delete the only remaining page. Do you want to delete this address? Cancel UDelIndexEntry clear vOldCursor svAddressPage svSearch svOriginalKey newPage notes company changedate bstreet1 bstreet2 bcity bstate bcountry bphone 1 bphone 2 hstreet1 hstreet2 hcity hstate hcountry hphone 1 hphone 2 ChangeDate FormAddressSortKey LAddIndexEntry vPage vRecList svAddressPage svImportInProgress svOriginalKey svSearch UpdateIndex FormAddressSortKey UDelIndexEntry LAddIndexEntry vPage svAddressPage svOriginalKey svSearch UpdateRecordField changedate FormAddressSortKey UpdateIndex city state zip country bcity StripLeadingBlanks bstate bcountry StripLeadingBlanks hcity StripLeadingBlanks hstate hcountry StripLeadingBlanks vStateZip vCity vName _BOOK svImportInProgress svOriginalKey fTarget _Book _init lizeAddressMenus initializeAddressMenus SetAddressMenus initializeAddressMenus m/d/y SetAddressMenus address InitIndex AddressIndex _init svSearchText svImportInProgress svAddressPage SetAddressMenus Import Export PrintReport PrintPages SelectAll History &Import Cardfile... &File Import A&ddresses... &File Im&port as ASCII... &File &Export as ASCII... &File Print &This Page &File Print Phone &Numbers &File P&rint Address List... &File Print &Labels... &File &Delete Page &Page Search &Search... &Page Search &Again &Page &Sort &Sort Company &Sort Company City &Sort Company State &Sort Company Zip &Sort Company Country &Sort Company Phone 1 &Sort Company Phone 2 &Sort Home City &Sort Home State &Sort Home Zip &Sort Home Country &Sort Home Phone 1 &Sort Home Phone 2 &Sort oE$SortKeyCheck check AddressIndex _init drag&drop buttondown X buttondown getDeviceSuffix :saveClipboard sysOutOfmemInSaveClip TrackDropAndDragIcon restoreClipboard sortme Drag the sort icon over a field on which to sort the address entries. sortme Not a valid sort field. changesort default thename vOldFocus svLastPage sysTitleBackground sysOutOfMemInSaveClip Drag&Drop bPhone 1 qsortme Phone 1 t:PHYSSIZE v:PHYSSIZE xwH!# w:PHYSSIZE x:PHYSSIZE bz:PHYSSIZE {:PHYSSIZE 4}H!; F}:PHYSSIZE z~:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :PHYSSIZE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo fffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUU_ UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU_ UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :PHYSSIZE 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp bringUpHelp month buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp month buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp sticky hideme stickyBackground stickyfield enterrecordfield keydown leaverecordfield keydown svGoSticky fIsCtrl fIsShift enterrecordfield oldval leaverecordfield changedate notes notes oldval svGoSticky Address EndAddress EnterPage EnterPage Reader Address EndAddress AddressImportExport AddressPrint intPhoneNumbers PrintLabels PrintThisPage printaddresslist SetAddressFonts PrintPhoneNumbers ResetAddressFonts ConvertFractional isPosNumber TestPageMargins TestLabelDimensions ConvertFractional i:to1 vNewNum vOrigNum vPrevSuspend isPosNumber vPrevSuspend TestPageMargins isPosnumber isPosnumber isPosnumber isPosnumber Please enter positive numeric values for the page margins. fBottom fRight fLeft TestLabelDimensions isPosnumber isPosnumber isPosnumber Please enter positive numeric values for the label dimensions. The label dimensions must be greater than 0. The label indent must be less than the width. Indent Width Height PrintThisPage canPrint HideIndex AddressControls Address Address LabelsIcon Address AddressControls Address Address LabelsIcon Address SortText1Line Address SortText1Line SortText2Line ShowIndex vOldBookSize vShowIndex default sysDevice svAddressPage svShowIndex PrintPhoneNumbers canPrint SetAddressFonts AddressPrint bphone 1 work 1 bphone 2 work 2 hphone 1 home 1 hphone 2 home 2 Name,Work 1,Work 2,Home 1,Home 2 Phone List - pAddressSortKey Phone List - SortText1Line Address Address Address Work 1 bPhone 1 Work 2 bPhone 2 Home 1 hPhone 1 Home 2 hPhone 2 ResetAddressFonts AddressPrint vThisPage default PrintLabels canPrint PrinterData AddressLabelsDialog Error in obtaining Label Information Error in obtaining printer information. ConvertFractional ConvertFractional ConvertFractional ConvertFractional ConvertFractional ConvertFractional hstreet1 hstreet2 company bstreet1 bstreet2 TestPageMargins TestLabelDimensions The number of text lines may not fit on the label. Continue anyway? SetAddressFonts AddressPrint groups Address Address ResetAddressFonts AddressPrint RightMargin vThisPage vNumLines LabelIndent LabelWidth LabelHeight BottomMargin LeftMargin TopMargin PrintPages PrintFields LabelInfo ScreenHeight ScreenWidth FontHeightInches MaxHeightInches MaxWidthInches MinHeightInches MinWidthInches PageHeightInches PageWidthInches PixelsHeightPerInch PixelsWidthPerInch PrinterInfo default totpages pfrom printaddresslist canPrint AddressListDialog SetAddressFonts AddressPrint Company Address List - Name,company,bStreet1,bStreet2,b,bphone 1,bphone 2 Home Address List - Name,hStreet1,hStreet2,h,hphone 1,hphone 2 ResetAddressFonts AddressPrint pAddressSortKey SortText1Line Address Address ResetAddressFonts AddressPrint vThisPage default SetAddressFonts bphone 1 bphone 2 hphone 1 hphone 2 company bStreet1 bStreet2 hStreet1 hStreet2 vRecList saveHeader saveSysFonts saveFontSize saveFontFace saveFontStyle ResetAddressFonts bphone 1 bphone 2 hphone 1 hphone 2 company bStreet1 bStreet2 hStreet1 hStreet2 Tms Rmn vRecList saveHeader saveSysFonts saveFontSize saveFontFace saveFontStyle AddressPrint Do not remove this page. The script code is located in the background........ AddressPrint AddressImportExport ssAscii ImportAddressAscii ImportAsciiData ImportCardFile ExportAddressAscii ImportAddressBook MergeAddressData inaryFile CheckForQuotes BinaryFile StripQuotes BinaryFile fFile CheckForQuotes vChar vNewStr vBegin StripQuotes fvalue StripLeadingBlanks vChar vTemp fRemoveLeadingBlanks fValue ExportAddressAscii AddressExportDialog Error in obtaining export information. WRITE OpenMyFile Address Address CheckForQuotes company CheckForQuotes bStreet1 CheckForQuotes bStreet2 CheckForQuotes bCity CheckForQuotes bState CheckForQuotes CheckForQuotes bCountry CheckForQuotes bPhone 1 CheckForQuotes bPhone 2 CheckForQuotes hStreet1 CheckForQuotes hStreet2 CheckForQuotes hCity CheckForQuotes hState CheckForQuotes CheckForQuotes hCountry CheckForQuotes hPhone 1 CheckForQuotes hPhone 2 CheckForQuotes Not enough room on the disk while exporting the file Delete file(s) and try again. vPage vLockScreen vFile vExportType default vFileName ImportAddressAscii AddressImportDialog Error in obtaining import information. OpenMyFile BinaryFile You cannot import the file because it contains binary data. OpenMyFile ImportAsciiData }sortbook EnterPage vLockScreen vThisPage vFile vImportType default vFileName svAddressPage svImportInProgress ImportAsciiData Address pMaxAddressPages The maximum number of address pages ( ) had been reached. No more records will be imported. oy5NewPage Address StripQuotes StripImbeddedBlanks company StripQuotes bstreet1 StripQuotes bstreet2 StripQuotes bcity StripQuotes bstate StripQuotes StripQuotes bcountry StripQuotes bphone 1 StripQuotes bphone 2 StripQuotes hstreet1 StripQuotes hstreet2 StripQuotes hcity StripQuotes hstate StripQuotes StripQuotes hcountry StripQuotes hphone 1 StripQuotes hphone 2 StripQuotes bcity bstate bcountry StripLeadingBlanks hcity hstate hcountry StripLeadingBlanks Warning - There are too many fields on the import record. The excess information will be ignored. Continue Cancel Cancel Warning - There are too few fields on the import record. Continue Cancel Cancel vStateZip vCity vItem vInform svNameIndex fImportType fFileName ImportCardFile Enter the name of the cardfile file you want to import. FileName OpenMyFile FileName FileName filename TBOpenCardFile Cannot open file: Address pMaxAddressPages TBGetNextCard The maximum number of address pages ( ) had been reached. No more records will be imported. oy5NewPage StripImbeddedBlanks notes filename TBCloseCardFile }sortbook EnterPage vLockScreen vThisPage default fileName dllCardFile svAddressPage svImportInProgress svNameIndex ImportAddressBook Enter the name of the Daybook file from which to merge the address data. cancel openMyFile color The specified book, , could not be opened. address MergeAddressData }sortbook EnterPage vLockScreen vFileName default vThisPage vSourceBook svAddressPage svImportInProgress fFileName MergeAddressData bphone 1 Address bphone1 bphone 2 Address bphone2 hphone 1 Address hphone1 hphone 2 Address hphone2 address address Address pMaxAddressPages The maximum number of address pages ( ) had been reached. No more records will be imported. oy5NewPage Address notes notes company company changedate changedate bstreet1 bstreet1 bstreet2 bstreet2 bcity bcity bstate bstate bcountry bcountry bphone 1 bphone 2 hstreet1 hstreet1 hstreet2 hstreet2 hcity hcity hstate hstate hcountry hcountry hphone 1 hphone 2 vPage vLastAddressPage vFirstAddressPage vhph2 vhph1 vbph2 vbph1 svNameIndex fSourceBook AddressImportExport Do not remove this page. The script code is located in the background. Title1 animate animate title &2&2&2 title DAYBOOK DAYBOOK Title1 Title2 enterPage leavePage enterPage leavePage fakeBackground title1 title1 title1 title1 title title1 sysAnimateMap green1 title DAYBOOK DAYBOOK green2 Personal Organizer Personal Organizer Title2 enterPage enterPage title monthgr arrow1 monthicon weekgr arrow2 weekicon daygr arrow3 dayicon todogr arrow4 todoicon addressgr arrow5 addressicon mapicon helpgr arrow6 helpicon navbuttons triangle sysAnimateMap h$Z)(* mergenotify Merging data from file swobook.tbk with current book... first font field id 184 of page id 4,field id 242 of page id 4,field id 244 of page id 4,field id 245 of page id 4,field id 246 of page id 4,field id 247 of page id 4,field id 248 of page id 4,field id 249 of page id 4,button id 323 of page id 4,rectangle id 618 of page id 4,group id 634 of page id 4,group id 638 of page id 4,group id 428 of page id 4,group id 627 of page id 4,group id 637 of page id 4,group id 443 of page id 4,group id 628 of page id 4,group id 636 of page id 4,group id 424 of page id 4,group id 629 of page id 4,group id 641 of page id 4,group id 474 of page id 4,group id 630 of page id 4,group id 642 of page id 4,group id 503 of page id 4,group id 631 of page id 4,group id 632 of page id 4,group id 643 of page id 4,group id 508 of page id 4,group id 633 of page id 4,group id 619 of page id 4,group id 322 of page id 4,field id 645 of page id 4 fakeBackground title whiterect whiterect explanation Click an icon to go to the part of DayBook that you want.. buttonUp buttonUp sysDblClick Data Flow Diagram buttonup buttonup DayBook Version 1.01 June 21, 1990 fisCtrl fisShift DayBook Map low MM monthgr buttonUp buttonUp monthbutt1 monthbutt1 buttonUp month Month Viewwwwwwww monthbutt monthbutt1 buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp month arrow1 arrow1 line1 monthicon "!:PHYSSIZE Z":PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff weekgr buttonUp buttonUp weekbutt weekbutt buttonUp R&*&O& Week Viewwwwwww weekbutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp arrow2 arrow2 line2 weekicon +:PHYSSIZE ,:PHYSSIZE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff daygr buttonUp buttonUp daybutt daybutt buttonUp Day Viewwwwww daybutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp arrow3 arrow3 line3 #e z5 dayicon h6:PHYSSIZE 7:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo fffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff todogr buttonUp buttonUp todobutt todobutt buttonUp To Do Listttttt todobutt buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp arrow4 arrow4 line4 LINKDLLS "user" setActiveWindow( showWindow( GetTickCount( ) GetSystemMetrics( "USER couldn't be Reinstall Windows." "tbkwin. getWinIniVar( "TBKWIN. - "tbkfile. fileExists( "TBKFILE. calendar modules basic csetup their --own special-purpose menus. stdMenuUpdate c"Help" c"Page" "PrintReport" "PrintPages" "SelectAll" tracking drag- -drops --decide which bitmap resource use. values F listed below. startupSysColors TRUE xspecified !FALSE Hercules --We aa guess display device Hlooking aspect current xsize ysize aspectRatio < 1.58 <> 1000 9> 700 5 -- 8514 3 -- Y> 1.92 7 -- 1 -- EGA <> 7 --Adjust ini. ( .) When unspecified odd, but even. startupColors "ToolBook", " returns -specific suffix append icon --loading a dragging dropping. getDeviceSuffix "egac" "egam" "vgac" "vgam" "8514" "851m" "herm" avoid annoying c-bar flicker changing --On exiting, be exited was up. toolbook M"dbhelp.tbk" Enter key throughout navigate on a H, isShift h= keyEnter goToPrev goToNext keyboard input than should --available a work-around a gp- added Hgreg False a gp- --Double-clicks sometimes handled specially. For those cases where they simply sets --Displaying status box xallowed DayBook since chronological order. toggleStatus behavior entering a record so that S can type SaveAs 4svAddressPage, reinitialization address --reinitialize ^holding will always be memory following functions Hmore Fone therefore included . If does xexist, getMonthPageID m, y exists ) & y pageName monthID copying pasting well worth substantial improvement (roughly x2) gained Hhaving zbuttons on , however, clobber clipboard "monthPrototype" sysSuspendMessages --now on year buildMonth dayExists m, d, y --Although a bit convoluted, faster formatting d %"00" ( d ) = 1 ) & "0" & d & y ) & d & y dayID --A leap divisible H100, unless --also H400. e range years 1980 2099, suffices isLeapYear y k4 = 0) daysInMonth , leapYear <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" empty slot on a slots full. findEmptyNote dayPageID , sysSorting + i - 1) \ Request " maximum notes been reached." & xpost f"OK" --There progress, so we xwant bring up message repeatedly. Instead 2, so sorting code --notify situation. strips carriage- U-feeds useful merging older books CRLFs stripCRLF ) > 1 newstr calculates weekday (1 7) given a whether findWeekDay mfactor "034025036146" "144025036146" >= 1980 <= 1999 cfactor >= 2000 <= 2099 (yr + (yr y4) + isNumber num vPrevSuspend FormAddressSortKey fPage vKey pAddressSortKey -- limit S) > 40 vKey1 vKey2 part E) > 20 Q) > 20 && "--"&& StripLeadingBlanks fValue leading blanks StripImbeddedBlanks vLast --OpenMyFile - reading writing. routine must prompted write existing fFileName,fMode,fDefaultExt = "" f"OK" -- see extension vLastChar = "." vOldSuspend r -- debugging purposes only r<> "" = "READ" "Cannot f"OK" opened we quit. permission. = "WRITE" r= "" &&"already Would you like overwrite f"Yes" r<> "" f"OK" --Whenever hourglass, changed cursor. upports operations . Some --such %deleting a leave . To prevent running --identifies what can't be undone). U" & f"OK" f"OK" 4 handlers insure editing . It x# AFTER --doing #, sysPastingNonText ) > 1024 too many be pasted 1000." f"OK" ) > 1024 "Fields "limited 1000 ,#excess be deleted." f"OK" 1000 dispatch messages searchTarget searchAgain removeCurrentFocus searchTargetAgain bringUpHelp leaveBook buttonDoubleClick makeDeviceIndep toggleStatus enterRecordField SaveAs linkDLLs leaveBackground enterBook clear paste keyChar search stdMenuUpdate searchAgain bringUpHelp isLeapYear daysInMonth findEmptyNote getMonthPageID stripCRLF findWeekDay dayExists isNumber FormAddressSortKey getDeviceSuffix StripLeadingBlanks StripImbeddedBlanks OpenMyFile enterBook owjlinkDLLs first note first time first day month first done first prior first item first due SUNDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY JANUARY,FEBRUARY,MARCH,APRIL,MAY,JUNE,JULY,AUGUST,SEPTEMBER,OCTOBER,NOVEMBER,DECEMBER January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec enterBackground sizeToPage makeDeviceIndep first font animate title1 .animate title1 default firstFontFieldID sysUpdateMenus sysTitleBackground sysAnimateMap sysCantUndo sysWeekdayNames sysMonthNamesInCaps sysMonthNames sysShortMonthNames sysDblClick sysStickyUp sysDevice sysDroppingIcon sysTDfirstDueID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID sysMVfirstButtonID sysMVfirstDayID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVmaxNotes linkDLLs not found. This file needs to be in your path. daybook.dll TimeDialog TimeDialogGetInfo DateDueDialog GoToDateDialog DateDialogGetInfo SearchDialog SearchDialogGetString SearchDialogGetTarget AddressLabelsDialog AddressListDialog AddressImportDialog AddressExportDialog CollectAppointments GetWeekInfo TBOpenCardFile TBGetNextCard TBCloseCardFile TrackDropAndDragIcon PrinterData CSort CanPrint GetClipboardTextSize DAYBOOK.DLL setActiveWindow showWindow GetTickCount GetSystemMetrics USER couldn't be found. Reinstall Windows. tbkwin.dll getWinIniVar TBKWIN.DLL tbkfile.dll fileExists TBKFILE.DLL stdMenuUpdate Import Export PrintReport PrintPages SelectAll makeDeviceIndep GetSystemMetrics GetSystemMetrics ToolBook startupSysColors getWinIniVar startupColors aspectRatio ysize xsize sysDevice getDeviceSuffix sysDevice leaveBackground send exit dbhelp.tbk toolbook keyChar goToPrev goToNext sysUpdateMenus sysCantUndo isShift leaveBook buttonDoubleClick sysDblClick toggleStatus enterRecordField SaveAs title svAddressPage sysTitleBackground getMonthPageID monthPrototype y5newPage paste month buildMonth monthID pageName sysShortMonthNames dayExists dayID pageName sysShortMonthNames isLeapYear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapYear month findEmptyNote The maximum number of notes of the day page has been reached. Item will not post to day view. sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes sysSorting dayPageID stripCRLF newstr findWeekDay 034025036146 144025036146 weekday cfactor mfactor leapYear month isNumber vPrevSuspend FormAddressSortKey pAddressSortKey vKey2 vKey1 fPage StripLeadingBlanks fValue StripImbeddedBlanks vLast fValue OpenMyFile No file name was specified. Cannot read from the file WRITE The file already exists. Would you like to overwrite this file? Cannot write to the file vOldSuspend vLastChar fDefaultExt fMode fFileName default Cannot undo sysCantUndo Cannot redo sysCantUndo sysCantUndo clear sysCantUndo paste GetClipboardTextSize The clipboard has too many characters to paste. The maximum number of characters that can be pasted is 1000. Fields are limited to 1000 characters. The excess characters will be deleted. sysCantUndo sysPastingNonText sysCantUndo search searchTarget sysTitleBackground searchAgain month LremoveCurrentFocus month searchTargetAgain sysTitleBackground bringUpHelp bringUpHelp sysTitleBackground tdMenuUpdate leaveBook buttonDoubleClick toggleStatus author enterRecordField makeDeviceIndep SaveAs enterBook leaveBackground clear paste linkDLLs search keyChar searchAgain stdMenuUpdate bringUpHelp isLeapYear daysInMonth findEmptyNote getMonthPageID stripCRLF findWeekDay dayExists isNumber FormAddressSortKey getDeviceSuffix StripLeadingBlanks StripImbeddedBlanks OpenMyFile enterBook owjlinkDLLs first note first time first day month first done first prior first item first due SUNDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY JANUARY,FEBRUARY,MARCH,APRIL,MAY,JUNE,JULY,AUGUST,SEPTEMBER,OCTOBER,NOVEMBER,DECEMBER January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec enterBackground sizeToPage makeDeviceIndep first font animate title1 .animate title1 default firstFontFieldID sysUpdateMenus sysTitleBackground sysAnimateMap sysCantUndo sysWeekdayNames sysMonthNamesInCaps sysMonthNames sysShortMonthNames sysDblClick sysStickyUp sysDevice sysDroppingIcon sysTDfirstDueID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID sysMVfirstButtonID sysMVfirstDayID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVmaxNotes author Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book. Continue Cancel Cancel warning linkDLLs not found. This file needs to be in your path. daybook.dll TimeDialog TimeDialogGetInfo DateDueDialog GoToDateDialog DateDialogGetInfo SearchDialog SearchDialogGetString SearchDialogGetTarget AddressLabelsDialog AddressListDialog AddressImportDialog AddressExportDialog CollectAppointments GetWeekInfo TBOpenCardFile TBGetNextCard TBCloseCardFile TrackDropAndDragIcon PrinterData CSort CanPrint GetClipboardTextSize DAYBOOK.DLL setActiveWindow showWindow GetTickCount GetSystemMetrics USER couldn't be found. Reinstall Windows. tbkwin.dll getWinIniVar TBKWIN.DLL tbkfile.dll fileExists TBKFILE.DLL stdMenuUpdate Import Export PrintReport PrintPages SelectAll makeDeviceIndep GetSystemMetrics GetSystemMetrics ToolBook startupSysColors getWinIniVar startupColors aspectRatio ysize xsize sysDevice getDeviceSuffix sysDevice leaveBackground send exit dbhelp.tbk toolbook keyChar goToPrev goToNext sysUpdateMenus sysCantUndo isShift leaveBook buttonDoubleClick sysDblClick toggleStatus enterRecordField SaveAs title svAddressPage sysTitleBackground getMonthPageID monthPrototype y5newPage paste month buildMonth monthID pageName sysShortMonthNames dayExists dayID pageName sysShortMonthNames isLeapYear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapYear month findEmptyNote The maximum number of notes of the day page has been reached. Item will not post to day view. sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes sysSorting dayPageID stripCRLF newstr findWeekDay 034025036146 144025036146 weekday cfactor mfactor leapYear month isNumber vPrevSuspend FormAddressSortKey pAddressSortKey vKey2 vKey1 fPage StripLeadingBlanks fValue StripImbeddedBlanks vLast fValue OpenMyFile No file name was specified. Cannot read from the file WRITE The file already exists. Would you like to overwrite this file? Cannot write to the file vOldSuspend vLastChar fDefaultExt fMode fFileName default Cannot undo sysCantUndo Cannot redo sysCantUndo sysCantUndo clear sysCantUndo paste GetClipboardTextSize The clipboard has too many characters to paste. The maximum number of characters that can be pasted is 1000. Fields are limited to 1000 characters. The excess characters will be deleted. sysCantUndo sysPastingNonText sysCantUndo search searchTarget sysTitleBackground searchAgain month LremoveCurrentFocus month searchTargetAgain sysTitleBackground bringUpHelp bringUpHelp sysTitleBackground --OpenMyFile - reading writing. routine must prompted write existing fFileName,fMode,fDefaultExt = "" f"OK" -- see extension vLastChar = "." vOldSuspend r -- debugging purposes only r<> "" = "READ" "Cannot f"OK" opened we quit. permission. = "WRITE" r= "" &&"already Would you like overwrite f"Yes" r<> "" f"OK" --Whenever hourglass, changed cursor. upports operations . Some --such %deleting a leave . To prevent running --identifies what can't be undone). U" & f"OK" f"OK" 4 handlers insure editing . It $ AFTER --doing $, sysPastingNonText ) > 1024 !too many be pasted 1000." f"OK" ) > 1024 "Fields d#limited 1000 #excess be deleted." f"OK" 1000 dispatch messages searchTarget searchAgain removeCurrentFocus searchTargetAgain bringUpHelp tdMenuUpdate leaveBook buttonDoubleClick toggleStatus author enterRecordField makeDeviceIndep SaveAs enterBook leaveBackground clear paste linkDLLs search keyChar searchAgain stdMenuUpdate bringUpHelp isLeapYear daysInMonth findEmptyNote getMonthPageID stripCRLF findWeekDay dayExists isNumber FormAddressSortKey getDeviceSuffix StripLeadingBlanks StripImbeddedBlanks OpenMyFile enterBook owjlinkDLLs first note first time first day month first done first prior first item first due SUNDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY JANUARY,FEBRUARY,MARCH,APRIL,MAY,JUNE,JULY,AUGUST,SEPTEMBER,OCTOBER,NOVEMBER,DECEMBER January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec enterBackground sizeToPage makeDeviceIndep first font animate title1 .animate title1 default firstFontFieldID sysUpdateMenus sysTitleBackground sysAnimateMap sysCantUndo sysWeekdayNames sysMonthNamesInCaps sysMonthNames sysShortMonthNames sysDblClick sysStickyUp sysDevice sysDroppingIcon sysTDfirstDueID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID sysMVfirstButtonID sysMVfirstDayID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVmaxNotes author Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book. Continue Cancel Cancel warning linkDLLs not found. This file needs to be in your path. daybook.dll TimeDialog TimeDialogGetInfo DateDueDialog GoToDateDialog DateDialogGetInfo SearchDialog SearchDialogGetString SearchDialogGetTarget AddressLabelsDialog AddressListDialog AddressImportDialog AddressExportDialog CollectAppointments GetWeekInfo TBOpenCardFile TBGetNextCard TBCloseCardFile TrackDropAndDragIcon PrinterData CSort CanPrint GetClipboardTextSize DAYBOOK.DLL setActiveWindow showWindow GetTickCount GetSystemMetrics USER couldn't be found. Reinstall Windows. tbkwin.dll getWinIniVar TBKWIN.DLL tbkfile.dll fileExists TBKFILE.DLL stdMenuUpdate Import Export PrintReport PrintPages SelectAll makeDeviceIndep GetSystemMetrics GetSystemMetrics ToolBook startupSysColors getWinIniVar startupColors aspectRatio ysize xsize sysDevice getDeviceSuffix sysDevice leaveBackground send exit dbhelp.tbk toolbook keyChar goToPrev goToNext sysUpdateMenus sysCantUndo isShift leaveBook buttonDoubleClick sysDblClick toggleStatus enterRecordField SaveAs title svAddressPage sysTitleBackground getMonthPageID monthPrototype y5newPage paste month buildMonth monthID pageName sysShortMonthNames dayExists dayID pageName sysShortMonthNames isLeapYear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapYear month findEmptyNote The maximum number of notes of the day page has been reached. Item will not post to day view. sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes sysSorting dayPageID stripCRLF newstr findWeekDay 034025036146 144025036146 weekday cfactor mfactor leapYear month isNumber vPrevSuspend FormAddressSortKey pAddressSortKey vKey2 vKey1 fPage StripLeadingBlanks fValue StripImbeddedBlanks vLast fValue OpenMyFile No file name was specified. Cannot read from the file WRITE The file already exists. Would you like to overwrite this file? Cannot write to the file vOldSuspend vLastChar fDefaultExt fMode fFileName default Cannot undo sysCantUndo Cannot redo sysCantUndo sysCantUndo clear sysCantUndo paste GetClipboardTextSize The clipboard has too many characters to paste. The maximum number of characters that can be pasted is 1000. Fields are limited to 1000 characters. The excess characters will be deleted. sysCantUndo sysPastingNonText sysCantUndo search searchTarget sysTitleBackground searchAgain month LremoveCurrentFocus month searchTargetAgain sysTitleBackground bringUpHelp bringUpHelp sysTitleBackground title eDataIntoCurrentBook mergeAddressData turnOffAnimation saveClipboard restoreClipboard searchTarget turnOnAnimation searchTargetAgain searchAddresses enterBackground searchToDo searchMonths searchDays mergeDayBookData searchWeek bringUpHelp goToNext mergeDataIntoCurrentBook goToPrev enterBackground XstdMenuUpdate &Merge DayBook Data... animate &Turn Off Animation &Turn On Animation sysUpdateMenus turnOffAnimation animate TurnOffAnimation &Turn On Animation turnOnAnimation animate TurnOnAnimation &Turn Off Animation mergeDayBookData Enter the name of the book from which to merge data: OpenMyFile If there are conflicts between the data in the current book and the incoming data, the data in the current book will not be changed. Cancel Save current book before merging? color filename The specified book could not be found or the filename is not valid. =mergeDataIntoCurrentBook filename thispage sourcebook FileName default sysMerging mergeDataIntoCurrentBook version mergeToDoLists todo overflow lmergeMonthData month overflow 2 mergeDayData BeginAddress Address o> ImportAddressBook AddressImportExport sysSourceVersion sysTitleBackground source mergeAddressData importAddressData import address saveClipboard GetClipboardTextSize fakeClipboardCreated fakeClipboard fakeClipboardCreated fakeClipboard paste fakeClip vOldCursor vClipSize sysPastingNonText sysOutOfMemInSaveClip restoreClipboard fakeClipboard fakeClip searchTarget SearchDialog month LremoveCurrentFocus month SearchDialog SearchDialog SearchDialog address SearchDialog SearchDialogGetString SearchDialogGetTarget searchToDo searchAddresses #searchMonths searchDays searchWeek Search string not found. month gennote oBxsetFocus month stringFound vOldCursor vOldLockScreen startPage dlgResult sysSearchString sysSearchTarget sysSearching sysLastFoundIconText 5%X searchTargetAgain leaveField stickyField icontext Last occurrence found. month gennote oBxsetFocus month leaveField stickyField stringFound No previous search to repeat. oBxsetFocus month startPage vOldCursor vOldLockScreen sysLastFoundIconText sysStickyUp sysSearchString sysSearchTarget sysSearching searchAddresses address beginAddress address IndexIcon Address pIndex HideIndex sysSearchString svSearchInProgress svAddressPage searchToDo leaveRecordField stickyField sysSearchString sysStickyUp searchMonths month month leaveField stickyField sysSearchString sysStickyUp searchDays leaveRecordField stickyField sysSearchString sysStickyUp searchWeek buttonUp +makeHotwords sysSearchString bringUpHelp dbhelp.tbk fileExists sysWindowHandle dbhelp.tbk setActiveWindow tbook.exe dbhelp.tbk toolbook.exe dbhelp.tbk Could not find DBHELP.TBK in current directory. toolbook goToNext goToPrev 0BIdn pCurPage title overflow month overflow wIcon buttonDownInIcon buttonDownInExistingIcon showStickyNote drawStickyNote iconDropped hideStickyNote PrintCurrentMonth newIcon PrintCurrentMonthCalendar dropLocationIsValid buttonDownInIcon leaveField stickyField getDeviceSuffix :saveClipboard TrackDropAndDragIcon recordField dropLocationIsValid paste iconDropped restoreClipboard default hitobj bitmapno thename sysOutOfMemInSaveClip sysStickyUp sysUpdateMenus sysTitleBackground sysPastingNonText dropLocationIsValid firstDayOfMonth month leapYear daysInMonth firstd hitid sysMVfirstDayID hitobj iconDropped firstDayOfMonth LremoveCurrentFocus month month dayExists goToDayPage month -?newIcon oBxsetFocus month default dayPageID monthPageID firstd hitid sysMVfirstDayID hitobj iconno % newIcon Celebration: Reminder: Travel: Appointment: Vacation: Meeting: Meal: icontext icontext icontext icontext icontext numberOfIcons numberOfIcons o-?newIcon iconTable orderNo focusIcon numberOfIcons clear icontext iconid safetyStorage icontext iconno dayPageID buttonDownInExistingIcon leaveField stickyField :saveClipboard TrackDropAndDragIcon restoreClipboard recyclingBin trashIcon month oBxsetFocus month default hitobj thename sysStickyUp sysTitleBackground sysOutOfMemInSaveClip showStickyNote deleteItem drawStickyNote stickyField sticky orderNo orderNo icontext sticky sticky sticky sticky stickyField sticky notex notey parentField KkeyDown stickyField sticky notey notex stickyfield sysStickyUp isIcon noteObj drawStickyNote blackrect stickyField group sticky part2 part1 hideStickyNote sticky clear dismissing a pop-up note. sysCantUndo PrintCurrentMonth canPrint leaveField stickyField Enter a heading for the report: Monthly Report for nameofmonth numberofyear firstDayOfMonth month numberOfIcons iconTable icontext icontext gennote gennote Notes: Notes: myList month first day Notes: gennote savefontface savefontsize There is nothing to print! numberOfIcons iconTable myList oBxsetFocus month default saveFontStyle saveFontSize saveFontFace savedprinterGroupsAcross savedprinterStyle savedprinterGutters savedprinterFieldWidths savedprinterMargins savedprinterClipText savedprinterFieldNames textRef saveIndents fieldNum Day1st today mylist prtLabel countList idNum ridNum appendText saveFocus bNoteName sysMVfirstDayID sysMVfirstButtonID sysShortMonthNames sysStickyUp PrintCurrentMonthCalendar canPrint iconcover iconcover oBxsetFocus month default savedprinterMargins savedprinterStyle OldBookSize saveFocus month overflow 2 geMonthData deleteItem doDeletion itemDeletedInDay mergeDayText trashIcon deleteMonth duplicateIcon dayDeleted stringFound mergeMonthData searchFoundIconText getDayIDInSource buttonIDforDay getDayID mergeMonthData month month firstDayOfMonth month leapYear getMonthPageID focusDay oBxsetFocus daysInMonth getDayIDInSource (mergeDayText iconTable numberOfIcons numberOfIcons dayExists goToDayPage o\>duplicateIcon gennote gennote gennote stripCRLF dayID icons sourcerfield j:to1 monthID lyear currpage lastMonthPage firstMonthPage sourcebook mergeDayText getMonthPageID getDayID stripCRLF dayExists goToDayPage newTextItem getDayID stripCRLF dayID destrfield monthID daytext duplicateIcon getDeviceSuffix TrackDropAndDragIcon paste numberOfIcons numberOfIcons iconTable orderNo orderNo icontext icontext icontext icontext icontext o-?newIcon Ran out of memory merging month data. Try merging again after saving both the source and the destination books under different names. Do not try to use the current book. Ran out of memory merging month data. Try merging again after saving both the source and the destination books under different names. Do not try to use the current book. icontext iconid iconno dupIcon bitmapno thename sysPastingNonText sysStartupColors sysSourceVersion sysTitleBackground sourcepage dayID monthID getDayIDInSource sysMVfirstDayID sysSourceVersion deleteItem gennote focusDay Please select the day for which to delete the item. focusDay doDeletion This day has no text item to delete. To delete icons, drag them to the recycling bin. doDeletion daySlotsTable month dayExists removeTextItem daySlotsTable daySlotsTable hourTable halfHourTable AMPMTable focusDay dayID itemDeletedInDay firstDayOfMonth daySlotsTable hourTable halfHourTable AMPMTable thepage sysMVfirstDayID rfieldID monthPageID trashIcon orderNo month dayExists iconSlotsTable removeIcon iconSlotsTable iconSlotsTable numberOfIcons iconTable orderNo iconTable icontext numberOfIcons clear focusIcon deletion of icons. dayPageID iconno sysCantUndo monthPage iconID deleteMonth This will delete all the days in this month, including any To Do items due on those days. Cancel month leapYear daysInMonth month dayExists monthDeleted month clear O9goToNewMonth oO9goToNewMonth month oO9goToNewMonth month default dayID monthpage ndays dayDeleted oBxsetFocus month monthID stringFound icontext bsearchFoundIconText gennote firstDayOfMonth focusDay deleteItem buttonIDforDay fieldID sysMVfirstDayID sysOrgFieldText sysLastFoundIconText searchFoundIconText icontext showStickyNote iconTable month overflow SetTimeforAppointment stickyfield charAccum thetext iconno lastChar firstChar sysStickyUp sysTitleBackground sysSearchString sysLastFoundIconText buttonIDforDay firstDayOfMonth sysMVfirstButtonID dayno getDayID sysMVfirstDayID month overflow 3 attachTimeToAppointment moveItemToNotes moveItemToNewTime moveItemToTime updateTimeInDayView putItemAtTime findSlotForTime rfieldIDforDay attachTimeToAppointment LremoveCurrentFocus month rfieldIDforDay hourTable halfHourTable AMPMTable TimeDialog TimeDialog TimeDialogGetInfo TimeDialogGetInfo TimeDialogGetInfo month dayExists updateTimeInDayView hourTable halfHourTable AMPMTable This day has no text appointment. oBxsetFocus month dayID newAMPM newHalfHour newHour dlgResult currentAMPM currentHalfHour currentHour rfieldID updateTimeInDayView daySlotsTable putItemAtTime hourTable hourTable hourTable hourTable moveItemToNewTime hourTable hourTable moveItemToNotes hourTable hourTable moveItemToTime DVrfieldID newAMPM newHalfHour newHour MVrfieldID dayPageID moveItemToNotes findEmptyNote daySlotsTable timeMonthPointers daySlotsTable monthPointers timeMonthPointers newDVrfieldID noteno thepage sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID MVrfieldID DVrfieldID dayPageID moveItemToNewTime findSlotForTime There is already an appointment scheduled for that time. Do you wish to replace the existing appointment with this one? timeMonthPointers timeMonthPointers daySlotsTable newRfield slotNo thepage sysDVfirstTimeID newAMPM newHalfHour newHour MVrfieldID DVrfieldID dayPageID moveItemToTime findSlotForTime There is already an appointment scheduled for that time. Do you wish to replace the existing appointment with this one? monthPointers timeMonthPointers daySlotsTable newRfield slotNo thepage sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID newAMPM newHalfHour newHour MVrfieldID DVrfieldID dayPageID putItemAtTime findSlotForTime There is already an appointment scheduled for that time. Do you wish to replace the existing appointment with this one? timeMonthPointers daySlotsTable newRfield slotNo thepage sysDVfirstTimeID newAMPM newHalfHour newHour MVrfieldID dayPageID findSlotForTime You must select a time between 6am and 7:30pm. newAMPM newHalfHour newHour rfieldIDforDay firstDayOfMonth sysMVfirstDayID dayno pageID title ordField leavePage leavePriorityTextField enterBackground stringFound search searchAgain buttonUp goToNext connectNewItem goToPrev goToFocusDay deleteItem setFocus disconnectItem enterPage itemDeletedInDay cleanOutToDoItem leaveItemTextField sortByPriority sortByDueDate printToDoList leaveRecordField saveAs ityID isNotNumber getDueID getDoneID getTextID getdueMonth getPriorityID getdueDay getdueYear enterBackground XstdMenuUpdate &Page &Search... Search &Again Sort by &Priority Sort by &Due Date &Delete Item &Print To Do List yearno yearno nameofmonth nameofmonth numberofday numberofday sysUpdateMenus sysCurYearShown sysCurMonthShown sysCurDayShown enterPage buttonUp sysTDfirstTextID leavePage focusItem 'leaveItemTextField focusItem focusPriority leavePriorityTextField buttonUp focusItem 'leaveItemTextField focusPriority leavePriorityTextField leaveRecordField stickyField button getTextID There is no To Do item in this slot. Type the To Do item first, then mark it as done. getDoneID getTextID getTextID recordfield oBxsetFocus DeleteItem sticky stickyField parentField KkeyDown stickyField focusPriority getTextID There is no To Do item in this slot. Type the To Do item first, then assign a due date to the item. getDueMonth getDueMonth getDueDay getDueYear DateDueDialog mm/dd/y DateDueDialog DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo dayTable oQsdisconnectItem {connectNewItem assigning a due date. default dueYear dueDay dueMonth thedate dlgResult currfocus stickyfield sticky itemno targetID sysStickyUp sysUpdateMenus sysCantUndo sysTDfirstTextID sysOrgFieldText sysTDfirstDueID sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstPriorityID isShift connectNewItem getTextID dayExists goToDayPage newToDoItem dayID rfieldID itemno setFocus DeleteItem focusItem leaveItemTextField focusItem deleteItem daySlotsTable daySlotsTable dayTable newText itemno newtext fitem sysOrgFieldText sysTDfirstTextID leaveRecordField stickyField stickyField parentField stickyField sticky 'leaveItemTextField sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDnItems sysStickyUp sysSearching leavePriorityTextField focusPriority There is no To Do item in this slot. Type the To Do item first, then assign a priority to the item. isNotNumber You must enter an integer number between -9 and 99 as a priority. focusPriority fprior sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID isNotNumber stringFound DeleteItem focusItem fieldID sysTDfirstTextID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstPriorityID search leaveRecordField stickyField search sysStickyUp searchAgain leaveRecordField stickyField searchAgain sysStickyUp goToNext focusItem focusItem buttonUp buttonUp targetID sysTDfirstTextID sysTDnItems goToPrev focusItem focusItem buttonUp buttonUp targetID sysTDfirstTextID sysTDnItems goToFocusDay focusItem focusItem getDueID getDueMonth goToDayPage getDueDay getDueYear goToToday goToToday dueRField itemno sysTDfirstTextID deleteItem focusItem focusItem daySlotsTable oQsdisconnectItem cleanOutToDoItem itemno focusID sysTDfirstTextID sysTDnItems disconnectItem removeToDoItem dayTable daySlotsTable dayTable daySlotsTable itemno itemDeletedInDay dayTable daySlotsTable cleanOutToDoItem itemno sysTDfirstTextID rfieldID cleanOutToDoItem getPriorityID getDueID getDoneID rfield itemno itemid sortByPriority sortByPriority todo overflow sortByDueDate ooVsortByDueDate todo overflow printToDoList oeoprintToDoList todo overflow leaveRecordField stickyField sysStickyUp saveAs leaveRecordField stickyField sysStickyUp getTextID sysTDfirstTextID itemno getPriorityID sysTDfirstPriorityID itemno getDueID sysTDfirstDueID itemno getDoneID sysTDfirstDoneID itemno getdueMonth m/d/y rfield getdueDay m/d/y rfield getdueYear m/d/y rfield &6&^& (&)\) )4*j* +B+x+ ,(-^- .6.l. /D/z/ 1@1f1 1$2J2p2 3.3T3z3 484^4 5B5h5 6&6L6r6 748j8 9B9x9 :(;^; <6*?`? @8A~A A BVB B.CdC DHtH JNJpK*M>l oZp(N %pCurPage Due:::Due: Priority T o D o yearno first item first done Due:::Due: Priority first due buildingweek Building week view... "@:PHYSSIZE @:PHYSSIZE first prior sortnotify Sorting. One moment please... nameofmonth numberofday sticky stickyBackground stickyField dKparentField K:PHYSSIZE tL:PHYSSIZE V FVS O:PHYSSIZE >QH!/ PQ:PHYSSIZE R:PHYSSIZE ,T:PHYSSIZE U:PHYSSIZE W:PHYSSIZE jXH!; |X:PHYSSIZE Y:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff r;z\( p\:PHYSSIZE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff v;:_( 0_:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo fffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff a:PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUU_ UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU_ UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU d:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ^gH!, pg:PHYSSIZE 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 0j:PHYSSIZE month buttonUp buttonUp ou+goToFocusDay buttonUp month buttonUp buttonUp ou+goToFocusDay buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp bringUpHelp address buttonUp buttonUp BeginAddress Address buttonUp buttonUp ou+goToFocusDay buttonUp todo overflow unhookDayViewLinks sortByPriority rehookDayViewLinks printToDoList buttonDownInIcon sortByDueDate iconDropped mergeToDoLists findEmptyToDoSlot sortByPriority leaveRecordField stickyField IunhookDayViewLinks CSort ?rehookDayViewLinks The to do items posted to days may change as a result of this sort. a sort operation. default sysTDfirstDueID sysStickyUp sysSorting sysCantUndo sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID sortByDueDate leaveRecordField stickyField IunhookDayViewLinks CSort ?rehookDayViewLinks The to do items posted to days may change as a result of this sort. a sort operation. default sysStickyUp sysTDfirstDueID sysSorting sysCantUndo sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDfirstTextID unhookDayViewLinks yyyymmdd m/d/y rfield magicnumber sysTDnItems sysTDfirstDueID rehookDayViewLinks dayTable toDoPointers toDoPointers dayTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, daySlotsTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dayExists goToDayPage getTextID findEmptyNote toDoPointers daySlotsTable dayTable m/d/y yyyymmdd dayRFieldID noteno todoRFieldID dayID thedate rfield j:to1 todos daypageref magicnumber daytab pageref sysTDnItems sysTDfirstDueID sysDVmaxNotes sysDVfirstNoteID printToDoList canPrint leaveRecordField stickyField Enter a heading for the report: To Do List for nameofmonth numberofday yearno ToDoPrinting Tms Rmn textref textref Date Due Priority py5newPage Date Due,Done,Priority,Item clear pageref default savedprinterStyle printedStyle savedprintedStyle savedprinterGutters savedprinterFieldWidths savedprinterMargins savedprinterFieldNames savedprinterClipText saveFontStyle saveFontSize saveFontFace myCount prtLabel textRef pageRef myList sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDnItems sysStickyUp sysTDfirstTextID sysTDfirstDueID buttonDownInIcon leaveRecordField stickyField prior1 prior2 prior3 getDeviceSuffix :saveClipboard TrackDropAndDragIcon restoreClipboard recordField iconDropped default hitobj bitmapno thename sysStickyUp sysTitleBackground iconDropped getTextID getPriorityID There is no To Do item in this slot. Type the To Do item first, then assign a priority to the item. itemno validDropSpot targetID sysTDfirstDueID sysTDfirstTextID sysTDfirstPriorityID sysTDnItems hitobj priority mergeToDoLists getTextID findEmptyToDoSlot There is not enough space to import all the To Do items from the source book. getTextID getDoneID stripCRLF getDoneID getPriorityID getPriorityID stripCRLF getDueID getDueID stripCRLF {connectNewItem getDueMonth getDueDay getDueYear dueRField buttonID rfieldID destitemno sourcerfield sysTDfirstDueID sysTDnItems sysTDfirstTextID sysTDfirstDoneID sysTDfirstPriorityID sourcebook findEmptyToDoSlot getTextID sysTDnItems DailyPrinting month setFocus removeCurrentFocus leaveDayField goToPrev iconTextChangedInDayView buttonDoubleClick leaveIcon leaveField leaveRecordfield goToDate buildMonth enterPage saveAs goToNewMonth setTimeforAppointment doDeletion deleteItem buttonUp itemDeletedInDay goToNext trashIcon deleteMonth buttonDown dayDeleted enterBackground stringFound printCurrentMonth printCurrentMonthCalendar IDforDay buttonIDforDay rfieldIDforDay enterBackground XstdMenuUpdate &Page &Search... Search &Again... Go To &Date... &Delete Item Delete &Month &Set Time for Appointment... &Print Current Month Print Current Month Ca&lendar sysUpdateMenus enterPage sysLastFoundIconText goToNext leaveField stickyField focusDay focusDay month leapYear daysInMonth rfieldIDforDay rfieldIDforDay LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus firstDayID lastDayID daysInMonth targetID sysStickyUp sysMVfirstDayID goToPrev leaveField stickyField focusDay focusDay month leapYear daysInMonth rfieldIDforDay rfieldIDforDay LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus firstDayID lastDayID daysInMonth targetID sysStickyUp sysMVfirstDayID buttonDoubleClick firstDayOfMonth month leapYear daysInMonth buttonIDforDay buttonUp default targetID sysMVfirstButtonID goToDate month GoToDateDialog DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo LremoveCurrentFocus oO9goToNewMonth oBxsetFocus newYear newDay newMonth dlgResult goToNewMonth getMonthPageID LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus monthPageID newYear newDay newMonth buttonUp blackRect leaveField stickyField LremoveCurrentFocus month month leapYear firstDayOfMonth button daysInMonth buttonIDforDay LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus recordfield daysInMonth rfieldIDforDay LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus showStickyNote month overflow SetTimeforAppointment oBxsetFocus gennote showStickyNote month overflow SetTimeforAppointment oBxsetFocus paintObject LremoveCurrentFocus oBxsetFocus focusIcon showStickyNote month overflow SetTimeforAppointment oBxsetFocus oBxsetFocus default pageID targetID firstday lyear sysStickyUp sysUpdateMenus sysTitleBackground sysMVfirstButtonID sysMVfirstDayID isShift buttonDown paintObject arrow cbuttonDownInExistingIcon month overflow sysTitleBackground isShift setFocus buttonIDforDay rfieldIDforDay focusDay deleteItem sysOrgFieldText dayno removeCurrentFocus buttonIDforDay focusDay -leaveDayField focusIcon leaveIcon leaveDayField focusDay doDeletion month dayExists goToDayPage daySlotsTable daySlotsTable newTextItem dayPageID monthPageID sysOrgFieldText iconTextChangedInDayView orderNo icontext icontext icontext icontext safetyText iconno newText paintID monthPageID leaveIcon focusIcon orderNo iconSlotsTable focusIcon month dayExists goToDayPage iconSlotsTable icontext focusIcon dayPageID monthPageID iconno ficon leaveField stickyField stickyField parentField recordField stickyField icontext stickyField stickyField orderNo icontext orderNo icontext stickyField stripCRLF icontext hideStickyNote month overflow recordField SetTimeforAppointment safetyText parentObj sysStickyUp sysTitleBackground leaveRecordfield sysSearching buildMonth month isLeapYear leapYear firstDayOfMonth findWeekDay firstDayOfMonth daysInMonth nameofmonth numberofyear numberOfIcons fakeClipboardCreated daySlotsTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hourTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, halfHourTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AMPMTable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, totdays magicnumber lyear sysMVfirstButtonID sysMonthNamesInCaps leaveField stickyField sysStickyUp saveAs leaveField stickyField sysStickyUp setTimeforAppointment attachTimeToAppointment month overflow 3 sysTitleBackground doDeletion doDeletion month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground deleteItem deleteItem month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground itemDeletedInDay itemDeletedInDay month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground rfieldID monthPageID trashIcon trashIcon month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground monthPage iconID deleteMonth deleteMonth month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground dayDeleted dayDeleted month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground monthID stringFound stringFound month overflow 2 sysTitleBackground printCurrentMonth o>,printCurrentMonth month overflow sysTitleBackground printCurrentMonthCalendar zprintCurrentMonthCalendar month overflow sysTitleBackground buttonIDforDay firstDayOfMonth sysMVfirstButtonID dayno rfieldIDforDay firstDayOfMonth sysMVfirstDayID dayno pageID %.&V&~& '.'V'~'8) ,h,$. ? 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LremoveCurrentFocus prepareWeek default thedate buttonUp buttonUp LremoveCurrentFocus buttonUp buttonUp bringUpHelp address buttonUp buttonUp LremoveCurrentFocus BeginAddress Address buttonUp buttonUp LremoveCurrentFocus month AddressIndex oNext goToPrev enterBackground goToDate goToToday newTextItem goToDayPage setUpNewDay newIcon buttonUp leaveSlotField removeToDoItem leaveRecordField mergeDayData enterPage mergeNoteText mergeTimeSlotText removeIcon saveAs removeTextItem printCurrentDay deleteItem newToDoItem deleteDay monthDeleted goToNext stringFound DayID getNoteID getDayID getTimeID enterBackground XstdMenuUpdate &Page &Search... Search &Again Go To &Date... Go To &Today &Delete Item Delete Da&y &Print Current Day sysUpdateMenus enterPage dayPrototype buttonUp sysDVfirstTimeID newToDoItem findEmptyNote getNoteID toDoPointers daySlotsTable dayTable anyData rfieldID noteno newText TDrfieldID TDitemno dayPageID newTextItem findEmptyNote getNoteID monthPointers anyData daySlotsTable rfieldID thepage noteno newText MVrfieldID dayPageID monthPageID newIcon findEmptyNote getNoteID iconPointers iconSlotsTable iconSlotsTable iconSlotsTable anyData rfieldID noteno iconno newText MVpaintID dayPageID monthPageID removeToDoItem toDoPointers sysDVfirstNoteID rfieldID dayPageID removeIcon iconPointers sysDVfirstNoteID rfieldID dayPageID removeTextItem monthPointers timeMonthPointers sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVmaxNotes rfieldID dayPageID goToNext focusSlot focusSlot buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp targetID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes goToPrev focusSlot focusSlot buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp targetID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes goToDate month GoToDateDialog DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo DateDialogGetInfo goToDayPage newYear newDay newMonth dlgResult goToToday mm/dd/y goToDayPage goToDayPage dayExists dayPrototype y5newPage setUpNewDay dayPageID sysShortMonthNames setUpNewDay month leapYear isLeapYear weekday leapYear findWeekDay focusSlot anyData nameofweekday weekday nameofmonth numberofday numberofday numberofyear todoPointers ,,,,, monthPointers ,,,,, iconPointers ,,,,, timeMonthPointers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sysDVfirstTimeID sysWeekdayNames sysMonthNames newYear newDay newMonth buttonUp focusSlot nleaveSlotField recordfield DeleteItem focusSlot DeleteItem sticky sticky stickyField sticky stickyField parentField stickyField KkeyDown stickyField sysStickyUp sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysOrgFieldText sysDVmaxNotes isShift leaveSlotField focusSlot newText deleteItem anyData month timeMonthPointers timeMonthPointers monthPointers monthPointers toDoPointers toDoPointers iconPointers 6iconTextChangedInDayView iconPointers month noteno slotno monthPageName newtext fslot sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID sysOrgFieldText sysShortMonthNames leaveRecordField stickyField stickyField parentField stickyField sticky nleaveSlotField sysStickyUp sysSearching mergeDayData month leapYear timeMonthPointers getTimeID mergeTimeSlotText iconPointers toDoPointers monthPointers getNoteID oW_mergeNoteText sourcerfield j:to1 lyear currpage lastDayPage firstDayPage sysDVmaxNotes sysSourceVersion sourcebook mergeNoteText dayExists goToDayPage findEmptyNote stripCRLF anyData noteno dayID sysDVfirstNoteID notetext mergeTimeSlotText dayExists goToDayPage getTimeID stripCRLF anyData destrfield dayID slottext slotno leaveRecordField stickyField sysStickyUp saveAs leaveRecordField stickyField sysStickyUp getDayID sysMVfirstDayID getNoteID sysDVfirstNoteID itemno getTimeID sysDVfirstTimeID itemno printCurrentDay printCurrentDay day overflow deleteItem deleteItem day overflow deleteDay deleteDay day overflow monthDeleted monthDeleted day overflow dayID stringFound stringFound day overflow +6+^+ +.,4. 1>1t1 2$3Z3 324h4 5@5v5 767l7 #maxScroll $scrollAmt *$"$maxNoteScroll N$D$firstTimeRFieldID r$h$firstNoteRFieldID $pCurPage Notes buildingweek Building week view... buttonUp buttonUp focusSlot nleaveSlotField month month goToDayPage goToDayPage month month leapYear daysInMonth goToDayPage month buttonUp buttonUp focusSlot nleaveSlotField month leapYear daysInMonth month month goToDayPage goToDayPage month goToDayPage month first time first note nameofweekday nameofmonth numberofday 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 >:PHYSSIZE ?:PHYSSIZE numberofyear ,CW!8 >C:PHYSSIZE D:PHYSSIZE *F:PHYSSIZE G:PHYSSIZE I:PHYSSIZE vJ:PHYSSIZE K:PHYSSIZE M:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff O:PHYSSIZE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff R:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo fffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ZU:PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUU_ UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU_ UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ";$X( X:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Z:PHYSSIZE 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ]:PHYSSIZE month buttonUp buttonUp focusSlot nleaveSlotField focusSlot month getMonthPageID oBxsetFocus month buttonUp buttonUp month This week is partially in the year 2100, which is out of range for DayBook. month This week is partially in the year 1979, which is out of range for DayBook. focusSlot nleaveSlotField prepareWeek default buttonUp buttonUp focusSlot nleaveSlotField buttonUp buttonUp bringUpHelp address buttonUp buttonUp BeginAddress Address buttonUp buttonUp day overflow deleteItem monthDeleted deleteItemByID deleteDay stringFound printCurrentDay timeOfSlot deleteItem focusSlot focusSlot month timeMonthPointers itemDeletedInDay timeMonthPointers month timeMonthPointers monthPointers itemDeletedInDay monthPointers month monthPointers toDoPointers itemDeletedInDay toDoPointers toDoPointers iconPointers trashIcon iconPointers month focusSlot pageRef noteno slotno monthPageName sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysShortMonthNames deleteDay This will delete this day's appointments in the Month and To Do List. Cancel focusSlot getTimeID deleteItem focusSlot getNoteID deleteItem month getMonthPageID clear dayDeleted month default monthID thedaypage sysDVmaxNotes monthDeleted otgdeleteItemByID getNoteID clear sysDVmaxNotes dayID deleteItemByID toDoPointers itemDeletedInDay toDoPointers noteno daypage sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID itemID dayID stringFound DeleteItem focusSlot fieldID sysOrgFieldText sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVmaxNotes printCurrentDay canPrint leaveRecordField stickyField focusSlot nleaveSlotField Enter a heading for the report: Daily Schedule for nameofweekday nameofmonth numberofday numberofYear DailyPrinting Items: Times: timeOfSlot py5newpage py5newpage Times: Notes: Items: py5newpage Items: Items: py5newpage Times:,Items: Tms Rmn DailyPrinting clear pageref default saveFontStyle saveFontSize saveFontFace savedprinterGutters savedprinterStyle savedprinterFieldWidths savedprinterMargins savedprinterClipText savedprinterFieldNames idText prtLabel idNum myList textRef pageRef myCount sysDVmaxNotes sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID sysStickyUp timeOfSlot 6:00 am,6:30 am,7:00 am,7:30 am,8:00 am,8:30 am,9:00 am,9:30 am,10:00 am,10:30 am,11:00 am,11:30 am,Noon,12:30 pm,1:00 pm,1:30 pm,2:00 pm,2:30 pm,3:00 pm,3:30 pm,4:00 pm,4:30 pm,5:00 pm,5:30 pm,6:00 pm,6:30 pm,7:00 pm,7:30 pm,2:00 pm,2:30 pm,3:00 pm,3:30 pm,4:00 pm,4:30 pm,5:00 pm,5:30 pm,6:00 pm,6:30 pm,7:00 pm,7:30 pm slotno sticky stickyBackground stickyfield vparentField enterBackground makeHotwords buttonDown printCurrentWeek PrepareWeek goToNext goToPrev stringFound tmentsForDay appointmentsForDay dayIfExists enterBackground XstdMenuUpdate &Page &Search... Search &Again &Print Current Week sysUpdateMenus PrepareWeek GetWeekInfo nameofmonth numberofday numberofyear ,Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday dayIfExists appointmentsForDay weekinfo dayName dayInfo weekHeader weekInfo weekText madeHotwords dayInWeek appointmentsForDay anyData timelabels daypage collectAppointments notelabels daypage collectAppointments sysDVfirstTimeID sysDVfirstNoteID sysDVmaxNotes dayPage dayIfExists dayPageName +makeHotwords default madeHotwords makeHotwords weekinfo GRcreateHotword weekField madeHotwords buttonDown hotword goToDayPage targetDay printCurrentWeek canPrint Enter the header for the report. Weekly Schedule for Week of nameofmonth numberofday numberofyear weekInfo default savedprinterGroupsAcross savedprinterStyle savedprinterFieldWidths savedprinterMargins savedprinterClipText savedprinterFieldNames prtLabel goToNext goToPrev stringFound pCurPage Week Of:of: nameofmonth March numberofday weekinfo buttonDown enterRecordField buttonDown +makeHotwords buttonDown You cannot edit text in the Week View. Instead, edit the text in the Day View or Month View and then return to the Week View. realTarget madeHotwords enterRecordField timelabels 6:00 am: 6:30 am: 7:00 am: 7:30 am: 8:00 am: 8:30 am: 9:00 am: 9:30 am: 10:00 am: 10:30 am: 11:00 am: 11:30 am: Noon: 12:30 pm: 1:00 pm: 1:30 pm: 2:00 pm: 2:30 pm: 3:00 pm: 3:30 pm: 4:00 pm: 4:30 pm: 5:00 pm: 5:30 pm: 6:00 pm: 6:30 pm: 7:00 pm: 7:30 pm: notelabels Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE numberofyear :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE 2!:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffvffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff #:PHYSSIZE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffv fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff &:PHYSSIZE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffo fffffo ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff r):PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUU_ UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU_ UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,H! 2,:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD .:PHYSSIZE 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 33333333333333? 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp weekinfo goToDayPage targetDay buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp bringUpHelp address buttonUp buttonUp BeginAddress Address month buttonUp buttonUp weekinfo getMonthPageID oBxsetFocus month targetDay buttonUp buttonUp ToDoPrinting Date Due Priority Printing... ToDoPrinting B 6@