KEY 1, "A MENUREV.EXE WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER Cumulative Score Possible Score REPORT WINDOW Press ENTER for Cumulative Report Press ENTER for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. Tuition payment of $20.00 is appreciated.Grand Rapids, MI 495072602 Raymond Ave., SEhas been presented byREVELATION TUTORIAL S E L F - T E S T Session 8 End of cum laudemagnalaudecumsummaN ADCBA REVELATION TUTORIAL REVELATION SOFTWAREGradehas completed the Self-Test on (Some keyboards have a PRINT key instead of PRSCRN.) press the SHIFT and PRSCRN keys simultaneously. turn your printer on, and when the Certificate is on-screen, NOTE: If you want a printout of the Certificate, c. your grade for the test. b. today's date a. your name The Certificate will show the following data:of your achievement.C E R T I F I C A T EThe next screen will display a for the history and destiny of the world. d. Jesus opening the scroll which shows God's sovereign plan c. Jesus supervising his churches with loving discipline. head of the armies of heaven. b. Jesus named `The Word of God'; riding a white horse at the a. Jesus sitting on a cloud and reaping the harvest of earth. VICTOR STATEMENTS 4. The Seven Bowls 3. The Seven Trumpets 2. The Seven Seals 1. The Seven Letters with the four main divisions of the book of Revelation. compellingly as the victor over evil. Match the VICTOR STATEMENTS In no other book of the Bible is Jesus seen so powerfully and `CHRISTUS VICTOR' IN REVELATION Screen # 9/9h h. two resurrections Destination of good powers. g. lake of burning sulfur Destination of evil powers. f. Jerusalem Process of good. e. new heaven and earth Process of evil. great prostitute Group of good characters. d. dragon, two beasts, Group of evil characters. c. two deaths City symbolizing good. b. Babylon City symbolizing evil. rider on white horse MATCH. a. angels, armies of heaven, competing for the allegiance of the human race. focus on the conflict between two incompatible forces The visions associated with the seven bowls of God's wrath THE SEVEN BOWLS Screen # 8/9 on their foreheads. d. Locusts tormenting people who did not have the seal of God c. Catastrophe to one-third of the world. the career of Jesus. b. Four angels are unleashed; and two witnesses recapitulate and earth; and the dual harvest of earth. a. The great prostitute, the red dragon, the beasts from sea 4. The seventh trumpet 3. The sixth trumpet 2. The fifth trumpet 1. The first four trumpets THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Screen # 7/9 g. Saints in heaven praying for justice. f. A new set of sevens: seven trumpets. e. Jesus; seen in his sacrificial atonement. d. History and destiny. c. God. b. The `four horsemen of the apocalypse'; powers of evil. a. 144,000 sealed; great multitude from great tribulation. 7. Seventh seal. 6. Sixth seal. 5. Fifth seal. 4. First four seals. 3. A Lamb. 2. A scroll written on both sides, heavily sealed. 1. Someone sitting on a throne in heaven. THE SEVEN SEALS Screen # 6/9efg g. Sardis: Constant activity is no substitute for faithful living. f. Philadelphia: Maintaining the faith is no small accomplishment. e. Laodicea: The reward of faithfulness is to join Christ in authority. on my throne.' 7. `To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me will take your crown.' 6. `I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one but you are dead.' 5. `I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, Samplings from the Letters (continued)Screen # 5/9ba Enter letters. d. Ephesus: The church itself may be lost if people do not repent. c. Pergamum: The gospel cuts two ways, healing and destroying. b. Thyatira: Jesus is not arbitrary and unfair in treating people. a. Smyrna: Faithfulness in suffering culminates in eternal life. each of you according to your deeds.' 4. `I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay sword.' 3. `These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged you the crown of life.' 2. `Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give lampstand from its place.' 1. `If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your MATCH. Samplings from the LettersScreen # 4/9 7. Pergamum 14. Thyatira 6. Miletus 13. Thessalonica 5. Laodicea 12. Smyrna 4. Jerusalem 11. Sardis 3. Ephesus 10. Rome 2. Colossae 9. Philippi 1. Antioch 8. Philadelphia YES/NO 1. To which churches were these letters sent? THE SEVEN LETTERS Screen # 3/9idc j. John saw Jesus as a crucified savior. i. John saw Jesus as a resurrected human being. h. John saw Jesus as a powerful Lion. g. John saw Jesus as a sacrificial Lamb. 3. Which of the following describes John's first vision of Jesus? f. John was hallucinating. e. John imagined to himself what Jesus looks like. d. John saw Jesus with the eye of his spirit. 2. John's vision of Jesus. Enter a letter. c. John was banished because of his Christian activities. b. John was enjoying a well-deserved vacation. a. John was bishop of the church of Patmos. 1. Why was John on the island of Patmos? JOHN AND JESUS Screen # 2/9yn Enter y or n . Seven Trumpets Seven Thunders Seven Spirits Seven Seals Seven Letters Seven Bowls Seven Angels YES/NO book of Revelation? 1. Which four of the following items form the basic outline of the OUTLINE of REVELATION Screen # 1/9 but courteous! uncharitable, as you will soon discover ... Your computer is courteous ... Thank you. Also enter today's date: like it on your certificate: Please enter your name as you would Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. are available for this Self-Test. Only the following Function keys FUNCTION KEYS when calculating your score! The computer will not recognize variations For example, use only lower-case (small) letters. (other than beginning the test again). since there is no provision for restarting a question Be very precise in following instructions, PLEASE NOTEMENUEXIT REVELATION TUTORIAL S E L F - T E S T Session 8 from.