Account Number Not FoundU Date Not in Current Period Not a Valid Date U Must be Check or Deposit (C/D)U InValid Account Number!!!U InValid Account Number!!!U U Must be Credit or Debit (C/D)U #EDIT REPORT OF CURRENT POSTING FILE Acct# Description Refno Debits CreditsU 4Current Post File is Empty!! - Press to Exit Current Post File ==========!*** Ledger is Out of Balance ***U l_NDt 7Current Posting File is Empty!! - Press to Exit EDITPST Check Deposit Journal 99/99/99 !!!!!! Date not Valid Date not in PeriodU >_N>u JOURNAL 00/00/00 99/99/99 !!!!!! CJOURNAL 00/00/00 99/99/99 !!!!!! 4Current Post File is Empty!! - Press to Exit @<*Error*> Post File Out of Balance (Final Aborted) : Press Enter Finalizing Post Work File 5 : ? D L ` e r !2!O!h!x! 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Moving Balances for Account No.3End of Year Close Completed !!! - Press # 1 9 I ^ c x } CLRBANK#Record Cleared Checks/Deposits for CHECK DEPOSIT %CHECKBOOK RECONCILIATION - ACCOUNT = For Bank Statement Date U PREBANK Checkbook Reconciliation - 00/00/00 99/99/99 * * * Out of Balance by $ * * * * * * Account In Balance * * * Checkbook Reconciliation"Statement Balance "Outstanding DEPOSITS "Outstanding CHECKS "Adjusted Statement Amount "Your Account Balance OUTSTANDING CHECKS & DEPOSITS REFNO DESCRIPTION DEPOSITS CHECKSU .Removing all Cleared Checks/Deposits from File # 3 ; S c s { STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE Months Ended /Balance File is Empty!! - Press to Exit Income Statement For I N C O M E E X P E N S E ..... MONTH SUBTOTAL TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE - CONTINUED NET INCOME (-LOSS) ***U 9STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - CURRENT MONTH VS BUDGET Months Ended /Balance File is Empty!! - Press to Exit Current Income vs Budget I N C O M E E X P E N S E ..... CURRENT BUDGET SUBTOTAL TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE - CONTINUED NET INCOME (-LOSS) ***U 8STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE : YEAR-TO-DATE VS BUDGET Months Ended /Balance File is Empty!! - Press to Exit Year-To-Date VS Budget I N C O M E E X P E N S E ..... YTD BUDGET SUBTOTAL TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE - CONTINUED NET INCOME (-LOSS) ***U =STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - CURRENT MONTH VS LAST MONTH Months Ended 9Cannot Produce this Report for 1st Period - Press /Balance File is Empty!! - Press to Exit I N C O M E E X P E N S E ..... CURRENT LAST-MONTH SUBTOTAL TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE - CONTINUED NET INCOME (-LOSS) ***U BALANCE SHEET As of /Balance File is Empty!! - Press to Exit Balance Sheet for ASSET ACCOUNTS LIABILITY ACCOUNTS CAPITAL/EQUITY ACCOUNTS ..... SUBTOTAL TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL CAPITAL/EQUITY - CONTINUED NET INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES & CAPITAL ***U v to Exit Trial Balance for ..... TOTALS ** Out of Balance by U GENERAL LEDGER Year to Date As of For the Month of U Sorting General Ledger File LEGBYPER.IND LegByPer LEGBYPER General Ledger for BEG BALANCE ENDING BALANCE ACCOUNT ANALYSIS Year to Date As of For the Month of U DLedger File is Empty or No Accounts Found !! - Press to Exit Account Analysis for ( BEG BALANCE Dep!No Transactions for this Aaccount ENDING BALANCE HEADING-ACCOUNT ANALYSIS Year to Date As of For the Month of U DLedger File is Empty or No Accounts Found !! - Press to Exit Heading Account Analysis for ( BEG BALANCE Dep!No Transactions for this Aaccount ENDING BALANCE STATEMENT OF EXPENSE As of DESCRIPTION MONTHU GBalance File is Empty or No Expense Accounts !! - Press to Exit Expense Report As of TOTAL EXPENSES FUND STATEMENT FOR Year to Date As of For the Month of U DLedger File is Empty or No Accounts Found !! - Press to Exit Fund Statement for ( BEG BALANCE Dep!No Transactions for this Aaccount ENDING BALANCE " ' 7 < P X p z 8 = l q v { !'!8!E!T!\!m!z! 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SHAREWARE U CREACCT !!!!!! <*Error*> (Dup. Acct No.) <*Error*> (No Heading Found) Last Account: ( ) * Rebuilding Checkbook Table .. Please Wait CASCHKTB.TABU >_N;u EDTACCT * Rebuilding Checkbook Table .. Please Wait CASCHKTB.TABU >_N;u- >_N>t CHART OF ACCOUNTS Page U Chart of AccountsU CREHEAD (Dup. Sub Heading No.) (Must be [A B C D E]) Last SubHeading: ( >_N;u EDTHEAD >_N;u ACCOUNT HEADING LISTINGU Sub Heading Accounts ASSET HEADINGS LIABILITY HEADINGS CAPITAL/EQUITY HEADINGS INCOME HEADINGS EXPENSE HEADINGSU 0 C R W l Chart of Accounts COMMAND NOMODIFYU Sub Headings COMMAND NOMODIFYU Outstanding Checks/Deposits COMMAND NOMODIFYU Daily Posting File COMMAND NOMODIFYU General Ledger COMMAND NOMODIFYU Budget Master File COMMAND NOMODIFYU Balance Master File COMMAND NOMODIFYU CAS.DOC (CAS) Accounting ManualU (Printing Manual - Press any key to Abort CAS.DOCU * Not Available CAS.X01BPrinting Registration Form - Please Wait (Press to Abort) !!A=================================================================A REGISTRATION FORM /To Register send $95.00 plus $4.00 shipping to:$ SonShine Software, Inc. P. O. Box 4761# Dublin, Georgia 310404 Sales: (612) 522-4927 (9-4pm Central)4 Support: (912) 272-1714 (9-4pm Eastern)4 Product: "CAS Accounting System - Version 2.5.03"A Name to Register Software Under: A Name:_____________________________________________________ A Address:__________________________________________________ A City/State/Zip:___________________________________________ A Phone:____________________________________________________ A Address to Ship to: A Where did you get this Software Package? Dealer Reference No. A Copyright (c) 1989 by Ronald B. Byxbe (All Rights Reserved) U % * / 9 > H M W \ n s x REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing Accounts Database ... Indexing Accounts CASACCTS CASACCTS NOCACHE Rebuilding Checkbook Table CASCHKTB.TABU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing SubAccts Database ... Indexing SubAccts CASSUBAC CASSUBAC NOCACHEU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing Checks Database ... Indexing Checks CASCHECK CASCHECK NOCACHEU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing Post Database ... Indexing Post CASPOST CASPOST NOCACHEU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing General Ledger Database ... Indexing Ledger CASLEDGRU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing Budget Database ... Indexing Budget CASBUDGT CASBUDGT NOCACHEU REINDEXING DATA FILES Packing Balances Database ... Indexing Balances CASBALNC CASBALNC NOCACHEU A0What Drive to Backup Data Files to (A or B) --> /Must be Drive (A or B) - Press to Abort Insert Diskette into Drive to GO ( to ABORT) Backing Up Data File --> CASACCTS.DBF CASSUBAC.DBF CASBALNC.DBF CASBUDGT.DBF CASLEDGR.DBF CASCHECK.DBF CASPOST.DBF CASSETUP.DBF6Backup is Complete .. Remove Diskette .. Press U & + 0 5 : C H M _ d i o { OPENING DATA FILES CASSETUP.DBF Creating System Setup File ADDR1 ADDR2 PHONE MONITOR PRINTCODE REGISTERED SERIAL BRANCH PYEAR PMONTH FISCAL CASSETUP M$027015000000000000027018000000000000 N SHAREWARE CASACCTS.DBF Creating Accounts Database File ACCTNO CHECKING CASACCTS.IND CASSUBAC.DBF$ Creating Sub Accounts Database File CASSUBAC.IND CASCHECK.DBF Creating Check Database File REFNUM AMOUNT BANKCODE CLEARED CHKDEP CASCHECK.IND CASPOST.DBF Creating Post Database File UNITS CASPOST.IND CASLEDGR.DBF Creating Ledger Database File PERIOD CASLEDGR.IND CASBALNC.DBF Creating Balances Database File BALFWD CASBALNC.IND CASBUDGT.DBF Creating Budget Database File CASBUDGT.IND# Opening CasSetup System Setup File Opening SubAccts Data File CASSUBAC" Opening SubAccts Database Indexes ... Indexing SubAccts CASSUBAC NOCACHE Opening Accounts Data File CASACCTS" Opening Accounts Database Indexes ... Indexing Accounts CASACCTS NOCACHE CASCHKTB.TAB Rebuilding Checkbook Table Opening Balances Data File CASBALNC" Opening Balances Database Indexes ... Indexing Balances CASBALNC NOCACHE Opening Budget Data File CASBUDGT Opening Budget Database Indexes ... Indexing Budget CASBUDGT NOCACHE Opening Checks Data File CASCHECK Opening Checks Database Indexes ... Indexing Checks CASCHECK NOCACHE Opening Ledger Data File CASLEDGR Opening Ledger Database Indexes ... Indexing Ledger Opening Post Data File CASPOST Opening Post Database Indexes ... Indexing Post CASPOST NOCACHEU 7 J ] p " ' U [DateDiff( [DateFrom( / / U / / U / / U / / U , 19U > c q [PickFile]U NOEXTENSION READONLY HIDDEN DIRECTORY SYSTEM ANYFILE NORMAL SEED= Press No FilesU