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Case Conversion
     Upper                    converts to upper case
     Lower                    converts to lower case
     Proper                   converts to upper first char
String Padding
     Padleft                  expands and left justifies a string
     PadRight                 expands and right justifies a string
     PadCenter                expands and right justifies a string
String Reduction
     Squeeze                  forces a string into smaller string
     Last                     returns left part of string
     First                    returns right part of string
     Strip                    removes specific character
     ExtractWords             returns a specified numbers of words from a
Number Conversion
     Str_to_Int               returns an integer from a string
     Str_to_Long              returns a longint from a string
     Str_to_Real              returns a real from a string
     Real_to_Str              returns a string from a real
     Real_to_Sci              returns a string from a real in sci. notation
     Int_to_Str               returns a string from a byte, word, integer,
     First_Capital            returns first capital letter in a string
     First_Capital_Pos        returns position of first capital letter
     OverType                 overlays one string on top of another
     LastPos                  returns the position of last occurence of a
     PosWord                  returns the position of a word
     WordCnt                  returns the number of words in a string

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson