Dull Colors colorList 60,65.125,42.75 40,65.125,42.75 0,65.125,42.75 320,65.125,42.75 300,65.125,42.75 280,65.125,42.75 240,65.125,42.75 200,65.125,42.75 180,65.125,42.75 160,65.125,42.75 120,65.125,42.75 80,65.125,42.75 60,60.1875,25.125 29,60.1875,25.125 0,60.1875,25.125 331,60.1875,25.125 300,60.1875,25.125 269,60.1875,25.125 240,60.1875,25.125 211,60.1875,25.125 180,60.1875,25.125 149,60.1875,25.125 120,60.1875,25.125 87,60.1875,25.125 60,50.1875,40.1875 45,50.1875,40.1875 30,50.1875,40.1875 15,50.1875,40.1875 0,50.1875,40.1875 345,50.1875,40.1875 330,50.1875,40.1875 315,50.1875,40.1875 300,50.1875,40.1875 285,50.1875,40.1875 270,50.1875,40.1875 255,50.1875,40.1875 240,50.1875,40.1875 225,50.1875,40.1875 210,50.1875,40.1875 210,50.1875,40.1875 195,50.1875,40.1875 180,50.1875,40.1875 165,50.1875,40.1875 150,50.1875,40.1875 120,50.1875,40.1875 105,50.1875,40.1875 90,50.1875,40.1875 75,50.1875,40.1875 240,80.1875,50.5 211,80.1875,50.5 180,80.1875,50.5 149,80.1875,50.5 120,80.1875,50.5 91,80.1875,50.5 60,75.125,19.6875 0,75.125,19.6875 300,75.125,19.6875 240,75.125,19.6875 180,75.125,19.6875 120,75.125,19.6875 60,85.125,34.1875 0,85.125,34.1875 300,85.125,34.1875 240,85.125,34.1875 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 ColorBox18 ColorBox19 ColorBox20 ColorBox21 ColorBox22 ColorBox23 ColorBox24 ColorBox17 ColorBox26 ColorBox27 ColorBox28 ColorBox29 ColorBox30 ColorBox31 ColorBox32 ColorBox25 ColorBox34 ColorBox35 ColorBox36 ColorBox37 ColorBox38 ColorBox39 ColorBox40 ColorBox33 ColorBox42 ColorBox43 ColorBox44 ColorBox45 ColorBox46 ColorBox47 ColorBox48 ColorBox41 ColorBox50 ColorBox51 ColorBox52 ColorBox53 ColorBox54 ColorBox55 ColorBox56 ColorBox49 ColorBox58 ColorBox59 ColorBox60 ColorBox61 ColorBox62 ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName Dull Colorsee 49-56 57-64 33-40 41-48 17-24 25-32 Dull Colors Pale to Bright F | colorList 60,90,100 31,90,100 0,90,100 329,90,100 300,90,100 271,90,100 240,90,100 209,90,100 180,90,100 151,90,100 120,90,100 89,90,100 60,85.125,100 40,85.125,100 0,85.125,100 320,85.125,100 300,85.125,100 280,85.125,100 240,85.125,100 200,85.125,100 180,85.125,100 160,85.125,100 120,85.125,100 80,85.125,100 60,75.125,100 48,75.125,100 36,75.125,100 24,75.125,100 0,75.125,100 324,75.125,100 312,75.125,100 300,75.125,100 288,75.125,100 276,75.125,100 264,75.125,100 240,75.125,100 216,75.125,100 204,75.125,100 192,75.125,100 180,75.125,100 168,75.125,100 156,75.125,100 144,75.125,100 120,75.125,100 96,75.125,100 84,75.125,100 72,75.125,100 60,65.125,100 52,65.125,100 34,65.125,100 17,65.125,100 0,65.125,100 343,65.125,100 326,65.125,100 308,65.125,100 300,65.125,100 227,50,100 240,65.125,100 223,65.125,100 180,65.125,100 172,65.125,100 154,65.125,100 137,65.125,100 120,65.125,100 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 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ColorBox48 ColorBox41 ColorBox50 ColorBox51 ColorBox52 ColorBox53 ColorBox54 ColorBox55 ColorBox56 ColorBox49 ColorBox58 ColorBox59 ColorBox60 ColorBox61 ColorBox62 ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName Vivid Deeptee 49-56 57-64 33-40 41-48 17-24 25-32 Basic F | colorList 0,21.9375,100 30,21.9375,100 60,21.9375,100 90,21.9375,100 120,21.9375,100 150,21.9375,100 180,21.9375,100 210,21.9375,100 240,21.9375,100 270,21.9375,100 300,21.9375,100 330,21.9375,100 0,50,100 30,50,100 60,50,100 90,50,100 120,50,100 150,50,100 180,50,100 210,50,100 240,50,100 270,50,100 300,50,100 330,50,100 0,75.125,100 30,75.125,100 60,75.125,100 90,75.125,100 120,75.125,100 150,75.125,100 180,75.125,100 210,75.125,100 240,75.125,100 270,75.125,100 300,75.125,100 330,75.125,100 0,88.0625,100 31,88.0625,100 60,88.0625,100 89,88.0625,100 120,88.0625,100 151,88.0625,100 180,88.0625,100 209,88.0625,100 240,88.0625,100 271,88.0625,100 300,88.0625,100 329,88.0625,100 0,16.0625,100 45,13.125,100 89,10,100 135,11,100 180,11.9375,100 225,11.9375,100 272,11.9375,100 315,11.9375,100 0,0,0 0,12.5625,0 0,25.125,0 0,37.625,0 0,50.1875,0 0,62.75,0 0,74.875,0 0,100,0 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 ColorBox18 ColorBox19 ColorBox20 ColorBox21 ColorBox22 ColorBox23 ColorBox24 ColorBox17 ColorBox26 ColorBox27 ColorBox28 ColorBox29 ColorBox30 ColorBox31 ColorBox32 ColorBox25 ColorBox34 ColorBox35 ColorBox36 ColorBox37 ColorBox38 ColorBox39 ColorBox40 ColorBox33 ColorBox42 ColorBox43 ColorBox44 ColorBox45 ColorBox46 ColorBox47 ColorBox48 ColorBox41 ColorBox50 ColorBox51 ColorBox52 ColorBox53 ColorBox54 ColorBox55 ColorBox56 ColorBox49 ColorBox58 ColorBox59 ColorBox60 ColorBox61 ColorBox62 ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName Basic 49-56 57-64 33-40 41-48 17-24 25-32 Hue @ 75% L & 25% S Basic Hue @ 15% L & 100% S Vivid Deep helPage helpPage -r9r9r9 shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar transfer "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "label" fLabelID "main" mButtonID syslockScreen blockNumber "colorBox" & i "colorList" uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID label fLabelID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID fLabelID buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID colorBox colorList blockNumber dButtonID paintobject id 219 of background id 11 fLabelID button id 218 of background id 11 aButtonID paintobject id 217 of background id 11 mButtonID button id 216 of background id 11 activeButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxp Label Transfer downButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "label" fLabelID "main" mButtonID syslockScreen uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID label fLabelID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID fLabelID buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID aButtonID paintobject id 224 of background id 11 R!*!mButtonID button id 225 of background id 11 !d!dButtonID paintobject id 226 of background id 11 !fLabelID button id 227 of background id 11 activeButton ":PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxp wwwwwwwx downButton ':PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwx wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww label Return (X7(EPExE FVVtg shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar H z&H "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID showAll syslockScreen "hue" < 360 4h, l, s setWindowColor buttonDown buttonUp showAll buttonStillDown downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID showAll aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID setWindowColor buttonStillDown .dButtonID paintobject id 52 of background id 12 .aButtonID paintobject id 53 of background id 12 /mButtonID button id 54 of background id 12 downButton /:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwx wwwwww wwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwww activeButton 3:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwx wwwwwww wwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID showAll syslockScreen "hue" > 0 4h, l, s setWindowColor buttonDown buttonUp showAll buttonStillDown downButton dButtonID activeButton 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dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID showAll aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID lightness lightness buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID lightness setWindowColor buttonStillDown lightness lightness mButtonID button id 107 of background id 12 aButtonID paintobject id 106 of background id 12 dButtonID paintobject id 105 of background id 12 downButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwx wwwwww wwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwww activeButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwx wwwwwww wwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID showAll syslockScreen "lightness" > 0 4h, l, s setWindowColor buttonDown buttonUp showAll buttonStillDown downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID showAll aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID lightness lightness buttonUp dButtonID 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id 12 downButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwx wwwwww wwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwww activeButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwx wwwwwww wwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID showAll syslockScreen "saturation" > 0 4h, l, s setWindowColor buttonDown buttonUp showAll buttonStillDown downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID showAll aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID saturation saturation buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID saturation setWindowColor buttonStillDown saturation saturation mButtonID button id 125 of background id 12 dButtonID paintobject id 124 of background id 12 aButtonID paintobject id 123 of background id 12 activeButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww downButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar shadowBox sizeShadowBox ZBoxWidth,BoxHeight,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,tempVar "re" 180,50,100 "re" 180,50,100 1430+(1440* 1430+(1440* 1440+ "rbg" 1440,1440,x2,y1 "re" x0,y0,x1,y1 "rc" x0,y0,x2,y2 sizeShadowBox sizeShadowBox Width (inches)? Height (inches)? BoxWidth BoxHeight tempVar "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "label" fLabelID "main" mButtonID syslockScreen "Exit Custom Colors?" f"Yes" "yes" "exitPage" uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID label fLabelID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID fLabelID buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID Exit Custom Colors? exitPage fLabelID button id 168 of background id 12 dButtonID paintobject id 169 of background id 12 aButtonID paintobject id 170 of background id 12 mButtonID button id 171 of background id 12 Label downButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp activeButton :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 4h,l,s, paletteName, paletteMode, paletteCount, currentPalette 4initValue, colorModel, hMax, lMax, sMax "HLSDesc" "CMYDesc" "RGBDesc" "paletteList") "hue" "lightness" "saturation" "thisPalette" "incPartial" setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hTemp lTemp sTemp <> "HLS" = "CMY" (255-(h*2.55)) (255-(l*2.55)) (255-(s*2.55)) RGBtoHLS(r,g,b) 6h,l,s) "colorWindow" 4h, l, s, , lastTarget RadioButtonDialog( , "Select Option:", \ . Buttons" ) choice model either HLS ("Enter palready used!" "blankPalette" "paletteGroup" Send Copy NewPage Paste UnGroup Clear "main" the list aa comma separated "tempField" i <> x sortList( commas ListBoxDialog( Delete:", "Can't delete selected pageName changePalette blockNumber z(1-64):" vTemp checkForNumber ( <> "OK" "Must be integer!" Z<>0 j>64) must be between 1 "colorBox"& <> " "Gradient only valid "Gradients" ) hMult lMult sMult degrees (1-45):" <> "OK" percent (1-25):" <> "OK" (1-45):" <> "OK" firstBlockNumber secondBlockNumber z(1-64):" <> "OK" z(1-64):" <> "OK" <> 0 "Invalid hh>360 ll>100 ss>100 hh, ll, ss customShow >= 1 transferPalette , xBook which Selected = " &\ be transfered ( example: anybook.tbk). Self "colorList" xfrBook fileExists( V find ToolBook r<> OK minimized r<> OK xfrPalette newColors setRemote " 4h, l, s, "Please ayour currentPalettte <> nterPage customShow setWindowColor transferPalette xfrPalette enterPage changePalette enterPage HLSDesc CMYDesc RGBDesc paletteList lightness saturation thisPalette buttonUp incPartial initValue colorModel paletteName paletteMode paletteCount currentPalette setWindowColor ffffff ffffff ffffff RGBtoHLS RGBtoHLS colorWindow colorWindow sTemp lTemp hTemp colorModel ,Menu Select Option: Radio Buttons RadioButtonDialog Select Color Model CMYDesc RGBDesc HLSDesc CMYDesc RGBDesc HLSDesc CMYDesc RGBDesc HLSDesc buttonDown Enter name for new palette: cancel paletteList Palette name already used! paletteList blankPalette paletteGroup y5NewPage Paste WUnGroup paletteName tempField paletteList paletteList tempField tempField paletteList tempField sortList tempField paletteList paletteList tempField paletteList Select Palette to Delete: paletteList ListBoxDialog paletteList Can't delete selected palette! paletteList paletteList Clear paletteList Clear Clear paletteList 1changePalette Enter color number (1-64): cancel checkForNumber Must be an integer! Number must be between 1 and 64! colorBox colorWindow buttonUp incPartial Gradient Option only valid in HLS Color Model Select Gradient Option: Gradients RadioButtonDialog Enter degrees to increment (1-45): cancel checkForNumber Must be a number! Number must be between 1 and 45! Enter percent to increment (1-25): cancel checkForNumber Must be a number! Number must be between 1 and 25! Enter degrees to increment (1-45): cancel checkForNumber Must be a number! Number must be between 1 and 45! Enter first color number (1-64): cancel checkForNumber Must be an integer! Number must be between 1 and 64! Enter second color number (1-64): cancel checkForNumber Must be an integer! Invalid Number! colorBox buttonUp incPartial secondBlockNumber firstBlockNumber sMult lMult hMult vTemp blockNumber pageName i:by1 i:to1 choice lastTarget paletteCount currentPalette paletteName colorModel customShow paletteCount currentPalette transferPalette Enter the name of the book to which the Selected Palette is to be transfered (for example: anybook.tbk). Enter Self to change palette of this book: cancel buttonUp transfer colorList fileExists Can't find book xfrPalette ToolBook xfrBook currentPalette xBook xfrPalette buttonUp transfer colorList customColors of this book ToolBook newColors xfrBook currentPalette xBook changePalette Please make your selection: paletteList ListBoxDialog paletteList paletteList thisPalette buttonUp incPartial currentPalettte paletteCount currentPalette paletteName gXv,w ColorWindow 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor 4h, l, s "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor LIGHTNESS 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor 4h, l, s "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor SATURATION HLSDesc HueDesc (0-360) "& x7 LightDesc Lightness (0-100) Saturation (0-100)) 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor "04Y$ 4h, l, s "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor Color Mixed::::::::: ThisPalette SouthWestern Steps #2 Partial Palette: 1-864 9-164 c tFZ colorGroup 4h, l, s, colorModel, lastTarget ZRGB, R1, G1, B1 hTemp lTemp sTemp "colorWindow" = "HLS" = "CMY" HLStoRGB(v1,v2,v3) ((R1/255)*100); ((G1/255)*100); ((B1/255)*100); "hue" "lightness" "saturation" buttonDown buttonDown colorWindow colorWindow HLStoRGB HLStoRGB lightness saturation sTemp lTemp hTemp colorModel lastTarget && rG Click on any color to get a starting point:: ^ipJ( pickedButton fJ:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp downButton O:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp Gradients Hue, 5 degree Steps Hue, User defined Steps Lightness, 5% Steps Lightness, User defined Steps Saturation, 5% Steps Saturation, User defined Steps Radio Buttons Pick &Model to Use &Create New Palette &Delete Palette Select &Palette Copy Color &To Palette Make a &Gradient Rowwwwwwwwwww paletteList Basic Dull Colors Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1 Hue in 5 Deg Steps #2 Pale to Bright SouthWestern Vivid Deep incPartial "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID 4paletteRow -- update syslockScreen ~, currentPalette sysSuspendMessages bNumber "colorBox"& i xNumber & ((( -1)*8)+i) 558,744 4878,1824 Clear -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" 720,((( -1)*540)+360) 5040,((( +1)*540)+360) Paste Group --Move 558,744 --Send Cut "xfrColor" [Selection uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID paletteRow buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID colorBox colorBox xNumber bNumber paletteRow currentPalette ^mButtonID button id 1239 of page id 74 _aButtonID paintobject id 1238 of page id 74 >_dButtonID paintobject id 1237 of page id 74 downButton (`:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwx wwwwww wwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwww *i$d( activeButton d:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwx wwwwwww wwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww decPartial "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID 4paletteRow syslockScreen o, currentPalette bNumber "colorBox"& i xNumber & ((( -1)*8)+i) -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID paletteRow buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID colorBox colorBox xNumber bNumber paletteRow currentPalette Jn&nmButtonID button id 1244 of page id 74 n\ndButtonID paintobject id 1243 of page id 74 naButtonID paintobject id 1242 of page id 74 activeButton o:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww downButton 6s:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww tempField Basic,Dull Colors,Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1,Hue in 5 Deg Steps #2,Pale to Bright,SouthWestern,Vivid Deep xfrColor to handle buttonDown system h, l, s if target contains rectangle get fillColor of target set h to round(item 1 of it) set l to round(item 2 of it) set s to round(item 3 of it) set sysLockScreen to true set the text of field "hue" to h set the text of field "lightness" to l set the text of field "saturation" to s set the fillColor of rectangle "colorWindow" to it set the strokeColor of rectangle "colorWindow" to it set sysLockScreen to false end if xfrBook blank.tbkbkk partialPalette 4h, l, s, colorModel, RGB, lastTarget R1, G1, B1 hTemp lTemp sTemp "colorWindow" = "HLS" = "CMY" HLStoRGB(v1,v2,v3) ((R1/255)*100); ((G1/255)*100); ((B1/255)*100); "hue" "lightness" "saturation" rightbuttonDown 4currentPalette, paletteRow nTemp nChar nRow -- convert according blockNumber "colorBox" & ((( -1)*8)+ "main" bNumber xNumber -1)*8)+i) -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" buttonDown rightbuttonDown buttonDown colorWindow colorWindow HLStoRGB HLStoRGB lightness saturation sTemp lTemp hTemp colorModel lastTarget rightbuttonDown colorBox colorWindow colorWindow blockNumber nChar nTemp currentPalette paletteRow 90.1875 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 RGBDesc HueDesc (0-255) LightDesc Green (0-255))))) (0-255)))))))) CMYDesc HueDesc (0-100))) LightDesc Magenta (0-100))) Yellow (0-100))00)) Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1 Hue in 2% Steps 3 8X8 9 :H:p: Et? mixedColor "mixedColor" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown mixedColor buttonDoubleClick mixedColor partialPalette "partialPalette" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown partialPalette buttonDoubleClick partialPalette exitHelp & $ Click here to Exit Custom Colors Book BookshelfHelp Click here to Exit Custom Colors Book and load Bookshelf showHelp Click here to show Current Palettekkkkk partialPalette rowHelp These numbers indicate the color numbers in each row paletteNameHelp Name of selected Palette These colors are from the selected Palette. Click any color to display in "Color Box" - Click the *right* mouse button to copy color in "Color Box" to the palette.. Click here to display higher numbered colorssssssssssssssssssssss Click here to display lower numbered colorssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss hlsNumbers Number indicates Hue of color shown in "Color Mixed" Boxx Number indicates Lightness of color shown in "Color Mixed" Boxx Number indicates Saturation of color shown in "Color Mixed" Box mixedColor Color created by HLS, CMY or RGB settings shown belowwwwwwwwwwwww huePercent Click here to set at 50% (180))))kkkkk Click here to set H, C or R at 100% Click here to set at 00000 Palettekkkkk lightPercent Click here to set at 50% (50)) 50% (50))) Click here to set L, M or G at 100% (100))) Click here to set at 00000000000tekkkkk satPercent Click here to set at 50% (50))t 50% (50)) & h Click here to set S, Y or B at 100% (100))) & F! Click here to set at 0ration at 0ekkkkk helpHelp & r" Click here to display this Help pageffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff transferHelp Click here to transfer Custom Colors of selected palette to book palette startingColor Click on any color box to set the initial values of HLS, CMY or RGB and set the color in the "Color Mixed" boxxxxxxxxxxxxx "partialPalette" buttonDown buttonDown partialPalette showHelp "showHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown showHelp buttonDoubleClick showHelp bookshelfHelp "bookShelfHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown bookShelfHelp buttonDoubleClick bookShelfHelp exitHelp "exitHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown exitHelp buttonDoubleClick exitHelp startingColor "startingColor" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown startingColor buttonDoubleClick startingColor menuHelp "menuHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown menuHelp buttonDoubleClick menuHelp transferHelp "transferHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown transferHelp buttonDoubleClick transferHelp helpHelp "helpHelp" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown helpHelp buttonDoubleClick helpHelp huePercent "huePercent" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown huePercent buttonDoubleClick huePercent lightPercent "lightPercent" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown lightPercent buttonDoubleClick lightPercent satPercent "satPercent" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown satPercent buttonDoubleClick satPercent hueButtons Click here to increase H, C or R. Hold button down to rapidly increase without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released... Click here to decrease H, C or R. Hold button down to rapidly decrease without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released... lightButtons Click here to increase L, M or G. Hold button down to rapidly increase without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released.. Click here to decrease L, M or G. Hold button down to rapidly decrease without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released.... satButtons Click here to increase S, Y or B. Hold button down to rapidly increase without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released.......... & ": Click here to decrease S, Y or B. Hold button down to rapidly decrease without changing "Color Mixed" box. The "Color Mixed" box only changes when the mouse button is released.......... lightButtons "lightButtons" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown lightButtons buttonDoubleClick lightButtons satButtons "satButtons" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown satButtons buttonDoubleClick satButtons hueButtons "hueButtons" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown hueButtons buttonDoubleClick hueButtons hueNumber "hueNumber" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown hueNumber buttonDoubleClick hueNumber lightNumber "lightNumber" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown lightNumber buttonDoubleClick lightNumber satNumber "satNumber" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown satNumber buttonDoubleClick satNumber satNumber Current value of S, Y or Bn lightNumber Current value of L, M or Gn hueNumber Current value of H, C or Rn menuHelp &F:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO Click here to show main menuffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Main Menu: Click On Option for description showPalette "showPalette" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown showPalette buttonDoubleClick showPalette createPalette "createPalette" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown createPalette buttonDoubleClick createPalette deletePalette "deletePalette" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown deletePalette buttonDoubleClick deletePalette selectPalette "selectPalette" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown selectPalette buttonDoubleClick selectPalette copyColor "copyColor" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown copyColor buttonDoubleClick copyColor makeGrad "makeGrad" buttonDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDown makeGrad buttonDoubleClick makeGrad showPalette Pick model: HLS, CMY, RGB createPalette Creates a blank palettettttttttttttttttttttttttt Palette deletePalette Displays list of all palettes and prompts for deletion selectPalette Displays list of all palettes and prompts for selection copyColor Copies color in "Color Mixed" box to specified color number makeGrad Makes a series of colors by increasing either Hue, Lightness or Saturation in defined stepsss ank Book Custom Colors s Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| originalColors 10,40,90.1875 15,40,90.1875 20,40,90.1875 25,40,90.1875 30,40,90.1875 35,40,90.1875 40,40,90.1875 45,40,90.1875 128,13.125,100 128,23.125,100 128,33.125,100 128,43.125,100 128,53.125,100 128,63.125,100 128,73.125,100 128,83.125,100 0,10,100 0,11,100 0,11.9375,100 0,13.125,100 0,14.125,100 0,15.125,100 0,16.0625,100 0,17.0625,100 0,10,100 0,15.125,100 0,20,100 0,25.125,100 0,30,100 0,35.125,100 0,40,100 0,45.125,100 0,10,100 0,20,100 0,30,100 0,40,100 0,50,100 0,60,100 0,70,100 0,80,100 0,50,20 0,50,30.1875 240,50,9.8125 240,50,20 240,50,30.1875 240,50.1875,40.1875 240,50,49.8125 240,50,60 300,13.125,100 300,23.125,100 300,33.125,100 300,43.125,100 300,53.125,100 300,63.125,100 300,73.125,100 300,83.125,100 0,0,0 0,10.1875,0 0,20,0 0,30.1875,0 0,40,0 0,50.1875,0 0,60,0 0,70.1875,0 System `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook ` s Rmn `D|D| System `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| System `D|D| !hParent, lpTitle, lpTextLines ) 9MultiListBoxDialog( WRadioButtonDialog( SszTitle, wOldIcon = SetIcon( hWnd, lpIconName ) X"gendll. sysSuspendMessages the bookshelf Bookshelf ToolBook M"bookshlf.tbk" toolbook bringwindowtotop( (bookmark "The was xfound. Please your current working directory." enterBook first previous leavebook Bookshelf enterBook sortlist.dll sortList gendll.dll ListBoxDialog MultiListBoxDialog RadioButtonDialog SetIcon sizeToPage leavebook gendll.dll sortlist.dll first previous Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook `D|D| 4warning initialize "Warning: Editing scripts altering }may disable 8." \ f"Continue" "Reader" sysChangesdb --issue about making 8." \ "Cancel" the bookshelf Bookshelf ToolBook M"bookshlf.tbk" toolbook bringwindowtotop( (bookmark "The was xfound. Please your current working directory." linkdlls default --links traps errors X"sortlist. sortList( "Can't find file that's path, change include tbkfile. X"gendll. gListBoxDialog( gRadioButtonDialog( INT fileExists(STRING) dll's linkDLL "tbkwin. HLStoRGB(DOUBLE, RGBtoHLS(WORD, X"user" showwindow( customHelp "helpPage" checkForNumber fString,fCount,fIsInt 4svSysVarStack 1)<> "WrongCount" < --store --turn off so no messages --try a numeric operation on --don't forget --test "NotNumber" "NotInt" leavebook previous enterBook Bookshelf author initialize reader linkdlls customHelp checkForNumber enterBook initialize Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book. Continue Reader Continue reader warning leavebook author Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book. Continue Cancel sizeToPage warning reader sizeToPage previous Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook initialize sizetopage wjlinkdlls default linkdlls sortlist.dll sortList Can't find sortlist.dll. Please copy this file to a directory that's in your path, or change your path to include tbkfile.dll's directory, and open this book again. gendll.dll ListBoxDialog RadioButtonDialog Can't find gendll.dll. Please copy this file to a directory that's in your path, or change your path to include tbkfile.dll's directory, and open this book again. tbkfile.dll fileExists Can't find tbkfile.dll. Please copy this file to a directory that's in your path, or change your path to include tbkfile.dll's directory, and open this book again. tbkwin.dll HLStoRGB RGBtoHLS Can't find tbkwin.dll. Please copy this file to a directory that's in your path, or change your path to include tbkfile.dll's directory, and open this book again. showwindow customHelp helpPage checkForNumber WrongCount NotNumber NotInt svSysVarStack fIsInt fCount fString IsInt fCount fString blankPalette paletteGroup colorList 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,075,05,05,05,0875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0,0.1875,0 0,70.1875,0.1875,0,01875,0875,000000000875,00875,00875,00875,001875,01875,0875,0875,0875,01875,000.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,0.1875,01875,01875,01875,01875,01875,01875,01875,01875,0 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 ColorBox18 ColorBox19 ColorBox20 ColorBox21 ColorBox22 ColorBox23 ColorBox24 ColorBox17 ColorBox26 ColorBox27 ColorBox28 ColorBox29 ColorBox30 ColorBox31 ColorBox32 ColorBox25 ColorBox34 ColorBox35 ColorBox36 ColorBox37 ColorBox38 ColorBox39 ColorBox40 ColorBox33 ColorBox42 ColorBox43 ColorBox44 ColorBox45 ColorBox46 ColorBox47 ColorBox48 ColorBox41 ColorBox50 ColorBox51 ColorBox52 ColorBox53 ColorBox54 ColorBox55 ColorBox56 ColorBox49 ColorBox58 ColorBox59 ColorBox60 ColorBox61 ColorBox62 ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName BlankPalettee 49-56 57-64 33-40 41-48 17-24 25-32 ExitPage ExitPage enterPage enterPage colorWheel Copyright 1990 by James E. Ford all rights reserved. Version 0.90 :PHYSSIZE 33330 333333 3333333330 33333333333 333333333330 333333333333330 3333333333333330 33333330 3333333333 333333 333333330 333330 3333333 33333 333333 33333 333330 33330 33333 333330 333330 33330 33333 33333 33333 3330330 33333 FFFFF ddddd` FFFFFF dddddd` FFFFFF@ dddddddd FFFFFFFF@ dddddddd` FFFFFFFFF ddddddddd FFFFF ddddd ddddddd FFFFFFF dddddd FFFFFF dddddd` FFFFFFFF ddddddddd FFFFFFFFF@ dddddddddd FFFFFFFFF@ ddddddddd` FFFFFFFF@ ddddddd` FFFFFF@ ddddd` FFFFFF@ ddddd` FFFFF@ Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1 D | colorList 0,50,100 5,50,100 10,50,100 15,50,100 20,50,100 25,50,100 30,50,100 35,50,100 40,50,100 45,50,100 50,50,100 55,50,100 60,50,100 65,50,100 70,50,100 75,50,100 80,50,100 85,50,100 90,50,100 95,50,100 100,50,100 105,50,100 110,50,100 115,50,100 120,50,100 125,50,100 130,50,100 135,50,100 140,50,100 145,50,100 150,50,100 155,50,100 160,50,100 165,50,100 170,50,100 175,50,100 180,50,100 185,50,100 190,50,100 195,50,100 200,50,100 205,50,100 210,50,100 215,50,100 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ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1 49-56 57-64 33-40 41-48 17-24 25-32 blankPalette Pale to Bright SouthWestern ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 ColorBox18 ColorBox19 ColorBox20 ColorBox21 ColorBox22 ColorBox23 ColorBox24 ColorBox17 ColorBox26 ColorBox27 ColorBox28 ColorBox29 ColorBox30 ColorBox31 ColorBox32 ColorBox25 ColorBox34 ColorBox35 ColorBox36 ColorBox37 ColorBox38 ColorBox39 ColorBox40 ColorBox33 ColorBox42 ColorBox43 ColorBox44 ColorBox45 ColorBox46 ColorBox47 ColorBox48 ColorBox41 ColorBox50 ColorBox51 ColorBox52 ColorBox53 ColorBox54 ColorBox55 ColorBox56 ColorBox49 ColorBox58 ColorBox59 ColorBox60 ColorBox61 ColorBox62 ColorBox63 ColorBox64 ColorBox57 Custom Palette Name: PaletteName SouthWesterne colorList 0,10,100 0,20,100 0,30,100 0,40,100 0,50,100 0,60,100 0,70,100 0,80,100 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Enter Self to change palette of this book: cancel buttonUp transfer colorList fileExists Can't find book xfrPalette ToolBook xfrBook currentPalette xBook xfrPalette buttonUp transfer colorList customColors of this book ToolBook newColors xfrBook currentPalette xBook changePalette Please make your selection: paletteList ListBoxDialog paletteList paletteList thisPalette buttonUp incPartial currentPalettte paletteCount currentPalette paletteName 3"5,6 6(8f9 I&O.T"U grvFw ColorWindow 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor 4h, l, s "hue" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown setWindowColor LIGHTNESS 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor 4h, l, s "lightness" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown lightness setWindowColor SATURATION HLSDesc HueDesc (0-360) LightDesc Lightness (0-100) Saturation (0-100)) 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor 4h, l, s, hMax, lMax, sMax "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor "04Y$ 4h, l, s "saturation" setWindowColor buttonDown buttonDown saturation setWindowColor Color Mixed::::::::: ThisPalette SouthWestern Steps #2 Partial Palette: 1-864 9-164 c .G* colorGroup 4h, l, s, colorModel, lastTarget ZRGB, R1, G1, B1 hTemp lTemp sTemp "colorWindow" = "HLS" = "CMY" HLStoRGB(v1,v2,v3) ((R1/255)*100); ((G1/255)*100); ((B1/255)*100); "hue" "lightness" "saturation" buttonDown buttonDown colorWindow colorWindow HLStoRGB HLStoRGB lightness saturation sTemp lTemp hTemp colorModel lastTarget Click on any color to get a starting point:: pickedButton J:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp downButton O:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp Gradients Hue, 5 degree Steps Hue, User defined Steps Lightness, 5% Steps Lightness, User defined Steps Saturation, 5% Steps Saturation, User defined Steps Radio Buttons Pick &Model to Use &Create New Palette &Delete Palette Select &Palette Copy Color &To Palette Make a &Gradient Rowwwwwwwwwww paletteList Basic Dull Colors Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1 Hue in 5 Deg Steps #2 Pale to Bright SouthWestern Vivid Deep incPartial "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID 4paletteRow -- update syslockScreen ~, currentPalette sysSuspendMessages bNumber "colorBox"& i xNumber & ((( -1)*8)+i) 558,744 4878,1824 Clear -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" 720,((( -1)*540)+360) 5040,((( +1)*540)+360) Paste Group --Move 558,744 --Send Cut "xfrColor" [Selection uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID paletteRow buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID colorBox colorBox xNumber bNumber paletteRow currentPalette ^mButtonID button id 1239 of page id 74 _aButtonID paintobject id 1238 of page id 74 X_dButtonID paintobject id 1237 of page id 74 downButton B`:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwx wwwwww wwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwww activeButton 4d:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwx wwwwwww wwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww decPartial "downButton" dButtonID "activeButton" aButtonID "main" mButtonID 4paletteRow syslockScreen o, currentPalette bNumber "colorBox"& i xNumber & ((( -1)*8)+i) -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" uttonDown buttonDown buttonUp downButton dButtonID activeButton aButtonID mButtonID 0bringToFront mButtonID aButtonID dButtonID buttonDown aButtonID dButtonID paletteRow buttonUp dButtonID aButtonID colorBox colorBox xNumber bNumber paletteRow currentPalette dn@nmButtonID button id 1244 of page id 74 nvndButtonID paintobject id 1243 of page id 74 naButtonID paintobject id 1242 of page id 74 activeButton o:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww downButton Ps:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww tempField Basic,Dull Colors,Hue in 5 Deg Steps #1,Hue in 5 Deg Steps #2,Pale to Bright,SouthWestern,Vivid Deep xfrColor to handle buttonDown system h, l, s if target contains rectangle get fillColor of target set h to round(item 1 of it) set l to round(item 2 of it) set s to round(item 3 of it) set sysLockScreen to true set the text of field "hue" to h set the text of field "lightness" to l set the text of field "saturation" to s set the fillColor of rectangle "colorWindow" to it set the strokeColor of rectangle "colorWindow" to it set sysLockScreen to false end if xfrBook blank.tbkbkk partialPalette 4h, l, s, colorModel, RGB, lastTarget R1, G1, B1 hTemp lTemp sTemp "colorWindow" = "HLS" = "CMY" HLStoRGB(v1,v2,v3) ((R1/255)*100); ((G1/255)*100); ((B1/255)*100); "hue" "lightness" "saturation" rightbuttonDown 4currentPalette, paletteRow nTemp nChar nRow -- convert according blockNumber "colorBox" & ((( -1)*8)+ "main" bNumber xNumber -1)*8)+i) -1)*8) & "-" & ( "Row1" *8)) & "-" & (( +1)*8) "Row2" buttonDown rightbuttonDown buttonDown colorWindow colorWindow HLStoRGB HLStoRGB lightness saturation sTemp lTemp hTemp colorModel lastTarget rightbuttonDown colorBox colorWindow colorWindow blockNumber nChar nTemp currentPalette paletteRow 90.1875 ColorBox2 ColorBox3 ColorBox4 ColorBox5 ColorBox6 ColorBox7 ColorBox8 ColorBox1 ColorBox10 ColorBox11 ColorBox12 ColorBox13 ColorBox14 ColorBox15 ColorBox16 ColorBox9 RGBDesc HueDesc (0-255) LightDesc Green (0-255))))) (0-255)))))))) CMYDesc HueDesc (0-100))) LightDesc Magenta (0-100))) Yellow (0-100))00))