Program Title: BIBLE QUIZ PLUS BIBLE QUIZ PLUS is a trivia game with three different levels of play, and one to six players can participate at a time. Questions are either multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or answer only. These questions, which can be printed to the printer, are from the Book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs from the King James version of the Bible. A user option is included that lets you create your own questions. Not only is this game fun to play, but it is a great educational tool for both children and adults. Usage: Education System Requirements: 128K memory, one disk drive and BASICA or GW-BASIC. How to Start: After loading BASIC, type: LOAD"BQUIZ1" (press enter), then type: RUN (press enter). Suggested Registration: $10.00 File Descriptions: BQUIZ1 BAS Main program. TITLE 1 Supporting program. MAIN 1 Supporting program. END 1 Supporting program. BQUIZ2 BAS Main program. TITLE 2 Supporting program. MAIN 2 Supporting program. END 2 Supporting program. BEGIN LEV Beginner-level questions. INTER LEV Intermediate-level questions. KNOW LEV Knowledgeable-level questions. USER DAT User option data file.