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Purpose   Creates a text window on the screen and saves the screen contents
          that have been overlayed.

Decln.    MkWin(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,F,B,BoxType:byte);

Remarks   X1, Y1 are the top left coordinates of the window.
          X2, Y2 are the bottom right coordinates of the window.
          F, B are the foreground and background display colors.
          BoxType is the box code. The normal box codes are:
               0    Box
               1    Single line
               2    Double Line
               3    Single top/bottom and double sides
               4    Double top/bottom and double sides
               5    Same as code 0 plus a box shadow
               6    Same as code 1 plus a box shadow
               7    Same as code 2 plus a box shadow
               8    Same as code 3 plus a box shadow
               9    Same as code 4 plus a box shadow
          If any other code (i.e. 10..255) is used, the box is drawn using
          the ASCII character represented by the number.



A white on blue window is displayed in the top left area of the display.

See Also: GrowMkWin RmWin
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson