Lock - bmppppp :PHYSSIZE Clock :PHYSSIZE Tools :PHYSSIZE Index Title 4entrBook index namebkmk enterPage leavePage enterPage namebkmk index entrBook leavePage namebkmk selectstatus false AAA( `" selectstatus false :PHYSSIZE copyWriteNotice rightButtonUP uttonDown buttonUp buttonDown rightButtonUP buttonDown copyWriteNotice buttonUp copyWriteNotice rightButtonUP copyWriteNotice selectstatus false :PHYSSIZE copyWriteNotice Album 1.04 Copyright 1991 Doug Overmyer San Pedro Graphics Berkeley, CAeley, CA :PHYSSIZE z 1.01 System w`D|D| w`D|D| w`D|D| tsbRelease w`D|D| w`D|D| Album z stem `D|D| hidehelp help2 c"&Utilities" e"Change K..." e"Import Scrapbook..." e"Erase ..." changeCaption your scrapbook" f"TSB importScrapbook ZerrorBin Zstartpgno Zendpgno Zremoteapp -- don't insert intro section question the full wish -- give user chance ("What beginning ending (sysRuntime = runtime %needed "toolbook.exe " & "tbook. r= "no such file" ToolBook c"failed" remotelastpgno range "Impossible --only ep. 4 on " & j B"Pastebutton" eraseBook "This will 8. Are you sure?!" \ f"Yes" eBook EnterBook changeCaption importScrapbook leaveBook eraseBook EnterBook pagecount sizeToPage Thidehelp &Utilities Change caption... Utilities Import Scrapbook... Utilities Erase Book... Utilities help2 last2bkmk first2bkmk leaveBook changeCaption Enter Caption for your scrapbook TSB Scrapbook importScrapbook Enter the full name of the scrapbook you wish to import What is beginning page number? What is ending page number? toolbook.exe tbook.exe no such file pageNumber of last page failed Impossible range of pages for import go to page failed select all failed send copy to target failed y5newPage buttonUp Pastebutton set sysChangesDB to false send exit remotelastpgno ToolBook question remoteapp endpgno startpgno errorBin eraseBook This will erase all objects in the book. Are you sure?! clear introPages --Book Script Album ,Doug Overmyer 8are: TSBRelease introPages status marquee object_list --handlers defaults, setup importScrapbook:implement another eraseBook: changeCaption:allow user 4Entrbook PageNumber hidehelp help2 c"&Utilities" e"Change K..." e"Import ..." e"Erase ..." entrBook EnterBook your importAlbum ZerrorBin Zstartpgno Zendpgno Zremoteapp -- don't insert section linkDLL "tbkopen.dll" STRING OpenDlg( "c:\", "*.*","Please choose the file you would like ...") ("What beginning -- give chance ending (sysRuntime = --use runtime full TB %needed "toolbook.exe " & "tbook. r= "no such ToolBook c"failed" remotelastpgno range "Impossible <= ( 8)) --only 8+ 1) bringWindowToTop( unlinkDLL " " & j & "; "Pastebutton" 8+ 1) "This will 8. Are sure?!" \ f"Yes" eBook enterBook changeCaption importAlbum leaveBook eraseBook enterBook pagecount sizeToPage Thidehelp &Utilities Change caption... Utilities Import Album... Utilities Erase Album... Utilities entrBook enterSystem help2 Entrbook leaveBook changeCaption Enter Caption for your Album Album importAlbum introPages tbkopen.dll OpenDlg 3 Please choose the file you would like to open... OpenDlg What is beginning page number? What is ending page number? toolbook.exe tbook.exe no such file pageNumber of last page failed Impossible range of pages for import introPages introPages bringWindowToTop bringWindowToTop go to page ;select all;send copy to target failed y5newPage buttonUp Pastebutton set sysChangesDB to false send exit default remotelastpgno ToolBook remoteapp endpgno startpgno errorBin eraseBook introPages This will erase all objects in the book. Are you sure?! clear urier System `D|D| clear stem `D|D| s Rmn `D|D| s Rmn `D|D| stem stem System y`D|D| stem s Rmn `D|D| TSBBkground Arrows - tbk TSBBkground --Script -- handlers: {- intercepts message, decodes action z- copies object_list clipboard - sets up the fields ( bookmarks) - hides %needed findTopGroup - locates Ohighest a given dragObjects - mouse marqueeobject - /delete unselect_all - isForGndObj - retuns on forgound itself 4object_listM, statusM, modeM PageNumber EnterPage {loc, isShift, isCtrl 4oldx, oldy, topgroupid <= (introPages selectObject bookobject showMarquee sizeMarquee loc selectMarquee marqueeObjects ButtonDoubleClick targetid, Zx1m,y1m,x2m,y2m Lgrouping objid R) -- 12960 12960 bnds )- 30) ;) < N - 30) a) > Zx, y object_listMd these values Hx - 4x1,y1,x2,y2 x1 + 1 y1 + 1 x1,y1,x2,y2 4x1,y1,x2,y2 x1,y1,x2,y2 x1,y1 x2,y2 default objectid parentgroup topGroupid uttonUp buttonDoubleClick enterPage selectObject buttonDown marqueeObjects dragObjects buttonStillDown unselect_all showMarquee sizeMarquee leavePage selectMarquee buttonUp findTopGroup enterPage pagecount marquee object_listM statusM modeM leavePage buttonDown introPages of page selectObject unselect_all showMarquee unselect_all marquee bookobject object_listM statusM modeM topgroupid isCtrl isShift buttonStillDown sizeMarquee dragObjects marquee object_listM statusM modeM buttonUp HselectMarquee tmarqueeObjects tmarqueeObjects marquee object_listM statusM modeM buttonDoubleClick introPages introPages unselect_all object_listM statusM modeM selectObject 2findTopGroup tmarqueeObjects objid topgroupid object_listM statusM modeM isCtrl isShift targetid marqueeObjects marquee object_listM statusM modeM dragObjects marquee object_listMd object_listM statusM modeM unselect_all marquee object_listM showMarquee marquee object_listM statusM modeM isCtrl isShift sizeMarquee marquee object_listM statusM modeM selectMarquee default marquee object_listM statusM modeM findTopGroup 2findTopGroup topGroupid parentgroup topgroupid objectid 1>5(8 bookobject helpbkmk buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp lastbkmk buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp firstbkmk (introPages 8+ 1) buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp introPages First pagenum ("What errorBin buttonUp buttonUp pagecount What page? pagecount errorBin pagecount Page: NameBkmk buttonUp buttonUp search clickbkmkrect namefield firstbkmk Index buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp Index |#T#y# Index leftdirbutton =(KEYLEFTBUTTON) uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonUp buttondown buttonstilldown buttonUp %:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp rightdirbutton =(KEYLEFTBUTTON) uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonUp buttondown buttonstilldown buttonUp ):PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp returndirbutton BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP ,:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp helpdirbutton help2 buttonUp buttonUp help2 0:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp marquee PasteButton <= introPages >buttonUP c"Cannot perform desired Clipboard operation") empty - nothing buttonUp buttonUp introPages paste Cannot perform desired Clipboard operation Clipboard is empty - nothing to paste enterPage Paste DeleteButton introPages "Deleting - are you sure?" f"Yes" "No" "Me?!" buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp introPages Deleting Page - are you sure? clear buttonDown Delete NewButton buttonUP >(introPages ButtonUP buttonUP buttonDown buttonUP introPages oy5newPage buttonDown New CutButton 4object_listM, modeM, statusM > introPages buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp introPages enterPage object_listM modeM statusM buttonDown Cut AlbumArt n>:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp six-shooter with a hot barrel :PHYSSIZE Title Help1 namebkmk enterPage leavePage enterPage namebkmk leavePage namebkmk intro selectstatus false selectstatus false selectstatus false * Use the direction buttons to move through the book * See the next page for info on options * When you find an item you like, double click it * The object is copied to the Windows Clipboard * Click & drag objects to move them around * Click to select multiple objects/draw marquee * Use (Cut) & (Paste) to manipulate objects in the scrapbook * Use (New) & (Delete) to add and delete whole pages * All toolbook objects are supported except record fieldss selectstatus false How to use this Book hrough the pages buttonUp buttonUp selectstatus false Help1 Help2 toggleHelpFields 4helpfieldsstatus indexbkmkhelp help2 namebkmkhelp firstbkmkhelp helpbkmkhelp lastbkmkhelp pagenumhelp cuthelp pastehelp newhelp delhelp albumarthelp buttonshelp albumArtHelp hideHelp helpfieldstatus = HelpFields toggleHelpFields hideHelp toggleHelpFields albumArtHelp buttonshelp albumarthelp delhelp newhelp pastehelp cuthelp pagenumhelp lastbkmkhelp helpbkmkhelp firstbkmkhelp namebkmkhelp help2 indexbkmkhelp helpfieldsstatus hideHelp toggleHelpFields helpfieldstatus helpfieldsstatus intro selectstatus false selectstatus false How to get Help Click and hold the left mouse button over the item you need help with. and an explanation will appear./e your recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.k. : B $ PasteHelp pastehelp Paste Button Click button to paste the graphic into the scrapbook. You can reverse the action with the cut button. If there is "insufficient room" on the page, try saving the book first.uttons to scroll through the book.e book. NewHelp newhelp New Button Click button to create a new blank page in the scrapbook. You can reverse the action with the del button.everse the action with the del button...n. hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book.' DelHelp delhelp Del(ete) Button Click button to delete the page from the scrapbook. You can not reverse this action ...ith the button..on.e the action with the cut button.on. hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. cutmask cuthelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown cuthelp buttonUp cuthelp selectstatus false pastemask pastehelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown pastehelp buttonUp pastehelp selectstatus false newmask newhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown newhelp buttonUp newhelp selectstatus false delmask delhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown delhelp buttonUp delhelp selectstatus false pagenumhelp selectstatus false pagenumhelp PageNumber Field Click to go directly to any page in the book....ard. You can reverse the action by pasting immediately.our recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. delmask pagenumhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown pagenumhelp buttonUp pagenumhelp selectstatus false lastbkmkhelp selectstatus false lastbkmkhelp Last Bookmark Click to go directly to last page in the book.ook.ard. You can reverse the action by pasting immediately.our recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. lastbkmkmask lastbkmkhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown lastbkmkhelp buttonUp lastbkmkhelp selectstatus false helpbkmkhelp helpbkmkhelp Help Bookmark Click to go directly to help page in the book.ook.ard. You can reverse the action by pasting immediately.our recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. helpbkmkmask helpbkmkhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown helpbkmkhelp buttonUp helpbkmkhelp selectstatus false firstbkmkhelp firstbkmkhelp First Bookmark Click to go directly to first page of objects in the book..n reverse the action by pasting immediately.our recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. firstbkmkmask firstbkmkhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown firstbkmkhelp buttonUp firstbkmkhelp selectstatus false namebkmkmask namebkmkhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown namebkmkhelp buttonUp namebkmkhelp T selectstatus false tspartmask Albumarthelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown Albumarthelp buttonUp Albumarthelp !selectstatus false buttonsHelp buttonUP buttonshelp buttonUP buttondown buttonUP buttonshelp buttondown buttonshelp "selectstatus false Buttons CutHelp cuthelp Cut Button Click button to cut the object(s) to the clipboard. You can reverse the action by pasting immediately..race your recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. buttonsHelp directionhelp Direction Buttons Click left & right buttons to go back and forward a page. Click the return button to return to last page visited. Click ? to this page.index page.the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. namebkmkhelp 'selectstatus false namebkmkhelp Name Field Click in this field to enter a name for the object. End of Bookmark Click on the end of the bookmark, and the search dialog box appears. You can search for any text in your book..ook. box is displayed. You can search for any text in the book. indexbkmkhelp firstbkmkhelp Index Bookmark Click to go directly to index page. Click an index item to go to that item.ted in the index.immediately.our recent movements. You can press and hold the forward/backward buttons to scroll through the book.e book. showHelp togglehelpfields help2 buttonUp buttonUp togglehelpfields help2 +selectstatus false indexbkmkmask indexbkmkhelp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown indexbkmkhelp buttonUp indexbkmkhelp ,selectstatus false buttonUp buttonUp -selectstatus false Albumarthelp 1:PHYSSIZE """"""""""3333333333333333wwfggfww Rel 1.4 Help2 Froggie - bitmap :PHYSSIZE Dragon,Bird - tbk Index namebkmk enterPage leavePage enterPage namebkmk leavePage namebkmk Index Index dlgBox dlgTitle various rectangles & lines buildIndex :" && dlgbox "Page Description" %"##" B(j-2) j & " namefield --the message dlgboxtext sent indicate which was selected, that Qlnum,textofline buildIndex dlgboxtext buildIndex Index: Page Description namefield dlgbox dlgTitle dlgboxtext textofline DlgTitle TEXTALLIGNMENT center Index: Albums ScrapBook DlgBox Ztextofline lnum textofLine dlgboxtext buttonUp buttonUp textFromPoint textofLine dlgboxtext textofline Page Description 4 Index 5 Froggie - bitmap 6 Dragon,Bird - tbk 7 Arrows - tbk 8 Lock - bmp 9 six-shooter with a hot barrel 10 Clock 11 Tools buttonUP "dlgBox" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUP dlgBox Updatebutton buildIndex index buttonUP buttonUp buttonUp buildIndex index