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     The MiscTTT5 unit includes the following procedures and functions:

     Exist                    returns true if a file exists
     CopyFile                 duplicates a DOS file
     File_Size                returns the file size in bytes
     File_Drive               returns the drive in a filename
     File_Directory           returns the path in a filename
     File_Name                returns the name in a filename
     File_Ext                 returns the extension in a filename
     Time                     returns formatted string of system time
     Clock                    displays clock on screen
     Date                     returns formatted string of system date
     Date_To_Julian           returns a Julian date from a string
     Julian_To_Date           returns a string date from a Julian
     Today_In_Julian          returns current date in Julian form
     Date_Within_Range        returns true if date is between passed ranges
     Valid_Date               returns true if a string is a valid date
     Future_Date              returns date string of date + days
     PrintScreen              emulates the Print Scrn key
     Reset_Printer            sets printer format to default
     Printer_Ready            returns true if printer online and ready
     Printer_Status           returns printer status code
     Beep                     guess!
     FlushKeyBuffer           removes all keystrokes from the keyboard

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson