Applets Version 1.1 Tiny Applications for Microsoft Windows Applets are a collection of tiny applications for the Microsoft Windows environment. They are primarily designed to operate with Windows menuing environments, such as Command Post 5.2 and newer, which allow you to initiate a series of applications from a single menu selection. This version of Applets requires Microsoft Windows, versions 2.03 or newer for proper operation. Some of the Applets are incompatible with the old Windows 1.x software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment of any kind from Wilson WindowWare. The software described in this document is distributed free or at minimal charge for evaluation only. Users of this software are to license this software according to the instructions given in this document. Copies of this software may be made only in accordance with instructions given in this document. Copyright Morrie Wilson, 1989 Applets and Applet are trademarks of Wilson WindowWare. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Applets 1.1 2 Table of Contents Licensing and Duplication Information Duplication Restrictions / Other Information... 5 General Licensing Information.................. 6 Payment with Order Licensing Information......................... 7 Purchase Orders Requiring Billing Licensing Information......................... 8 International Orders........................... 9 Applets 101 An Introduction............................... 10 Installing Applets............................ 12 Using Applets Getting Started with Applets.................. 13 FILE APPLETS.................................. 14 }COPY.EXE - Binary Copy................. 14 }DELETE.EXE - File Delete................. 15 }MOVE.EXE - File Move................... 16 }RENAME.EXE - File Rename................. 17 Applets 1.1 3 Table of Contents (Continued) Using Applets (Continued) WINDOW APPLETS................................ 18 WININFO.EXE - Window Information.......... 18 }ARRANGE.EXE - Arranges/Stacks all Windows. 20 }CLOSE.EXE - Window Close................ 22 }ICONIZE.EXE - Iconizes window............. 23 }HIDE.EXE - Hides a window.............. 24 }PLACE.EXE - Places and resizes a window. 25 }SHOW.EXE - Show Window................. 26 }ZOOM.EXE - Zoom Window................. 27 MISCELLANEOUS APPLETS......................... 28 }BEEP.EXE - Beep........................ 28 }SAY.EXE - Puts a message on the screen 29 }SAYBEEP.EXE - Beep, then message.......... 30 Appendices Appendix A - Other Window Applications........ 31 Appendix B - Applets Version Information...... 32 Appendix C - Applets Online Support........... 33 Applets 1.1 4 Licensing and Duplication Information Duplication Restrictions / Other Information Applets is a shareware product. It may be freely copied and distributed for evaluation as long as four basic rules are followed. These rules are: 1) These programs and this documentation may not be modified in any way. 2) A copy of this documentation is provided with the programs. 3) No charge, other than a media and handling charge, (not to exceed $8.00) is made. 4) Users of these programs purchase a license for its use. One license per usable copy of Applets is required. Archive and backup copies do not count. Please note that if you purchased a disk containing this software from a public domain/shareware software distributor you have paid the media and handling charges as permitted above. You have not purchased a license. Purchasing a license is required for continued use. The accuracy of the information supplied here and the fitness of the Applet programs for any purpose may change without notice, and should not be construed as any kind of a commitment. No responsibility is assumed for any errors or problems that may be encountered with use of this product. There are no warranties whatsoever associated with this product. Applets 1.1 5 General Licensing Information Applets must be licensed to be used other than for an initial evaluation. Two licensing rates are available, as given below: Rates for payment with order: $20 Single user license $ 5 Applet software on diskette Please specify 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" diskette. $10 Printed documentation Rates for Purchase Order requiring billing, or for purchase via third party vendors: $50 Includes single user license, diskettes (5 1/4" and 3 1/2"), and printed documentation. Applets 1.1 6 Payment with Order Licensing Information Under the "Payment with Order" plan we accept personal and business checks, along with Visa and MasterCard charges. Checks must be mailed, while we can accept Visa and MasterCard purchases over the phone. MailOrders For mailorder purchases, enclose the following items in an envelope and mail to the address given below: Enclose: 1) List of items desired --license(s), disk(s), number of copies of documentation 2) Payment (either check or charge card info) For charge card orders, include card number, expiration date and card billing address. 3) Name and address Mail to: Wilson WindowWare 3377 59th SW Seattle WA 98116 Phone Orders For phone order purchases we will need your card number, expiration date, card billing address, and desired purchases. Our phone lines are open from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Pacific Time. East Coast residents will need to wait until after Noon Eastern Time before placing their calls. Our phone number is (206) 937-9335. Licensing materials will generally be sent to you within 24 hours. Applets 1.1 7 Purchase Orders Requiring Billing Licensing Information Purchase orders are subject to acceptance. We generally reject purchase order requests that obligate us to your company's terms and conditions. As stated above there are no warranties whatsoever associated with the Applet software product, and we are not responsible for its performance. You are the sole judge of the product's effectiveness and suitability for your application. To order Applets, enclose the following items in an envelope and mail to the address given below: Enclose: 1) Purchase order stating Number of copies desired Shipping address Billing address 2) Name, address and phone number of a knowledgeable individual whom we may contact should any question about this order arise. Mail to: Wilson WindowWare 3377 59th SW Seattle WA 98116 (206) 937-9335 Applets 1.1 8 International Orders Wilson WindowWare recognizes the difficulties our international customers face in presenting payment for our products. These difficulties include excessive fees charged for international money orders, various postal delays, and currency conversion problems of various sorts. For this reason we recommend payment via MasterCard (EuroCard) or Visa. The credit companies will perform any necessary currency conversions, and eliminate possibility of the loss of the funds by the postal services. Although we do accept both mail-order and phone-order purchases, our phone operators generally only speak English, and are therefore limited in the amount of non- English assistance they can provide. In addition, because of the increased postal costs, we must charge additional postal fees for international orders. We mail all goods via airmail, thus avoiding unnecessarily long waits. The additional fees are as follows: Item Surcharge ___________________ License None Disk $2.00 Manual $8.00 Applets 1.1 9 Applets 101 An Introduction Applets have been designed to enhance your use of Microsoft Windows. Applets is a collection of tiny applications for the Microsoft Windows environment. Most of these applications do not even put up a "window" unless some sort of error condition occurs. All Applets start with the special } character, which helps distinguish them from other applications and DOS commands. The Applets in this version fall into several categories. The categories, and the Applets in them are: File Applets }Copy.exe ... Binary copy. Copies entire files. }Move.exe ... Move. Moves files. }Rename.exe ... Renames files. }Delete.exe ... Deletes files. Window Applets }Place.exe ... Places a window where you want. }Arrange.exe ... Arranges or stacks all open windows. }Close.exe ... Closes a window (Quits the program). }Iconize.exe ... Iconizes (minimizes) a window. }Zoom.exe ... Zooms (maximizes) a window. }Hide.exe ... Hides a window. Makes it invisible. }Show.exe ... Returns a window to a normal state, whether hidden, zoomed, or iconized. WinInfo.exe ... Provides information to help you specify the parameters for the other Window Applets. You need a mouse. Applets 1.1 10 Introduction (Continued) Miscellaneous Applets }Beep.exe ... Beeps once. The simplest Applet. }Say.exe ... Puts a short message on the screen. }Saybeep.exe ... Beeps, then puts up a short message. Death, Taxes and License Fee Applet }}Run1st.exe ... Copyright notices and licensing information. If your copy of Applets is not licensed, it MUST be run once each day before you can use any of the other Applets. Applets 1.1 11 Installing Applets Applets are easily installed. Simply copy the following files to your windows directory (usually either \WIN, \WINDOWS, or \WIN386). Other directories may be used, but whatever directory is chosen, it MUST be defined in the MS- DOS PATH statement (which is usually in your autoexec.bat file). WININFO.EXE }ARRANGE.EXE }BEEP.EXE }COPY.EXE }CLOSE.EXE }DELETE.EXE }HIDE.EXE }ICONIZE.EXE }MOVE.EXE }PLACE.EXE }RENAME.EXE }SAY.EXE }SAYBEEP.EXE }SHOW.EXE }ZOOM.EXE }}RUN1ST.EXE The other files are documentation and do not necessarily need to be copied. Once all the files are properly copied, installation is complete. Applets 1.1 12 Using Applets Getting Started with Applets The first thing you must do to start either a licensed or unlicensed version of Applets is to run the following Applet: }}RUN1ST.EXE You may simply double click on it on your directory display. The }}RUN1ST.EXE application will display copyright notices and ordering information. Select the underlined letter in the "Continue" pushbutton. Running }}RUN1ST.EXE will allow you to evaluate any of the other Applets all you want for the rest of the day. You must re-run }}RUN1ST.EXE each day to continue your evaluation. If you have purchased a license for Applets, please follow the directions given with your license letter. Once }}RUN1ST.EXE has been run you may run any of the Applets. Try doubleclicking on }BEEP.EXE, and listen for the short beep. Remember that Applets have been designed to be executed from sophisticated Windows menuing programs or shells (such as Command Post), and not from the MS-DOS Executive window. Using the menuing program, you can set up the Applets and their parameters in your menus. The next few sections in this document describe the Applets and how to use them. Applets 1.1 13 FILE APPLETS }COPY.EXE - Binary Copy }COPY.EXE will copy a file either to another file or to one of the serial or parallel ports. Full pathnames may be used. Wildcard characters * and ? are supported. Note that the "to" file name must (unlike DOS) be specified, even if wildcarded. Examples: }COPY.EXE WIN.INI LPT1 Copies WIN.INI to the printer. }COPY.EXE *.PRN LPT1 Copies all .PRN type files to the printer. }COPY.EXE *.XLS *.BAK Makes a backup copy of Excel worksheets. Examples with Command Post: Applets Make backup of hilited file . }COPY.EXE @^.^ @^.BAK Copy directory to backup directory . }COPY.EXE *.* @\BACKUP\*.* Copy hilited file to printer . }COPY.EXE @^.^ LPT1 Copy hilited file to floppy . }COPY.EXE @^.^ A:@^.^ Applets 1.1 14 }DELETE.EXE - File Delete }DELETE.EXE will delete a file. Full pathnames may be used. Wildcards characters * and ? are supported. Note that the "to" file name must (unlike DOS) be specified, even if wildcarded. Examples: }DELETE.EXE ACCOUNT.BAK Deletes the ACCOUNT.BAK backup file. }DELETE.EXE *.BAK Deletes all BAK files in the current directory Examples with Command Post: Applets Delete hilited file . }DELETE.EXE @^.^ Delete backup of hilited file . }DELETE.EXE @^.BAK Applets 1.1 15 }MOVE.EXE - File Move }MOVE.EXE will move a file. Full pathnames may be used. Wildcards characters * and ? are supported. Note that the "to" file name must (unlike DOS) be specified, even if wildcarded. Examples: }MOVE.EXE C:ACCOUNT.BAK D:*.* Moves the ACCOUNT.BAK file from the C: disk to the D: disk. Examples with Command Post: Applets Move hilited file to floppy . }MOVE.EXE @^.^ A:@^.^ Move ABC file to floppy . }MOVE.EXE C:\OFFICE\ABC.XLS A:ABC.XLS Move entire directory to floppy . }MOVE.EXE *.* A:*.* Applets 1.1 16 }RENAME.EXE - File Rename }RENAME.EXE will rename a file. Full pathnames may be used, however a rename may not cross a disk drive boundary. Wildcards characters * and ? are supported. Note that the "to" file name must (unlike DOS) be specified, even if wildcarded. Examples: }RENAME.EXE CURRENT.XLS OLD.XLS Renames the CURRENT.XLS file to OLD.XLS }RENAME.EXE *.NEW *.OLD Renames all the .NEW file to .OLD files Examples with Command Post: Applets Rename hilited file to .BAK . }RENAME.EXE @^.^ A:@^.BAK Rename NOW file to THEN File . }RENAME.EXE C:\WORK\NOW C:\WORK\THEN Applets 1.1 17 WINDOW APPLETS WININFO.EXE - Window Information WININFO.EXE provides you with certain information you will need to use the other Window Applets. It supplies additional information as well, but the additional information may be ignored. WININFO.EXE does require a mouse. Trying to use Windows without a mouse is a little like banging your head on a brick wall. If you do not yet have a mouse, it is recommended that you acquire one. Personally I recommend the Microsoft Mouse, although most mice will work with Windows. All the Window Applets need the title of the main parent Window. The title of the window is usually displayed in the middle of the caption bar at the top of most windows. An exception to this is Microsoft Excel. The title of its window is Microsoft Excel, no matter what it displays (like a spreadsheet name) at the top of its window. In any event WININFO.EXE will display the title of the window directly beneath the mouse cursor. It also will display the title of the parent window. It is the parent window title that you will be interested in. WININFO.EXE will also display the screen coordinates of the windows. The screen coordinates, in top-left, bottom-right notation, specify exactly where the window is on the screen. The screen coordinates are useful when you use the }PLACE.EXE command. The }PLACE.EXE command allows you to place a window anywhere you wish on the screen. Applets 1.1 18 WININFO.EXE - Window Information (continued) If you do not own a mouse, you can probably guess at the window titles, since for most of the important windows it is the displayed title. To use the }PLACE.EXE command you will have to guess at the screen coordinates, but it should not be too bad. The screen coordinate system has the upper left of the screen, assigned the coordinates top=0 left=0. The bottom right coordinates of your screen depend upon your display adapter. Some sample values are: CGA bottom=200 right=640 EGA bottom=350 right=640 VGA450 bottom=450 right=640 VGA480 bottom=480 right=640 VGA+ bottom=600 right=800 By figuring out where you want a window, you can, with a little trial and error, estimate the desired coordinates, and successfully use the }PLACE.EXE command. Applets 1.1 19 }ARRANGE.EXE - Arranges/Stacks all Windows }ARRANGE.EXE will arrange or stack the open windows on the screen. This Applets can take one of four keywords or numbers. The numbers 1 through 4 match the Command Post Window menuitems. _ Syntax: }ARRANGE.EXE keyword keyword = Arrange ... Default arrangement = Rows ... Arrange in Rows = Columns ... Arrange in columns = Stack ... Stack View = 1 ... Default arrangement = 2 ... Stack View = 3 ... Arrange in Rows = 4 ... Arrange in columns Note: Only the first letter of the keywords are required. Examples on following page. Applets 1.1 20 }ARRANGE.EXE - (Continued) Examples: }ARRANGE.EXE S Places all the main windows on the screen into a stack, somewhat like Cardfile does. }ARRANGE.EXE A Arranges (tiles) the windows so that there is no overlap, and all windows can be seen. }ARRANGE.EXE R Arranges the windows, and if there are four or less windows, it will place them all in rows. }ARRANGE.EXE C Arranges the windows, and if there are three or less windows, it will place them all in columns. }ARRANGE.EXE 4 Arranges the windows, and if there are three or less windows, it will place them all in columns. Same as "C" above. Example of }ARRANGE.EXE with Command Post. Desktop Write . write.exe . }arrange.exe A Notepad . notepad.exe @^.^ . }arrange.exe A This Command Post menu will tile the Write and Notepad applications onto the screen when they open. The tiling behavior of Windows 1.x can be emulated this way. Applets 1.1 21 }CLOSE.EXE - Window Close }CLOSE.EXE will close a window. Closing a window terminates the application. If unsaved work is left in the window, you will be prompted to save the work. Syntax: }CLOSE.EXE partial-window-title partial-window-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to close. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be closed. Examples: }CLOSE.EXE Clock Closes a "Clock" window. }CLOSE.EXE Microsoft Excel Closes the "Microsoft Excel" window }CLOSE.EXE Notepad Closes the first "Notepad..." window found }CLOSE.EXE Notepad - NOTES.TXT Closes the "Notepad - NOTES.TXT" window Applets 1.1 22 }ICONIZE.EXE - Iconizes window }ICONIZE.EXE will iconize (minimize) a window. Syntax: }ICONIZE.EXE partial-window-title partial-window-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to minimize. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be minimized. Examples: }ICONIZE.EXE Notepad Minimizes the first "Notepad..." window found. }ICONIZE.EXE Microsoft Excel Minimizes the "Microsoft Excel" window Applets 1.1 23 }HIDE.EXE - Hides a window }HIDE.EXE will hide a window. The window will disappear from the screen, and will not be seen until it is restored with the }SHOW.EXE command. It will still be fully functional for DDE exchange. Syntax: }HIDE.EXE partial-window-title partial-window-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to hide. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be hidden. Examples: }HIDE.EXE Clock Hides the "Clock" window. }HIDE.EXE Microsoft Excel Hides the "Microsoft Excel" window Applets 1.1 24 }PLACE.EXE - Places and resizes a window }PLACE.EXE will resize and move a window to any place on the screen. }PLACE.EXE is good for placing a number of windows into a desired placement. Syntax: }PLACE.EXE partial-title top left bottom right partial-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to place. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be placed as specified on the screen. top = top co-ordinate of window left = left co-ordinate of window bottom = bottom co-ordinate of window right = right co-ordinate of window Examples: }PLACE.EXE Clock 0 0 200 300 Places the "Clock" window in the upper left of the screen. }PLACE.EXE Microsoft Excel 240 320 480 640 Places the "Microsoft Excel" window in the bottom right of a VGA480 screen. The utility WININFO.EXE may be used to determine the window title and the co-ordinates of existing windows so that you can replicate the numbers in the }PLACE.EXE command. Applets 1.1 25 }SHOW.EXE - Show Window }SHOW.EXE will show a window. Showing a window will restore a window to a non-hidden, non-iconized, non-zoomed state Syntax: }SHOW.EXE partial-window-title partial-window-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to show. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be shown as a normal window. Examples: }SHOW.EXE Clock Shows the "Clock" window. }SHOW.EXE Microsoft Excel Shows the "Microsoft Excel" window Applets 1.1 26 }ZOOM.EXE - Zoom Window }ZOOM.EXE will zoom (maximize) a window. A zoomed window will occupy the entire screen. Syntax: }ZOOM.EXE partial-window-title partial-window-title = Initial chars of the title of the window to maximize. The first window found where the initial chars of the window title match the chars given for partial-window-title will be maximized. Examples: }ZOOM.EXE Clock Maximizes the "Clock" window. }ZOOM.EXE Microsoft Excel Maximizes the "Microsoft Excel" window Applets 1.1 27 MISCELLANEOUS APPLETS }BEEP.EXE - Beep }BEEP.EXE will beep at you. Syntax: }BEEP.EXE Examples: }BEEP.EXE Beeps once. Applets 1.1 28 }SAY.EXE - Puts a message on the screen }SAY.EXE will put a short message of your choice on the screen and require that the "OK" button be pressed to continue your Windows session. Syntax: }SAY.EXE Your Message Examples: }SAY.EXE Kilroy was here. Puts message "Kilroy was here" on the screen, and requires that the OK button be pressed before proceeding. Applets 1.1 29 }SAYBEEP.EXE - Beep, then message }SAYBEEP.EXE will beep, and then put a short message of your choice on the screen and require that the "OK" button be pressed to continue your Windows session. Syntax: }SAYBEEP.EXE Your Message Examples: }SAYBEEP.EXE I want a cookie. Beeps, puts message "I want a cookie" on the screen, and requires that the OK button be pressed before allowing the user to proceed. Applets 1.1 30 Appendices Appendix A - Other Window Applications Currently (2/1/89) Wilson WindowWare has the following shareware applications. For more information on these applications call, or send a SASE to: Wilson WindowWare 3377 59th SW Seattle WA 98116 (206) 937-9335 Applets 1.1 Applets are a collection of tiny applications for the Microsoft Windows environment. They are primarily designed to operate with Windows menuing environments, such as Command Post 5.2 and newer, which allow you to initiate a series of applications from a single menu selection. These tiny applications include file manipulation tools (COPY, MOVE, RENAME, DELETE), Window manipulation tools (ZOOM, ARRANGE, ICONIZE, HIDE, SHOW, CLOSE, PLACE), and miscellaneous tools (SAY, BEEP, SAYBEEP). Browser 3.1 Browser is a MS Windows application designed to allow users to browse files in a MS Windows environment. In addition to the browse capability, it supports printing, clipboarding, and a hex dump display. Browser also features the new and unusual Hide & Seek information extraction technique. Command Post 5.2 Command Post is a MS Windows application designed to allow users to easily personalize the MS-DOS Executive control window. Command Post allows users to easily add Menu and Submenu items to the main MS-DOS Executive menu bar, and to execute desired applications when a menu item is selected. Applets 1.1 31 Appendix B - Applets Version Information Version Information for Applets 1.1 Immediately below is a list of differences that this version of Applets has when compared to major previous releases of Applets. This is generally only of interest when updating to a new version of Command Post from a previous release. Version 1.1 - New Features 1) Problems in starting it up fixed. Some computers would not recognize that the }}run1st.exe Applet was run. 2) Added the }ARRANGE.EXE Applet. Allows you to stack or arrange windows line Command Post. 3) Fixed bug in file applets where they could not handle filename without an extension. 4) Window title for the Window Applets now can be a subset of the full window title. Version 1.0 Initial Release. Applets 1.1 32 Appendix C - Applets Online Support Online support for Applets is provided on Compuserve Information Service (CIS). If assistance with Applets is required, please leave an Easyplex message for Morrie Wilson using the CIS identifier 73260,2535 A response will generally be posted by the next day. The MSAPP forum on Compuserve is also checked on a regular basis. The MSAPP forum is a good place to ask questions about Windows in general, or to interface with other Windows users. Applets 1.1 33