ristians. Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUREV.EXE b f d g a e c h ANSWER WINDOW WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUREV A> by typing MENUREV at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering REVELATION TUTORIAL END OF SESSION further study of chapter 8 until Session 4. next sequence of seven -- the seven trumpets -- we will delay NOTE: Since the opening of the seventh seal initiates the f. Christians are sealed on their forehead. e. An eighth angel presides at incense-burning. d. Seven angels receive trumpets. c. An earthquake. b. Nothing for a while. a. The 24 elders break into a hymn of praise. What happens when the Lamb opens the seventh seal? 16. The Seventh Seal (8:1-5).Screen # 19/19 d. All Christians pass through this great tribulation. conditions of life always existing for Christians. c. Hence the term `great tribulation' refers to the tribulation. b. Compared with heaven, life on earth is always great their ultimate destiny. a. In 7:9-17 John sees all Christians in terms of with the following line of reasoning. 15. What is the great tribulation (7:14-15)? Show whether you agree Their origin g. White robes Their accompaniment f. Tribulation Their song e. Salvation Their clothing d. Innumerable Their location c. Gentiles Their identity b. Before the throne Their number a. Angels 14. The Great Multitude (7:9-17).Screen # 18/19 a. The tribes of Israel b. The multitude of Gentiles The number of persons sealed in this group is indefinite. The number of persons sealed in this group is fixed. 13. MATCH. A great multitude from the Roman Empire. A great multitude from all nations. The tribe of Judah. All the tribes of Israel. 12. Which groups are sealed? c. Symbolic: God's spirit which produces obedience. b. Ashes (cf. Ash Wednesday) on the forehead. a. Baptism: water sprinkled on the forehead. 11. What does the seal on the forehead represent? (7:3)Screen # 17/19 d. To consign wicked people to destruction. c. To put God's seal on those who serve God. b. To encourage the four angels of providence. a. To restrain the four angels of providence. 10. What is the function of the fifth angel? d. beneficial e. destructive. a. wind b. rain c. seasons Are the winds regarded as beneficial or destructive? What are the four angels in charge of? 9. Four Angels of Providence (7:1-3) but it saves those chosen by God (chapter 7). it works havoc among the enemies of truth (6:12-17), The sixth seal may be called the Gospel Seal:Screen # 16/19 Within this context Christians must be faithful and patient. judgment. history, and coming to final climax in his second coming and final first coming of Christ, continuing on throughout subsequent powerful new force (the gospel) introduced into history by the Those plans are envisioned in the sixth seal, which describes a ends with martyrs being told to wait until God completes his plans. they are the martyrs represented in John's vision. The fifth seal people who have remained faithful to God in spite of opposition -- In the fifth seal we see another factor in human life and history: hardship, and the process culminating in death. Satanic control leading to war, war in turn leading to economic The first four seals show the seemingly inevitable course of evil: H O M I L Y Screen # 15/19 c. Future: the second coming of Christ, final judgment. b. Present: the continuing period after Christ's resurrection. a. Past: the first coming of Christ. describes the opening of this sixth seal? (6:12-17) 8. What time reference do you judge John to have in mind when he survive the calamities so as to begin again later. c. They were motivated by self-preservation, wanting to hence wanted to escape from God. b. They recognized the turmoil as God's vengeance, and suicidal tendencies. a. They had lost interest in life, and hence developed expresses John's intent? catastrophes (6:15-17). Which of the following interpretations 7. John describes various people cringing before these naturalScreen # 14/19 b. Figurative: upsets in life and history. a. Literal: disasters in nature. 6. Interpretation. These natural catastrophes probably represent: sun f. turns red stars e. turns black sky d. rolls up like scroll mountains/islands c. removed moon b. first item mentioned earthquake a. fall to earth Concerning the natural catastrophes, match the following. and the effect these have on people. This seal focusses on two items: catastrophic events in nature, 5. The Sixth Seal (6:12-17)Screen # 13/19 upon the justice of God and trusting his judgment. d. This force functions in life and history by calling dominant, but repressed. c. This force is, however, (in John's day) not represented by the martyrs. b. There is another force, namely faithfulness to God, are not the only forces in human life and history. a. The four forces represented in the first four seals YES/NO. Show whether the following interpretive judgments are reasonable. 4. The symbolism of the fifth seal (6:9-11).Screen # 12/19 testimony to the word of God. h. The martyrs had been killed because of their g. The people feared the wrath of the lamb. f. The martyrs were told to keep waiting patiently. e. Each martyr received a white robe. d. The sky rolled up like a scroll. c. The souls of the martyrs are under the altar of God. b. There was a great earthquake. a. The martyrs cry out for justice. TRUE/FALSE Select the statements which describe the opening of the fifth seal. 3. The Fifth Seal (6:9-11).Screen # 11/19 destruction is the ultimate human destiny. e. The main point of this vision is that death and historical forces produce death and destruction. d. The sequence of the four horsemen shows that usual now able to recognize what is going on in history. c. The opening of the seals means that we humans are functioning within human life and history. b. The four horsemen represent powers always Christ has no control. a. The four horsemen represent powers over which True or False? In your judgment, are the following interpretive statements 2. Interpretation (6:1-8).Screen # 10/19 h. crown, conquest 4 g. scales f. death, killing 3 e. a large sword 2 d. black c. white 1 b. pale a. red SEAL COLOR SYMBOL Fill in the chart. 1. The first four seals: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (6:1-8). series of sevens: the seven trumpets. NOTE: The seventh seal (8:1) nests a whole new Revelation 6 SIX SEALS OPENED Screen # 9/19 they trust the Lord Jesus. so that no matter what happens on earth, They see this reality with John with the eyes of faith, in the reality of Jesus' accomplishments. Christians live by faith even though not detectable by scientific method. This is objective fact, over the entire world. is now exercising full and complete authority -- having died, risen, and ascended into heaven -- is acknowledging the fact that Jesus In these songs, the entire creation H O M I L Y Screen # 8/19 seals, because you were slain ... c. You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its and wealth and wisdom and strength ... b. Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever! a. To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be Every creature Myriads of angels The four living creatures and the twenty four elders 6. The Songs (5:8-14). Three songs, by three different groups. Enter a letter. world from God. d. The ascended Jesus receiving control of the whole c. The incarnation of Jesus. b. The devil gaining control of the world. a. A time of everlasting peace. 5. What does the act of taking the scroll signify?Screen # 7/19 1 Peter 1:19 f. Passover lamb 1 Corinthians 5:7 e. Lamb of God John 1:29 d. Lamb led to slaughter Isaiah 53:7 c. Daily burnt offering Numbers 28:1-4 b. Christ, our Passover lamb Exodus 12:1-11 a. Christ, lamb without blemish MATCH 4. The Lamb (5:6). The symbolism of the Lamb in the Bible: Enter y or n . Micah 5:8 Hosea 5:14 Ezekiel 32:2 Ezekiel 19:1-9 Jeremiah 4:7 (fn) Genesis 49:9-10 YES/NO Testament background for this symbolism? Which three of the following references provide specific Old 3. The Lion who represents the tribe of Judah (5:5).Screen # 6/19 Enter letters. e. The divine plan is complete and thorough. d. Represents God's plan for the entire creation (cf. 4:11). c. Humans cannot control or understand the process of history. b. God keeps his purposes secret. (cf. Deut 29:29) a. God controls the destiny of all creation. No one able to open the scroll or read it. Sealed with seven seals. With writing on both sides. In the right hand of God. The scroll itself. MATCH. 2. Interpretation of the scroll (5:1-4).Screen # 5/19 Enter t or p or f . g. At first nobody could get the scroll opened. f. Seven dabs of clay keep it from unrolling. e. Seven Christmas seals adorn the scroll. d. The writing is in Latin. c. It is written on both sides. b. It is made of papyrus. a. The scroll is held by God. are True, Probable, or False. 1. The Scroll (5:1-4). Determine whether the following statements is a continuation of what he sees in chapter 4. What John describes in chapter 5 Chapter divisions in the Bible are more or less arbitrary. Revelation 5 THE LION/LAMB Screen # 4/19 God is sovereign over all. history, civilization, gospel, church, and all creation. Try to connect this vision to your view of through the church. through the gospel, who works through providence, as dominated by God the creator, We must learn to see all of human existence and of all of human life and history. but also of the gospel itself not only of the Book of Revelation, This vision is illuminative, H O M I L Y Screen # 3/19z87654321 INSTRUCTIONS h. Torches of fire, symbolizing action of the Holy Spirit. g. Omnipotent power which God exercises constantly. f. God, of infinite power and sovereign rule. e. Covenant sign promising stability in natural affairs. d. Clarity and transparency of God's providence. c. All-seeing eyes of God in all earthly events. b. All of God's creation combines to praise the creator. a. 12 patriarchs of Israel, plus 12 apostles of Jesus. 8. Twenty-four other thrones, with twenty-four elders. 7. A throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 6. Song of glory and honor and power for the creator. 5. Seven blazing lamps before the throne. 4. A sea of glass, clear as crystal, before the throne. 3. A rainbow encircling the throne. 2. Four living creatures, covered with eyes. 1. Flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder. When finished, enter z . Corrections are possible. Enter a number, press ENTER; enter a letter, press ENTER. 2. Rev. 4, Interpretation. MATCH. Screen # 2/19 Enter t or f . the future. d. John hears a voice of someone who promises to show him c. John is imagining what the future will be like. b. John is transported physically through a door into heaven. transported spiritually through a door into heaven. a. John remains physically on the island of Patmos, but is TRUE/FALSE 1. John's Circumstances (Rev. 4:1) He sees events on earth from the perspective of heaven. John sees behind the scenes into heaven. In vision from his Patmos exile, Revelation 4 THE ROYAL COURT Screen # 1/19 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONS Press ENTER to continue REVELATION TUTORIAL T H E S E V E N S E A L S Session 3